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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1999)
J r - h ^aaL Page 6 • Thursday, August 5, 1999 The Battalion To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Bexar prepared new arena plaOl Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Proposal could go public next* Spurs eyeii ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT FOR SALE MOTORCYCLE ***’Help on the spot* 828-4832. Mason's Mobile Car Repair. AUTO 4-Plexes available early augustl! $450/mo., 2bdrm/1bath, 1526-B Pine Ridge, C.Sta. $525/mo., 2bdrm/1 bath' 706-D Navarro, C.Sta. Contact BCG Leasing (409)764-2019. V.F.D. equipment: lightbar (strobe rotate), mini-bar, siren speaker $100-$275. Fire pants and jacket $25/each. 713-788-6875 In town 7/25-30. 1980 Honda CX500, runs great, asking $1,200. Call Jetl @695-0715. '99-Honda Shadow VLX, lots of extras, $5,000. call 774-9627. 1989 GMC Jimmy-S15. Good condition, runs great, $3,900 o.b.o. (409)680-0754. All beautiful locations. Large 1&2 bedrooms. All price ranges. Multiyear discounts available. 777-3371. GARAGE SALES PERSONAL 1990-Volvo Sedan, 240DL, automatic, a/c, stereo, cruise control, power windows/locks, 72k, runs great, $5,000/o.b.o. 268-3004. 1991 Mitsubishi Eclipse, runs great, automatic, a/c, stereo, cruise control, pw/pl, new tires, $4,000/o.b.o. (409)574-3244. College Station- PREMIERING TWO NEW 3bdrm/3bath duplexes, approx. 1,400 and 1,500 sq.ft. Microwave, W/D, ice maker, lawn care, one plan with security alarm. August move in. Starting @$1,100/mo. United 694-9140. Desks $15, tables $15, chairs $5-$15, beds, bookcase, couch. 415-College Main, Fri.-Sta. HELP WANTED Girls!!! Live!!! 24hrs./day!l! Talk one-on-one! Call now!! 1-900-226-0334 xt.1045. $3.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. 1994 Ford ranger, 5-speed, cd, 70,000mi., excellent condition, $4,500. (409)694-7073. Excellent for grad students. 2bdrm/1bath, gas, water, sewage, garbage paid. $390/mo. Owner occupied, quiet. 846-3864. 1994 Mazda Protege. Excellent condition, 5-speed, 73,000mi., am/fm stereo cassette, new tires Abattery, $4,800. Urgent!! 862-8683. First & last month rent w/security deposit you can own your new mobile home. 409-779-3408, 1-800-580- 3438. Attention Students, Fraternity, Sorority and organization members, local enhanced technology company seeks marketing reps. Will train. Gain marketing, public rela tions and business experience. Call 409-821-2901, ask for Eric. Tired Of Plain Web Surfin’? Learn how to Power Surf! 1-900-830-4700 xt.2577. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS 1994 Mustang convertible, 56,000mi., white w/black top, excellent condition. $9,000/o.b.o. 260-8195. 1995 Toyota Tercel!, 46,000mi., green w/tan interior, excellent condition. $7,500/o.b.o. 260-8195. Floorplans and locations GALORE! 2 and 3 bedrooms duplexes and fourplexes, Now & for August preleasing, some fenced yards, w/d or w/d conn., some bills paid, shuttle. Starting @395/mo. United 694-9140. Attn: Need 29-people! Lose 30lbs in 30-days. Earn$$$ 1 -888-268-3155. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure Buck's Pizza currently hiring for in-house & delivery positions. Apply within. (409)693-2825. Looking for loving person or small family to adopt female cat. White Persian mix. Spayed, declawed, shots cur rent. Free!! 268-5559. Carpenter Wanted. Multiple skills desirable, message at 779-8113. 1997 Mazda 626LX, black, Ilk-miles, alarm system, loaded, $12,980/neg. (409)846-7116. 1997 Toyota Tercel, automatic, red, 4-door, 26,000mi., $10,000/nego. 694-6948. GREAT DEAL!! 2-bedroom, 1-bath, FULL SIZE w/d, microwave, shuttle, on Longmire, C.Sta. Available Aug. 1st. $475/mo. 846-7454. REAL ESTATE Charli- Sales position in upscale women's clothing. 505- University Drive East. 268-9626. White '96-Jeep classic Cherokee, excellent conditions with extra features, mileage 48,150, retail value $14,711.00, price negotiable. Contact Ana at 696-3828. House, walk to campus, 1-bedroom, available Aug. 15th. 4301-Aspen. Must seel! (409)691-8206. Earn extra income by cleaning office M-F, after 5p.m. 823-5031. New 3bdrm/2bath duplexes. Preleasing for august move-in. $975/mo. Call 272-5061. Experienced Bartender. VFW Post-4692, 1147 FM2818, Bryan, 823-0542, ask for George. Students or Family. Bike to Blinn, quick to TAMU. 3bdrm/11/2bath, ca/ch, appliances, best buy for $49,900. Available for early move-in. Call Morris. Realtor w/Century 21 Beal, R.E. (409)218-0415, 589- 2506. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR North Ramparts across from campus, 2bdrm/2bath, all appliances, available 8/1/99 through 6/1/00. 693-4277. Full/Part-time Customer Service. Wiling to train the right individual. Apply @3505 Ea.29th. Street. ROOMMATES Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot. 828- Room for rent. Christian woman, smoker. 690-1063. No children, pets, Now hiring receptionist. Apply at Gold's Gym. 2/F/Roommates. 3-Bedroom house. Good neighbor hood. $275/mo. +1/3bills, $200/dep. 6mo.-1yr. lease. 409-694-0713. BED AND BREAKFAST Small 2bdrm/1 bath house, 1 -car garage, on 1 -acre, w/d conn., $500/mo. 778-7423. Painters/helpers needed. Experience helpful. Will work with schedule. $7/hr. 775-7126. Exquisite Victorian accommodations and romantic can dlelight dinners. Finest in the Brazos Valley. The Famous "Calvert Inn” Gourmet Bed & Breakfast and Restaurant. 364-2868. Student discount available on 1&2 bedroom apartment for Fall. 846-9196. Part-time attendant needed for male quad. Flexible hours. Experience preferred, but will train. Kevin @764-2190. F-roommate for fall/longer, quiet neighborhood, 3bdrm/2bath, w/d, non-smoker, no pets, $275/mo. No bills. 775-6104. HEATHER'S GLEN BED & BREAKFAST Elegantly restored Victorian Mansion in downtown Conroe. Perfect for overnight accommodations (private jacuzzi bathtubs for two in bedrooms). Call for free brochures on weddings/ overnight accommodations. 1-800-66- JAMIE. HEATHERBB@AOL.COM STUDENTS LIVE FREE!! Buy new mobile home. Rent out room(s) and live Free. Call for details (409)822- 2929. Part-time cook & counter positions needed. Bridge Bar & Grill. 764-2933. Koppe F-Roommate needed. 3bdrm/1bath. + 1/3billS. Close to TAMU. Call 693-9571. Townshire Manor- Large 1bdrm/1bath, 2bdrm/1bath, and 2bdrm/11/2bath available now or August preleas ing. Laundry on site, pool, some bills paid. Close to shopping & shuttle. Starting @$345/mo. United 694- 9140. Part-time Dental Receptionist. Please call 696-9578. Experience preferred. F-Roommate. 3bdrm/11/2bath house, near campus. $250/mo. +1/3utilities. Call Becky @764-9473. Part-time help wanted. Experience preferred but not necessary. Will work schedule around school. Apply In person at Villa Maria & 29th, Bryan. F-Roommate. 3bdrm/2bath duplex $325/mo. +1/3utili- ties. Own bedroom. Call Amber @(409)755-1722. DJ MUSIC ••Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. Book earlyll 693-6294. Walk to campus! Efficiency and one bedroom units in Northgate for August move-ln. Partial bills paid to all bills paid. Starting @$325/mo. United 694-9140. Part-time property managers for self-storage facilities. Must be computer literate & good w/people. Fax resume & class schedule: 775-5739. F-Roommate. Duplex. Own bdrm/bath Shuttle-rt. 3- minutes from TAMU. $375/mo. +1 futilities. Christian values. 764-5720. F-Roommate. Share new 3bdrm/3bath duplex. $385/mo. Call Marci for details. 409-727-7908. SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A pro posal to build an arena for the San Antonio Spurs on county- owned property could be ready for public scrutiny next week, Bexar County officials say. Elected officials for the city and county, meanwhile, are hold ing meetings to iron out differ ences between their two compet ing arena plans. San Antonio leaders want to build a $203 million arena and three-story parking garage next to the city-owned Alamodome downtown using revenues from a half-cent sales tax increase. Mayor Howard Peak has set an Aug. 12 deadline to nail down an agreement with the Spurs for assis tance in financing the project. On that date, the City Council is to consider the final wording for a tax increase to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot. Bexar County also is rushing to put together a plan for an arena to be built next to county-owned Freeman Coliseum, a few miles east of downtown. Proceeds from event parking, ticket sales and increased hotel- motel and rental-car taxes would help pay for the project, which would also be financed with long term debt. County staff members emerged midway through a private meeting Tuesday with consultants to announce they expect to have a proposal ready for consideration by county commissioners by Monday at the earliest or Aug. 12 at the latest. guard Port? ake Plac lanta, S, Houstoi hat do t mon’ No SAN ANTONIO Topics. Veteran guard Terry Hou: close to signing wi'tfi Olympics Antonio Spurs, a ne | ne ver w reported yesterday. j|, s have be The Spurs and seve-f nor 0 f host teams have courted'LJ rnat i 0 nal since the free-agency :M JoW; no t ( began in July. Miami ! e 20 12 Sum m iv sign him but was reluctant to spend J nr d save than its $1 million e);®; ure if the the San Antonio Expr. mean reported. L state. In addition to theSv^rake Atlan middle-class exceptie:M nta was c Spins also have the5::||: et0 scarf | lion medical exceptio:« ves pi ay 0 • receiv ed for Sean Ellier gj 0 vvn perse can about Atl “We got some renl!'B ni P' cs or 1 information from some a r § rea / consultants,” Marcus tace ta county's! orgam/eis i o Spurs executives h btar ^ ta quiet about which pkKPP 105 ,^ 61 ' would support. Team 1 lere have said it is unprofitat-®'j y , . . in the Alamodome. , 1111 thing The Spurs want a liP vn . in j c ? * building designed tor::llF n ? in ^ IS anil equipped with Irwr 101 ,'.'" 1 L OWI 1 lions to huiki a ne ' lV Conditioning funded arena for the Spur:B^ ve11 ^ urn Antonio intensified in ^ iat 1 the franchise won its championship. FOR SALE FOR RENT "Moving?** Boxes, Boxes, Boxes, new and used, for prices, 846-2849. •Subleasing 2bdrm/1bath, furnished, to share rent and utilities w/M-Roommate, serious student, $345/mo. Call Paul @680-9452. Paula @504-223-2902. • 1-Couch, off-white cloth $300/nego., in new condition, 2- black lamps $20/ea. Please call Kim at 680-3788. PART-TIME Renaissance Fair. Weekends only. Oct.2- Nov.14. Salesclerks for Gemcutter booth. $6-$10/hr. Retail sales experience helpful but we will train. Outgoing personality needed. We are nice people to work for. Apply now. No phone at Festival sight, so handwrite a note about self. I’ll call for interview start ing 3rd week of Aug.-Sept. Jacqueline Wixom, P.O.Box 370, Plantersville, TX 77363. F/Roommate needed. Great location. Shuttle-rt. Own bdrm/bath, w/d. $275/mo. +1 futilities. Non-smoker. 693-8201. F/Roommate. A.S.A.P. Own bdrm/bath, fireplace, cov ered parking, $375/mo. 260-3646. Female roommate needed. Fall-’99. $220/mo +1/2utll- ities. Please call Delyn @779-9080. 1-2/Bedroom apartments. Some with w/d, some near campus. $150-$325/mo. 696-2038. 1995 3bdrm/2bath mobile home, all electric, w/d, ceiling fans. Great investment opportunity. Derek, 268-8222. Part-time warehouse help, M-F. Carpet Handlers, 779-2134. Flexible hours. $7/hr. Female. Fall/Spring. Own bedroom/bath. Non-smoker. $250/mo. +1/2utilities, w/d. Ashley, 764-7303. 1-Bedroom apartment starting at $390/mo. Call today 693-1906. Doux Chene Apartments. 1995 Fleetwood mobile home. 2bdrm/1bath, $14,500, from individual. Call 1 -800-856-0457 1bdrm/1bath sublease. Treehouse-ll. No deposit. $520/mo. Available 7/19/’99. 281-391-9426, Justin/ Debbie. 1996 mobile home, 2bdrm/2bath, 16'X70’, all appli ances, good shape, $19,500. 409-822-7242. Part-time, 8-12 or 1-5, data entry, communicating with insurance companies & other clerical duties associated with medical billing Apply in person at MsirWay Business Services, 2729-A Ea.29th. Street, Bryan. No phone calls please. M-Roommate a.s a p. 20ft. trom campus. Panhandle area. Own room. $300/mo. +bills. Upper classman pre ferred. 680-8968. a Staff blames Pendei for releasing grad? formance and being set as c Another pi Texas is a con don’t mean s( JiThere are t “touchdown” bid over foott school stadiui M/F Roommate needed. 2bdrm/11/2bath. + 1 futilities. Call 696-8667. $300/mo. 2-Rooms for rent, in '99 model mobile home, $250/$200 +deposit. Available August. 694-6409. 1996 Trailer home, 3bdrmfbath, take over payments, fenced yard. 972-713-6717. Permanent full-time position for surgical assistant in oral surgeon's office. Please call 764-7101 for information. 2bdrm/1bath duplex, w/d conn., fenced yard, quiet C.Sta. neighborhood, T1 conn., $500/mo. 696-0492. Brand new "First ear” black motorcycle tank bag and backpack with cover. Zipper on to bike. $40. Call M-F, 774-4760. Phone people needed promoting circus, time. 361-2370, 2-9p.m. M/F-Rmmte. 3bdrmfbath house. $250/mo. +1 futili ties. If-Off First month rent. C.Sta. 779-2367, 693- 3512. 2bdrm/2bath apartment. Sublease a.s.a.p. Brazos house apartments. $520/mo. through December. Call 694-0863. Couch & loveseat, very good condition, $200, couch & loveseat denim slip covers, $100. Please call Karen at 693-2750. Physical Therapist Assistant for chiropractic office. Medical experience preferred, will train. Apply at 1703 East 29th Street, Bryan. M/F-Roommate needed. 2bdrm/2bath apartment. $275/mo. +1f utilities. Non-smoker, good values. 694- 0844. Testimony: Former UT coach ordered Dive ■■ w T 2bdrmf bath condo, fireplace, w/d, plantation shutters, new paint & carpet, covered parking, own shuttle. No pets. $749/mo. 690-7949. For Sale: recliner $75. Please call (409)680-1540. POSTAL JOBS to $18.35/HR. Inc. benefits, no experi ence. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813-3585, Ext.7682, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. M/F-Roommate. Share nice 3-bedroom house w/1-per son. Own rm/bath. $325/mo. +1futil. Carol (Wk)845- 0544, (Hm)690-7745. 3bdrm/1bath recently remodeled house, deck, fenced, $697/mo. 1208-Phoenix (East three streets on Holleman from Wellborn), view then call 693-5885. For Sale: couch with queen size pull-out bed (excellent condition) and large coffee table $150. Please call 693- 5374. Pre-Mod part-time aid for busy medical practice. Excellent experience. Will train. Send resume to: 1605-Rock Prairie Road, Ste.312, C.Sta.TX. 77845. Male to share 3-bedroom, C.Sta. $300/mo. Now thru Spring semester. Deborah/ Connie, Ashford Square Realty, 260-7653. 3bdrm/2bath huge house. 3905-Oaklawn (near Northgate). Available 8/15/99. $1,100/mo. 693-5885. Kitchen table with chairs $50, refrigerator $60, 2-couch- es $25 & $150, ping-pong table $75, futon w/trame $100. Please call 574-8690. Salesperson in fabric shop. George Bush Drive. Pruitt's Fabric Shop, 318- Male, nice 2bdrm/1bath, $205/mo. +1f bills, walking dis tance to campus. Available 9/3. Feng @846-2561, leave message or e-mail: 3bdrm/3bath brand new duplex, C.Sta., off Wellborn Road. Tile floors, w/d, fenced backyard, ceiling fans, walking pantry, great floor plan. $1,350/mo. Taking applications. Call 693-4075, leave message if no answer. Moving Sale!! Day-bed w/trundle, table w/chairs, desk, & VCR. 764-4776. School bus drivers needed. $8.20/hr to start. Apply at CSISD transportation. 764-5440. Roommates. Nice 4-bedroom house, male, Christian values. $298/mo. each. 1-800-469-8123, 7777@tone Perfection Plus!! '93 Schult 3bdrm/2bath mobile home. Ready to move into. Large rental lot. Don’t miss this one!! (409)822-4153. Student workers needed. Admissions Counseling. Part-time hours not to exceed 19hrs/wk. $5.15/hr. Applications available 217 Koldus. Apartment sublease. Fall/Spring. University Commons. $301/mo. +1/4utilities. Furnished, w/d. Brett 281-320- 1920. Town & Country 16X80 3bdrm/2bath. Just arrived. $199/mo. 10.75 APR. 10% down, 360 months W.A.C. 409-779-3408, 1-800-580-3408. Summer Work part-time work- full-time pay! $10 per hour appointment. Scholarships available, flexible PT/FT Positions. Will train customer sales/service, con ditions apply. Call 696-7734. Wanted: 2-Female roommates for 4bdrm/2bath country home. $175/mo. +1/4bills. Own room, share bath, 10- min. from A&M, stable, outdoor lighting, outdoor pets ok. (409)574-5325, Shay, SERVICES SUMMER & ACADEMIC YEAR LEASES Starting at $1 89/month FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL BILLS PAID, FREE PHONE, CABLE & PRIVATE SHUTTLE. CALL 779-7091 ROSACEA STUDY (ADULT ACNE) Volunteers, ages 18 and older, needed to participate in a 12-week research study with an investigative topical medication for the treatment of rosacea (facial redness and pustules). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 Wanted On-Campus Managers Earn up to $4000+ this fall! Need young entrepreneurs to gain valuable managerial experience with expanding Internet Company. Great opportunity for business- minded individuals to earn extra $$$ and build their resumes. E-mail or call (305) 936-9909 Technicians: Battery Co. seeks hands on person with mechanical aptitude. Full/Part-time. Resumes: RBC, 809-University Dr., Ste.lOO-E, C.Sta., TX 77840. 3c/min. long distance to anywhere in the U.S. (409)571-8333 The coldest air conditioning in town &all the ice cold water &kool-aid you can drink- absolutely free. Come in, lie down, relax &earn some easy money. Donate plas ma. Earn $150/mo. while you save peoples lives. Call or come by for an appointment or more info. It’s so damn easy. Westgate Blologicals, 701-Univ. Drive East, 268-6050 or DCI Biologicals, 4223-Wellborn Road in the Westgate Shopping Center, just north of campus, 846- 8855. AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotM Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside BankofAmerica. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111- Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). AUSTIN (AP) — More than a year after his departure, former University of Texas basketball coach Tom Penders still finds himself denying he ordered the improper release of a player’s grades to a radio station. But in sworn depositions, for mer and current UT employees say Penders orchestrated the release of former guard Luke Axtell’s grades and let someone else take the blame. “This is all ridiculous,” Penders, who now coaches at George Washington University, said. “I’ve told nothing but the truth. I’d he 1996 Hopwoot decision 'This is ridiculous. I’ve told nothing but the truth. I'd take a polygraph on it” — Tom Penders Former UT basketball coach Vineyard Court Hotel now hiring part-time front desk clerks. Apply at 1,500-George Bush Drive East. Balancing school, work and social life is enough to worry about. Let us worry about your lawn I Free estimates. 690-6745. Voice & guitar teacher/ teachers needed for our boys. 693-4646. Confused over career selection? Use a proven method to match your personal style to the right career. Bright Futures Career Consulting, 229-9924. Wanted 49-people to get paid to lose weight, rail,, 888-248-2838. Just Got Vour Grades... Ooopsl! Get Study Guy. better grades at Warehouse help needed, full-time, Tues.-Fri., 9a.m.- 5:30p.m., Sat. 10a.m.-4p.m., $6.50/hr. 779-7586. TUTORS ATHLETES FOOT STUDY Volunteers needed for an athletes foot study. If you have a history of athletes foot and use over the counter medication, call for more information. J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 WILDLIFE JOBS to $21.60/HR. Inc. benefits. Game Wardens, Security, Maintenance, Park Rangers. No exp. needed. For app. and exam info, call 1-800-813- 3585, Ext.7683, 8a.m.-9p.m., 7-days, fds, inc. Experienced Tutor- specialty crash and burn recovery. Math, most Sciences. Average test increase 25-points. Leave message 690-7928. take a polygraph on it.” The almost 1,000 pages of tes timony from nine people were filed Tuesday in Travis County state district court as part of Axtell’s lawsuit against Capstar Texas Limited Partnership, the parent company of KVET-AM. Filed in January, the lawsuit asserts the station violated Axtell’s right to privacy when it broadcast his academic status report on March 18, 1998. Axtell, who later transferred to the University of Kansas, is;! damages of more than$50, The release of the grade after Penders suspends for alleged academic i% k . , , , although the school saiiK c d a a ffi that Axtell wasingooda^anafhr standmg and the graderefiJ r J at th( correct. Jniversity of The depositions >ncl»p xas - mony (®R 0 ol, did mer ''f : T ot s^tle the tant itt Jebate over ra coach sity admissior Oran, wtog instead, it 1 nally tooil firestorm of blame (onfhe justificatio ing Axtell fitting minor mation. yersify a stude Accot^rhose who dii the swort mod’s preced mony, Pdearning from through 5ity is a crucia initially ordered his longtiiSjent’s educati retary to fax Axtell’s grade; A report rel to the radio stations. the Civil Right Secretary Leslie Park;University offe Penders called her tw:.P ro °f that thei make sure the document; Researcher; f axec j Gallup Poll su Oran said he acceptedrif^ ^ stu d ent: sibility to shield blame at Han Parks, who was pregnant. P 6 ^mverstty “I don’t think she couldB,, ? 1C)St , 65 J gone through (the stress),sf^ d sai d et cally, I said I did it,” Oran^ 51 ^ in tne his deposition. The Battalion’s now offering access to The WIRE IIVIIVI EE D I A.T~ E «J B OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE The Texas A&M University Bookstore Located in the MSC is currently accepting applications for part-time/temporary cashier and customer service positions. Benefits include a flexible schedule, fun working environment, and great discounts on textbooks and merchandise. The Texas A&M University Bookstore is an Equal Opportunity Employer. A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press The WIRE provides continuously updated news coverage from one of the world’s oldest, largest news services via The Battalion’s web page. A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combining the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. ■ Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. http://bat Low signs 3-year de to coach IHL’s Aer proved class d A staggerin hanged their hts because dents from jbackground HOUSTON (AP) — Ron Low, who turned down an offer to return as coach of the NHL’s Edmonton Oilers this season, will join the IHL champion Houston Aeros in a job that’s both a pro motion and a demotion. Low signed a three-year deal yesterday to be the team’s general manager and coach. The terms were not disclosed. He replaces Dave Tippett, who left the Aeros for an assistant coaching job with the NHL’s Los Angeles Kings. Low left the helm of the Oilers last season after turning down a one-year contract extension that offered him no raise and would have made him the lowest-paid coach in the NHL. “I’m actually a man of princi ple, and I felt I did not deserve to be the lowest-paid coach in the league after five years and three consecutive years of playoffs with a very, veiy budget hockey club,” Lows Aeros owners Chuck said he sought out Low bed his reputation among 1 pie as a good motivator amk oper of young talent. “From the minute 11 and interviewed him, he my first choice,” Aeros Chuck Watson said. Low was quick to explaii he would leave the NHL and sign with a minor league clid “There’s a lot of peopi are going to ask me the (jut' ’What do you feel about out of the National League?”’ Low said. “W is going to be This is as# the National Hockey Leagu can get’ ... I’m going to get* my own show, and that ultra-important to me.” V ''T^ 'C: