Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1998)
6 Friday • February 27,1 The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day Ol </> Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ADOPTION When you wish upon a star- wishes do come true! Teacher mom and business owner dad wish to adopt a newborn. Call Lisa and Craig at 1-888-868-4974 or TGC at 1 -800-299-4523 Medical/ Legal expenses paid. ANNOUNCEMENTS SSCASH FOR COLLEGE$$ GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. ""Help on the spot**** Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 822-4832. Free Cash Grants! College. Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000, Ext. G-1652. The college dove hunt of the yearl! Doves, Food, and Drinks! Dove hunt South Texas style. Spots are limit ed, SO call now! (512)753-6370. AUTO 1990 Taurus-L. Excellent condition. No dents. 95k. $3,200/o.b.o. Call 847-8908. 1990 Toyota 4x4. Excellent condition. Must see/drive. $7,200/o.b.o. 693-5086, Lee. EMPLOYMENT 2 Full-time Positions, Windows Programmers, Computer Office Worker, Elite Software, 846-2340, www.elite- FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. $19K-$74K/Yr. +Benefits. Paid Training. For Info. On F/T or P/T Positions Call 1- 800-585-9024, ext.4357. FOR RENT ***New washer and dryers for rent. $40/mo. Please call 764-2019.*** "Rental Access** Now preleasing 2bdrm/2bath, 3bdrm/2bath duplexes. Hickory Street, C.Sta. W/D conn., great floor plan. 690-6350. 2bdrm/1bath apartment, 1/2-mile from campus, w/d, $375/mo. Windsor Square. 696-1091. 2bdrm/1bath mobile home in country, gas/water fur nished, $300/mo. 361-5266 days, 778-2110 after 5p.m. Sweekends. 2bdrm/1 bath, recently remodeled, large yard, some bills paid, $450/mo„ $200 deposit. 774-8926. 2bdrm/2ba Duplex. 1119-University Oaks Blvd., College Station; 693-1448 (Debbie), $585/mo.; On shut tle, near the mall, big backyard for pets and 5-ceiling fans. 1991 Camaro RS, v6, 107k, silver w/grey interior, $4,500. 694-7295. 1994 Mazda MX-6, automatic, loaded, nice! $12,000 O.b.O. Call 696-5506. 3bdrm/2bath 4-plex. $765/mo. 4-yrs. old. New carpet, paint, walking closets, gas heat, low utilities, shuttle route, large kitchen, fenced yard, w/d available, quiet neighborhood. Leases starting in May. Call 764-2019. 1994 Toyota Celica, 34,800ml., black, automatic, cd, alarm, excellent condition $12,000. negotiable. (409)693-4057. 1995 Honda Accord-LX, auto, 2-door, good condition, 35,000mi., $13,500/o.b.o. 846-3391. ‘66 Mustang-GT convertible, red, black top, 289, v8, classic, $12,000 negotiable. See in Bryan HS lot. Call Mike or Hal, 846-3607. '79 Jeep CJ7 soft-top, hard doors, new transmission &clutch, too many extras, $3,200 firm. 846-7082. ‘88 Ford Ranger, v-6, automatic, ac, 114,000miles, $2,800. 696-6365, 226-5757. Fall lease. Casa Blanca Apartments, 4110 College Main. 2bdrm/1bath, walk to campus. $395/mo. year lease. 9 months lease $420/mo. Dorm plan (furniture and all utilities) $285/mo. Call 846-1413. Need an apartment this summer? Large, clean, 1-bed room, $590/mo. sublease. Nice complex. Call 693- 3846. Pre-leasing Summer/Fall- large 2bdrm/11/2bath four- plex, w/d, C.Sta., shuttle, some w/fenced yard, $495- $515/mo. 693-0551,764-8051. R/V trailer lot w/water and electricity. 5-minutes from campus, in country, for 3-5hrs of work per week. 823- 0104. ‘90 half-ton Chevy Silverado 4x4. Excellent condition. Asking $8,350. 268-8163. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext..A-1652 for current listings. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR TOi—K 8IHW»WIHW: HH Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. Help on the spot. 828- 4832. BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B”. 364-2868. COMPUTERS Pentium 233MMX $975, 200MMX $920, 150MHZ $850, Pentiumll-233 $1,195, Pentiuml 1-266 $1,295, Pentiumll- 300 $1,475, 32MB-RAM, 24XCDRAM, 14’’-monitor, 2.1GB-HD, 33.6modem, 2MB-video, s/speakers, upgradable, 3.2UDMA-HD add $35, laptop 200MMX $1,672, 233MMX $1,698, Pentiumll-233 $2,280, Pentiumll-266 $2,403, 3-year warranty. 846-7186. na auaaacar* uj mu9ii» "Party Block Mobile DJ**- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings, TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. Mobile to anywhere. The Bestl! 693-6294. Sound Power DJ Service. Weddings/ Mixers/ Parties, Large/ Small Sound Systems. Lights/ Smoke Available. Large Music Selection. Tommy Reed, Class ‘98. 696- 9754. Sublease 1bdrm/1bath. Male/Female. Bills paid. $375/mo. 822-9596, ext.#210. Sublease 2bdrm/1bath duplex, fenced backyard, ceiling fans, fireplace, vaulted ceilings, on shuttle, walk-in clos ets. $525/mo. 694-7106. Sublease 4-plex. 2bdrm/1bath. $400/mo. On shuttle route. Call Missy, 693-8917. Sublease large Timbercreek 4-plex with w/d. Available now through June 30th. No deposit. $425/mo. Call 361-0015. Sublease. F-roommate. University Commons. $275/mo.+utilities. 1-bedroom, share bath. 693-7941. Summer lease. Casa Blanca Apartments, 4110 College Main. 2bdrm/1bath, walk to campus, $300/mo. 846- 1413. Summer sublease. 2bdmn/11/2bath spacious 4-plex. Longmire, C.Sta. $500/mo. +utilities. Celling fans, w/d, yard. 693-6911. University Commons. Sublease 4bdrm/2bath, w/d, on shuttle, $275/mo. +utilities. Sara, 694-6879. We are ready to preleasel! 1,2&3 bedrooms, various locations, ranging from economy to luxurious. Call United Realty, 694-9140. We are taking namesll Reserve your summer storage now. 4-locatlons in B/C.Sta. Call United Realty for details, 694-9140. FOR SALE Cannondale SuperV, full suspension, loaded, $1,300 o.b.o. Cannondale Trials bike, hydrolic brakes, loaded, $900. 694-1771. Must sell!! For sale: 2 tickets to the Houston Rodeo. Mark Chesnutt and Rick Trevino. Saturday, March 7th. $15/each. Please call 694-1054. For sale: 6 months old full size white washer and dryer $600. Please call 693-0941. SKIN INFECTION STUDY Patients 18 years of age or older with uncomplicated skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, infected hair follicles, wounds abrasions, insect bites, etc. needed to participate in a research study with an investigative antibiotic. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 @) IntelliQuest We're looking for A Few Good Ags . . . If you can give us at least 15 hours a week, we can give you • Cash for the weekend • Flexible scheduling • Additional hours if you need to work beyond your schedule Contact Sarina Bray @268-5307 or stop by at 702 East University Drive Suite 102-F IMPORTANT NEWS FOR PEOPLE WITH Many adults suffer from heartburn, acid indigestion and/or sour stomach. If you are one of these individuals you may be eligible to participate in a medical research study in the treatment of heartburn. Sciman Biomedical Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age or older who experience episodes of heartburn. You may qualify for a research study using an investigational oral medication. The study involves 2 visits over 3 weeks and eligibility to purchase the heartburn relief product. Participants who complete the study will be paid $100. For more information, call: Sciman Biomedical Research 776-1417 FOR SALE HELP WANTED King Cobra Irons, 3-PW minus the 8 iron $250. King Cobra Steel Driver $50. King Cobra Graphic Driver $60. 690-0786. Red Wing boots, size 12, perfectly worn In , $70 o.b.o. Call Danny at anytime at 691-0133. Save big bucks!! Pay 1/2-price with keg beer. Purchase my awesome kegarator. Graduating. $325 o.b.o. Please call Ted at 268-9048. Springfield compact 45apc, brand new, $550. Please call 775-2111. Wedding dress, traditional, white, Italian matte satin with floral appliques & pearls. Size 4-6, worn once, perfect condition $450. 823-2038. Wedding gown, Alfred Angelo, short sleeved, brocade fabric, size 8, gorgeous! $350. Please call 779-8198.\collegepark\quad\9875\dress.htm Home of the Cheat-Shirt. 9400 Doliver, Houston, TX 77063. FUNDRAISER Fundraising Opportunities Available, raise $500 in one week. No financial obligation. Great for clubs. For more information call (888)51-APLUS, ext.51 HELP WANTED 100 Instructors/ Counselors needed. Coed sleepaway camp. Pocano Mountains, Pennsylvania. Good salary/ tips!! (908)689-3339. 3D Graphics Programmer wanted. Visual C/C++, Windows, and DirectX. Send resume and salary requirement to: Galaxy Scientific Corporation, 7334- Blanco Road, Ste.206, San Antonio, TX 78216. Fax: 210-979-8250, ATTN: Randy Morlen. EOE/M/F/D/V. A/C Service Technicians with EPA certification needed for full/ part-time work. Will work with school schedule. Benefits. Call JG Innovative Services/ Shaw Services at (409)693-0733. Are you fun, outgoing, self motivated, possess good communication skills? We’re looking for you to join our part-time sales team at Scripture Haven, summer months &.holidays a must. Apply in store at Post Oak Mall. Best Jobs on Campusl! The Aggies Outreach Program is Back!! Contact former students to ask for their support of student scholarships and other academ ic programs. Earn $5.75/hr. +bonuses. Work flexible hours while developing communication and negotiation skills. Stop by the Clayton Williams, Jr. Alumni Center for an application or call 862-4764 for more information. Child care needed. March- August. $6/hr. Guys apply also. 690-3003. College Court Apartments needs part-time maintenance worker. Flexible schedule. $6/hr. to start. Call 823- 7039. Cook position needed at Koppe Bridge Bar and Grill. 764-2933. Professional Sales. Texas digital, a 25yr. old elec. mfg. co. seeks Inside/ Outside Sales/ Product Administrator to work with VP Sales in Marketing LED/ LCD display technology to fast food industry. 3yrs. inside selling exp. req. Competitive salary plus commission. Resume to: VP Sales, TDS, 512-W. Loop, C.Sta., TX 77845. Fax: (409)764-8650. QUALITY SALES PEOPLE We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available Immedi ately. $7/hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched ules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. Silk Stocking- Now hiring dancers. Must be 18. Make your own schedule. Great money! Also looking for announcers and waitresses. Call 690-1478 or apply In person. STUDENT WORK Program. Part-time. Flexible sched ules around classes with above average pay. Scholarships available, conditions apply, training pro vided. Call 10-4. 696-7734. Summer Camp Counselors On Campus Interviews For Premiere Camps In Massachusetts. Positions for tal ented, energetic, and fun loving students as counselors In all team sports Including Roller Hockey, all individual sports such as Tennis & Golf, Waterfront and Pool activ ities. and specialty activities including art, dance, the atre, gymnastics, newspaper & radio. Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 20th- August 19th. Enjoy a great summer that promises to be unforgettable. Call for interview times and infor mation: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118. DAN- BEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752. Interviews will be on cam pus Monday, March 2nd, 10a.m.-4p.m., In Career Services- John J. Koldus Building. Summer Camp Counselors, Administrative Staff, Nurses and Lifeguards needed for Girl Scout resident camps near Athens, Texas and on Lake Texoma. For more information, call 972-349-2490, ext. 7020. E.O.E. Summer job? Horse internship? Spend this summer on a horse in the Colorado Rockies. R/B, salary, tips. Top rated ranch. Work with the largest saddle horse string in the world. In operation for three generations. Call 303- 442-0258 to schedule an Interview for April 1st. For more information, contact Sombrero Ranches, 3300 Airport Road, Boulder, CO. 80301. 303-442-0258 or visit our web site at Wanted Male/ Female for Balloon Delivery, Professional Dancers, Exotic Dancers, Belly Dancers, Entertainers, Party Personnel. Call 6p.m.-10p.m., Mon - Sat. Apex Entertainment, 822-6278. Working couple needs help with cooking, cleaning, laun dry, pets, miscellaneous. Mon.-Thur., 2:30-5:30, nego tiable. 690-3088. LOST & FOUND Lost gold A&M watch at new Freebirds. 2/22/98. Graduation gift. Reward!! 693-5290. Lost keys w/black door opener, GMC truck, late January. 775-3065. Cruise Ship & Land- Tour Jobs- Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning a liv ing in these exciting industries! For more information: (517)324-3092, Ext.C58552. Deluxe Diner hiring delivery drivers for lunch. Make more than $10/hr. Apply in person. 203 University Dr. Earn $750-$1,500/Week. Raise all the money your stu dent group needs by sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No investment & very little time needed. There’s no obligation, so why not call for information today. Call 1 -800-323-8454 x95. Extras needed to play college and high school age range for upcoming film. No experience necessary. 18+, all looks needed on site. Contact NBCom. (818)769-1600. Gumby’s Pizza hiring friendly, cheerful, phone and counter help. Must be able to work late. Apply in per son at 107-Dominik, C.Sta. Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment, 823-5031. Part-time help. Experience preferred. Villa Maria Chevron. 2305-Villa Maria, Bryan. 776-1261. College Court FEBRUARY PAIDl Large 2 Bedroom/1 Bath W/D Optional Partial Utilities Paid, Ceiling Fans, Intrusion Alarm, On TAMU Shuttle $399 823-7039 3300 S. College Ave. FACIAL ACNE STUDY Volunteers, ages 13 thru 30, with moderate to moderately severe facial acne needed to participate in a research study with an investigational topical gel. This is an eight week study and requires 5 office visits. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $125. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc (409)846-5933 Spring Break Work The Texas Transportation is looking for students from the following cities to survey child safety seat use during Spring Break: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler, and Waco. $7/hr. +gas. Call 845-2736, 8a.m.-5p.m. for interview. Lost men’s white gold wedding band. Left in restroom in Penberthy. Lost Monday morning February 23rd. Reward!! 696-5787. PERSONAL Are You In a Long-Distance Relationship? Toll-Free 1 800-871-1819. Meet singles now!! In your areal! Call 1-900-370-3305, ext.#6856. Leave &retrieve messages. $2.99/min. Must be 18+yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. Rate Your Romance For Compatibility. Free Bonus!! Call Today 1-888-623-STAR. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure AKC Basenji puppies “barkless dog”. Tricolor and red/wht, dewclaws removed, dewormed, 1st round shots, $200-$300. Please call (409)695-8273. AKC Rottweiler puppies. Great blood line. Huge! Ready in a week. 1st round, tails and dew claws. $350. Call 693-9864. APBT mix, male, neutered, about 1 year old, very sweet, free obedience lessons, $25. Please call 694-3689. BLue/red Heeler puppies $150, out of working parents. Please call Shannon at (409)272-3018. Free to good home- blue-heeler, adult female, sweet, affectionate, calm, but doesn’t like other dogs, please call Kristen at 690-6478. Miniature Schnauzers AKC, ears and tails done, shots, health guaranteed, $250. Please call 567-7209. REAL ESTATE Gov’t Foreclosed homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent Tax, Repo’s. REO’s. Your Area. Toll Free (1)800-218-9000, Ext.H-1652 for current listings. ROOMMATES Hil ipppfllp HUfi m 3bdrm/1bath house. Own room. Super close to cam pus. $200/mo. +1/3bills. 696-1974. F-Roommate needed a.s.a.p. Own bdrm/bath. Large apartment. $250/mo. +1/2bills. 696-8477. F-Roommate needed. Own room/bath. W/D. $250/mo. 1/2-bills. 4-blocks from campus. 764-9680. F-Roommate needed. Summer. Own room, w/d. $300/mo. Great location. 694-7055. F-Roommate. 2bdrm/11/2bath duplex. W/D. $280/mo. Local bills paid. Rufina, 764-6546. Female roommate wanted. Own bedroom Sbath. Room for horse and pets. 690-7250. Roommate needed for 2bdrm/2bath apartment. No pets/smoking. Call Ian at 822-6240. Roommate needed. 2bdrm/1 bath duplex. South C.Sta., on bus route, $250/mo. +1 futilities. Brian, 696-8130. Sublease available immediately, male/female ok. Own room/bath +bills, bus route, pets ok. $350/mo. or less. 694-6409. CETDtfir'CC ■» WH* CfiP AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm) &Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Natlons-Bank. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111- Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Federal Income Tax Preparation. $5 Off With This Ad. Evelyn Block, 694-2819. TRAVfFI ■ • w t ***Act Now!! Last chance to reserve your spot for SPRING BREAK group discounts for 6 or more. Call Leisure Tours for South Padre, Panama City and Daytona. 1-800-838-8203. Nicholls State offers accredited programs with transfer able credit in languages & humanities in Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, Ecuador, France, and Germany. 25 +yrs. low tuition and new sessions begin every Monday. Call (504) 448-4440 for literature. Ski Taos, Red River, and Angel Fire, New Mexico. Luxury townhouse, sleeps 16 from $140 to $350 per night. Call 846-8916, ask for John. WEIGHT LOSS Want to lose weight! All natural. Call 228-3642 for more information. Men's tennis teami^ Austin to face No. 7 Katie Mish Staff writer The Texas Aggie Men’s Tennis Team travels to Austin Sunday to face the No. 7 Texas Longhorns in Big 12 Conference play. Coach Tim Cass compared the Texas team with the No. 6 Louisiana State University team that defeated the Aggies 4-3. He said he expects the match-up with Texas to be similar. “We lost a very close match 4-3 to LSU, the rest of the matches we’ve had pretty good success thus far,” Cass said. “In our mind it’s another tough team we’re play ing, as was LSU, as will be Pepperdine, Miami, Mississippi State, Duke and North Carolina.” Cass said it is an interesting time to play Texas since it is early in Big 12 play. The Aggies have had one Big 12 match so far this season, against Texas Tech. He said the match with Texas is a good rivalry, but it is still only one of many important matches. Cass said Texas has a rich tradi tion of winning and is just as strong as they were last year. He said he expects the match to be challenging and a good measur ing stick for the Aggies. “I think, really, for us to win we need a very good team effort,” Cass said. “Everybody has to be ready to play, and everybody has to come out strong. It’s to he a situation whereone'j guys can come out andean load. We’re not far en where anybody can our particular team, espt against the numberseveiutj the country.” Shuon Madden, a lies on the Aggie team, saidliil Senior Carlos Tori full against the No les ar Ise, sc regi; tmic t’sw n't b RYAN ROGERS/W ibs and the Aggies will have their jutbi 7 University of Texas this to 'dev good about Texas A&M’sdi this weekend. “Even though we have a young team with fourofut are freshmen starting, the experience of our uppeilflifie men Brent (Horan) andC He’s (Tori) who have been cam: ]nc i c through the season, we’ll do p 0n < ty good,” Madden said. ^es Madden said his goal fa i e rha Texas match is the same at 1C e. for any match. 0 fpr “I want to win every maid jjesi sure we’re all going to gooui ■ c hy( and give 100 percent, anil e hid hasn’t been a problem sintt lS hrii first match,” Madden said heBI just want to get up to a good (see and see what happens." Aggie Sports Brie pnng irigh nent from staff and wire reports Academic All-Big 12 team released The Big 12 Conference office announced the Academic All-Big 12 team on Wednesday and four A&M women’s basketball players were included on the list. Sophomore forward Kera Alexander achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average in computer science and sophomore forward Prissy Sharpe posted a 3.3 GPA in teachers education as both were named to the first team. Senior center Kim Linder and sophomore Jennifer Burrows were named to the honorable mention list. Linder majors in finance while Burrows is a business major. Alexander is one of only three women on the first team that post ed perfect GPAs. Aggie Volleyball Team signs four Aggie Coach Laurie Corbelli announced yesterday the Texas A&M Volleyball Team received national let ters of intent from four athletes. Californians Michelle Cole, Jenna Moscovic and Brandi Mount signed on with the Aggies along with Houston native A.D. Achilefu. “This is an exceptional athletic class with good size and excellent vertical jumping ability,” Corbelli said. “They all have a lot of experi ence playing on and against the top teams in the country." Achilefu led the Episcopal Hi to back-to-back tournament two separate tournaments in two seasons.- She earned al ment honors at all four events and is also a three-time all- greater Houston selection. Cole led Temecula High School to its third consecutive league champi onship, including their second straight undefeat ed conference season. Shewasimy team MVP for the last two years i Moscovic led St. Mary’s to league championships named MVP of the league asw to Ti 1 Corbel! ing ling- first-team all-SJAA league. The5 m 11-inch senior was also namfl ini the all-state tournament set' team as a junior. Mount led Archbishop four consecutive league ti was named to the league firsttiibe every year. Mount was part of state championship team and the runner-up team in 1 “Each player brings a new#li-la sion to the team,” Corbelli 53 “Their immediate impact will del* )adc on how quickly they learn thelil 1 il,t but because they are so expert 'Phi already, it won’t take them lo effective.” - ::ei Ms with the TEXAS A&M SHOW SKI CLUB This Spring Break Trip includes: 6 night/5 day luxury condo stay, 415 da] ticket, round trip transportation on luxury sleeper coache! Price: $495, for more information, call Chuck at 694-2T& MLiy Graduates ( Official Texas A&M jl® Graduation Announcements On Sale Now through February 27, 1998 For Information and to place your order access the Web at: All orders must be placed over the Web All payments must be received by Februaty 27 MSC Box Office 845-1234