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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1999)
February 24-28, 1999 Film estival Feature Films Wednesday& Thursday, Feb. 24&25 Cinemark Hollywood 16 Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb.26,27&28 Rudder Theater Complex Speakers Friday, Feb. 26 Featured Speaker: Tim Me Canlies, Director of Dancer, TX Pop. 81 Workshops Wednesday, Feb. 24-Saturday, Feb. 27 FilmMaking, Screenwriting, Etc. For More Information about our schedule: Call 847-8478, Check out our Websites, or, or Check the Battalion in the next days. Tickets: $3.00-Individual Screening; $15.00- Festival Pass (All Screenings) Purchase tickets from the MSC Box Office (845-1234) Page 12 • Monday, February 22, 1999 News Movie Poster Sale!!! I KNOW WHAT I KNOW. WE COME & WE GO. IT’S IN THE BACK OF MY EYES ICONOGRAPHICS*ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS LARGESTTRAVEUN& MOVIE ROSTERSHOW ON THE PLANET Monday-Friday 9-5 February 22-26,1999 MSC Hallway Sponsored by the MSC Film Society of Texas A&M 4r For more Info, call 845-1515 Think fast! JPBMt X)U Melissa Telotte, a freshman general studies major, competes in a water ballon tossingpl the Wacky Olympics, which marked the end of Greek Week Saturday at Simpson DrillF- BY AM/J The Critic finds himself under WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas, the Republi can leader who led the drive in the House to impeach President Clin ton for lying under oath, now finds himself at the center of his own controversy over truthfulness. The media spotlight that fo cused on DeLay as he kept up a steady stream of Clinton criticism has turned into a glare recently as reporters have probed discrepan cies between statements he made in a legal proceeding and those on financial disclosure forms he is re quired to file as a member of Con gress. “Frankly, it’s my opinion he lied to me under oath,'' said Gerald DeNisco, the Houston lawyer who questioned DeLay during a 1994 deposition in a lawsuit filed against the congressman by a business partner. The former pest exterminator, who is viewed as the Republican most Democrats love to hate now that Newt Gingrich has exited the national stage, accuses Democrats of orchestrating the barrage of crit ical media coverage. “I am the most investigated man in America. They’re trying to bring me down,” DeLay, the No. 3 GOP House leader, said earlier this month. A citizens' College Slat members a City Count The man wht in Mcllhant gymnast Five College questions atouiCfers presente and whorepeaielly Secretai him to provide! rushing to ansv questions directe Generally loqua jority whip is brush', regarding a lawsm him in 1994byabi who claimed Deb partner were trying of the pest control! “We have ansi that,” DeLay toldaj porters in a bnei counter earlier th:.' 1 esting recall ice? with tl^ iup has 30 d es from at le al number < 10 had cast ns in the Me Swiki Ande smber, said 1 1 of the ma\ ? council bet nsideration liege Statio 5 their en arthgate pari- ent and the unson Avem “There are ntrolling ai ty Hall now [ere, we liv lich is supp ed. The vot tg to questi . ns of the Ci An indiviek ? mayor ant rs Ron Sib tvid Hiekso 11 be held if ough signal Mayor 1 ,yi ch of the cot nsidered foi ree opponei actions. & “My hope i: Id the elect “ ay,” M cl I ha I vays be at I th the deeds luncil. Base ve receivet A informed ed and wel Inframurals Tifness / Feafure Programs Aquafics Golf Course TAMU Outdoors Sport Intramurals Swim Meet Badminton Pickleball Handball Squash Registration Feb. 1 5—23 Feb. 1 5—23 Feb. 1 5—23 Feb. 22-Mar. 2 Feb. 22-Mar. 2 TAMU Outdoors Backpacking Trip Horseback/Hiki n g D a y ypp Event Date Feb. 26-28 Mar. 6 Now available, Rock ClimN.m • 3p.m. and 7p.m. b " 18 Oriental,on Clinics: Registration Feb. 1-23 Feb. 1 5- Mar. 2 Mon.—Fri. at Feature Programs • Getting the Most out of Your Exercise Program^ IVISIO, ergen ianage, fepares leans a port Clubs veurday, February 27 _ r Women's Rugby will be playing LSD at noon at the Rugby itc i. Men's Rugby will be playing the Univ. of Dallas at 2pm at t e , ugby • Men's Lacrosse will be playing Texas Tech at noon on S.mpsons DnllFietek Wrestling will be hosting the Southwest Regionals starting at am i Center. Women's Lacrosse will be playing Trinity Univ. at 10:30 am at Bonfire site. August 1999 Tr, p Sad and Dive the Bahamas Event Date Aug. 21- 27, 1999 May Break Trips Canoe the Bufkq 0 ^ iver Arkansas Registration Now- June 19 Event Date May 16-22 jRec S p O RTS For Information call 845-7826 or Visit our Homepage http://recsports.tamu.e u Check out our flyers for more details on our programs. Aquatics • Advanced Registration Jan. 25- April 26 Adult Lear h to s • Basic S.C.U.g A m Program Date Mar. 1-4 & Mar. 8-9 Mar. 22-25, 29-31 & Apr. 1 Registration Feb. 10-24 Feb. 23- Mar. 9 5:30pm in room 281, Chris Blume, physical therapist/^ athletic trainer, will explain why "weight training"" enhance your physical appearance and make youstro^ actually boost weight loss. • West African Dance and Drum Workshop icau Thiam, on Sat., Feb. 27 from 3:00-4:30pm in Ret rhythms and dances from Senegal, Mali, Guinea and^ • Strategies for Healthy Eating—March 1, 8, 22 and 10, 24 and 31, from noon to 1 pm. or 5:30 pm to6:1 Rec 255. 5 point eating plan and techniques for monil 1 consumption. Registration cost is $10. Please regist^ Services by 5 pm. Mar. 26. • Country Western Dance—six classes beginning W Tues. & Thurs. from 8:30-9:30 pm. Class size islimil^ pies. • Swing Dance—six classes beginning March 2, every! 1 / from 7:15-8:15 pm. Class size is limited to 15couple Contact DeAun Woosley at 862-3995 for more if ngeroi eather. BY APR I The B In an a lOwlndgi ds sev( #iise, the s b 73-th er p9 for Ti % states : jfnilar we For th Vernors 'dared warenes f