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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1998)
1998 Graduates: Are you SURE you are making the right career decision? 1 f i / Ti ft ft \/ s / l f 1 i rr t ^4 r? r / if rl 1 f .4 f ^ IJ11/1 C/m V I t/ rJJI 1 Ml 11^111 yr 1/ vv 11 Ml £t A ‘'S S”S S. A *>VmSV?*V-*. ■-»f v» '■?%' You’re unique. Because of this, there are some jobs you were meant for and some jobs that, well - you weren’t. But how do you know the difference? How will your future boss know? This is about you. The real you. DiscoverME will help you define your unique personality so we can start working to find you jobs you’re meant for. Come spend some time with us and learn about what we do. Let us create your profile. Once we have your profile, we’ll keep checking our database for jobs with Fortune lOOOlPrivate 500 corporations that fit your personality. Then, we’ll bring these jobs back for you to review. Pretty easy, huh? ... It gets better. It’s also/ree to you - our candidate. Come join us. This is your future we’re talking about. 1998 graduates only for these sessions. All majors welcome - undergraduate and graduate students. Admission is on a first-come, first-serve basis and is limited to first 100 people per session. Ramada Inn at College Station Tuesday, February 10 th 9-llam 12:30-2:30pm 3-5pm 6-8pm W E ? RE TALKING y o u r jol! n - p .. Let's face it... acne is a part of life for many of us, and it's partly what we inherit and how we eat. BUT... it's also about what you clean your skin with and how you clean it. The Clear Essentials™ research team has developed the best method yet for a 3-Step, 3-Minute, twice daily routine that will help you put your one and only best face forward. Your 3 Step Treatment System order entitles you to membership in the Clear Essentials™ Clear Skin Club. You get a fresh supply of the 3-step treatment system every 60-days, and our catalog full of great values for your face. CLEAR ESSENTIALS advanced acne treatment Delta Sigma Pi: A Rush social will be held for all busi ness and economics majors at 8 p.m. in the Kyle Field Press Box. Call Christian at 775-7181 for details. Officers’ Christian Fellowship: Bible study on how to live a Christian life in the military/Corps of Cadets will be held at 7:45 p.m. in 108 Military Science Building. Call Tim at 847-1730 for details. Sigma Tau Delta, The English Honor Society: A meeting will be held from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. in MSC 145. Call Jen nifer at 779-0650 for details. ATM Women’s Rugby: Come join! No experience need ed. Practices are from 4 to 6 p.m. at the pitch on the cor ner of Texas Avenue and University Drive. Call Nikki at 694-0084 for information. TAMU Women’s Water Polo: The first meeting and prac tice of the semester will be held at 7 p.m. in the Rec Cen ter pool. Call Athena at 694-8904 for details. ATM Roadrunners: We will run three to four miles at 5:30 p.m. in front of G. Rollie White. All students and skill lev els are welcomed. Call Steve at 847-7905 for details. Alpha Phi Omega: Meet to go to Girl’s Club at 3:30 p.m. in 133 Koldus. About Face Intervarsity Christian Fellowship: On-campus Bible stud ies will be held. Contact David at 847-4264 for location and further details. Texas Environment Action Coalition: A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Francis room 202. Fellowship of Christian Cowboys: Meetings are at a new day and time. There will be a meeting at 8 p.m. in the Louis Pearce Pavilion with guest speaker John Moelhman. Call Andy or Jay at 825-2716 for details. Tuesday TAMU Water Ski Club: A general meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in the Student Recreation Center. Contact John at 695-8843 for details. Undergraduate Business Consulting Association: Sally Wade will give r6sum6 advice at 7 p.m. in Wehner 129. Call J.T. at 823-3007 for details. ATM Roadrunners: We will run three to four miles at 5:30 p.m. in front of G. Rollie White. All students and skill lev els are welcomed. Call Steve at 847-7905 for details. Alpha Phi Omega: Meet to go to the Crestview Retirement Home at 3:30 p.m. in 133 Koldus. Circle K International: A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in Koldus 144. Orthodox Christian Fellowship: A meeting with liturgy will ATM Roadrunners: We will run three to four"* p.m. in front of G. Rollie White. All stude els are welcomed. Call Steve at 847-7905‘jj Agnostic & Atheist Student Group: Gener c ] on materialism will be held from 8 to 10p - Zachry. Call Jason at 731-1126 for details Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society: A; 31 ' ing will be held at 7 p.m. at 410 Rudder.; — Smith at 847-3569 for details. T* Texas A&M Racquetball Club: A general rre held at 7:30 p.m. next to Court #1 in the Rec ter. Call Michelle at 694-2253 for details. Biomedical Science Association-Vet MedBraTe McLendon will be speaking about wildlife ;v lot at 7 p.m. in Koldus 110. Call Lindsay at 69:'kc ig ,r Y| at xas rec iTii hit We| tl pl| Thursday Delta Sigma Pi: A Rush social will be heldfi ness and economics majors at Fuddruclec Graduate Fellowship of Intervarsity Christia' : (IVCF): Bible study for graduate and non-tra dents followed by fellowship will be held at?:! our web site for location and Call' nifer at 764-1552. Resurrection Week: There will be a general- in Rudder 410 at 7 PM. Native American Student Association^ discussion for pow-wow will be held at 7 p.r' Call Sandra at 862-2000 for details. only - Quantum Cow Tutoring: 2«| Northgate next to CD Warehouse. Hrs:2-9pm Sun-Ifef ORCrA^K RHVSTCJ l LE PSYCHO LO SEMESTER STUDY PACW OLD TESTS LAB FACKE Chemistry & Organic Reuiews ThisII $99 Semester Passes (16 Classes, ' !■ Mali ■ Order CLEAR ESSENTIALS™ toll free at: I-800-418-6071 Have your VISA, Mastercard, American Express or Discover Card ready. Or send check / money order to Clear Essentials P.0. Box 2900 • Cocoa, EL 32923 , I 60 DAY MONEY BACK GUARENTEE Introductory Offer: Just $39.95 + $5.95 S+H Order the dear Essentials 3-Step Treatment System and get our Clear Skin Mask FREE, four Clear Essentials Clear Skin Club Catalog with special "Members Only Prices" will be included. Don't's clearly guaranteed! We'll give you your money back within 60 days if your First order of Clear Essentials isn't your favorite face system ever! FREE Order the Clear Essentials'" 3-Step System and you’ll get our great skin mask FREE. BONUS How many Deaths and Lawsuits willii take before people get the picture? Please Attend the Program. HAZING ON TRIM Presented by David Westol Monday - February 2 5:30 p.m. in the Presidential Conference at the George Bush Library This is a FREE Program! ^ This Program is co-sponsored by: The Vice President for Student Affairs Office The Office of Student Activities The Department of Std f The Texas A&M Interfraternity Counc ila