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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1998)
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Call today and find out why 3 million students have chosen Kaplan to help them score higher. —1997 Bruskin-Goldring Research Study ol Students at the Top 50 Law Schools How Would You Score? Take a Free Test Drive and find out! Sunday, February 22nd Texas A&M University Call today to reserve your seat! KAPLAN 1-800-KAP-TEST 'Coutse names are registered trademarks ol I heir respeclrve owners. Tiffany Inbody, Editor in Chief Helen Clancy, Copy Chief Brad Graeber, Visual Arts Editor James Francis, Aggielife Editor Matt Weber, Night News Editor Jeremy Furtick, Sports Editor Mandy Cater, Opinion Editor Ryan Rogers, Photo Editor Chris Huffines, Radio Producer Sarah Goldston, Radio Producer Dusty Moer, Web Editor Robert Smith, City Editor Aaron Meier, Night News Editor News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Website: Advertising; Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For campus, local, and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified adver tising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-2678. Subscriptions: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single copy of The Battalion. Mail subscriptions are $60 per school year, $30 for the fall or spring semester and $17.50 for the summer. To charge by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods) at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Battalion, 015 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-1111. The Battalion EWS ■m mm I'riday • February 20,! Mardi Gras Continued from Page 1 The annual celebration precedes the Lent season which begins next Wednesday. Public schools in New Orleans get vacation days during Mardi Gras. Tim Slaughter, a senior indus trial distribution major, went to high school in New Orleans and had a week off school during the celebration. “I have been to Mardi Gras for eight years,” Slaughter said. “I have had the pleasure to escort several large groups down as the same thing happens. Young ladies who said ‘I’d never’ and young men who said T don’t believe you’ Parking Continued from Page 1 ‘‘Hopefully it’ll galvanize change and convince the powers we are se rious,” he said. “If some people can’t accept this in a professional man ner it could hurt relations, but this is how the senate does business.” The senate formed a subcom mittee on parking issues to get stu dents’ opinions across to PTTS. The subcommitte will meet with PTTS officials next week. The senate also passed a resolu tion to prevent future conflicts with Ring Dance. The Athletic Department sched uled a concert at Kyle Field to be held the same night as Ring Dance. Chris Chase, a senator and senior history major, said the resolution is to are at first startled and then settle into the rhythm." Josh Hennessey, a junior ac counting major, grew up in New Or leans and has attended Mardi Gras every year since he was two. “There is so much culture be hind Mardi Gras,” Hennessey said. “Mardi Gras is a time where every one can have fun and push the edges of their typical lifestyles.” Hennessey said many of his friends will stay at his house this weekend for the celebration. “The best thing is to watch people from A&M come to Mardi Gras be cause it is such a new experience for them,” Hennessey said. “I’ve been so many times, but the best time I have had at Mardi Gras was seeing how Aggies react to it.” ensure conflicts with time-honored traditions do not happen again. In other business, the student senate: •Passed a resolution that approves the Student Services Fee Allocation Board’s proposal for a fee increase, but discourages additional fee increases. •Passed a bill to prohibit profes sors from giving blanket grades for mid-term grade standings because it is not an accurate representation of academic standing. •Passed a resolution that re quests that A&M become a member of the National Student Exchange. •Overrode the student body president’s veto of a bill that would randomize candidates names on election ballots. •Passed a bill to recycle The Bat talion newspapers left in class rooms and trash bins. Two charged with p in U.S. terrorism pi Grad student found guilty in sexual assault case, could face more charges By Amanda Smith Staff writer A Texas A&M graduate student was indicted Wednesday by Limestone County on one count of sexual assault. Obed Matus, a mathematics graduate student, was arrested on Jan. 26 by the Limestone County Sheriff’s Department and released on $25,000 bond the next day for charges of sexual assault of a 15- year-old girl in the county. Capt. Dennis Wilson of the Lime stone County Sheriff’s Department said Matus could face additional charges. Wilson said Matus will appear be fore the county judge to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. A trial date will then be set for Matus. pager airtime Aerial phones sold here Discount Pacine System ‘Service ‘Free Activation ‘Accessories CINEMARK THEATRES HOLLYWOOD USA COLLEGE STATION 1401 E. BYPASS 764-7592 IATE SHOWS FRI. & SAT. FOR ALL SHOWS AFTER 11 P.M. MON. - THURS. NO SHOWINGS BEFORE 1 PM KTSR 92.1 LATE SHOWINGS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR ALL SHOWS AFTER 11 PM $3.75 ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6 PM $3.75 SENIORS & CHILDREN - $5.75 ADULTS AMISTAD (R) AS GOOD AS IT GETS (PG-13) 1:00 4:00 7:00 9:55 12:45 DEEP RISING (R) 12:30 2:00 4:30 7:00 12:30 DESPERATE MEASURES (R) 7:15 9:35 11:55 GOOD WILL HUNTING (R) 11:00 1:45 4:35 7:20 10:10 12:45 GREAT EXPECTATIONS (R) 12:15 2:45 5:15 7:45 10:15 12:45 L.A. CONFIDENTIAL (R) 12:30 3:30 6:30 9:30 12:30 ★ PALMETTO (R) 11:10 1:50 4:25 7:25 10:10 12:40 REPLACEMENT KILLERS (R) 11:00 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00 10:15 12:30 SENSELESS (R) 11:05 1:15 3:25 5:35 7:45 9:55 12:05 ★ SPHERE (PG13) 1:20 4:10 7:00 9:50 12:35 SPICE WORLD (PG) 12:05 2:30 4:55 THE APOSTLE (PG-13 1:05 3:55 7:05 9:55 12:40 * THE WEDDING SINGER (PG-13) 12:30 2:45 5:00 750 1020 12:40 THE WINGS OF THE DOVE (R) 11:40 2:10 4:40 7:10 9:40 12:10 TITANIC (PG 13) 1:00 5:00 9:00 12:00 4:00 8:00 11:55 WAG THE DOG (R) 11:30 2:15 4:45 7:30 10:00 12:20 TODAYS TIMES ONLY HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE FOUR DAY ADVANCE TICKET SALES ★ NO PASSES - NO SUPFRSAVERS LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — Two men have been arrested in Nevada and accused of plotting an attack, possibly on a U.S. city’s subway sys tem, the FBI said Thursday. The suspects include a central Ohio man who was given probation after pleading guilty to illegally ob taining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail. The two were taken into custody late Wednesday in a luxury car out side a doctor’s office in Henderson, Nev., a Las Vegas suburb. The Clark County Deten tion Center in Las Vegas said 46-year-old Lar ry Wayne Harris and 47-year-old William Leavitt were in custody on charges of possessing “weapons for mass destruc tion.” Last year, Har ris, of Lancaster, Ohio, pleaded guilty to a count of fraud after he was accused of il legally obtaining bubonic plague bacteria through the mail from a laboratory in 1995. He said he never intended to hurt anyone and was sentenced to 18 months’ probation. FBI spokesperson Aurelio Flo res would not confirm the sus pects names. “These individuals were in volved in the construction of a weapon,” he said. “We have no idea where they were going to use it.” Flores said the FBI has secured the area where the car was found and had “made everything safe.” He said the agency was not look ing for explosives. In New York, another FBI source had said earlier that the suspects “These individuals were involved in the construction of a weapon. We have no idea where they were going to use it.” Aurelio Flores FBI spokesperson were members of theAryan a white supremacist j legeclh plamurtlto rete /xd gerous bacterial substance: '•' I city’s subways. But MayorBii Giuliani said that his city# die target, and Flores saidai of cities may have beendiscM. In Tokyo in 1995,12peopi killed when a doomsdayculi nerve gas in the subvvaysysi “These individuals werets be maybe copycats ofwhatha; in Japan,” Flores said. "The; have tale different We have el elusive eti to they wed about a a city. ltd talk." In Its ton. a feds 11 enforces lln ' source agents we vestigafe U)n l tionsthat: men arte: lsl1 Las Vegas - 1 sessed £ 31 a ‘I The s s!c stressed lustswuivnotcompleteandth t / 3 have been unfounded instances! a ’ s | past involving allegationsofar: f 01 - Anthrax is an infectious (fee- ^ usually afflicts only animals,esp )U 8 ly cattle and sheep. ButAnta; sa can be produced in a dry foimsi lle for weapons and can be fata!: tt '° mans even in microscopicamo Bubonic plague can be fat is treatable with antibiotics. The luxury car was takent: lis Air Force Base. In statement officials said explosive otdts disposal personnel“wereas assist FBI agents last night Green Valley-Henderson area' lis personnel impoundedav on their behalf.” Sh UP All NIGHT -j Come Join Us In Saving the Lives of Children in the Brazos Valley!!! February 20-21, 1998 • 6:00pm - Midnight Duncan Dining Hall Benefiting F rep fO**'-'-' p ri zes; Ga 'odi me*'- Questions about getting involved?????? Call 268-3140 We Need YOU to come Volunteer & help make MIRACLES HAPPEN! MSC SCONA 43 • "Cities: Decline or Rebirth?" Friday, February 20 1:45 p.m. MSC 201 'Are America's Cities Ready foi the 21st Century?" :A| if Lt. Gen. Julius Becton, Jr. (Ret.), CEO/Superintendent, Washington, D.C. Commander Betty Kelepecz, Los Angeles Police Department Commissioner Michael McKinney, M.D., Texas Health and Human Services Commission i »- - -A Memorial Student Center • Student Conference on National Affairs