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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1999)
Page 2 • Friday, January 29, 1999 Campus The B; e Battalio Simel & Lewis By Mel TUBULARMAN BY B. CARDINALE Select washer, driers soon to accept Aggie Bui BY AMANDA STIRPE The Battalion Students looking to consolidate their quarters while enduring the task of doing laundry on campus may get their wishes when washers and driers accept Aggie Bucks in 25 percent of the laundry facili ties. The concept will be tested in three ar eas. The Special Services Building, for merly the Hospital, will accept Aggie Bucks in 20 washers and 20 driers. The A3 Lounge adjacent to Davis-Gary Hall will house seven washers and eight driers for AggieBuck use, and the Dorm Services Building in the Corps of Cadets area will accept Aggie Bucks in 38 wash ers and 40 driers. Jerry Smith, associate director of Resi dence Life, said discussion with students. Residence Hall Association and Student Government Association has been pro ceeding for four years. The acceptance of a new Aggie Bucks card that went into effect last year caused administrators to hesitate with installa tion of the washer/drier system. Smith said the concept of investment in a card system for the washers and dri ers that would be unavailable until later was the reason for the delay. Steven Pace, Aggie Card administrator, said the systems will be installed within 10 to 12 weeks, if not before then, to al low for shipment of parts and installation. Wiring washers and driers for Aggie Bucks has presented a problem for in stallation. Bob Piwonka, director of Student Fi nancial Services, said the Aggie Cards are designed to work in areas of large de mand. Piwonka said the panel for the cards are intended to service 10 to 15 machines, which causes a problem in halls with 3 to 4 washers or driers. He said the machines need a dedicat ed telephone line allowing card use in an area with a large number of machines. Pace said monetary issues are also prevalent concerning installation in areas with a small amount of machine: “We do not want to waste mo: the readers,” Pace said. “Wewa; the right reader for the small an machines. We think we found: readers.” Smith said a similar system stalled in washers and driers: Christian University. “We want to figure out a way more centralized laundry fa: Smith said. “1 do not foresee an cal problems unless the card work.” Pace said the Aggie Cardsyst starting point for expansion. “For us, this is mostly just: Pace said. "We’re looking all things on campus such as copie: ers, etc. We’re trying to makeilv venient.” Piwonka said the laundryfaci be monitored to test the popular card use. Possible expansionisa: “We always want to hear* dents want," Pace said. Spade Phillips, PI By Matt Kowalski WHY PIP ' I WAS HIK6P BY you TRY IA FORMER LOVER TO KIU- OF VOURS WHO CAMPUS CALENDAR SATURDAY Association of Baptist Students: We will have a hayride at 5 p.m. at the ABS Center located at 410 College Main. Call David at 846- 3223 for more information. SUNDAY Alpha Phi Omega: There will be a general meeting at 1 p.m. in Rudder 601. Come to the first pledge meeting of Alpha Phi Omega to join or learn more. MONDAY Aggie Guide Dogs and Service Dogs: There will be a spring in troductory meeting at 6 p.m. at the Veterinary Medical School 201, located at the corner of Uni versity and Agronomy drives. Call Hollie at 775-2243 for more in formation. Texas A&M Taekwondo Team: There will be a meeting to dis cuss upcoming events and plans for the semester at 9 p.m. in G.Rollie White room 263. Call Robert at 693-3516 for more in formation. Laredo Hometown Committee: There will be a general meeting at 8 p.m. in MSC 292B. Please call Sara Martinez at 847-0453 for more details. TUESDAY Texas A&M Mens Rugby: There will be practice from 7-9 a.m. at the Rugby Field by the polo fields behind the Zachry parking lot. All male students welcome. No ex perience necessary. Cali Lucas at 696-0789 for more informa tion. Society for Human Resource Management: There will be a meeting at 7:15 p.m. in 130 Wehner. Call Amanda at 694- 1225 for more information. TAMU Skydiving Club: There will be a meeting at 7 p.m. at Jason’s Deli. Anyone interested is wel come to attend. Call Kristen at 696-1264 for more information. Texas A&M Mens Rug will be practice from?-! the Rugby Reid bythep: behind the Zachry paiti male students welcort perience necessary. C« at 696-0789 for morel tion. WEDNESDAY Agnostic and Atheist Student Group: There will be a discussion of morality in Rudder 402 at 8:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. Contact Jason Romero at 731-1126 for more in formation. Aggies Up All Night: There will be an informational meeting on the upcoming event of February 26- 27 to benefit the Children’s Mira cle Network of the Brazos Valley. For more information contact Chelette at 847-2622. International Student) tion: There will be a meeting at7 p.m.inRuo Call Regina at 26W more details. TAMU Cancer Soclet) will be a general mee: p.m. in 404 Rudder. THURSDAY Texas Aggie Motorcyc We wi 11 meet to talk, ride a a good time at Eugene’s. Call Mark : 8204 for more informa* RICE UNIVERSITY WIESS SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCES OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATE STUDY The Wiess School of Natural Sciences at Rice University pro vides excellent opportunities for graduate study in a wide range of outstanding research programs with prominent faculty men tors. The departmental programs include Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Chemistry, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Geology & Geophysics, Mathematics, Physics, and Space Physics & Astronomy. In addition, interdisciplinary programs are avail able in several areas (e.g.. Applied Physics). Competitive stipends, outstanding faculty and programs, combine to create an atmosphere of stimulation and engagement for graduate study. For additional information, visit our Web page at (with links to information on each Department and interdisciplinary graduate programs) or send e-mail to The Southern Regional Conference on Student Community Service invites you and your organization to become a part in our mission of promoting service and community involvement to college students in the southern region. Texas A&IVI University and MSC Hospitality, a service organization in the Memorial Student Center, is honored to host the second annual event at the George Bush Presidential Library and Conference Center. An estimated 200 stu dents are expected to convene Feburary 5th thru the 7th to share ideas, learn from each other’s successes and failures, and foster relationships so that they may work together to promote social change in the southern region. A $50 registration fee includes: Four meals, a t shirt, outreach activities, an oppurtunities fair, workshops, a night out and the opportunity to hear Robert K.. Goodwin, President and CEO of the Points of Light Foundation speak on service. The last day to register is Wednesday Feb. 3 bv 5:00 nin Southern Regional Community Service For more Information or to register call JL IVISC Hospitality at 845-1 SIS ONLINE COMPUTER SUPPORT Part-Time positions available! Looking for a professional job that offers flexible hours? Universal Computer Systems is hiring part-time students to work with clients by using problem solving skills to answer questions relating to Online soft ware. • No computer or online experience necessary • Ability to work 15-35 hours per week • Flexible work hours • Work in a professional business setting • Business casual dress requirements • Possible opportunity for full-time upon graduation The Online Support team needs individuals who are reliable, enthusiastic, and are motivated to learn. Non-smokers only. EOE. To find out more about these positions, please call our Recruiting department or visit our website. UCS Inc. 1-800-883-3031 UCS hires non-tobacco users only E.O.E. a\ TICK .260-2660 ' -b ’b *Tr 7258 University Drive ;ets go on sale Monday 3pm MON Feb 1 TUES Feb 2 WED Feb 3 THUR Feb 4 SUN Feb 7 CHEM 107 4-6 PM CH 1 &2 CH 3&4 CAPA Prac Exams RHYS 218 6-8 PM CH 34 CH 35 CH 36 CH 1&2 CHEM 102 8-10 PM CH 15 A CH 15 B CH 16 Prac Exams RHYS 202 10PM- 12 AM CH 18 CH 19 CH 20 Prac Exams CHEM 101 All 4-6 PM CH 1&2 CH 3 CH 4 Prac Exams F1NC 341 Ron 6-8 PM Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V CHEM 102 SOR1AGA 8-10 PM CH 15 A CH 15 B CH 15 C Prac Exams RHYS 208 10PM- 12 AM CH 22 CH 23 CH 24 CH 25 ; 7-10PM Prac Exams RHYS 201 SAT 3-6 ch FEB 6 PM 1.2&3 SUN 3-6 Ch FEB 7 PM 3&4 Business Student Council Career Fair Explore Your Future Feb. 15-18 Lowry Mays College & Graduate School of Busif Informational Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 2 Wednesday, Feb. 3 rm. 113 @ 9:00 rm. 118 @ 8:00 Company Signups Sunday, Feb. 7 2:00-4:00 Wehner Building by the elevators *** Jf you sign up to host a company you must attend one of the two mandatory meetings Mandatory Meetings Tuesday, Feb. 9 Thursday, Feb. 11 rm. 113 @ 9:00 rm. 125 @ 8:00 - II 105 YEARS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Aaron Meier, Editor in chief Kasie Byers, Managing Editor Veronica Serrano, Night News Editor Robert Hynecek, Visual Arts Editor Marium Mohiuddin, Aggielife Editor Matt Weber, Sports Editor Lisa Kreick, Night News Editor Mike Puentes, Photo Edito Manisha Parekh, Opinion Edito' Beth Miller, City Editor Riley LaGrone, Aggielife Editor Jeremy Brown, Web Editor Elizabeth Parian!, Radio Product \t( Staff Members Hall, Glenn Janlk, David Lee, Caleb McDaniel Mullen, Richard Paddack, Russell Page, Mark^ Demond Reid, Christian Robbins, Luke Sa#^ Smith & Jason Starch. Photo - Kathy Stempien, Sallie Turner, Guy R^ Casas Terry Roberson & Eric Newnam. Graphics - Assistant: JP Beato; Mark McPl» Michael Wagener. ■ City - Assistant: Megan Wright; Carrie Bennett, Andrea Brockman, Ronda Cook, Jordan Davis, Meredith Hight, Lisa Hill, Rachel Holland, Melissa Jordan, Amanda Palm, Amanda Smith, Emily Snooks, Jason Schneider, Non! Sridhara, Amanda Stirpe, Sallie Turner & April Young. Sports- Assistant: Doug Shilling; Travis Harsch, Santosh Venkataraman, Aaron Cohan, Al Lazarus, Grant Hawkins, Tom Kennedy, Jason Lincoln, Michael Taglienti, Jeff Schmidt, Jeff Webb, Ben Westbrook, Christi Bearden & Jason Schneider, Aggieliee - Hina Patel, Scott Harris, Jeff Kempt, Kifein Collins, Mariano Castillo, Jacob Huval, Bobbie Eftekhar, Kyle Whitacre, Stephen Wells, Amy Daugherty, Susan Overcash, Beth Focht, Jeff Schmidt & Michelle McNeely. Opinion - Christina Barrows, Lisa Foox, Brendan Guy, Zach News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student PubfaW' 1 Department of Journalism, News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Far:; Website: Advertising: Publicabon of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and naW 1 tising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours a«' Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The Battalion. Fi#' bonal copies 254. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the summer. W card, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday ttrof ing the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at College SK 1 ' POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station,IT 0 t\ Cartoonists - Gabriel Ruenes, Victor Van DeLuna, Mike Norfeldt, Copy Editors - Carifio Casas, Ronda Cook,*' Daugherty, Danya Day, Bobbie Eftekhar,f 1 ’ Deidre Perkins, Merrisa Sonnier & Amands Page Designers- Lisa Kreick, Rouchyra Vinol Webb, Jessica Wegener & Kyle Whitacre. ti tc