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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 2000)
STATE WedST"^ iav,A f - lay, April 12,2000 THE BATTALION Page 7 News in Brief feeoager accused >f sexual assault ICHMOND, Texas (AP) — A g ormer West Virginia high school ill ketl:)a ' 1 P |a V er has Pleaded in- I II III Kent to charges he sexually as- sauited a 6-year-old Texas girl. Blason Mark Allen, 18, of Sis- jrio's White House footagesBolivilie, W.Va., was arraigned i^ed at all. He was noiava Monday in Fort Bend County Dis- iut Tuesday's decisions tii ct Court, said Diana Adams, an rphy said assistant district attorney. Sunshine said thaCWreP^H is charged with aggra- always assumed that (lie vfted sexual assault of a child. dd he included.” He < Atjthe time of the April 1999 in cident, he was living in Texas, he consulted dunngikiBigheriff’s officials in Kanawha .ess ol the special. County, W.Va., have said Allen • He's perplexed$o is a suspect in the sexual e deal." he said. "Allhee assault of a 12-year-old girl in wants is for lots of peopk Si^sonville. Deputies were in- ibout global warming." veptigating that crime when Hie special, with “20/20"i Allen’s name arose in connection (Chris Cuomo as host, k wi P the Texas sexual assault, Its on coral bleachingoffi Kanawha County Sheriff Dave ,t. urban sprawl in Atlanta p^ 01 said - . of global wanning on Am Four killed in head-on collision J WALLIS (AP) — Four people, ,,, , Including three teen-agers, were m g and th.rtag. kj||ec| « g head . on B collisior , •>' ';?• V " 1 “‘mnday night in Austin County. Iko Monday al ihe ImiB Le0 Ervin 0h| Jr ^ 59^ was head . Law It s a good lile eci the wron g wa y j n SO uth- rmed to the court in ^ M un d lane of Texas 36, just south teanngs that focusedonil 0 f Wallis, when his 1976 Ford col- icnt against him, alsosaic a igge Lincoln Town the cordial natureoIIusk c ar carrying four people, accord- trast to the rough and ttrfjjg to the Texas Department of Public Safety. to believemyselfhesailra Qhl, from Wallis, was killed ,'s. no huge egos, no cabal: along with three teens in the Lin- ■ m a team to heat another:; coin: driver Amanda Majewski, d the first unkind words’ 19; and passenger Tiffany Mewls, ■9; and Cassidy Schoppe, 13. 1 One person in the Lincoln, mston attend ; 12-year-old David Schoppe, suf- , fered internal injuries and sev- Clive Davis oral broken bones. He was in pfitical condition Tuesday at , ( AP) \smilingWhiti® Memorial Hermann Children’s d heavy scrutiny Monday 111 Houston, h anniversary tribute tolr^- lous,” Dionne Warwick,) lackstage. eduled to sing a medley of rest names in tk label'- i for Arista founder Djii- 'ii she was 19. Theft May 15 on NBC, ouston have swirkdlara ^ ins, a much-discussed# and a disjointed magaz! enied abusing drugs inti ore the Oscars, Houston* id Roll Hall ofFamedil > help induct Davis, irport security in HawaiisSl of marijuana in House' 1 ’ police to arrive, the 3(1)1 ■ flight and left the island oeen charged in the incite Bunny is coming! April 17th Earn $15 an Hour Counseling ed/ ALL MAJORS WELCOME! 5 IMOW^ er or Fall Semesteb ay 22-27 , 2000. t 21-26 , 2000. ra at 845-4427x133 Part-Time On Campus Cutting-edge Opportunity for Full-Time after Graduation Hiring Now for Summer &/orFall Apply On-line: Digital Textbooks HMO to allow doctors freedom "A lot of what is em bodied in the agree ment is not new business practices/' — Arthur Leibowitz Aetna's Chief medical officer DALLAS (AP) — A legal settlement with Aetna U.S. Healthcare, described as a landmark in the industry, prohibits rewarding or penalizing doctors over whether they limit patients’ health care. Texas Attor- ney General John Comyn and Aetna today were to an nounce the settle ment that could become a model for other health maintenance or ganizations. “The bottom line is this settle ment places med ical decision-making in the hands of doc tors and their patients, and Texans can rest assured that doctors won’t be penal ized for elevating patient needs above HMOs,” Comyn said. He said in a draft of a letter to state lawmakers that Aetna has agreed to set tle the lawsuit and take steps that will end any financial incentives to limit needed care to HMO members. Comyn’s predecessor, Dan Morales, sued Aetna and five other HMOs last year, accusing them of illegally compen sating doctors who limited patients’ med ical care and penalizing those who didn’t. Aetna, under the settlement, is pro hibited from fining doctors who exceed medical budgets or giving them bonus es for staying within limits. The state’s largest HMO also will have to report if doctors’ groups in its plan do give fi nancial incentives. The settlement was expected to quickly become a role model in other states, said Rocky Wilcox, chief coun sel of the Texas Medical Association. “It’ll get all over the country real fast,” said Wilcox. The settlement contains no finding of fault, fines or penalties. And Aetna denies any wrongdoing in the agreement that ends its involvement in the 1998 lawsuit. Morales had sought to fine Aetna $ 10,000 per violation for offering financial incentives for the medical care that physicians pro vide their patients. “A lot of what is embodied in the agreement is not new business practices,” Arthur Lei bowitz, Aetna’s chief medical officer, said. “This is par tially the attorney general’s desire to so licit other plans to fit within this busi ness model.” Comyn said he would use the agree ment as a model. If the other HMOs named in the lawsuit do not agree to the terms, the attorney general said, he will try them in Travis County state district court. The HMOs are Humana Health Plans of Texas, PacifiCare of Texas, NYLCare Health Plans of the South west and NYLCare Health Plans of the Gulf Coast. Aetna said it decided to settle the lawsuit and accept state regulatory oversight because it will help restore the public’s trust in managed care, said David Simon, the company’s chief le gal counselor. The company has 960,000 Texans in its HMO and 2.4 million members en rolled in all of its health-care programs. “We felt like if we could achieve this landmark settlement with Aetna, then Aetna’s competitors would then know this would set the standard for them as well,” said Cornyn. Kappa Alpha Theta 15 th Annual 5K benefitting CASA and Scotty’s House Saturday, April 15 th @ 9:00am Register at the MSC Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm $ 12 Registration fee before 4/14 $ 15 at Race (KA0 House) m Want A OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL Start your career off on the right foot by enrolling in the Air Force Officer Training School. There you will become a commissioned officer in just 12 weeks. From the start you'll enjoy great pay, complete medical and dental care, 30 days of vacation each year, plus the opportunity to travel and AIM HIGH see world t 0 discover how high a career in the Air Force can take you, call 1-800-423-USAF, or visit . , our website at Y) Bikini Con$ [ : dogs, & nach* details! ie water tower) lostandiPuniAasfi® MSC Flagroom Wednesday April 12 11 am-2pm Sponsored by MSC Hospitality Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our abilities. The Texas A&M Debate Society presents Resolved: The Republican Vice-Presidential candidate should be Colin Powell. "Y Thursday, April 13, 2000 7:00pm Rudder 301 The topic will be debated by members of the Texas A&M Debate Society Hawaiian Tropic Beach Night Ladies - this is your chance to win s 100, ooo T hurricanes 1 sex-on-the-beach T pints 1 coronas Every Wednesday in April Wear your best beach attire! All Night! KNO oi MSC OPAS season ticket fe receive six t Season 28 1 program again offer the student on. For $150 you will (any of the MSC OPAS our choice. YOll CANTSTDDT ALUHE TIME During registration, sjlnply add chafe *23 to your optional fees. Thijf summer we’ll send you instructions to select your programs. IT’S THAT E ► Broad Opera Musicals • Dance • phony Orchestra « MSC OPAS and many others! MSG OPAS (409) 845-1661 1. Limit 2” tickets per program. 2. Seating is best available in limited areas including orchestra and balcony levels, 3, No refunds or exchanges. 4. Tickets must be picked up 7 business days or earlier before the program, subject to availability. 5. Additional tickets may be purchased, subject to availability.