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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1999)
Page 2 • Tuesday, April 20, 1999 Campus BY&DELUNA NATO Continued from Page 1 Simel & Lewis By Mell Tuesday Spade Phillips, PI Matt Kowalski Aggies Up All Night: There will be a meeting presenting informa tion on staff and executive posi tions available for 1999-2000 at 7 p.m. in 704 Rudder. For more information, please call Chelette at 847-2622. Orthodox Christian Fellowship: There will be a discussion group at 5:30 p.m. in the All Faiths Chapel. Contact Susan at 696- 3112 for details. Aggie Students for Space Explo ration: There will be a general meeting with elections and food served at 6 p.m. in 205 MSC. Contact Matt McCurdy at 691- 2845 for more information. Catholic Students Association: There will be a general meeting at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. For more information, please contact Jen nifer at 823-4495. I PET PfiRflPISEl Science ‘Diet Hill’s 1104 C Harvey Rd. College Station 693-4575 1873 Briarcrest Bryan 774-PETS I PET PfiRfiDISE ; is % off 1 * Not valid on dog or cat food, aquariums, & sale items • Expires May 31, 1999 I PET PARADISE \ I Hairball Control™! $ Z Off : any size _ txpiresjviay^j ,j yyy j_Expjres May_31_, 1999 Complete Ttixedo Ensembles From $49.95 to $64.95 Includes: Coat, Trousers, Wing-tip Shirt, Tie and Cummerbund or Tie and Vest and Lace Shoes. (studs and cufflinks included with shirt rental) (Designer Vest or Mandarin Collar Shirt: $14.95 extra) mm mm Ladies and Lords Texas Ave. Across from the Main Entrance to Texas A&M 409-764-8289 I By Popular Request Ladies and Lords will not be changing it's name " SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE ON THEIR WHY TO THE TOP. If you didn't signup for ROTC as a freshman or sophomore, you can still catch up to your classmates by attending Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a paid five-week course in leadership. By the time you have graduated from college, you'll have the credentials of an Army officer. You'll also have the discipline, experience and self-confidence you need to succeed in college and beyond. For details, contact Captain Robert Magee at (409) 84S-2814. U»CfUFNCt| ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE e BaiL English major, said the organiza tion decided to host the lecture to inform students while the issue is a major topic in the media. “Even though there is so much coverage, a lot of students don’t know what is going on,” she said. “They should know what is going on in the world and what the United States is doing.” She said people throughout the nation are harboring conflicting beliefs about NATO and U.S. in volvement in the situation, and that the purpose of the lecture is to inform students so they will be equipped with enough knowledge to form opinions. Earth Wee' Continued from ff Medicine, A&M Fa:, j lege Station Fire Del- Utilities and ToysRt; I include a visit fromrJ visits from the veter:., a fire truck from the J Fire Department. CAMPUS CALENDAR Texas A&M Men’s Rugby: There will be practice from 7 to 9 a.m. at the Rugby Field by the polo fields behind the Zachry parking lot. All male students welcome. No experience necessary. Call Lucas at 696-0789 for more in formation. MEDALS.: Executive Staff Appli cations are out and due on April 20th. They are available in 137 MSC. p.m. at the polo he :| Zachry parking lot. open to everyone.’ necessary. Call 4220 for moreinfc Catholic Students Association: There will be on-campus mass at 12:05 p.m. in the All Faith’s Chapel. Thursd: E.C.H.O.: Representatives from UT Southwestern Medical School will talk about medical school and the admissions process. The meeting will be in 292A MSC at 7 p.m. All are invited to attend. For more information, please contact Natasya at 847-0115. Texas A&M Women’s Rugby: There will be practice from 5 to 7 p.m. at the polo fields behind the Zachry parking lot. Practices are open to everyone. No experience necessary. Call April at 775- 4220 for more information. Texas A&M Mens will be practice fro: at the Rugby Fielc fields behind theZ; lot. All male stuor No experience neck. Lucas at 696-078;; formation. Waterskl Team: There will be practice at 8:30 p.m. at the Cen tury Ski Lake. Call Ross at 693- 2302 for more information. Campus Crusade There will be a met. at Rumour's De 774-1522 for more EIC: An environmental career fair will be held in the MSC Flagroom from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Catholic Studentsfcj-j There will be a Aggie:® dent-led Bible studyrH in 410 Rudder. Wednesday Texas A&M Men's Rugby: There will be practice from 7-9 a.m. at the Rugby Field by the polo fields behind the Zachry parking lot. All male students welcome. No ex perience necessary. Call Lucas at 696-0789 for more informa tion. Association of Bap;: We will have week -■ I vice at 7:30 p.m. at "I ter located at410fell Call David at 846-:.. - tails. Hispanic Business Students As sociation: There will be a gener al meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 129 Wehner. Call Chris at 694-2726 for more information. Texas Aggie Mote: TAMC has moved. the Office Max onk across from Sweet:.; p.m. Call MarkatK: more information. Texas A&M Women’s Rugby: There will be practice from 5 to 7 The English Languate ature Society: Watd Shakespeare's Mirk Nothing with Dr. B'cu in 4th floor Annev ^ THE PRINCETON RE' I more reason you should with our GRE course PERSONAL ATTENTION )t Better classes mean plenty of personalatte You'll work in a class of 8-15 students and be taught by a smart, well-trained, instructor. And if you need extra help/y° y ^ it - at no extra cost. ©3 Preparation for the May/Jm GRE starts THIS WEEKEND. ■■ .m. ■ >11 Call today! su; (409) 696-9099 Itic 1’iincelon Review is nol affiliate)/i# 0 tee Earth Week Anril20 23, 1999 pril Tuesday: - Environmental Career Fair 1 Oam - 3pm MSC Flag Rm Wednesday: Tables by the Fountain 10am - 12 (noon) Rudder Ft. w Thursday: Tables by the Fountain 10am - 3pm Rudder Ft. Be an honorary judge for the Rock Prarie Eiem School Coloring Contest!! Friday: Tables by the Fountain 10am - 3pm Rudder Ft. Come out on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for fun filled excitement: Gaines, and Free Give Aways! YES, FREE STUFF!! 100 Earth day T-Shirts will be given away ea. Day for Tables by the Fountain. Come and Join US!!! E.I.C. Aaron Meier, Editor in C Kasie Byers, Managing & Beth Miller, City Editor Robert Hynecek, Grapl Matt Weber, Sports Edt" j Marium Mohuiddin, Riley LaGrone. A Manisha Parekh, Opinio'" Mike Puentes, Photo K' J Lisa Kreick, Night Newsl‘ Veronica Serrano. Nigi Elizabeth Pariani. Radio 11 Jeremy Brown, Web Ed®J News: )>ie Battalion news department is'^j A&M Univeisity in the Division of SMed * Department of Journalism. News cites >**5 Building. Newsroom phone: 345-3®^; Website: http://baBl»*' Advertising: Publication o' atatisingi'*' 8 endorsement by Die Battalion. Fot caupA 6 ' advertising, call 845-2696, Fot dassM^Lj Advertising offices ate in 015 ReedHcOo'^^ * to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax 845-A^ _ Subscriptions: A part oi the Studenl Sernas^ student to pick up a singe rapy oi Die BS# * copies 254, Mail subscriptions ait 1 spring semester and $17.50 fot the sumra^J Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611- The Baitalio* (ISSN #1055-4726) is (rt 8 ** Friday during the (all and spring semeste^* 1 during the summer session (exceotUnsestl 1 '*" at Texas A&M Univeisity, Penodicab tatgL| 77840. 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