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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1998)
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Owned & operated by Schulman’s Classes of ‘48, ‘79, ‘80, ‘91 EXPERIENCE THE MAGIC OF MOVIES AT COLLEGE PARK 6 An Aggieland Tradition since 1926 2080 E. 29th St., Bryan 775-2463 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:30 Now Showing - Today's Times Only R0NIN (R) CD 1:10 4:05 7:00 9:40 ROUNDERS (R) CD 1:05 3:55 7:05 9:45 THERESSOWEMIG/MARY (R)CD1:35 4:15 7:10 9:50 RUSH HOUR (PG13)Sn 1:30 4:10 7:20 9:40 EVER AFTER (PG13) CD 1:15 3:50 7:15 9:35 BLADE (R) 1:00 4:00 7:00 9:45 $3.00 - Children/Seniors/All shows before 6 pm $5.00 - Adults after 6 pm Vice President for Student Affairs and Department of Student Activities Invite you to a Retirement Reception honoring Dr. Carolyn Adair Director Emeritus, Student Activities* Saturday, September 26, 1998 6:00 p.m. (prior to the North Texas football game) MSC 206 Since Dr. Adair retired on May 31 when many students were gone, we wanted to provide this opportunity to congratulate her. *Board of Regents designation on September 24 ENTRY-LEVEL MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES SOME PEOPLE CALL YOUR NEED FOR STIMULATION OVER THE TOP. 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If unable to attend, please fax resume to: (512) 912-9381 Visit our Web site at: Wc are an equal opportunity employer. | Enterprise rent-a-car Page 2 • Friday, September 25, 1998 c ampus Simel & Lewis By Mell Caliente Battalic CHooSE YOOP 0U nJ SI IAZL % LE V)1S ADVENTURE X VAS CALLED U&fcE To D1FF0S6 THIS MUC LEAP- VJEAPOkl. VJWICH WlfU SHOULD PUPPL6-G0X0© BLUE - Goto w BLACK - Goto Q RED-GOTO 0 Continued from I UAS ABOUT to test 0d& OF MY INVEMnoMS. VJHICH iaivention? . .. * Or .XJMOOO - GOTO ® •TI/Y1E machine-Goto (7) .l just )T0/Air.AaY E^HAMCCh M-rocks! vjould V0U LIKE To tHY Some? created these ENH YE S - Goto QD M0, LET OS cook AT YOU* rH&R. idVENTloNS’Goto © Emanuel Albarado, dent of Sigma Lambdi they welcome any won panic descent. “The one main quest application is asking tin means to them to be Hi barado said. Both winners will ree scholarship for the spring Nancy Alvarez, mer. Kappa Delta Chi sororir, sociology major, said it Festival is a good w, everybody together. "This festival is a of achievements perspective goals m body on a common< sis," she said. our Regents Continued from Pud fighty m little to home tc little over irev.ed with ■very Shir ■ Brewery Jhe Spoe erman ted a bet ■lo million) YEAks HYTO THE FUTUft-E - Goto © 3 MINUTES into the PAST-Goto © Lechner Hall marks 10th anniversary with reunion for past, present residents BY PATRICK PEABODY The Battalion The first Lechner Hall reunion will be held Saturday. It has been 10 years since Lechner first housed students, and the Honors department decided the anniver sary would be the perfect time for a reunion. Heidi Bludau, an adviser in the Honors Office and former res ident of Lechner Hall, is coordi nating the reunion. “The idea of having a reunion really sparked some interest in the Honors Department,” he said, “and an anniversary this year seemed like a perfect time to have it.” Bludau said they are expecting a good turnout for the first reunion. “We sent out invitations to everyone we had addresses for,” Bludau said, “which was around 1,500 former and present residents, and we are expecting around 250 people to come. That doesn’t seem like many, but it is a good start.” Sam Keen, the president of Lechner Hall and a freshman chemical engineering major, said he is looking forward to the reunion. “I think it is a really great idea,” Keen said. “We get to see all of the students that were here before us. We get to see where they ended up and perhaps where we might end up. The for mer residents are like a pilot pro gram for us, and we can see some of what is in store for us.” Bludau said the reunion will be more of a family reunion than just a dorm reunion. “The honors students form close bonds at Lechner, and we become a family,” he said. “The former residents coming back will see some of their traditions carried on, and they will be able to see what has changed.” Keen said the reunion should be helpful for the freshmen this year. “They will be able to see how other Lechner residents succeed ed,” Keen said. “It will fire them up and help them focus on their studies. 1 really hope this becomes an annual event.” The reunion will be held Sat urday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the east side of the Academic Building. There will be a barbe cue, and at 4:30 Dr. Finnell, exec utive director of the Honors Pro gram, will introduce some of Walter Lechner’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Walter Lechner donated money to the dorm, which was opened in the Fall of 1988. Sayavedra said a larg-j Hispanic high-schools admitted but did noteit of lower financial packii; “[House Bill] 588ha:j pact of minority enrol the impact we had hope: dra said. “We need tot financial packages." Sayavedra outline:] prong attack” forentolj First, Sayavedra saidi needs to increase retenr: Second, the systemoe involved in an aggressrel ment campaign. The ffflj this process is Sept, school recruitment fond all institutions will setif| to show students whais versity has to offer. Third, the systemnee:j closely with elementanj and high schools toeffij versity expectationsijii sions process. Finally, Sayavedra saiij versities need to ensure!! rolh 'gi indents havetakfl) level classes instead oh classes because onlyonei students graduate in senil with a junior collegebaesjj The Board of RegentsS the issue in closed sessioi reconvene today at 8:301 remem [ntries. T1 Iter Brew letzl Brew jp a “ho ’ brew. ” In 1914, 1 ttos Spo< |v master > 4** ■o la Clinton matte hit house in Ocf WASHINGTON (AP)-t' the House Judiciary Comm! today that legislators wou: er any information relevait dent Clinton’s fitness foil though there are nocurrert expand an impeachmenti| yond the Monica LewinsTj Rep. Henry Hyde, R!,f committee would vote onar of inquiry in the first full wL tober. If approved, theft|[ would likely vote that samel | opening an impeachment '® CATCH THE BIG 12 ON PAY-PER-VIEW r v ^ - ' me I :«>!>!INCH V **» 'V REEF WORLD YOUR LOW PRICE STORE FOR SALTWATER FISH, LIVE ROCK, CORALS AND SUPPLIES X- 1 Buy one fish, get second fish at 50% off Second fish must be of equal or lesser value ill !' 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All Rights Reserved WWW.foXSpOrlS.COnt 105 YEARS AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSE Aaron Meier, Managing EdiW Travis Irby, Aggielife Editor Brandon Bollom, Photo Editof Laura Stuart, Radio Producer Jeremy Brown, Web Editor Jeff Webb, Sports Editor Quatro Oakley, Night News Mandy Cater Graeber, Editor in chief Kasie Byers, Aggielife Editor Brad Graeber, Visual Arts Editor David Johnston, Opinion Editor Andrew Bailey, Radio Producer Jeff Schmidt, Sports Editor Matt Weber, Night News Editor News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M Uiwe s Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices: 1 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2641; Website: Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorser/ Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For class' - tising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hoi# to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pic/ copy of The Battalion. First copy free, additional copies 25t. Mail subscriptions are $60per®' $30 for the fall or spring semester, $17.50 for the summer or $10 a month. Tocto# MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday dun# spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except U/ idays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Periodicals Postage Paid at Collet' 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonaH Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-1111.