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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1998)
i iy • Marc Texas A & M University KSBrnUBBSOUttL I th YEAR • ISSUE 105 • 10 PACES COLLEGE STATION • TX 58 TODAY TOMORROW FRIDAY • MARCH 6 • 1998 tudent Senate creates Governance Council luetta By Stacey Becks I Staff writer s e Student Senate Wednesday hf created a Governance Coun- it gives the executive board of tudent Government Associa- nfluence over the implemen- 'i ofc tnstitulional hills. ^yan Atkinson, a senator and a >r computer science major, he bill will increase communi- itwastn between the Student Senate heBxecutive council. ?mbero:.ight now if the Student Senate nd poo: :ueefforj p porter I 1-j v ^ that 50' ,andic Briefs m '^.rtoonist to paint •ncystrjral at Post Oak dies in: cartoon artist and literacy advo- willpaint a mural today and Sat- / at Post Oak Mall to promote lit- efforts in the Bryan-College on community. nil Yeh, the founder of Cartoon- Across America and the World, provide comedy entertainment paint a 60-foot mural in conjunc- with a community book drive in ^ost Oak Mall Food Court, ommunity members can donate ok or watch Yeh paint and enter- today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and i 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Activi- will continue Saturday from 10 . to 4 p.m. .‘creation Center ™ host symposium gl'he third South-Central Regional dent Sport and Exercise Psy- logy Symposium will be held Fri- and Saturday. he,two-day event is sponsored by Wf Psychology Department and will be I at the Student Recreation Center. \rnold LeUnes, a Texas A&M psy- logy professor said the focus is in- ation sharing among students. The purpose of the symposium is elp students in the field of exercise :hologygain experience making pre- stations while sharing research ideas St, interacting with other students and essionals in their area,” he said. TX. eteorologists find ays to cut costs ^ plan developed by Texas A&M teorologists could save Texas ver companies upward of $40 lion a year and help farmers cut s of millions of dollars from their d costs. en ^ f; 3ruce Gammon and Gary Sickler’s as MesoNet plan would place at st one weather recording station etter ; ac h Texas county, allowing power ipliers to better match the chang- energy needs of customers and ng farmers more accurate weath- nformation as they plant, irrigate 1 harvest crops. INSIDE bdent organizatipn leaders *3eak out on the importance 'international Week. See Page 3 I sports seball team faces Big 12 > Missouri in a three-game ries this weekend. See Page 7 opinion mston: MSC cookbook idraiser should reflect mplexity, diversity of ^anization See Page 9 ttp:// >ok up with state and na- •nal news through The ire, AP’s 24-hour online .‘ws service. passes something, it immediately goes into effect and the executive board can’t say if they like it or not,” he said. “Executive branch and leg islative branch are two independent bodies, but we are one Student Gov ernment Association. We would have a better SGA if we brought all of these together.” The Governance Council will be made up of the six senate officers, the student body president, five ex ecutive vice presidents, and the ju dicial board chair, who will not have voting privileges. Reality check Kristen Paris, executive vice pres ident and a senior biomedical sci ence major, said the Governance Council will allow the executive board to give its opinion on bills be fore they go to the floor of the Senate. “A lot of communication needs to take place before an issue goes before the Senate or executive branch,” she said. “Differences can be hammered out together before hand.” The bill states that after the Stu dent Senate passes a bill by one over a majority vote, the Governance Council must pass the bill by one over a majority vote for it to go into effect. If the council does not ap prove the bill, the Senate can put the bill into effect with a three- fourths vote. The Governance Council can initiate bills by a two-thirds vote, but the Senate can override the bill by a two-thirds vote. Aaron Bigbee, a senator and a sophomore speech communica tion major, said there is already enough communication between the Senate and Executive Board. “There is no need to create a committee to have communication because there’s already interaction,” he said. “In no way has communi cation been impeded under the current system.” In other business, the Student Senate: •Passed a bill that made the Speaker of the Senate first in line to fill the office of student body presi dent if the president is unable to ful fill his or her duties. The Speaker Pro-Tempore of the Senate then rules and Regulations Chair is next in line. •Passed a bill that says the fresh men senators are to represent fresh men even though there is no fresh man caucus. •Passed a resolution that asks the Director of Open Access Comput ing Labs Search Committee to give extra consideration to candidates for the position of Director that will incorporate student input for deci sion making. •Passed a bill that makes the stu dent body president chair of Senate meetings until the Speaker of the ran 4. >8 to ; m V, M* ivv :r if * BRANDON BOLLOM/The Battalion Tina Bright, EMT-I, Sharon Jones, EMT-B/EMD and Seth DeCamp, EMT-P work on Ryan Carney, a freshman business administra tion major in a simulation Thursday afternoon. Hart Hall hosted a tailgate barbeque and open recreation party. The alcohol poisoning simulation was used to discourage drinking alcohol over Spring Break. Texas A&M’s Spring Break begins March 16. Students to participate in eighth Replant By Katy Lineberger Staffwriter Nearly 3,000 Aggies and community members will descend upon Lake Somerville tomorrow, shovels in hand. By die end of the day, they will have planted 10,000 seedlings and 3,000 trees as part of Aggie Re plant ’98. Replant, now in its eighth year, is quickly taking root as a Texas A&M tradition. Organizers say it is one of the largest single-day, student-run environmental pro jects in the country. “It’s a really special tradition because it allows us to go out in one day and actively make a big difference and impact die environment,” said Dana Arriens, Re plant publicity and advertising chair and a sophomore civil engineering major. Dr. Carolyn Adair, Director of Student Activities, said Replant is an important project. “It’s really grown and grown through the years,” she said. “It’s a very healthy activity.” Arriens said that although Replant began in re sponse to Bonfire’s consumption of trees, the two pro jects are now independent of each other. The trees -planted are not used for Bonfireriior are they planted at cut site, she said. “The cut site was cleared by request of the land’s owner,” she said. “Replant plants trees for reforesta tion and beautification.” More than 100 campus organizations will partic ipate in Replant this year. For the first time tiiis year, organizers invited mem bers of the community to participate. Arriens said more than 100 individuals representing A&M moth ers’ clubs, local student councils, Boy Scout troops and the Bryan High School National Honor Society will help with the planting. Please see Replant on Page 6. Whoopin ’ Weekend High school students get taste of Aggieland this weekend By Amanda Smith Staff ivriter High school students arrived at Texas A&M University yester day to catch a glimpse of campus life in the second annual Whoopin’ Weekend, an event sponsored by the Student Senate Aggie Recruitment Committee (ARC). About 250 sophomores, ju niors and seniors from high schools across Texas will stay with on-campus residents through Saturday morning, go to class and attend events to learn more about Aggieland. Melissa Batig, an ARC co-chair and a senior chemical engineer ing major, said students can ex perience a part of the campus life in a single weekend. “We want these students to spend as much time on campus as they can,” Batig said. “For some students, this may be their only trip to Aggieland. We are try ing to encourage students to come to Texas A&M.” Students will attend 9:10 classes today. Batig said students will attend freshman-level class es, including Chemistry 101 and Math 166. ARC sent out applications to students from Texas and across the U.S recruited during the Christmas holidays, Batig said. About 100 A&M students liv ing on-campus will host Whoopin’Weekend participants, 40 of which will stay in Corps dorms for the weekend. Beth Abelson, a Whoopin’ Weekend registration director and a sophomore education ma jor, said the weekend could en courage high school students to r - ■W Hi ^rrsER- RYAN ROGERS/The Battalion Libby Edwards, a senior elementary education major, leads high school students on a tour of campus Thursday afternoon. attend A&M. “They can see the size of the dorms and what it is like to live there,” Abelson said. “A big pay off for me is to see the students come to Texas A&M.” Whoopin’ Weekend partici pants will break up into 25 discus sion groups of 10 students each. Students will gain information on financial aid and campus life, in ad dition to experiencing the campus. Participants will tour the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum, watch Freudian Slip perform and attend a yell practice at the Grove. Weekend recruiting was initi ated in 1995 by the Student Sen ate committee, which gained the name ARC in 1997. Batig said only 21 students attended in 1995 and were accompanied by parents and sponsors. The following year, Howdy Weekend ‘96 brought in 150 high school students to see the A&M campus. Batig said ARC spon sored the first Whoopin’ Week end last year with 225 partici pants. ARC selects applicants on a first-received basis, Batig said. She said ARC sent out 500 appli cations this year and accepted the first 250 applicants to attend Whoopin’ Weekend. “It was a small program ini tially and now we are growing,” Batig said. Moon holds water NASA scientists find moisture in soil < WASHINGTON (AP) — Enough water is frozen in the loose soil of the moon to support a lunar base and perhaps to one day build a hu man colony there, NASA scientists said Thursday. “We are certain there is water there,” said Alan Binder, a lead sci entist for the Lunar Prospector spacecraft, which made the dis covery. “We think we are seeing between 10 million and 100 mil lion tons of water.” Although the water is frozen and mixed with shaded soil deep in scattered craters near the north and south lunar poles, Binder said that it would be easy to convert to liquid water that could be used to make rocket propellant and breathing oxygen. Preliminary estimates indicate that the moon holds enough wa ter, in widely separated deposits, to fill a lake 2 miles square and 35 feet deep, Binder said. The discovery of water, he said, means that it would be easier to establish a base where people could live for extended periods and to use extraterrestrial re sources — moon water converted to rocket fuel — to explore deeper into the solar system. “For the first time, we may be able to go to another space body and fuel up,” said Binder. The Lunar Prospector, a $65 mil lion robot craft, was launched in January and has spent the last seven weeks orbiting the moon and taking readings of the moon’s surface with radar and other instruments. Water was discovered by an in strument that measures the speed at which neutrons, a type of sub atomic particle, bounce off mate rials on and near the lunar surface. The neutrons come from natural cosmic rays that constantly bathe the moon and are slowed when they strike atoms of hydrogen, the chemical that combines with oxy gen to make water. Slowing of the neutrons leaves a “water signature” in the neutron measuring instrument. William Feldman, an Energy Department scientist who ana lyzed the neutron data, said con clusions about water are based on a month’s worth of data and should be called “preliminary.” But he said it is quite clear there are dense deposits of hydrogen atoms at the lunar poles. From this, he believes “the evidence of water ice is quite strong.” “There are a bunch of craters filled up with water ice,” said Feld man. “This is a significant resource that will allow a modest amount of colonization” for many years. Scientists will get a better idea of how much water is on the moon and where it is deposited as the Lunar Prospector continues its or bital exploration. The spacecraft will collect data for at least anoth er year. Toward the end of its mis sion, it will be lowered from its current 60-mile Orbit to about six miles, giving scientists a close-up of possible water deposits. But scientists will not be able to confirm that the hydrogen atoms detected by the spacecraft are ac tually locked in water, and not in some exotic ice or rock deposit, until a sample of the material is scooped up and analyzed. “The presence of water is a log ical conclusion, but it is a leap of faith,” Binder said. “We will have to sample it before we really know for sure.” Feldman said “water is the most stable form of hydrogen” and the most likely form to be on the moon.