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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1997)
. Texas A & M University TOMORROW COLLEGE STATION • TX TODAY See extended forecast. Page 5. WEDNESDAY • OCTOBER 22 • 1997 rofessor to be !St on Oprah Dr.lNancy Dickey, president-elect helAmerican Medical Associa- i, will be a guest on the Oprah |frey Show at 4 p.m. today. DiQkey, an associate professor of lily and community medicine at Tekas A&M Health Science Cen- Cqllege of Medicine, will provide )rm ition about the implications jBhol use. The program will discuss alco- ar)d binge drinking in college, fillblso feature an anchorman d wi I tell how alcoholism ingcd his life. artment head Jed ICA president injda L. Putnam, head of the as A&M Department of jjech Communications, has »ii voted the president-elect of International Communication iocjiation (ICA). ■ scrvedon 3 U | na m will officially become president-elect at the end of association’s 48th annual con- ;nce July 20-24, 1998, in ■jsalem, Israel. \s president-elect, Putnam will i/e pn the board of directors and Drqgram chair for the associa- ’s 1999 conference in San Fran- :o.[After the 1999 conference, will become president of 'association. Manicure | B Practice to be $25.1 hd at Lubbock j/lidnight Yell will be in Lubbock, RFFIII 38 ’ Frida Y in parking lot on rVCriLiipQf.^ gj^g 0 f t ^ e Qj v j C center on Street. he football game between i| A&M and Texas Tech Universi- at 1 p.m. in Jones Stadium. Campus groups outline diversity goals ak) Vclcome inks avallai on SaluifU" iiilablc (idii! rted at Station -1975 $12.00 Full Set $2.00 OFF WITH COUP05 [ egular price $25.(01 IS :are ication leaders ek diversity iUSTIN (AP) — Trying to attract |rse group of students despite g (tarred from using affirmative ■ programs, public and private ;es and universities in Texas landing together to create a mission on diversity. d as “an unprecedented n of higher education lead- lie group plans to announce Wednesday about its com- i|n to recommend ways to en- diverse student bodies, e Texas Higher Education ition previously worked on fund- ssues. This is the first time it addressed this topic and [d a committee to do so, Mon- s of the University of Texas pm said Tuesday, ffrmative action is off the he federal courts have tak- the table. So what we have o|s maintain and expand edu- phal opportunity without affirma- action,” Jones said. lifestyles Vogue: Christina Liang strikes a pose for Seventeen magazine in model search. See Page 3 M sophomore Leroy Hodge lead an increasingly j } ilosive passing game. See Page 7 hts iter: Texas A&M should Jllment an early childhood 'elopment center. See Page 9 pp:// nt more mail call, then ^Imore mail call! : it when you plug into rfcattalion Online. By Karie Fehler Staff" writer Texas A&M organizations brainstormed plans for increasing diversity on campus last night at a diversity forum hosted by the Stu dent Government Association. More than 100 students from campus or ganizations met in Rudder Tower for the sec ond of three forums. Martin Hodges, director of Minority Affairs for SGA and a senior journalism major, said the forum was started to generate student ef fort in increasing diversity on campus. “This forum brought organizations to gether to devise action plans for increasing di versity at A&M,” he said. “If diversity is really going to be effective, it has to come from the students and be a grassroots effort—we need a broad base of organizations helping.” Hodges said groups will work on action plans devised at the meeting and will report progress at a third diversity forum later in the semester. “One thing that makes Texas A&M unique is our collection of individuals with such differ ent backgrounds,” he said. “We want to capi talize on our differences and invest in each oth er— that’s how we’ll increase diversity.” Craig Rotter, an agricultural senator and an agricultural education graduate student, said the forum provided students with an oppor tunity to recognize diversity on campus. “They may see this diversity every day, but because they are so busy going to and from class, they may not have the time to focus on it,” he said. “These forums give you the time to sit down and discuss diversity issues and how we can improve the issues.” Nellson Burns, MSG president and a senior international studies major, said last night’s forum began the implementation process of improving race relations. “Some organizations are looking at co programming on service projects,” he said. “I know Ol’ Ags and Alpha Phi Alpha are getting together to work on a project. It’s working to gether and diversity training that will make a difference.” In the first forum, students and leaders broke into groups to discuss views on racial relations and diversity at Texas A&M, and how individuals and organizations could solve problems. The progress of the groups will be ad dressed at the third forum. A little It’s all downhill from here fa Service company sponsors contest, promotes global communication By Amanda Smith Staff ivriter A team of four Texas A&M students will compete against student teams from 45 of the top business and engineering universities around the world in the 1997 Case Challenge today until Oct. 25. EDS company, an informational ser vice company in Dallas, is sponsoring the competetion. Catherine Halvorson, the campus re- ’‘This is a global case com petition. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to network.” CATHERINE HALVORSON MGR. EDS CAMPUS RELATIONS lations manager for EDS, said the com petition is a place where students can meet other students. “This is a global case competition,” she said. “It is a wonderful opportunity for students to network.” Students were selected for the com petition through interviews by former participants in the EDS Case Challenge. In its sixth year of operation, the Case Challenge competition presents each four-person team with a business sce nario. Each team has 24 hours to culti vate plans for technology, marketing, fi nance and human resources in the company. Leigh Borland, the project manager of the EDS Case Challenge, said the com petition gives students an opportunity to work together to resolve a problem. “The EDS Challenge is an education al opportunity to solve a real-life prob lem situation,” Borland said. “Students have to put together a presentation in a short time.” Jason Kergosien, a senior business analysis and management information systems major, said he has devoted a lot of time to working with his teammates on practice cases. “This semester, half of my workload has been with EDS Case Challenge,” he said. “The competition provides an ex ceptional opportunity to develop a plan of action.” After the 24-hour period of planning, students will discuss the case with EDS executives and present solutions to pre liminary judges. Judges will select 10 of the 45 teams to compete in the final rounds Oct. 25. Each student of the winning team will receive a $1,000 scholarship. Members of the second-place team will win a $750 scholarship and participants from the other finalist teams will receive $500 scholarships. Debbie Snell, a senior business analysis and marketinglnajdr, said she does not know what to expect from such diverse competition. “We have improved since the begin ning of the semester.” she said. “It’s a group coordination compe tition. I just hope to gain some more experience presenting the case to the group.” Snell said working with other team members this semester has allowed the team to realize each other’s strengths and weaknesses. She said that employers consider problem-solving abilities when looking for employees. “The Case Challenge is a great oppor tunity to take advantage of real world ex periences,” Snell said. “It’s a great op portunity to take advantage of real world issues without actually entering the real world.” Tracy Collins, a senior business analysis major, and Jennifer Quade, a junior management major, also will compete with Snell and Kergosien in the competition. I ROBERT McKAY/The Battalion Andy Schaafs, a sophomore chemical engineering major, climbs Mount Aggie for the last run of the day in his beginning snow skiing class Tuesday. This is the last semester that skiing classes will be offered at the University. Ride Along aims to improve relationship between Greeks, cops By Rachel George The Battalion The Interfratemity Council will continue the Ride Along program this semester which allows IFC members to accompany a College Station police officer on a weekend night patrol. The program was initiated by Sigma Chi faternity last semester with the goals of in creasing alcohol awareness and eliminating negative images students have of law en forcement officers. Tim Vogds, Sigma Chi social chair and a senior finance major, said the program is beneficial to both police officers and fraternity members. “It (Ride Along) will foster a better rela tionship between cops and Greeks,” he said. “It gives us the chance to see that there is more to a police officer’s job than busting par ties. It also gives them the opportunity to see that Greek life is more than parties and beer.” Dave Deangelous, IFC adviser, said the program will increase respect for the law en forcement profession. “It is a very good program,” he said. “It gives the students a chance to get the feel for what a police officer’s night is like — a chance to put themselves in the officer’s shoes.” Vogds said that many Greeks are interest ed in participating. “Right now the program is only open to members of IFC, which are mainly presidents and representatives from each fraternity,” he said. “But, as the program grows, members of the fiats will be able to participate.” Officer Paul Price, in the community polic ing division of the College Station Police De partment, worked with Ride Along last year and said it was a success. Please see Ride Along on Page 6. PROFILE: Ronald Douglas By Jenara Kocks Staff writer im * Danny US Feather Dr. Ronald G. Douglas said the biggest challenge he faces as provost and executive vice presi dent of Texas A&M is ensuring that the University develops to its full potential. “ (My biggest challenge is) to continue the develop ment of the research and graduate activities while maintaining the strength of the wonderful undergrad uate program we currently have,” he said. “The challenge is to try to do both.” Douglas said the deans, associate provosts and assistant provosts report to him. “I’m second in command to the president,” he paid. “I provide overall leadership , and direction to the academic mission of the University.” Douglas accepted the position on March 1,1996. Before coming to A&M, he served as the vice provost for undergraduate studies for five years and dean of the division of physical sciences and mathematics at State University of New York at Stony Brook. Please see Douglas Page 5. sers By Rachel Dawley Staff writer \ V' \ Feather Loyal, intelligent and innova tive are just a few of the ways friends and Texas A&M cadets describe Danny Feather, the 1997-98 Corps commander. Feather, a senior economics major, said he wants the Corps of Cadets to increase involvement on campus, improve academically and get more internships. He also wants to build more pride and discipline in the Corps. The job of Corps commander is “all-encompassing,” Feather said. He said his lead ership is required for every aspect of the Corps and it has become a major part of his life. Feather said that growing up in the small town of Mernard, in west central Texas, gave him an interesting perspective on life. Many of the role models in Feather’s life were high-school teachers and coaches. Feather’s 1993 graduating class at Mernard High School had 30 people. Please see Feather on Page 2.