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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1999)
: Banal i A GGIELIFE ^Page^Sj^^dnesda^Januar^Tj^lQQ^ Zelda 64 creates fantasy for next generation "encer Musashi breaks ground in creativity car. 5 fun of the: heir 100th gre ving Traffic £ Services, nu i e no-car blue nay not app': hat is notthf: Ruben Deluna/Tiik Battalion Zelda 64 Console: N64 Category: Adventure/RPG Developer: Nintendo In 1986, Nintendo produced an adventure game .. . . lat shaped the way adventure and role playing ' ames would be made forever. The game, Legend ^ f Zelda, made words like Link, Gannon, Triforce nd Hyrule common for countless fans. Since then, ' i !S v . firei other games have been released in the series. 'E 11111 'he small adventure game spawned a global sue- iuldreq« fes 1 forNintendo i car, stan /■he most recent of these is Zelda 64, which has 1 " ’ ! unuu ‘ iddtd to the success of Nintendo’s current system, the future. ^ ^54 since Zelda 64’s release, Nintendo has said he has een a g oonl i n the sale of N64 systems numbering itive aspeii j ve )i mes mote than before its release. Ninety per- car. ;ent of systems are now sold with Zelda 64. v one thing,: ®he game is huge, with many quests, secrets r, it definitelynci action. Link is now in a polygonal 3-D world ? said. oSling the evil forces of Gannondorf through the mystical lands of Hyrule. Tlie gameplay of Zelda 64 is surprisingly easy to _______^earjn, which was intended, so many younger play- ars wouldn’t have much trouble learning the game, 'a renOliy n ]j| <e mos t other 3-D, third person games, Zelda ^^Joes not have a jump feature. The character au to dealershipl nrnatically jumps when he reaches a ledge, taking will learn ourc u t the frustration many gamers feel at complicated bute and me" .q jumping. 'rough biday ; storyline, along with the gameplay, is inter- mg term °PL sting and incredibly addictive. The usual dun- irpersonne • ?ons an( j puzzles the Zelda series is known for are resent and, while complicated, never prove im- ossible for the dedicated player. Side quests and ghting add to the already fun gaming experience n f saving Hyrule. Overall, the game is fun, massive and challeng- g. Just try not to skip too many history classes in pur quest to reunite the THforce. (Grade: A +) rtment — Kyle Whitacre Graphic Courtesy Of Squaresoft Brave Fencer Musashi Console: Sony Play Station Category: Action/RPG Developer: Squaresoft Squaresoft is known for putting out the best role-playing games (RPG). Aside from the Final Fantasy series, they have produced such hits as Se cret of Mana, Bushido Blade and Chrono Trigger. In Fall ’98, Squaresoft released several RPGs, each being totally different from the other while managing to stay in the same genre. Brave Fencer Musashi was one of these released, and while the gameplay is nothing new, whoever wrote the story was not taking their medication. While the King and Queen are absent, the Allu- caneet Kingdom is attacked by its fierce neighbor, the Thirstquencher Empire. In her parent’s absence, Princess Fillet uses an ancient hero summons spell to teleport a hero to the kingdom. What she gets is a 10-year-old, pur ple-haired ninja warrior named Musashi. The game is odd and quirky, but very fun. While containing a story and theme of an RPG, the game is pretty much action. Musashi uses his two swords to battle evil mon sters while running and jumping through different areas and solving puzzles. He also uses his swords to assimilate and use the attacks of enemies, a very unique feature that adds to the depth. While gameplay is not special, it is the wacki ness of the game that sets it apart. Things like zombie bowling, mutant potted plants and fruity librarians keep the game interest ing and entertaining. What other game lets the player beat up cute little animals for “Hit Points?” Overall, Brave Fencer Musashi is a very light and simplistic action/RPG but is still a blast to play and interesting to follow. (Grade: B) — Kyle Whitacre se 5-7 p.m. not a journali 1 are still > nSl ip fields wi jlJPPO /ailabie Making a difference has always been a matter of applying yourself. Here’s where to apply. : Re-pre-se-'nt^tive-s will be. 041 (UnwtpMs i4t Fe-briAtiryf!!! \lisif O'Ur we.bsite. for wore, i'nfor o^h. Assignments available in • Education • Business • Community Services • Health & Nutrition • Environmental Consulting • Agriculture • " . 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Over 700 employers AHEAD | j I WBfy II be on camp Aggies for internships & full-time positions - don't miss out! Register on-line with the Career Center to participate in on-campus interviewing, resume referrals, and job databases. Career Center 209 Koldus 845-5139 an emergency, . §#> _ M : mi f- JJ I see you soon, Sometimes it is a child awakening with a high fever. Or a toe stubbed in the dark during a midnight raid on the refrigerator. Or a knee twisted in an over zealous game of touch football. Or the product of too much fun on Friday Night. Or the complications of chest pains that frighten you into next Tuesday. Whatever prompts you to seek immediate medical treatment, we’re here to help. The Emergency Department at College Station Medical Center puts patients with physicians in a matter of minutes. Serious cases are seen first, but everyone is treated promptly with courtesy and respect. Our staff of specially trained doctors, nurses and ER technicians are on duty around the clock to meet the growing needs of a growing community. This team of professionals is committed to treat patients like family. That means no needless delays, no nonessential rules during situations of crisis. Of course, for both patient and facility, there will be some paperwork. Our goal, however, is to treat the trauma, then finish the forms. Most patients give us high scores for handling their situation with consideration and urgency*. And we are constantly reviewing our performance to find ways to shorten the wait and improve our response to emergencies. We hope you never need us. But if you do, we’re always open and easy to find. There is plenty of parking, a caring staff on standby and the resources of a multi-discipline hospital at your service. COLLEGE STATION MEDICAL CENTER SQ Rock Prairie Road ilea Miles and minutes closer *A recent Gallup poll of ER patients indicates our scores have moved up from 88% "satisfied” to 93% "satisfied’ But we ’ll not be satisfied until that number is 100%. e Hours? , work with c :lating to Onli ary aduation able, enthusiajl joiitmoreaW 1 mr website- pirect from sexy. Tango Buenos Aires wins raves in Los Angeles! f'Tango Buenos Aires stays gloriously lurid md pulls its finale fireworks from South American folk culture - specifically the yoleadoras, a wild and obviously dangerous rope-whirling display." Jy Lewis Segal .os Angeles Times Tango Buenos Aires Osvaldo Requena, Musical Director