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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 2000)
h Celebrate Easter 2000 Reed Arena - April 23rd - 10am Free Admission Free Parking Casual Dress Hosted by your Friends at CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH AGGIES HELPING AGGIES! L<» Brazos Valiev Symphony Orchestra Or. Marcelo Bussiki, Music Director Sponsored by The Eagle Flying higher every day On the program: Bachianas Brasilciras N. 5 Villa-Lobos Kelli Estes, soprano Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin Werner Rose, piano Malagucfia Lccuona Tangazo Astor Piazzolla Rodeo Copland Pre-concert Lecture April 16, 2000, 7:00 PM, Rudder Exhibit Hall Dr. Alan Houtchens Assoc. Professor, Performance Studies Program, Texas A&M University Sunday, April 16, 2000 8:00 P.M., Rudder Auditorium Tickets may be purchased at the MSC Box Office, 845-1234 Tickets cost: $20.00 adults, $5.00 students Additional support provided by Texas AdrM University Department of Performance Studies, the Arts Council of Brazos Valley, Brazos Business Arts Alliance, Texas Commission on the TEXAS Arts, the Astin Charitable Trusts and the Doak Foundation. 1'age 2 NEWS THE BATTALION HOIVTDA ALLEN HONDA P0. Box GA • 409-696-2424 COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 DEAR GRADUATING SENIOR: CONGRATULATIONS!! WE AT ALLEN HONDA ARE PROUD OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! TO HELP CELEBRATE YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENT, WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND PICK OUT YOUR NEW HONDA! NOW THAT YOU HAVE EARNED YOUR VALUABLE DEGREE FROM TEXAS A&M AND ARE JOINING THE BUSINESS WORLD, IT CAN BE THAT SIMPLE. WE HAVE SEVERAL FINANCING OPTIONS AVAILABLE - SO LET US SHOW YOU HOW EASY IT IS TO GET YOUR FIRST NEW CAR WITH LITTLE OR NOTHING DOWN. HONDA HAS BEEN NAMED NUMBER ONE IN IMPORT OWNER LOYALTY FOR THE TWENTIETH YEAR IN A ROW. WHICH MEANS, YEAR AFTER YEAR, MORE PEOPLE BUY HONDA AFTER HONDA. WHY? BECAUSE YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. WHY SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS?! VERY TRULY YOURS, Bush airport cargo worker shot to death IIOUSTON (AP) —A airport cargo worker was shot to death Tuesday morning in an apparent robbery at a Bush Intercontinental Airport freight building. The attacker ambushed Robert Kenneth Green shortly after 7 a.m. as Green, 56, entered the KLM airlines cargo area, Houston police said. A witness with the victim told police he ran to a phone to get help and heard a shot. When the wit ness returned. Green was dead with a gunshot to the head, police said. Police believe the attacker’s motive was robbery. “His pockets were turned out and he was known to carry a large amount of cash with him,” said Houston police spokesperson Fred King. Green’s money clip was found outside the build ing, as was a sweater, gloves and a bandanna be lieved to have been worn by the attacker. The witness told investigators the attacker was roughly 5-foot-8 and wore blue pants and a blue shirt. During the assault, the attacker wore the ban danna over his face, police said. Green, a longtime employee of Cargo Airport Services, is the second homicide victim killed on air port grounds. King said. In 1972, four men killed an Eastern Airlines tick et agent before hijacking a 727 with 35 passengers and seven crew members to Cuba. The hijackers were later returned to the United States to face charges. RHA Continued from Page 1 ‘’Food Services has worked really hard to make sure that Rl 1A is kept up to date." Cast said students are eager to return to Sbisa, but she thinks the alternatives of fered by the Department of Food Services are working well. Jon Remington, a senior industrial distribution major, operates a computer-; milling machine in Thompson Hall. He is finishing up his engineering technologyc project, which is a clock. "The are a lot of residents who miss the experience and traditions of Sbisa,” Cast said. "But residents and students as a whole are pleased with the increased op tions. In facL there has been an increase in offcampus students who have picked up meal plans." A free barbecue at Spence Park Thursday at 6 p.m. and a Vegas-style casino Friday will highlight the activ ities for RHA Week. The casino, which will be open f rom 7 p.m. until midnight on the second floor of the Memorial Student Center, will offer blackjack, craps, wheels of fortune and many other games at which participants can win rallle tickets. “In all, we arc going to rattle off more than $ 15,(XK) in pri/es," said Josh Terkel- son, director of RI lA’s casino and a sopho more industrial distribution: going to he a great chance fixJ come ;uid have lun with theirp ;u c in for Parents s Weekend]! em ironment” The pri/es include twoAgsiil amends, a $500 book schotej and free meals at restaurants sif back Steakhouse, Johnny Car k The Olive Garden. Wednesday Students For Peace: There will be a series on Iraq: From Desert Shield to Crippling Sanctions. Con tact Angelique for details on times and events at 779-8498. TAMU Buddhist Association: Guest lecture with Khempo Tsewang Gyatso, “The Nature of Mind.” Contact Nathaniel at 696-0384 for more information. Alpha Phi Omega: Will be hosting a blood drive at Rudder Fountain, the Rec Center, Zachry, and the Commons. Muslim Students’ Association: general meeting at 7 p.m. in MSC 230. Contact Arsalan at 693- 5463 for more information. Campus Calendar Contact Nathaniel at 6960384 for more information. Alpha Phi Omega: Will be hosting a blood drive at Rudder Fountain, the Rec Center, Zachry, and the Commons. Democratic socialists of Texas A&M: There will be an organizational meeting open to all individu als interested in building an alternative political and social awareness group in Rudder 402 at 7 p.m. Contact for details. TAMU Navigators: Everyone is eagerly invited to participate in the Navigator Christian Fellowship meeting at 8:30 p.m. in Koldus 110. Friday Thursday Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship: Please join us for praise and worship, Bible study, and fellowship at 7 p.m. in HECC 200. For more information, visit our Website at Graduate Christian Fellowship of InterVarsi- ty Christian Fellowship (Grad IVCF): Grad students meet at 7:30 p.m. for Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and snacks. Please see our web site at for lo cations and more information, or call Jen or Mark at 764-1552. Students For Peace: There will be a series on Iraq: From Desert Shield to Crippling Sanctions. Con tact Angelique for details on times and events at 779-8498. TAMU Buddhist Association: Guest lecture with Khempo Tsewang Gyatso, “The Path to Enlightenment.” Freshman Leaders in Progress: RHA Casino 2000, from 7-12 p.m. 2nd floor MSC - $5 at the door, "gamble” for chances for a variety of prizes, raffle for Yamaha Waverunner. Alpha Phi Omega: Will be hosting a blood drive at Rudder Fountain, the Rec Center, Zachry, and the Commons. Students For Peace: There will be a series on Iraq: From Desert Shield to Crippling Sanctions. Con tact Angelique for details on times and events at 779-8498. Catholic Student Association: “Stations of the Cross” 6:30pm at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Fol lowed by Lenten Soup Supper at 7pm. Catholic Student Association: Eucharistic Adoration. Ever Friday at 6pm in St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Saturday Eden Automatic: Dallas based rock band playing live music at Fitzwilly’s. Monday Catholic Student Association: Single'll Bible Study. Every Monday 6:30-7:30:' Mary's Activity Center rm 204. Catholic Student Association: FiWtf Monday 7:30pm-9:30pm at Center rm 207 Catholic Student Association: St. f treat and Team. Every Monday 9-H Mary's Activity Center rm 201. Tuesday Prepharmacy Society: There will be a g ing with a guest speaker from a suit city pharmacy. The time and locationaret: Aggie Toastmasters: Learn public: resume building. Will be in Rudderat8 check blue screen for location. Forn mation please contact Laura at 695-2833J Catholic Students Association: The general meeting in Rudder 707 at 7 Hispanic Graduate Students’ morrow, there will be a reception andboo^ honoring Dr. Marco Portalis on his book'd* Out Latinos” at 7 p.m. at Barnesandt Wednesday Hispanic Graduate Students’ Association will be a reception and book reading Marco Portalis on his book "CrowdingOut at 7 p.m. at Barnes and Noble. Catholic Student Association Studenti 1^,^ Group meets every Wednesday 6-8pir Mary’s Activity Center rm 204. LOOKING FOR A GREAT OPPORTUNITY THIS SEMESTER? THE 12TH MAN FOUNDATION IS NOW HIRING FOR POSITIONS IN ITS 2000 TELEMARKETING CAMPAIGN ♦ Earn $6*00 per Hour Plus Bontises ♦ Gain VaRiable Work Experience ♦ Help Texas A&M and A&M Athletics on Top * after the first 30 days To apply, visit the 12th Man Foundation Office at the North End of Kyle Field. Due to construction enter through G. Rollie White, or fill out an application online at wwvu. 12 thmanfoundadon. com/ te lemarke ting FOUNDATION SUPPORTING EDUCATION THROUGH ATHLETICS Marium Mohiuddin, Editor in Chief Beverly Mireles, Managing Editor Stuart Hutson, Campus Editor Meredith Might. Community Editor Kyle Whitacre, Aggieiife Editor Veronica Serrano, Aggieiife Editor Doug Shilling, Sports Editor Mariano Castillo, Opinion Editor Eric Dickens, Opinion Editor Guy Rogers, Photo Editor JP Reato, Photo Editor Robert Hynecek, Graphics Editor Ruben DeLuna, Graphics Editor Jeff Kempf, Night News Editor Jason RennyhofF, Radio Producer Brandon Payton, Web Editor Dave Amber, Science & Technologyh Staff Members City - April Young, Brooke Hodges, Rolando Garcia, Brady Creel, Jeanette Simpson, Matt Loftis, Julie Zucker, Ann Loisel, Dana Jamus, Brandie Llffick, Rich Bray, Sara Proffitt, Kimberly Olson, Anna Bishop, Maureen Kane, & Kenneth Macdonald. Sports - Assistant: Jason Lincoln; Reece Flood, Bree Holz, Breanne Hicks, Blaine Dionne, Rich Bray, Diane Xavier & Al Lazarus. Aggieiife - Jacob Huval, Matt McCormick, Melissa Pantano, Jeff Wolfshohl, Chris Carter, Scott Harris, Kelly Preiser, Juan Loya, Emily Harrell, Julia Recindus & Justin Garrett. Opinion - Melissa Bedsole, Heather Corbell, Jessica Crutcher, Ann Weaver Hart, Summer Hicks, Chris Huffines, Melissa Johnston, Elizabeth Kohl, David Lee, Caleb McDaniel, Mark Passwaters, Brieanna Lee Porter, Jill Riley & Nicholas Roznovsky, Photo - Cody Wages, Bradley Atchison. KisY' Chad Adams, Sallie Turner, Patric Sclinete : Smith, Elizabeth O' Farrell, Melissa Sackel Villanueva & Susan Redding. Graphics - Gabriel Ruenes, Eric Andiaos.Jeff? Brandon Henderson, Richard Horne, David S;^ Roy, Emily Harrell, & Sean Gillespie. Nicin News - Assistant: Cristina Padron: Be# Jennifer Bales, Carrie Bennett. Marc Greta Carrie Jacobs. Melissa Maricle, Jamie MornsS** Radio - Assistant: Noni Sridhara: WhitneyStf Brandy Hunt, Ryan Locker, Almudenaflltet- & Travis Pritchett. Web - Assistant: Brent Barkley. Science & Technology - Scott Jenkins Lukaszewski. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Psh;?| Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313: fax' Wh’"; Web site: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald.and a m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy ofThe Bate!' " 5 : additional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 lorfesK** by credit card, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesteis ard Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. PeriodicaS N College Station, IX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building. W*' College Station, TX 77843-1111,