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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1998)
Nation Wednesday • March 1 Former volunteer gives testimony fciinton accepts apoli WASHINGTON (AP) — Kath leen Willey, accompanied by an FBI agent assigned to the office of Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr, appeared Tuesday before a federal grand jury that wants to know more about an encounter she had with President Clinton. Starr’s office has indicated a special interest in Willey, accord ing to news reports, to determine whether she was asked by some one with ties to the administra tion to alter her account of the November 1993 meeting with the president. A former White House volun teer, Willey was likely to be ques tioned about whether she was urged to deny that Clinton made an unsolicited sexual advance during their meeting. She was seeking a paid job at the time be cause her family had desperate financial problems. Her husband had committed suicide the day she met with Clinton, although Willey did not know about his death at the time. Willey was one of the few wit nesses in the seven-week grand jury investigation to show up at the federal courthouse here in the company of Starr’s investiga tors rather than private attor neys. Her attorney, Dan Gecker, did not return repeated phone calls to his office in Richmond, Va. Willey declined to speak with reporters as she was spirited into a car to be driven away after a full day of testimony. “ABC News” and Newsweek have reported that Nathan Landow, a Democratic fund rais er from Maryland, urged Willey to deny that Clinton made a sex ual advance. Landow has denied he did so, contending that he knew Willey through his daughter, a White House volunteer, and his son-in- law, Michael Cardozo — a trustee of the president’s first legal de fense fund. FBI warns parents about Internet dangers WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Director Louis Freeh, briefing lawmakers on the bu reau’s efforts to combat child pornography on the Internet, urged the public Tuesday to become more aware of the computer tech nology’s clandestine dangers. Freeh and other witnesses told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee that the best way to prevent unsuspecting children from becoming victims of computer-sawy sexu al predators is to teach them and their par ents safe Internet and on-line practices. “Any contact with a voice on the Internet is unknown contact,” Freeh told the panel, chaired by Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., that helps decide Justice Department funding. “You don’t know who you’re speaking to because anybody can be anybody on the Internet.” Linda Hooper, the FBI agent in charge of its Baltimore field office, said parental su pervision was “most important” when a child surfs the Internet or signs on to an on line service. She said parents should keep the family computer in a high-traffic area of the home, such as a kitchen, where a child is less like ly to engage in sex chatter, and not in a bed room where a child can close the door. Hooper also said parents should warn chil dren never to give out personal information or meet anyone they’ve contacted through the Internet without parental approval. Freeh told lawmakers the FBI was putting to good use the additional $10 mil lion Congress put in its 1998 budget for the Innocent Images program, a nationwide initiative to combat child pornography on the Internet and the sexual exploitation of children. Journalist admits Troopergate’ sources questk WASHINGTON (AP) — President Clinton has accepted an apology from the journalist who wrote the article that sparked Paula Jones’ sexual ha- son said today. Clinton’s reaction came mer American Spectator David Brock apologized to ( tioned the credibility of the used in his 1993 article. apology,” White House spoke; Jim Kennedy said. Brock, writing in Esquire, wasn’t hot for this story in the of good government or serioi nalism. I wanted to pop you (( right between the eyes." Brock’s initial article gave a 1 count of the Clintons’ behavic Bill Clinton was Arkansas gc The story was based largely o views with state troopers and come known as'Trooperf. to a woman knownonfyartftr-] whom ('.Union allegedlyh-l ward meeting in a hotelr •esident Jc ones 1; [iter came fonvard # j current fi ed in' rself publicly andtim j tkesper- h arassi nent suit against0:1 j Sub: sequently, it wai j fter for- L ewins ky’s testimony in \ eporter c ase th .it prompted White,■yH inton in e< cutor Kenneth Starr to :l lition of Vl estiga tion into whetherG j le ques- a: n affai i with Lewinsky an 'I q a ces he tc ) lie at lout it in a swornde c In hi is letter of apology Ji icle and he was lipped off to there. I Brock’s jo ir coni ributor to GOPACii tq >person ti' ve pol itieal act ion comm id j et J by Re ■publican HouseSi sej said, “I G ingric h. The donor pins \l interest tc lucli with CliIT Jackson ts il is jour- C linton critic in Arkansas 'st Hinton) hi ini to i the troopers heer.usl te rview ed. ien arid ac- Brock said he never skit i ir when visceral hatred” of many ok vernor. detractors, "but I didreptf 1 n inter- first Democratic presiden: th; e, as an ideological threes ier| cM :;k . o r for discriminating tastes... French Chef Gerard Bruele mastered our smoothie recipes using only the finest,, fresh, exotic fruits. Come and get energized to the top of the ^world! 601 University Dr. (Next to Subway) Junkie Card Buy 4 Smoothies and get one free oooo 44 CIO’s lPI$K*a Come Join Us For Lunch” » FAST IN » FAST OUT » LARGEST VAKIETy OF FRESH PIZZA 99^ (Thin Crust and Solan Dot Dish), Garlic Cheese Bread, Baked Pasta, Pi/za Rolls Salad Bar, 4 Different Desserts Free Drink Refills a nd UmversiyDf George Bui h Dr. CiCi's I Harvey Rd. ANY SPECIAL PIZZA REQUEST! 1713 S. 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