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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 2000)
AT Mentors Texas A&Mfaculty, staff and administrators helping students. College of Veterinary Medicine Dean's Office Ms. Delania Gordon Large Animal Medicine Dr. Robert Field Dr. Allen Roussel Dr. David Schmitz Small Animal Medicine Dr. Theresa Possum Dr. Lisa Howe Dr. Matthew Miller Dr. Michael Willard Vet. Anatomy and Public Health Dr. A.B. Childers Dr. Beverly Clement Ms. Norma Funkhouser Dr. Anton Hoffinan Dr. Jorge Piedrahita Dr. Lynn Ruoff Dr. Loren Skow Dr. Michael Tatum Dr. Jane Welsh Veterinary Pathobiology Dr. James Den- Dr. Billy Hargis Ms. Mary Jewell Dr. James Womack Physiology and Pharmacology Dr. Deborah Kochevar Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab Dr. Joe West Division of Academic Affairs Admissions and Records Ms. Tracee Carcasson Ms. Myra Gomez Mr. Antoine De Hoyos Mr. Ricardo Gonzales Mr. Mickey Saloma Ms. Barbara West Career Center Ms. Marti Boerema Ms. Beth Miles Mr. Daniel Orozco Ms. Samantha Leech Wilson Center for Academic Enhancement Ms. Tricia Bugajski Ms. Stephanie Burgoon Mr. Chris Calvin Ms. Amy Ivison Ms. Martha Josefy Ms. Patricia Lehmann Ms. Margo Lynch Mr. Joel McGee Ms. Catherine Toler Educational Broadcast Services Mr. Rick Howard Dr. Rodney Zent Center for Teaching Excellence Ms. Jean Layne Dr. Liz Miller Dr. Nancy Simpson Computing and Information Mr. Don W. Carona Dr. Victor Frysinger Mr. Keith Marrocco Mr. Buzz Refugio Food Safety Inspection Services Dr. Tony Brown Ms. Shirley Hammond Graduate Studies Mr. Fidel Fernandez Dr. J. Rick Giardino General Academic Programs Mr. Russ Graves Honors Program and Office of Professional School Advising Dr. Edward Funkhouser Mr. Kerry Noack Ms. Karen Severn Measurement and Research Dr. David Martin Research and Graduate Studies Dr. Michael Buckley Ms. Nancy Sawtelle Study Abroad Programs Ms. Jan Fernandez Other Departments Bush School of Government and Public Service Ms. Carmen Espitia Ms. Jennifer Jamieson Texas A&M Foundation Ms. Lynn Dodd Ms. Cathy McWhorter Sterling C. Evans Library Ms. Eva Maddox Athletic Department Mr. Mike Caruso 12 th Man Foundation Mr. Nick McGuire Texas A&M University Relations Ms. Sherylon Carroll Mr. Gerard Farrell The Association of Former Students - Publications Office Ms. Ann Duyka University Police Department Crime Prevention Unit H. Allen Baron Lt. Bert Kretzschmar Sgt. Betty LeMay Vice President of Administration Human Resources Col. Don Cumbie For more information on these and other Mentors check out the ATMentors website at: orship Directory AssemSCy of QocC ‘EpiscopaC Bethel Temple Assembly of God 2608 Villa Maria, Bryan 776-4835 Sunday Worship 8:30, 10:45, 6:00 pm College & Career Class Sun. 9:30 Randy Scott, Pastor St. Thomas Episcopal 906 George Bush Dr. • College Station, TX (Across from Duncan Dining Hall) Sunday services at 8:00, 9:00 and especially for late rising Ags, 11:15 a.m. Next door to Canterbury House, the Episopal Student Center ‘Baptist Texas Avenue Baptist Church 3400 Texas Avenue South, C.S. (at the intersection of Deacon & Texas Ave.) 696-6000 Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Bible Study 4 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m. Pastor Eric Doucet Try us out! You can expect... • Upbeat worship • A casual setting • Friendly people • Practical messages Living Hope Baptist Church Sunday Schedule: We are NOW meeting at 9:45 AM Bible Study Cypress Grove Inter. School 11:00 AM Worship on Graham Rd. between 6:30 PM Worship Wellborn and the West INFO: 690-1911 bypass service Road. ‘BiBCe. Grace Bible Church 700 Anderson, College Station 693-2911 Services: 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. College Sunday School Class 9:15 & 11 a m. Cathode St. Mary’s 603 Church Ave., 846-5717 Pastoral Team Rev. Michael J. Sis, Pastor Rev. David A. Konderla, Associate Pastor Campus Ministers Deacon Bill Scott • Martha Tonn Lillian Smith • Maureen Murray Heidi Nicolini Daily Masses Mon.-Fri.: 5:30 p.m. Tues, Thurs: 12:05 Noon All Faith’s Chapel on A&M Campus Sat.: 10:30 a.m. (Korean) Weekend Masses Sat. - 5:30 p.m. (English), 7:00 (Spanish) Sun. - 9:00, 11:00 a.m., 5:30, 7:00 p.m. Cfiurcfi of Christ Jree ‘WUXBaptist Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church College & Career Class You are invited to a Bible study especially for students. Sunday mornings at 9:45 1228 W. Villa Maria 779-2297 For more information contact Marcus Brewer: 696-6558 httD:// Lutheran Peace Lutheran Church FM 2818 at Rio Grande • College Station Worship 8:15 & 10:45 Aggie Lutherans Craig Borchardt - Pastor Debra Grant - Pastor 2201 Rio Grande Blvd 693-4403 9{pn-‘JDenommationaC ovenant Family Church "Success Begins on Sunday " Danny & Janet Green, Pastors Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 4010 Harvey Rd., (Hwy. 30) E-Mail: College Station 774-1269 ‘Pentecostal Bryan United Pentecostal Church 2206 Hwy. 21 East at Tabor Road, Bryan 778-1806 778-5687 Sunday 10:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. ‘United Methodist A&M United Methodist 417 University Dr. (on Northgate) • 846-8731 Sunday Services: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. College Sunday School 9:45 Sr. Pastor Chailes Anderson Bryan / College Station Church of Christ Sunday Wednesday Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Bible Class 7:00 p.m. College Station Conference Center (Just across George Bush from TAMU Go« Course) (409) 731-1230 Email: mark-d @ or First United Methodist Church 28th & Houston St., 1 block E. of Texas Ave., in Bryan 779-1324 Sunday Worship 8:40 &10:55 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Rev. Harral Dunnam, Senior Pastor Rev. Bob Rjchers, Assodate Pastor NEWS PageS THE BATTALION Friday, February25J McCaffrey visits Colombia Drug czar promotes controversial aidpacbf TRES ESQUINAS, Colom bia (AP) — Rockets, mortars and machine gun fire lit up a patch of Colombia’s southern jungles Thursday as White House drug czar Barry Mc Caffrey witnessed the open ing of a new chapter in the war on drugs. McCaffrey, in Colombia to promote a controversial $1.6 billion anti-narcotics aid package for the Andes, squint ed into a green expanse where troops from a new U.S.- trained anti-drug battalion conducted a live-fire exercise. As soldiers in foxholes lobbed shells into the trees, a U.S.-donated helicopter slammed a rocket at imagi nary guerrilla columns ad vancing on the remote Ama zon outpost. Following the exercise, McCaffrey, a retired general and Vietnam War hero, gave a stirring send-off to some of the soldiers who will soon be at the front lines in the battle to eradicate drugs at their source. “You are the ones Colom bia has asked to step Forw ard. Good luck, troops,” he said to their enthusiastic applause. Training and equipping new Colombian battalions such as the 950-man unit based at Tres Esquinas, 250 miles south of Bogota, is the centerpiece oF Washington’s strategy For stemming an ex plosion oFcocaine and heroin production in this Andean nation. More than halt' oF the aid package now before the U.S. Congress would go toward creating two new battalions like the one already up and running, and prov iding the army and air force with 63 helicopters. Critics say the plan could embroil the United States in a brutal, decades-old civil conflict remi niscent oFthose Fought in Cen tral America during the 1980s. Leltist rebels control vast tracts Colombia aid package before Congress Adding up th« package kj equpmert kx oouImkii aandpoppygfom rntton por yoa' buagtM Total: $1,575 million ■ $1.6 billion Rounded oF southern jungle, fir their insurgency by taxir. peasants who grow drug crop and protecting dmg trafficker Rat study yields vaccine WASHINGTON (AP)—An oral vac cine that protects brain neurons from in jury caused by epilepsy seizure or by stroke has been tested successfully in rats, researchers report. In a study to be published Friday in the journal Science, researchers at the med ical school of Thomas Jefferson Univer sity in Philadelphia re port that a vaccine given to rats caused their im mune system to develop antibodies that prevented the action of a protein that causes damage alter brain injury. Dr. Matthew During, professor of neuro surgery at Jefferson and lead author of the study, said the vaccine works against a brain protein, called the NMDA receptor, that has been shown to aggravate brain damage after a stroke and to play a role in epileptic seizures. Other researchers have tried to block the action of the NMDA receptor using drugs, but these dmgs often Fail to eflec- tively cross the blood-brain barrier, a nat ural barrier that protects the brain from most destructive substances in the blood. By using a vaccine, the researchers prompt the body, in effect, to make its own NMDA blocker by creating anti bodies that neutralize the protein after brain injury. In the study, some rats were immu nized with the anti-NMDA antibody while others were not. A month later, the rats were injected with a neurotoxin, kainate, which causes seizures similar to those in epilepsy. Among the control rats, which were not immu nized, there was a seizure rate of 70 percent. Among those with the anti-NMDA antibody, the seizure rate was 20 percent. In another study, im munized and nonimmu- nized rats were tested after five months for protection from stroke damage. An artificial stroke was induced in the animals using a drug. Among the immunized rats, said Dur ing, “We found dramatic protection in the rats’ brains. ... It doesn’t stop the stroke from occurring, but the amount of brain damage is diminished by 70 percent.” None of the studied rats showed ab- nonnal behavior from the vaccine, he said. New hope for stroke vaccine turlhw t*»*' danuga Hwt it an AuclrMon. Volcano erupts in Philippines LEGAZPI, Philippines (AP)-A 1 1/2-mile-high volcano erupted Thursday, spewing superheated ash into the air and sending streams of superhot, bright or ange lava down its slopes. The Mayon volcano's eruption began with lava gushing out of the crater, accompanied by loud rumblings that some nearby res idents compared to thunder. Lava with temperatures that reached well above 1,000 de grees cascaded 3 1/2 miles down the mountain’s near-per fect conical slopes. Ash rained as far as seven miles away. The area is most vulnerable to lava, falling rocks and deadly py roclastic flows — superheated clouds of volcanic ash that trav el up to 50 mph and can instantly incinerate anything in their path. The volcano’s repeated explo sions indicated that magna is still rising to the dome and vol canic activity could continue for some time, said Juan Cordon, a research specialist at the vol canology institute. MOCK GRE Sat., Feb. 26, Sam (arrive at 8:30) Blocker 102 Ever wonder how you’d do on the GRE? Come take a REAL GRE purchased from the testing company. Tickets on sale in the MSG Thursday and Friday, or pay at the door. Plus, find out how to take a FREE computerized Adaptive Test. Questions? Call 696-9099. Sponsored by The Texas A&M Psychology Club and 979.696.9099 | 800.2Review | « ns. The Battalion Online offers access to news from The Associated Press The WIRE provides continuous!) updated news coverage from one of the world’s oldest, largest news services via The Battalion's well page. • A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report comliis the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and* ■ Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news his • U.S., World, Business, Sports, Science, Technology,teh Arts, and Special Sections. http://battalion.tamu.edii The Memorial Student Center Black Awareness Committee Presents... Tlir KAFFTibJfZ I nc. IVIC.EL I I IN\J A powerful drama about the lives, philosophies and times of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, and Malcom X RESCHEDULED Friday February 25, 2000 8:30 p.m. Texas A&M University Rudder Theater Tickets Available MSC Box Office 845-1234 LurEs Beauty Salon 778-2073 Hall’s Mini Mall 775-0771 Please phone 3 working days in advance to 845-1515 for special assistance needs. $3.00 Student $5.00 Non-student ijj Texas A& \ | Affican-An i asked to pai I on the state | Battalion fc : facilitate di il honest diak ji Adrienne Bnllare | Evercii Bixwssajv ' BJ. Brawn: ij Kendall Davis: il Suzctlc Figaro ;! Tammy Henry. I, Rasheda James | Preston Jenkins !; Vui Johnson I loc O'Bryant: | Samuel OgungJjo I Cunis I’clc: j Wilmetna Simpsr j! Tamr Upshaw: w< sh cu Belly dancii are coming to sponsored by tl “[Intematic international st ISAandasenic Americans, be visit the other: “Itis away from. 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