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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 2000)
f * The Battalion Classified <fs Upset Continued from f. .hmuai )uled 1 could stepupaJgi d |ust that, hitting tivel nc to turn the Jd\ t&M.TiK \^K-sfoii*hird and; A&vr To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day idM Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. n ;d, ADOPTION DJ MUSIC FOR RENT Unplanned Pregnancy? Former students hoping to adopt. For information: saw53/homepage Legal/medical expenses only. ANNOUNCEMENTS "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing ip Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book early!! 693-6294. Must sublease immediately! University Tower. Spring semester. Meals, utilities, Sparking included. $2,500. Call Jenny at (972)701-6922 or (972)669-8330 HELP WANTED kitchen, counter. Burger Boy has immediate openirt delivery. 301-Church St.. Northgate 95 yameha yzfflOO Exo 9 /OO-mdes $4,300 OUTWARD BOUND IS COMING! On campus 1/26, MSC table, 10:30-3:00pm. Stop by &see us. Slide show presentation, Student Rec Center Rm.#134, 7:00pm. All Invited. WILDERNESS ADVENTURES. EMPLOYMENT New 2&3bdrm mobile homes, 1 -mile from campus, start ing at $400. 823-4248. Delivery Technician/Customer Service Part-time, Mon - Frl., 12pm-5pm Apply at 3505 E 29th, Bryan MUSIC P-Time secretary for small company. 9a.m.-3p.m. Mon - Fri. schedule can vary. Attn: Josh. Fax:764-0076, Tel:693-9795. Parkway Apartments Special 3bdrm/2bth. Move-in by 1/31/00, $250 off 1st months rent, 1/2 off deposit. 693- 6540. E.O.H. Earn extra income by cleaning offices M-F. alter 5p m 823-5031 AUTO FOR RENT Sublease Ibdrm/lbth in 4bdrm/4bth condo off S.W Parkway. Jan.-Aug., all bills paid, $4l0/mo. (817)905- 5040. Enjoy working with children? Join our nursery staff al Christ United Methodist Church Sundays 8:00-12 15pm minimum wage Call Jennifer 764-2172. Singing lessoni instructor Fret Fredncs Voice PETS 1991 Mazda-MPV Minivan V-6. $4,500. Call 847-1646. Fully-loaded, runs well. 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038. F/P-time carpenters needed for cabinet shop Keystone Millwork 704-West Carson 823-4846 Adopt t)f66d$ Lincoln Continental, ‘91, silver, labor $5500/obo. Call 764-0151. lyr warranty parts& Mazda Protege, 1992, $3,000. 98K-miles, red. Excellent, recent major tune-up, new battery. Call Juan at 492-4889. 1-3 guys or gals for 5/3 updated house in Bryan. CH&A, W/D. Pets ok. $250 -i-utllities -i-deposit. Lori, 846-8788 ext.25. Sublease 2bdrm 2bth Treehousell. Corner apartment big balcony, chimney. Now until May. $700 /mo Call 575-5240 Richard. Kmens Cats. Dc umai Shelter 775-! Female att Please call dant needed for handicapped studer AKC Labi Parents 3 $250 ■mana. 409 623 3 1-bdrm/1bth, clean close to campus, shuttle route, $465/o.b.O. Call 764-8315. Sublease large 2bdrm/ 1 5bth off University. Feb-Aug. $665/mo. Big living, w/d connections, covered parking, pool, quiet, close to A&M. 862-4022 days. 268-8023 evenings. 2 well-be often onl ments pn who has od. Texas. Babysitter aved boys ages 741 4days/week S150A Must sell Nissan Sentra 90 2d blue $1750/obo. 764-0151. 2bdrm 2-bath, 25min. north of campus. Horses, outside pets ok. References $500/mo. $400/deposlt. 279-2299. University Tower Double Roommate included plan Included. Best offer. 254)840-2993 Meal T/PT printer istrlbutton. I AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Help on the spot. 2bdrm/1.5bth w/ W/D 1803 3-C Woodsman, now! Call 695-2001. University Towers Sublease. $700/mo. includes meals Sparking. Contact Barry (713)641-3511. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. 4832. 2bdrm/1ba spring sublease. Redstone Apartments. On shuttle. Call 281-493-9822 or 281-556-1906. FOR SALE Full time church flm computer expenerx application to 3705 ROOMMA reeded asap 30 new duplex ■ guatep ,1 third milit IHsted Se slaying ol bh hop wh a human r th* militar ' I Army gi lanueva w< of Quezad< of the capi IHn Gerso jH In Febru Ben senti prison for s hed career IBrade two iH On Apri court ruled paid the ■ each da ■tal of abc ■ Bishop ludgeone Brage on ? “Bv 5 after BED AND BREAKFAST 3-2-2 large backyard. $775. 696-5174. Close to TAMU. Pets okay!! A+ washers/dryers for lease. $28/mo. 764-2019 Brazos Bottom Plantation Home available for A&M events (home games, parents weekend, graduation), weddings, weekend get-aways. For information/ reser vations call Rebecca Slcillo Lewis,’70, 409-696-0091. COMPUTERS 486DX, 560MBHD, 14.4K modem, 15" monitor, key board, mouse. $150 060. Call Chris 764-4486. Macintosh twisted pair ethernet card adapter &software used. Specialized comm slot for A&M use. Call Laura 847-0729. $75 obo. Fraternities • Sororities • Clubs • Student Groups Student organizations earn $l,000-$2,000 with die easy diree hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact, (888) 923-3238, or visit www.campusfiindlalser.corn Flat rate long distance 24hrs. 7 days a week unlimited calls Continental U.S. Call Phil 409-280-5355 COLD SORE STUDY Suffer from cold sores? If so, then you may be just who we’re look ing for. We are conducting a research study of an investigational use for an approved medication to determine it’s safety and whether it treats and possibly prevents cold sore lesions. You must be 12 years of age or older (with parental consent, if appropriate), and in good general health to participate. If interested, please contact: J&S Studies, Inc. (409)846-5933 ewsday Crossword UP, UP AND AWAY by Lee Weaver Edited by Stanley Newman ACROSS 1 24-hour cash source: Abbr. 4 Ottoman Empire governor 7 Running fast 13 Bishop’s domain 15 Aviatrix Earhart 16 Type of number 17 Star system 18 Devoted to 21 Latin existence 22 Santa , CA 23 Frolic 27 Seasonal laziness 31 Tea holder 34 Lacking slack 35 Let up, as a storm 36 Food 38 Calms 40 “ is an island .. 41 Withered 42 Asner and Bradley 43 Join the fun 46 Poems of praise 47 Water, in Montreal 48 Headliner 52 Trusting act 56 Chewed on a bone 60 June 14th 61 Auto appendage 62 Pistol or rifle 63 Do a slow burn 64 French holy woman: Abbr. 65 Untruth 12 In a merry 41 Chicken mood noodle, e.g. 14 Film, in France 44 Sewing-kit DOWN 1 Pueblo material 2 Novices: Var. 3 operand! 4 Relax, as rules 5 Biblical brother 6 Puppy’s cry 7 Disheveled 8 Asian nursemaid 9 Animation frame 10 Dockworker's org. 11 Decide against 19 Bide one’s time 20 Small hotel 23 McEntire of country 24 Egg-shaped 25 Rationed (out) 26 The media 27 Dictation pro 28 Tin _ Alley 29 Wagon-wheel path 30 Lost color 31 Biuegrass instrument 32 Vocally 33 “ a break!” 37 Atlas pages 38 Ocean 39 Be inaccurate item 45 Ram’s remark 48 Turkey-stuffing herb 49 Kind of wave 50 Video-game name 51 Versify 52 Wife of Jacob 53 Switch positions 54 Dart 55 Paying passenger 56 Auto fuel 57 Born: Fr. 58 “ you sure?” 59 Punster, for one 1 2 3 ■ 5 6 1 14 16 18 21 a 15 110 ill 112 32 [33 56 57 58 42” 63™ IP 4 * 49 50 51 53 54 55 65 62 64 za 6s CREATORS SYNDICATE O 2000 STANLEY NEWMAN 1/24/00 Answer to previous puzzle 1/24/00 1993 Kawasaki Vulcan 500 Excellent condition, rebuilt motor. $2100. John 822-4282. Fun prestigious $6/hr Well train Efficiency for rent $335/mo. bills paid 1-bedroom 1-LR. Close to campus 693-4485 after noon. 1996 Honda Civic EX, 2D coupe. 5sp, 72k, dark green, sunroof, power windows, alarm, keyless-entry, kenwood radio/cd. 409)229-0055 Help wanted Tuesday Thursday \ experience preferred but not S6.25/hr. 260-4083 Ask for Ben cneduie necess <J«d shall# 2 Mnes CM Dana room 2 bath ► 1 r2tx4S- WHowwick Apts tba. bus route « 764-2197 or FREE LOCATOR SERVICE. Apartments, duplexes, fourplexes, houses, Alpha-Omega Properties. Broker 693-0868. '95 Chevy S10 ZR2 extended cab black 5-speed 4x4 only 52K miles. $11,500. ph694-6898. Furnished efficiency apartment for rent. All bills paid except telephone. Cable TV. Reliance Community $400/mo. Call 589-2561. '98 Fleetwood, 2bdrm/2bth, set-up near TAMU. Condition. (409)822-5690, (409)396-1701, (409 2458 Garage apartment available May 2000. For information call 409-696-0091. Bicycles. Mountain Bicycles Racing Bicycles. Mu speed Bicycles 846-8295. Your Price! House for rent. 2bdrm/1 bth/garage, across from A&M campus, $575 or $288 for one room. 888-215-8148. For sale: couch $50 and scanner $50 Call Mike 680- 1572. For sale: Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator $50. Call Jennifer 694-9051. Krammer Elec. Guitar w/wami bar epiphone amplifier great condition $200 00 Mike 775-9006 Moped for sale. 80cc, runs great, new tires, just tuned up, clean, never (ell down. $300/obo 693-9282 Pool Table - 8', New Brunswick with accessories. $500 O.B.O. Call 696-4146. Twin bed $50. Call 694-0469. Electric guitar/ ampliflier/ case $120. Women's Trek 800 sport mountain bike, o.b.o. Call Shelly at 694-8024. HELP WANTED 100 Instructors/Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary. 1 -800-422-9842 ( 500 Summer Jobs/ 50 Camps/ You Choose! NY, PA, New England. Instructors Needed. Tennis. Basketball, Roller Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Lifeguards, WSI, Waterskiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Aerobics, Archery, Mt Biking, Rockclimbing, Ropes. Dance, Piano Accompaniast, Drama, Ceramics, Woodwork, Photography, Nature. Nurses, Chef. Arlene Streisand- 1-800-443-6428: www.summercampemployment com Attendants needed for disabled student. Flexible hours. Call Bodie 847-1837 email ATTENTION STUDENTS! Y2K expansion. 13 Immedi ate openings. $9.85 base-appt. Customer service- sales. Conditions apply. 696-7734 or www.workforstu- Baskin Robbins now hiring smiling, friendly faces for counter help. Apply in person, SWPwy &Texas. The #1 Spring Break for 16 Tears! SPRING BREAK 2000 X 3 Breckenridge IVlazatlaii - UNIVERSITY BEACHCLUB II & Ski Vail ^ eaver t reek Kevstone A-Basin (1 .600.232.2*428) Mgy from only 0U wSr jjrjK Steamboat SPRING BREAK Complete College Ski Package 4b ■#■(754-8447) CALL 1-i TODAY t 0InTl ClPRlNG ©REAKS ©ETTEBll •Score Hig’. h 9 * Qnrlnri Rronlr with ! i booking a Millennium Spring Break with Sunchase! INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-SUNCHASE keeping, ironing &errands for professk week at S5.50AW. 846-6211 after 1 pm nes Chicken Fingen ng cooks & counter pen srownstooe Apartments i February No deposo I call 696-7633 rmale roommate neadr Vtxllt non-smoker dupM Leasing position, part-time 1600 SWPkwy C S E E O E Apply Looking (or studen Minimum 20hrs er in the field of wildlife or vet r iployment Palermo Taxide Female wanted t -block I S32Mno. depose &stM 2652 For sale: MTX-amp 1502 150x2 $250 2-month old Alpine 6-disc changer CHM-5620 $235. Alpine amp 3527V 25x4 $65 2-8' kicker solobarics w/box $75/each or $150 total. Blitz connector for Alpine cd-changer tor o.e. Dodge radio 96-98 $45 Amps come w/wiring Mike 219-1052. 1020 in Bryan $2006 National cor npany set iks outgoing, solf-motivatoHl grad M bousamata i for full time e •mploymont Successful applicants wfll con* shuttle $2SO*i duct daily Ire lining sam mars to help students raise funds —, for their club s and grot ips on campus Si ,000/wk salary plus bonus; 1 (ravel, veh icle a must. Call now! Positions are filled on a first o ame, first sarve basis Ask for Campus Inforrr (888)698-1858 ation Services, personnel department at NEW YEAR, NEW JOB forstudents com/np Apply on-line at Optometric assistant Approx 20 t resume and hours you are available to Ave #148 College Station. TX 77840. P-tim< Mice cleaning 5-nlgh opening $6/hr. Call (409)828-40 Part and full-time insurance office i needed Farmers Insurance E> required 846-8496 ■vice rei inence B/CS are 690-6882. help ' Partner! Walton. ood Deliv ixible hoi tg App PT-WORK. NEEDED DELIVERY DRIVER/MANAGER. HOURS 2-6PM; 7-9PM; MON.-FRI.; S8-10/HR. TOLL FREE 877-853-2532. Publishing firm is seek graphic design exper preferred part-time 20 690-7559. Sales position available Post Oak Mall Part-time needed Call Chip at 778-2K SGI is looking lor a student intern able mately 20 hours/week The primary rei to provide limited pre-sales/post-sales t for Texas A&M Technical skill set sh< ;o work approxl- ponsibililies are tchnical support uld include SGI SERVICES A-f HIGHER GRE SCORE GUARANTEED! IRIX and/or general UNIX systei contact Trey Prinz al prinz@sgi is expe :om or ( fence. Pic >12)502-2J 76 Square One Restaurant now hiring wait and kitchen staff. Apply at 211W. Wm.J Bryan. 361-0264. Student worker needed for office work. 25-30hrs/week. needed from 8-1 or 12-5, Mon.-Fri. and some Saturdays. Pay $6/hour. Apply at 201-Wellborn between 9-12. AAA Ta Ticket W-Th(6 ilensive Drt m). FriSSi Walk-Ins welcome law. 111-Unlv Dr 30/mln. early (CP-0 University Beach Club is looking for spring break sales reps to post flyers. Earn free trips and extra cashl Call today... 1-800-Beach-Bum. FREE LOCATOR SERVICE Fourplexes. Houses, Alpha-Or 693-0868. Vitamin World- A nationwide leader in vitamins &nutri- tion is offering an excellent opportunity In the Post Oak Mall for Store Manager, Assistant Managers &Sales Associates. Looking for energetic &outgoing people with prior retail experience. We offer competitive salary, bonus potential, company benefits &flexlble hours. For a great opportunity call 1-800-828-1320 ext.5634. Looking for a pla move off campu TRAVEL Go Skiing At Spring Break!) Luxury town 15. Ski Taos. Red River, Angel Fire. Rio C $350/nlght. Call John at 846-8916. Wanted: 50 serious people to lose weight fast, 100% natural, guaranteed, & no exercising! 1-877-838-3397. LOST & FOUND Black cat, yellow eyes, red collar if found call 764-8618. MOTORCYCLE Spring Break 2000 All the info you need Panama City -Daytona -Keywest -SouthPadre. www.yourepring- WEIGHT LOSS 1998 Ninja EX250. Red, 1,725-miles. $2495. Best offer. David 268-1013. Can't zip your jeans? Having trouble staying awake ir class? You need METRIM --"generic Metabo!" Why pay for a name? Free delivery! Cash/checks/ccards 695 6983. 1999 Honda Shadow VLX deluxe 660cc. 2500 miles. Red/black. Helmet, cb, custom windshield, lots of chrome. Must sacrifice! 774-9627. Lose, that freshman 15lb.ll TWINLAB Products Safe, effective &economical. Call for free sample 888-883- 9771, email: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. JANUARY 31,2000: last day to have your senior picture taken for the yearbook Get your Senior picture at AR Photography, located at 1410Texas Ave. South. IMo appointments necessary. Open M-F 9-12; 1:30-4 For more info, call AR Photography at 693-8183. ikxilicb conunucd hi jionjii assist leader ' iikiJl* one-of-six shot f redrik Jon/cn pf ^cuff'd halt contribution, bl iming tl ^umc with a double-double * Jyernme points and 11 boards. “Tonight tt was great * fong 'aid. “We matured, vy hat coach said and i and attacked the other te Oklahoma State wj conference win for tl tough 15-day conference opai first wm was the prcvii „\cr Texas Tech. ■ost of Gi atemali wl ich end I On Fridc wrested Gi n Lime ■tired Col. - in conr ■d took th to a Guate YVIM At lea (roFFin Ind SC( ■ JAKART/ Ok: nee acre ■ least 40 (idfiv., autho said Sund< tinues to | Southeast i I Clashes and Christ! ern Indom dead and d homes. As sipn News lahd of Har of lakarta, bodies lyin, I Several an iving brir ers. No so present, at es and s ic. Jason r ackstroke i r freestyle, ii take t another dn |4n ru ku anc two main t §!as impos Chiefs’ I injured! accident number of I in the viole I Local m Max Tama started aft tfccked anc Sunday me Ho Lim RTY, Mo. (AP) --D Thomas, a nine-time Pro Bov backer for the Kansas City Chie seriously injured in a one-car ft on an icy road Sunday aftemoo killed one of his close friends. Television reports said the 3: old Thomas, one of the NFL's dominant defensive players, suse broken back. But a team spoke>; and a spokesperson at Liberty F declined to confirm that. Thomas and his companions "1 route to Kansas City International ' to fly to St. Louis for the Bucd Rains NFC championship game! their car rolled over several time snowy highway about 1:30 p.m. Ci Both Thomas and the manwL were thrown from the vehicle, tit souri State I ligliway Patrol said. I The dead man was identili* Michael Tellis, 49, of Kansas Cit)’i the patrol said. A close friend ofW Tellis helped him set up projects3 a charity golf tournament which In come an annual event in Kansas Cif An icy snow began falling! Kansas City metropolitan areas' noon. The weather was also beingB for a pile-up on Interstate 29 norM Kansas City in which eight deal been confirmed by Sunday night. » Chiefs spokesperson BobMooij team officials and doctors wereen 1 to Liberty Hospital north ofKI City, but were having trouble in' 1 on the slick highways. Chiefs prtf Carl Peterson was on his way bi Kansas City from St. Louis, wild had been watching the NFC title $ Thomas, who became an imirif star alter being taken in the firsti 1 of the 1989 draft, has spent all II) of his NFL career with the Chip was an All-Pro in his first nine sd after an All-American career at.f ma. In just his second season, best NFL single-game record with? sacks against Seattle. s will be in the IV Do pick-up Voluntt Cojv 1 THI WWW. a