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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1999)
Campus Page 2 • Monday, February 22, 1999 Fish BY R. DELUNA H£Y RYAAJ, WHAT'S WITH .The video camera? "v X Doa/'T THIaJK T-’st Awy goby Cam Enter * aIovie... Xt '5 P 0 ^ Real reai rakers Hired a ^eal Acroc... 'Hi5 Fame's ' L0/9G Daaj SILVER... That's a weird /VAME Fok A A/ Acrog' 7wheR£ 15 he You Better have Tovr. Pamts o/v whew Come back... Tt's GUc-fy /THAT KIWO OF Movie /// Simel & Lewis ^So UHAT'?\/DoM'T VOU-^ THE Ri& / GET iTl By Mel THE BIG ■DEM-? &6T iTR If X DON'T Hd£e.Y , AH Clothes wiu- be taken oot and Sorted Bt some strangeR-. > Is: TUBULARMAN BY B. CARDINALE HET...ARE VoU...UIT... DISAPPOINTED BY THE WAV You TURNED OOT IN ITTT ? NOT FKiCH HAS CHANGED... QUIT WORRYlN', WILL YA?^ I'm HAPPY uJtTH THE (WAY ujE Turned ooTf I inont LET THIS LITTLE TRIP SecofJVS LAT&Z. TaJ£LL THAT' ujAS Nice OF HIM - HEY! WHAT TH£~ Spade Phillips, PI By Matt Kowalski a 0 ^. to)? r r> i*-' Wd ™e C^r-HflT, -CAT-THAT-0«£WBP-yOUR- U6W-CH06S"T7 you MORONI IT*«t "THE CHATAMOOOA CHOO-CHOOH THAT’S THE STUPIDEST TMM0 I eVS? HEARD I HOLy MOtEV IS THAT ETUPfDI -OAT-THAT-OHEWEO-yOUR- N6W-«HOE«-r 000(7 OftieFt! fc A w VoW flffORDTO th£ Cftr^T rcH£V^D KfW j3 sHo*j r’vf /3 6 0 TMy ’Larinr NEWS IN BRIEF Gov. Bush names three new regents Gov. George W. Bush an nounced the appointment of mem bers to the Texas A&M University Board of Regents. Lionel Sosa of San Antonio, Steve Stevens of Houston and Susan Wynn of Ben- brook will replace three members whose terms have expired. “These are excellent ap pointees with a diverse experi ence who bring valuable insight and strong leadership to the Board,” Bush said in a press re lease. The appointees are subject to Texas Senate approval before they begin their terms. Leadership groups target freshmen Motivation of college freshmen, a theme incorporated into the missions of Texas A&M freshman- WISE Continued from Page 1 Crumpton told the audience in order to stay positive they have to create a cycle of positivity which includes positive input, a positive center and positive output. Crumpton said it is important to stack every bit of criticism in be tween two layers of praise. She said no one should let their hopes die down. “As an engineer, I have heard of the conservation of energy and the conservation of matter principles,” she said, “but I have never heard of the conservation of hope theory.” Crumpton said in her life, she fol lows the motto “attitude is altitude.” SCONA Continued from Page 1 Hargrove said there are many ethical debates concerning the en vironment. “At one point, the director of the U.S. Geological Survey did not want to make efforts to help the preservation of Yosemite National leadership organizations, was spread to other universities at a conference this weekend. Members of Freshman Leaders In Progress (FLIP), Aggie Fish Club (AFC), Fish Aides, Aggie Leaders of Tomorrow (ALOT) and Leaders In Freshman Engineering (LIFE) hosted delegates from Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kansas and Iowa universities and discussed freshman leadership organizations and programs of fered for incoming freshmen. Jeremy Nelson, a director of the conference and a senior comput er science major, said the confer ence leaders and participants dis cussed ways to improve their existing freshman leadership or ganizations and ways to establish non-existing ones. Conference On Freshman Lead ership Organizations (COFLO), a new A&M group, was formed to host the conference and to offer itself as a resource to the dele gates. “I heard from a Cal-Tech pro fessor once that ‘Success means obtaining or attaining what you want, and happiness means want ing what you get.’” Lia Xu, an attendee from Dal las, said she learned from the workshops how to accept criticism constructively. “I really saw that I need to let any kind of criticism or conflicts from bringing me down for a long time and prevent me from moving forward in my career.” she said. Nancy Magnussen, director of the WISE conference said she thinks this year’s conference was a success, and planners are al ready scheduling speakers for next year. Park because he felt it was God’s business to take care of it,” lie said. Middleton said the main focus of the roundtables was for dele gates to engage in an in-depth dia logue about matters addressed by the speakers. “These roundtable discussions are not so much to find solutions as they are to promote discussion among the delegates,” she said. Rudder 507. Call Jt- for more informatr Multi-Cultural tex Health Aggies Ss : speak about UIMBil ical School at 7 p.m. i Student EngineersC;.v a I Engineers Week p j sors Sharing Rese: to 2 p.m. intheZac TAMU Roadrunnets 3-4 mile run at 5:3C: front ofG. RollieWte skills invited. Conte: 5339 for more infir: Aggies Up All Nigiit A n cstin MSC292A - /-X order,: one of thetwroeetrJBpV’^r " 11 for volunteers. Ca ig from oyltl 693-3740 v id can lead u ression, suhst Aggie REACH & Her National E There will be Eat national eff mation Tab - ■ n effort to s 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.r.Jp*ly by ea Center from 4 p.m.::'||g interest Eating disc Texas A&M Womens j s toi t ion anc will be practice from :|.p eo p | e w | 1( polo fields: el iatical lv rest inglot Practicesars^ei flt . Another cc April at 7754220fey tion. y short bine ten purging Study Abroad P«i u ! fe , rers gem There will be an infer ol their eatii ing to promote thetei Dr. Jane Cc program from disor Bizzell Hall West 1> “These dis f an 11 - year Texas A&M Taebo 1 With girls he will be held from9:l:#lege stude G. Rollie White26: ite of these i necessary. Open:: Cohen sak dents. Call Robertrltidiiships, s more information, “if a stude e a problem College Republicars our situatioi former welfare mrv Co , HM1 vative welfare ref: lay start wjl to students and T community at 8:30d'BM 601. Call SarafialfiJ'i' tails. That's right Keystone, The Nature of the Rockies Just f? 1 Kfr JL per person Just opened! The Windows. Keystone’s new expert gladed terrain ! Save up to 35% on lodging with the Midweek Break Offer. Stay in a beautiful 2 bedroom condominium right in Keystone Resort, Sunday through Thursday, from just $312/person*. Includes four nights’ lodging and a 3-day Colorado Ticket. Call for details 1.888.754.8722 or visit our website at Keystone Resort, Colorado *Offer valid 2/11 - 4/3/99. Price quoted is for a Forest 2 bedroom and is based upon quad occupancy. Limited availability/inventory. Rates may not be available on all dates, all days of the week or for all lengths of stay. Not applicable to group/conference stays. Surcharge and taxes additional. Other restrictions may apply. Other discounted rates available after 4/3/99. Copyright 1999 Keystone Resort. MSC Hospitality presents Etiquette for the Workplace Panel & Discussion March 2, 1999 5:30-6:30pm MSC Flagroom A panel of professionals discuss proper eti quette for the next millennium. Subjects include tips on interviewing, proper business attire, entertaining do’s and don’ts, and many more helpful hints! Stwdmt Ttiqwettc V itmer March 1 & 3, 1999 6:45-9pm Faculty Club, Rudder Tower Come and enjoy a 7-course meal with instruction on proper dining. Sign up and pay at the tables by Rudder Fountain Feb. 22, 23, & 24. Cost is $8 per person. Spaces are limited to 50 each night. Class 2000 February 24th, 7 p.m. A&M vs. Oklahoma Class of 2000 Night at Reed Arena Support Aggie Basketball and win FREE prizes Check the web page for more details! ATTENTION STUDENTS Are You Interested in Sales or Consulting? Then you need to come to P.A.I.D.’s 2 < " , BUSINESS MEETING Tuesday, February 23rd, 1999 at RUDDER THEATER! GUEST SPEAKER: Gil Bautista Chief Consultant, IBM TOPIC: Consulting, Sales, and YOU! SPECIAL APPEARANCE BY THE CENTURY SINGERS DRESS: Business Attire (TIE) MEETING BEGINS AT 7:45 SHARP ALL MAJORS WELCOME Brought to you by: The Professional Association for Industrial Distribution 9 Out of 10 Kapil students get into one of their top-choi law schools. Compulition foi law sohuul la lough, mici your I RAT anare ann make all Ihflfllllw^i you nood lo tako Kaplan. For 60 yoarc, wo’vo holpod moro oludonlo golinlolaw^M other lost prop cumpanies combined. Thai's why wu'io llio Hi choice foi Taking the June LSAT? Classes begin in Aggieland February 28th 1 -800-KAP-TEST ‘LSAT l« m ropUlurotl ttadonmrk of Iho Lnw School Admiwlon Council. I DwfcfcvQokMtng GliMly ol slmlonls al llio lop 50 law tdraob. Call or check out our web site to study anywhere in I/'/ho Aaron Meier, Editor in chief Kasie Byers, Managing Editor Veronica Serrano, Night News Editor Robert Hynecek, Visual Arts Editor Marium Mohiuddin, Aggielife Editor Matt Weber, Sports Editor Lisa Kreick, Night News Editor Mike Puentes, Photo tt' 1 Manlsha Parekh, Opine - Beth Miller, City Editoi Riley LaGrone, Aggielif^* Jeremy Brown, Web Edit® Elizabeth Parian!, Radi?' Staff Members Appli MSC in th City - Assistant: Megan Wright; Carrie Bennett, Andrea Brockman, Ronda Cook, Jordan Davis, Meredith Night, Lisa Hill, Rachel Holland, Melissa Jordan, Amanda Palm, Amanda Smith, Emily Snooks, Jason Schneider, Non! Sridhara, Amanda Stirpe, Sallie Turner & April Young. Sports - Assistant: Doug Shilling; Travis Harsch, Santosh Venkataraman, Aaron Cohan, Al Lazarus, Grant Hawkins, Tom Kennedy, Jason Lincoln, Michael Taglienti, Jeff Schmidt, Jeff Webb, Ben Westbrook, Christi Bearden & Jason Schneider, Aggielife - Hina Patel, Scon Harris, Jeff Kempt, Kiffin Collins, Mariano Castillo, Jacob Huval, Bobbie Eftekhar, Kyle Whitacre, Stephen Wells, Amy Daugherty, Susan Overcash, Beth Focht, Jeff Schmidt & Michelle McNeely. Opinion - Christina Barrows, Lisa Foox, Brendan Guy, Zach News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Univeisity in the Division of Sa*?: Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: MW®; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For camprs ??' tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald,ani 1 ’? Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of' 1 ’'^.. tional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and 517.50 W* card, call 845-2611. The Battauon (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters ing the summer session (except Univeisity holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage P*' POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University.Cdiege- Hall, Glenn Janik, David Lee.CaM 1 ’ Mullen, Richard Paddack, Russell^ Demond Reid, Christian Robbins, Smith & Jason Starch. Photo - Kaihy Siempien,Shik1« ! '" ' Casas Terry Roberson & Esic . Graphics - Assistant: JP Beats; f?' Michael Wagener. Cartoonists - Gabriel Ruenes.' -' OeLuna. Mike Norfeldt,. Copy Editors - Caririo Casas, Daugherty, Danya Day, Bobbie f " Deidre Perkins, Merrisa SoneH 1 '' Page Designers- Lisa KreicL Re®- Webb, Jessica Wegener & Kyfe 11 Wha Appli Wha Top f at Va For