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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1998)
eT cetera Ihursday’Mai Pepsi fan suspended on Coke Day EVANS, Ga. (AP) — Ifyour high school guidance counselor was right and there is such a thing as “your permanent record," this is going on Mike Cameron's: In 1998, he was suspended for wearing a Pepsi T-shirt on Coke Day. School officials say the shirt was an in sult to visiting Coca-Cola executives and ruined a school picture in which students spelled out “Coke.” Cameron says it was just a joke. “In my eyes, I didn’t do anything wrong,” the 19-year-old senior said Wednesday while serving his one-day suspension. “I know it sounds bad — ‘Child sus pended for wearing Pepsi shirt on Coke Day,”’ said Gloria Hamilton, principal of Greenbrier High School in Evans, about 130 miles east of Atlanta, the world head quarters of Coca-Cola. “It really would have been acceptable if it had just been in-house, but we had the regional president here and people flew in from Atlanta to do us the honor of being resource speakers. These students knew we had guests.” Friday’s Coke in Education Day was part of Greenbrier’s effort to win a $500 local contest run by the Coca-Cola Bot tling Co. of Augusta and a national con test with a $10,000 prize. Cameron wore a blue-and-white- striped T-shirt with a small Pepsi logo un derneath another shirt. He waited until just before the picture was taken to re move his outer shirt, Mrs. Hamilton said. “It’s not a Coke-Pepsi war issue,” she said. “It has nothing to do with that. It was a student deliberately being disruptive and rude.” The Coke executives did not even see Cameron’s T-shirt and were not offended by the prank, said company spokesper son Diana Garza. “It’s not a Coke-Pepsi war issue.... It was a student deliberately being disruptive and rude. > ’ Gloria Hamilton Principal of Greenbrier High School “The kid did what a kid does,” Garza said. “We have people coming into the World of Coca-Cola here in Atlanta wear ing Pepsi shirts.” Pepsi spokesperson Brad Shaw said, “Without knowing all the details, it sounds like Mike’s obviously a trendset ter with impeccable taste in clotlies. We’re going to make sure he’s got plenty of Pep - si shirts to wear in the future once we track him down.” After getting caught, Cameron was sent to the principal’s office, where he said Hamilton “talked about how im portant that day was to the school and that I might have cost the school 10 grand.” The Coke contest offers $500 to the Columbia County school that comes up with the most creative method of distributing promotional discount cards to students. In addition to the school picture, Greenbrier officials invited a Coke marketing executive to address eco nomics students, had chemistry stu dents analyze the sugar content of Coke and used a Coca-Cola cake recipe in home economics. “In the past, when kids have decided to ruin a school picture — occasionally we have some who decide that’s the time to do an obscene gesture — they’ve been given six days of suspension,” the princi pal said. “So it’s not a new situation.” Hazel Lanier, who was picking up her granddaughter at school Wednes day, said she thought the punishment was too severe. “We do teach independence in this country, don’t we?” she asked. “The last thing we need is to teach conformity.” What’s Up Thursday Graduate Fellowship of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF): Bible study for graduate and non-tradition- al students, followed by fellowship will be held at 7:30 p.m. See our web site for location and map at I. Call Mark or Jennifer at 764-1552. ATM Womens Rugby: Come join! No experience needed. Practices are from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the pitch on the corner of Texas Ave. and Univer sity Dr. Call Nikki at 694-0084 for in formation. Association on Baptist Students: A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. at 410 College Main. Call Bobby at 846-3223 for details. Alpha Phi Omega: Meet to go to the Boy’s Club at 3:30 p.m. in 133 Koldus. Catholic Students Association: There will be a daily mass at 12:05 p.m. in the All Faith’s Chapel. Aggie Speleological Society: A meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 146 Koldus. Call Travis at 693-4088. Resurrection Week: There will be a general meeting at 7 p.m. in 502 Rudder. Pagan Student Association: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. ATM Roadrunners: There will be a meeting in front of G. Rollie White at 5:30 p.m. today. We will run 3-4 miles, and everyone is welcome. Call Steve at 847-7905. Soka Gakkai International (TAMU Buddhist Student Chapter): There will be a discussion on "EshoFuni: A Buddhist View of Re lationship of Humankind and Envi ronment” at 7:30 p.m. in the me diation room of the Chapel. Call Elena Lim at 845-3777 for details. What’s Up Is a Battalion service that lists non-profit student and fac ulty events and activities. Items should be submitted no later than three days in advance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the news room at 845-3313. The color of money irs GREG MCREYW-- Collin Young, a senior construction science major, relaxes while playing pool at the: after a presentation on Wednesday afternoon. IMPROVE YOUR WEALTH- BY SHARING YOUR HEALTH iwm. 576 8 K1594© 11 K 15940576 B 11 II ■SBt’ 11 Here are 81 good reasons to become a plasma donor at Westgate Plasma Center: $80 dollars in your first two weeks, and you save lives. If you have any questions about donating Plasma or wish to set up an appointment please call us at 268-6050. ***VALUABUE COUPONS*** NEW & DONORS: off program for 6 months: Receive an extra $5 on your second donation. I CURRENT DONORS: I Receive an extra $10 I when you bring in a I friend and they donate I four times in their * first 2 weeks. ■ OLD DONORS: I Receive an extra $5 on I your next donation if you I haven’t donated in 2 or I more months. i i i 1998 Summer School On-Campus Housing Residence Halls Rate* Moore (men) Corridor double occupancy private $314.00 $471.00 Moses (women) Corridor double occupancy private $314.00 $471.00 FHK Complex (coed) Balcony double occupancy private $335.00 $503.00 Hughes Apartment double occupancy $522.00 * Prices per summer session. Applications available beginning March 1998 at: Housing Assignments Office 101 YMCA Building College Station, TX 77843-1258 (409) 845-4744 or toll free: (888) 451-3896 * All assignments will be made according to application dates, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Women's Week Town Hall Meet “What will bi the legacy oi women at Texas AM An open discussion moderated by Dr. Karan! Today - noon - Rudder FRg^JAN improvisationcd comedy I don’t get it. Fri & Sat, March 27 & 28 10 p.m. Dixie Theatre (doors open @ 8pm) Tickets are $6 available in advance at Rother’s Bookstores, Marooned Records, and Doublequick Food Stores Q~7 Campus Tux Party at Wings iF More Across from the campus on Texas Ave. Starts Today from 11 am to 4pm OJ, Barb Flares will be broadcasting live 11-1 Visit Al’s Mobile Tuxedo Store for an-site rental reservations until 4pm. It's easy & fun...or come to the Harvey Rd. store. An Aggie Tradition since 1957 FORMAL WEAR IWO Harvey Rd. next to Post Dak Mall.... 409-G93-0947 wmh See store for details. Some restrictions apply, expires 4/25/98 Register to Win the Ultimate Ring Dante Date • A Tuxedo from Al’s Formal Wear • Dinner at Outback Steakhouse • Flowers by University Flowers • Hair by Dana at Couffieurs • Nails by Nails Magnifiq ATtW Tiffany Inbody, Editof Helen Clancy, CopyCf Brad Graeber, Visual^ Robert Smith, City Edit Jeremy Furtick, Sports Jeff Webb, Sports Edit James Francis, Aggieli Mandy Cater, Opinion E Ryan Rogers, Photo EC Chris Huffmes, Radio Pt® Sarah Goldston, Radio Dusty Moer, Web Editor Aaron Meier, Night Ne 1 ^ News: The Battalion news department is fi'' Texas A&M Univeisity in tlie Division olW the Department of Journalism. News dW McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 8ft® mail: Website: littp://P Advertising: endorsement by The Battalion. For campus.® advertising, call 845-2696. FordassMaS" Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDoe a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Faik' Subscriptions: A part of the Student Se«" A&M student to pick up a single copyofltt? tions are $60 per school year, $30 fortheW' $17.50 for the summer. To charge by Visa, 1 '-. American Express, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is pubBtf Friday during the tali spring semesters aarifc' during the summer session (except Unwrsitf 7 ods) at Texas A&M Univeisity. Second das ffi- Station, IK 77840. Postmaster: Send ad® Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald BuiWi College Station, TX 77843-1111.