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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1997)
The Battalion oi I m § 11 W m * lophom lig for tf Classified Injured Packr look to reboua To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. t ADOPTION Adoption is a loving option!! Steve (Class of ‘83) and Vicki, hope to continue the Aggie tradition in their family through open adoption. Stability, big extended families and lots of love await your baby. We are fully certified with a licensed agency. Call us at 1-800-750-2641 or our advisors at Methodist Mission Home at 1 -800-842- 5433. Legal/ medical expenses. When You Wish Upon A Star- Wishes Do Come True! Teacher mom and business owner dad wish to adopt a newborn. Call Lisa and.Craig at 1-888-868-4974'or TGC at 1-800-299-4523. Legal/medical expenses paid only. f ANNOUNCEMENTS SSCASH FOR COLLEGES® GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. '***Help on the spot* 822-4832. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. College Financial Aid- Student Financial Services pro files over 200,000+ individual scholarships, grants, loans, and fellowships- from private & government fund ing sources. A Must For Everyone Seeking MONEY FOR COLLEGE!! 1-800-472-9135 Ext. F58551. AUTO 1986 Mercury Cougar. $1,200 cash. Burgundy, V-6, runs good. 775-8167. 1986 Toyota Pickup, a/c, manual, great condition, $2,000, A-A-A-A-A. 847-3370. ]990 5.0 Mustang GT, forest green, runs great, $5,900. [dust sell! 693-2018. 1992 Pontiac Grand Prix, 86K miles, runs and looks great, all power, alarm $5,150. 862-9307. 1993 white Hyundai Senada. 4-door, excellent condi tion, a/c, radio, auto, interior like new, extended warran ty, original owner. $6,000. 776-0733. ‘91 Acura Integra. 5-speed, black, a/c, spoiler. $6,500 negotiable. 764-4428. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR EMPLOYMENT Engineering Careers. Join Case Corporation and pur sue a career in engineering at our East Moline Facility. We are a Fortune 500 company engaged in the engi neering and manufacture of high quality agricultural products. Our culture Includes a strong customer focus, an atmosphere of continuous improvement, award- win ning employee participation processes and a significant commitment to employee education and training. Barry Scott, Product Engineering, will be in room #404 of Rudder, November 18th, 1997, from 5:30 to 6:45p.m. He will be holding an informational meeting about employment opportunities in the engineering field at Case Corporation. All engineering students are wel come to attend the meeting to learn more about Case. December and May graduates may submit their resumes through the Career Services.Office. . “Harpers” Best Little Tavern in Bry&n needs Bartender/Waitress. 3006-No. Texas, 778-6333 or 778- 7921. Fun place to work. PC-Network Specialist. Texas Digital Systems based in College Station is looking for part-time PC-Network Specialist. Job responsibilities include building and installing PCs and supporting LANs. Good pay. Contact Dennis at 696-0485 or at STOCKBROKERS TRAINEES. We are a rapidly grow- ing Austin based Brokerage Firm seeking recent College Grad's to expand our Texas presence. -Aggressive Compensation, -Comprehensive Training, •Advancement Potential, -Sales Experience a Plus, •Austin & Houston Opportunities. (888)476-5554. Brian E. Smith. The Avantus Group, Inc. FOR RENT Sublease 2bdrm/1bath. $425/mo., w/d connection. Close to T.A.M.U. 695-1661. Sublease 3bdrm/2bath. 1614 George Bush. $675/mo. Available December 15th. 764-7408. Sublease A.S.A.P. at Treehouse Village Apartments. Efficiency. On bus route. $425/mo. Cindy, (281)447- 3914. Sublease available now or Spring semester. University Towers deluxe room. Security parking. Local phone included. Call Chris, (830)249-3285. Sublease for Spring. 2bdrm/11/2bath townhome in C.Sta. Huge closets, w/d, shuttle route, water paid. Call 694-2651. Sublease quiet apartment efficiency, 2-miles from cam pus, deposit paid and keep return. Available mid- December. $325/mo. 775-2357. Sublease spring/summer at Sundance Apartments. 1- bedroom, furnished, rent, cable, water and alarm for $435/mo., on bus route. Call Haley, 695-2844. Mason’s Mobile Car Repair. 4832. Help on the spot, 828- BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B”. 364-2868. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Become A Publisher Instantly!! 2000% profits! Selling how to information by mail. Reprints rights to hundreds Of publications. 1-800-466-9222, ext.#7489, Dept. #0001. COMPUTERS Compaq Pentium-75, 640 meg hard drive, 8 meg ram, 14" VGA monitor. Complete system only $450. Great buy! 764-7984. Mac IlCi 8/160, keyboard, mouse, pad, cables, no mon itor. Lots of software, $250. 775-3781, after 7p.m. Pentium 166MMX complete system $1,000. Please call 696-4448. FOR RENT "Rental Access** 2bdrm/2bath duplexes. Hickory Street, College Station. W/D, great floor plan. Now pre leasing. 690-6350. 1- bedroom apartment. Available now or in December. W/D connections/ pool/ spa/ fireplace/ stocked pond/ on bus route. Billy, 694-0101. 1bdrm/1bath. Sublease for Spring SSummer. $415/mo. pays hot water, garbage, sewage. W/D connections, bus-rt., on S.W.Pkwy. Nicel! Call Brant, 693-4246. 2- bedrooms, furnished, backyard, 5-min. from campus, no lease. 1bdrm/$270, 1bdrm/$180. Antoine, (409)696- 2942. 2bdrm/11/2ba. 4-Plex near Treehouse Village. Available January-1st. $500/mo. $300/dep. 696-1245 2bdrm/11/2bath, 1,000 sq.ft., fenced backyard, quiet culdesac, new paint, vinyl, wallpaper, huge walking clos et. Available January '98. $495/mio., $505/mo. with w/d. 764-2019. 3bdrm/2bath Autumn Circle Duplex, $725/mo., pets ok. Available now. 1-year lease only. 693-9959. AGGIES!! Very nice 3bdrm/2bath, patio home, fenced backyard, all appliances, w/d. Shenandoah Estates. $800/mo., deposit required. Call collect M-F, after 5p.m. (512)241-3938 or anytime on weekends. Efficiency for sublease at Doux Chene apartments. You get the deposit only. $300/mo. Call 693-8406. Female Grad or Prof, to share 2-bedroom house. Close to campus. $225/mo.+1 futilities. 846-9033. FOR LEASE. Available December. 3bdrm/2ba, garage, w/d, dishwasher. Southwood Valley. $825/mo. Call 696-7649. Sublease: $415/mo. All utilities paid. No deposit required. Dec.-May. Viking. 693-8449. Subleasing University Tower's room. Huge discount price!! Lots of extras!! Call Suzanne at 691-5628. The Villas of Cherry Hollow now preleasing 1bdrm, 2bdrm/1bath, walk to T.A.M.U. Call today 846-2173 or stop by 503 Cherry Street, Northgate. University Tower. Sublease. 16th floor. Call Andy, 691- 5687, Hurry!!! University Towers sublease. Cheap!! Call Jennifer at 268-4517. please hurryl! Very nice condo, 2bdrm/21/2bath, w/d, patio, fireplace, bus route, $650/mo. Call 690-1170. HELP WANTED HOLIDAY WORK!! PT now, FT during break, 2-5/wks work program, can remain permanent, training provided, up to $8.25, scholarships available, conditions apply. Call 10-4, 696-7734. Howdy Agsl! Short on cash? Looking for a part-time job? Don't go therel! Come here- to the Plasma Center where you can earn $140 a month donating your life saving plasma $80 in your first two weeks!! Donating plasma is everything you could ask for in a part-time job: minimal time, good pay, no work required, tax free cash!! Don't delay, call today!! Westgate Biologicals, Inc. 2- convenient locations: 4223-Wellborn Rd., Bryan, 846- 8855. 700-University East, College Station, 268-6050. Musician (guitar/ piano). Spring semester. Lead upbeat, Christian music at Aggie Lutherans. Meetings Tuesday nights, 7:00-7:30. For more Information call Pastor Grant, 693-4403. Need a part-time job but you want to have your week ends free? Call Manpower for immediate job opportuni ties. -Part-time Clerical positions, -Custodial positions, 2:30p.m.-11:00p.m. Call the Job Line at 260-5010 or our office at 846-3535. Need small office program written in Access. Will need to be menu drive for end user. Fax resume to Cami at 776-6118 or call 776-4039. Needed part-time bookkeeper for small business. Hours vary. Must be able to stay at least 1-year and part of Christmas break. Bring resume to 1300-Walton, C.Sta. OPTOMETRY TECHS- Part-time positions available. Preliminary testing, contact lens dispensing, and gener al office duties. Apply at doctor’s office next to LensCrafters- Post Oak Mall. 696-7343. Part-time cook needed. 764-2933. ROOMMATES GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP)-Tl not the way the Green BayPatl had envisioned kicking f Cowboys Week. Finally getting the ft Cowboys at Lambeau Field losing to them seven straJ times at Texas Stadium ! Packers no longer see the gam* a grudge match between theff 1 two Super Bowl champs. After getting humbled by hapless Indianapolis Colts 4r on Sunday, the dazed anddisg Koppe Bridge Bar & Grill. Call Female roommate for Spring. 2bdrm/2bath Jefferson Enclave. $211.25/mo. W/D, on bus route. Sara, 694- 3831. Female roommate needed. 2bdrm/2bath. $385/mo. plus 1/2-utilities, at new apartment. Call 695-8578. Female roommate needed. Spring semester Nice duplex, own room, w/d, on shuttle route. 764-2711. Female roommate needed. Own Bdrm./bath. Move in anytime after Thanksgiving. Rent paid through December. On bus-rt. $257.50/mo. +1/2bills. 846-9102 Inexpensive!! Great location! Roommate needed for Spring. House. Call 694-2007. Looking for female roommate for Spring Ready to sign lease w/or move in existing apartment. Call Robin, 823- 2024. Male roommate wanted, to share 3bdrm/11/2bath house. Own room. $233/mo. Call 764-8103. Need female roommate. $197/mo. plus $25/utilities 2bdrm./2ba. Close to campus. Kelly/Mika, 696-3291. Roommate needed for spring-1998. $405/mo. January half month free. Bus route, w/d. Please call Ana or David, (409)764-3967. Roommate needed for Spring. $212.50/mo. 2bdrm/1bath. Oak Forest Apartments in Bryan. 775- 3242. Roommate needed. Spring. 3bdrm/2bath duplex. $250/mo. 10-minutes from campus. On bus route Available mid-December. 695-2508. Student Housing. Online housing locator. Roommate finder, apartment listings. Free service., (409)689-9477. ed Packers now view the game matter of survival. Vi I tf [ S I IN I I I nd l| FOR SALE DJ MUSIC Sound Power DJ Service. Weddings/ Mixers/ Parties, Large/ Small Sound Systems. Lights/ Smoke Available. Large Music Selection. Tommy Reed, Class ‘98, 696- 9754. The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions, lights/smoke. The Best!! Call 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT Child day care employees needed: M/W/F 7:30a.m.- 12:30p.m., T/Th 7:30a.m.-12:30p.m., M-F 3:00-5:30p.m. Call between 9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. or 3:30-5:30p.m. only. For Spring semester call now. 693-3661. CRUISE SHIP & LAND TOUR- Discover how to work in exotic locations, meet fun people, while earning a living in these exciting industries! For employment informa tion, call: 517-336-0571 Ext. C58551. 220,000 Titles! www. Istmusic. com/ ?am Great Discrunts! TAMUNET READY COMPUTERS JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS INTEL P200MMX, 3.2GB HDD, 32MB RAM, 1.44MB FDD, 24X CDROM, 2MB VIDEO, MODEM OR NIC, 15” MONITOR, MSOFFICE 97 $1,619.00 A-Plus Computer Services 691-2644 or visit us at For lease. Treehouse Village efficiency. $425/mo. Please call 695-0478. For Lease: 3bdrm/2bath duplex, w/d, bus-rt. Available January'98. 2504-Hickory. 693-7910. Large 2bdrm/1 bath fourplex. $395/mo. 1000 sq.ft. W/D connections, new carpet/fridge. November paid. 694- 1280. NEWLY IMPROVED 2bdrm/1ba in Northgate, central a/h, w/d connections, new carpet, lawn care provided, $445/mo. TCP, 775-2291. PRELEASE DEC-JAN 3bdrm/2ba w/study in C.Sta., central a/h, w/d connections, fenced, lawn care provid ed, $695/mo. TCP, 775-2291. Quiet place in the country. 7 miles from campus. 2bdrm/mh. $300+deposit. Call (409)267-3824. Spring sublease at University Commons. 2bdrm/2bath, $355/mo., furnished. Call Tammy, 764-1048. Spring sublease. 2-bedrooms available. University Commons. $281/mo. Furnished 4bdrm/2bath. Call Tammy, 693-1087. Spring sublease. Treehouse Apartments. Large 1bdrm/1bath, $465/mo. 1-month Free rent or $465/mo cash. Call Matthew, 764-1490. Spring sublease. University Commons. $281/mo. 4- bedroom. Furnished. Call Julie, 696-4048. Spring sublease. Wolf Pen Creek duplexes. $320/mo. Master bdrm/bath. Call Lisa, 694-8971. Spring/ summer sublease. New University Commons. M/F. Nice apartment with private bathroom. Free cable. Call 696-6495. Spring/summer sublease. Parkway Apartments. Spacious 3-bedroom, 5-minutes f/campus, $268/mo. Call Jenni, 695-8904. Sub-let nice 1bdrm/1bath for now or January. Ceiling fan, microwave, on bus route. $455/mo. 696-5686. Sublease 2bdrm/11/2bath. The Grove Apartments. Reduced to $375/mo. Sublease starts In January. 2- story, w/d, no deposit. Call 776-1198. 1 -pair new acoustic professional loud speakers, model- 9901, 12”woofers polypropolene cone 5''mid, 3”x7"- tweeter 300-watts, normally $800/a piece, sell pair $1,000. 847-1677. ‘89 14x80 3bdrm/2bath w/fenced yard &storage build ing. Excellent condition. Set-up in a country park near A&M. $15,500. (409)775-2337 or (903)586-5709. Cannondale R600 road bike, pedals with clips, shoes, air pump $300. Please call 847-3360. Dark green sectional. Excellent condition. Must sell! $400 negotiable. Please call 694-3750, ask for John or Chris. Full size bed, matching couch and chair, $300 O.B.O. Please call 695-8410. KHS-Team Judy-SL XT-XTR, 1 year old control tech, Excellent condition. $700. Please call (409)822-5842. Loft L-shaped, sleeps two, storage space, extremely sturdy, made with bolts (no nails), beautifully stained. Must see!!! $125/o.b.o. Call 847-1077. Singer Ultralock Serger 14634 $400, Brother laptop word processor PN4400 w/Star printer, paper & ribbons $300. 693-4984, ask for Vicki. < Snowboard, 156 cm wood core, brand new, $200. Size 12 boots also for sale $80. please call 822-3440. Sports pass for sale for the t.u. game starting at $50. Please call Tiffany at 847-0691. Telescope for sale. 10 inch Meade Starfinder, Dobsonian Mount Solar filter, $450. Please call 268- 0355. U2 tickets. 2 for 11/23/97 in San Antonio. $80 for both. O.B.O. Please call 260-0258. FUNDRAISER The Ultimate Fund-Raisers For Greeks, Clubs And Motivated Individuals Are Available Now. Fast, Easy & No Financial Obligation. For More Information Call: (888) 51-A-PLUS. Ext.51. HELP WANTED ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Part-time work Up to $8.25. Scholarships and internships available. Conditions apply. Good resume experience. Call 696- 7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment 823-5031. Part-time insurance service position for local agency starting 1/98. Prior experience preferred. 846-8496. Part-time job helping handicap. Male student preferred. $270/mo. 12hrs/wk. 846-3376, after 7p.m. Part-time waiting/ catering personnel needed for December. Minimum guarantee. Tip share of $25/night for 3-4 hours work. Contact Remedies Restaurant, 260- 1476. QUALITY SALES PEOPLE. We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immedi ately. $7/hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched ules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. Telemarketers for local advertising promo. Pleasant phone work. Earn up to $40-$70/day part-time. Flexible hours. +Drivers needed. We train. Apply at United Plaza Building, corner of AndersonS SW.Pkwy, C.S., Ste.-112. 694-7171. Telephone Research. Weekend and evenings avail able. Start at $5.25/hr. Flexible schedule. Call IntelliQuest 268-5307. The College Station Hilton is currently hiring for the fol lowing positions: Banquet Manager, Catering Service Manager, Banquet Servers, Restaurant Servers, Restaurant Cashiers, Room Attendants, Housemen, Guest Service Agent, AM Bellman, Security Officer. The Greenery. Supervisor of Maintenance Operations- Interior Division. Full-time. Need people and computer skills, knowledge of interior plants. Pick up applications at 1512-Cavitt, Bryan. WANTED: Full and part time cashiers. Part time willing to work evenings and weekends. Furrow Building Materials. 696-9304. Wings N' More- Now looking for entry level managers, full or part-time. Benefits and advancement opportuni ties are available. Interested parties please call 693- 6363 and ask to speak with a manager for an appoint ment to submit application. PERSONAL Meet New People The Fun Way Today!! 1-900-285- 9035, Ext.2212. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS Delivery Driver needed. Ea. 29th. Bryan. Part-time. POP-abilities. 3737 Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs, breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Many pure FREE APARTMENT Ideal for graduate couple to manage AGGIE owned & operated Apartments 846-7454 LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA Now hiring delivery drivers. Starting pay $5.15/hr. plus delivery fee and tips. Apply at any location. Earn $1,000 on weekends & Thanksgiving break. Some heavy lifting required. Call (713)874-1235. Earn extra money as a photographer, nights and week ends. 1-800-251-1529. Fatburger hiring drivers (bikes or cars). Earn up to $10/hr Flexible hours. 846-4234. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. $18K-$72K/yr. +Benefits. Paid Training. For Information On F/T & P/T Positions Call 1-800-585-9024, Ext.#4357. Full-time cleaning/ restoration technician for fire and water damage textile, contents, and building structures, also carpet, rugs, upholstery and vinyl wood floor care. No experience necessary. Will train. Call for appoint ment. 823-5031. GIS co. seeks part-time help in College Station. 15- 30hrs/wk. Prefer strong computer experience. Fax resume to (713)780-9713. SkyVision, Inc. U.B. Ski’s 10th Annuil College Ski Week Brix .kjinriik.i. & Keystone Vail & Beaver Creek Ski 4 Resorts for the Price of 1! Luxury Condos Lift Pass Ski/Snowboard Rentals & Lessons Non-Stop Parties Roundtrip Motorcoach or Airfare >-“* ■- and Free Night Skiing! Two Burmese python (male and female) 6.5 feet, $350 each or $600 for both. Please call Cheryl at 847-7475. ROOMMATES F/grad for spring. 2bdrm/1bath house near campus. $200/mo. Christine, 694-9523. OaaagsagiiMiiasg^ SPRING BREAK 9 8 CANCUN nius—JPtterfo Vaflart" 299 complete packages from and—SKI Steamboat 1-888-49-BEACH CJT) 35 Years \Experience PicitsoiM #/ Rating by Stiulentsl Heartburn Acid Indigestion l Are you 18 or older and in good health. 1 dose over the counter medication. No blood drawn. Volunteers will receive $50 for doing study. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Attention Women Females, ages 18-34, who have been treated for a recent vaginal infection are being recruited to participate in a one year research study using one of two feminine hygiene products. History of douching is required. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 or 1 -800-681 -8204 "Ski the Net!" -U.ftSki 1-800SKI- WILD Don’t miss the party! (1-800-754-9453) Make Trac PLAY TO WIN ON OUR TURF!! So, you’re an energetic, confident achiever looking for: •A Fortune 500 Subsidiary -With Incentive-based Pay •And lots of Benefits (incl. 401K) ‘Training & Gas Allowance, too Well, your date with destiny lies with TruGreen*ChemLawn’s Full Time Sales Team or Full Time Service Team If you think we mow lawns, think again.... You need to get the whole story from Robert, at (281)240-6622. Call today for the exciting news!! eoe/m/f l^iiitar Break 11 Pf a A 4 <tc_ AS SEEIV OJV CBS NEWS “'18 HOURS* ft SAVE JANUARY4-18,1998 » 2,3,4, 7 RIGHTS AMBOAT CKENRID VAIL/BEAVEI ^LLURIDf C" o TOLL FHE1 INFORMATION AND RKSOIVATIONS 1*800*SUNCHASE •kl tho wb at MTotxxly Pood Ski Breaks Better I 4 SOUTH PAPRE.ISLAND PANAMA CITY. BEACH rr • Pf» PfRSON EXPENDING ON OEST1NAI10N / BREAK 0A1IS / LENGIk Of SIAr f 1-800-SUNCHASE^ ^ TOLL rm INFORMATION St MSKVATIONJ ^ www. «uncha> SERVICES AAA Texas Defensive Driving. Lots-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations-Bank. Walk-ins wel come. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111- Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early (CP-0017). TRAVEL 4day/nights at Sheraton Boca Raton, cruise, 3day/2nights in Bahamas, free car rental. Trip for two, $400, please call Gabe, 694-8067. Aggies study abroad with Nicholls State in 7 countries. Spanish, French, German, credit at all levels. New pro grams every Monday. Christmas programs for Spanish credit. (504)448-4440. TUTORS Experienced Tutor- Genetics, Math, Science, Spanish. H.S. and College. By appointment only. Small group discount. Call 690-0738. The Packers need to winjuiB 0 ijl stay in the NFC Central lOM^J and to keep alive their fai» as [ hopes of homefield advanta™ the playoffs. \t fi :i, they trailil r ni| Francisco by two games. Jhe| Yet, they may have to Dallas without sack artist Reg White (back), run-stuffer Gil Brown (ankle) or deep thi Robert Brooks (rib). Coach Mike Holmgren hopeful all of them will get green light by Sunday. "If guys can play, even with hit! they’ll play> because this is ahi game,” he said. White aggravated his badb against the Colts and sat out rat of the second half. He undenv an MRI on Monday butwouldi reveal the results. ‘‘I feel fine,”) all he had to say as he stroll; through the locker room. Brown walked around the led er room without any apparentdi comfort, but he declined com ment, as did Brooks. There are bruised egos tog with the battered bodies for til Packers, now tied for the NK Central lead with Minnesota ani Tampa Bay and facing road gamft in those cities. Green Bay needs to get back on track for a strong finish oritwi have to begin thinking aboi defending its title as a wild-card WANTED $$$ I need graduation tickets $$$ Call Ashley at 693- 1347. 5 graduation tickets needed, 12/19, 2:00p.m. ceremony. Will pay!! 764-4750. Wanted: Students to lose weight. No drugs. Herbs boost metabolism, suppress appetite. $29.95. Fast/free local delivery. V/MC/Disc. plus checks. (409)823-3307 or 1-800-927-3340. B/C.Sta. The Battalion Classified Advertising • Easy • Affordable • Effective For information, call 845-0569 Now on The Battalion’s web page A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press • A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combin ing the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. • Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. Williams positions to wrap up record AUSTIN (AP) — With onega left, Texas running back Rick)' Williams is in solid position to become the 24th player to lead the nation in rushing and scoring. Williams leads Tavian Banks Iowa by 145 yards for the rushi title. Banks goes against Minnesota, the nation’s ranked rush defense (132.5 yards per game), on Saturday in Hawkeyes’ season finale. Texas plays at Texas A&M « Nov. 28. The Aggies are rankei 48th (142.9 yards). Williams ran for 211 yards ami three touchdowns in a 45-31 victo ry over Kansas on Saturday but lost his position as the nation’s let scorer to UCLA’s Skip Hicks, had four TDs against Washingtom Hicks has 144 points, four molt than Williams. With his 211 -yard rushing pet formance, his sixth 200-yard gad of the season and three catchesfoi 21 yards, Williams moved into set' ond place in all-purpose yar (rushing, receiving and punt kick return yards). Earl Campbell is the Longhorn to lead the nation i» rushing and scoring, average 158.8 yards and 10.4 points game in 1977. Williams is averag ing 171 yards rushing and H points per game. NEW! Local Radio News from the newsroom of D i mm campus and community news 8:04 a.m. Monday through Friday during NPR Morning Edition on KAMU-FM 90.9 College Station / Bryan Fall/Spring Internships WITH A Northwestern Mutual Life® Tht Quite Company hllp:/www.< • Fortune's “Most Admired” Company • “America’s Top Internships” - one of f 997’s top ten Intership programs • "jobs 96” -Insurance sales compensation averaged $50,000 per year, increasing to $70,000 after 10 years. In fact, 20% of all insurance sales agents earned over $100,000 in 1996 Full-Time Positions for ‘97 graduates Austin (512) 327-3868 San Antonio (210) 490-3133 College Station (409) 846-0668 treehouse apartments You Can Afford to Have It All! • Great Location • Computer Lab, Clubroom • Covered Parking NOW Pre-Leasing Starting as Low as $390 (409) 696-5707 Open M-F: 8:30 - 5:30 George Bush <? Sat. 10:00-2:00 Marion Pug* 1 ederj deny i Eril Bu Conti I “itl testinj said. “; possib| mass whole! strongl ampll IracJ JieriJ fetionl Pat(cl designcif exl oped tlif Fred owner ol the cent! square ll Fla Contini The became! >n Septel Dr.L( cellorfoi ogenciej the evalJ caliber o| tyand stl “Thef tistry is, Jtate a nl “The eval that the f system t| hflf. Joe Hutq ^ELAC 0584 l-mail: Mufc/i(a><irc/i| Office Hours: toWF 3:00 - 41 Wday 11:0(1 “'by appointml StJ