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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1997)
sr 6,1997 Monday • October 6, 1997 L The Battalion IFESTYLES Couple Continued from Page 3 Chad said the normal moments o(their relationship outnumber the fflird ones. “We like to do things everyone else does,” Chad said. “We watch sports, go to the gym, etc. We used to goto the (Dixie) Chicken a lot and Hurricane) Harry’s.” Brett said they are just like any touple in many respects. “We like to give each other gifts tndgo out for dinner,” Brett said. We try to set one night a v'eek ded icated for each other, a ‘date night.’ lie are both pretty busy with school and work.” Both are “out” to their families, utiich was a stressful time for them. Brett said he first revealed his ho mosexuality to his sister after a trip to a grocery store. “She said in the car, ‘Mom asked me if I thought you were gay,”’ Brett said. “I was shocked. She was the first person I told in my family.” After he met Chad, Brett revealed his homosexuality to his parents on Thanksgiving Day. “My mom was very cool with it, so was my dad,” Brett said. “However, my dad and I had a rocky relation ship when I was growing up. After I came out to them, my dad sent me a letter two weeks later that said he loved me very much and was proud of me and my accomplishments. I thank God for that.” Chad said his mother asked if he was gay. “Somehow moms have a way of knowing,” Chad said. “I didn’t tell my dad until a year later. They are all very accepting.” Despite the negative sentiment toward homosexuals on campus, both are proud of being Aggies. “Where does it say that an Aggie must be straight to uphold the spirit of Aggieland?” Brett said. “Being an Aggie is having a love for the Univer sity. That has not changed. We are tied to everyone who has been, is or will be here forever. We are Aggies.” Chad said myths about homosex uality such as HIV and AIDS is a ho mosexual disease are being broken with the passage of time. “AIDS is not a gay disease,” Brett said. “I don’t see why that would even be an issue. That is only propelling the myth that HIV is gay related. More straight peo ple contract it than homosexuals.” The choice they made may have been difficult, but Brett said they are proud of it and all it represents. Church low to Manage r Stress,” is the y attend one. •iety of ways to ith said. “How i attending.’ itta Stress Day" ing program, ee anxiety dis- i presentatiot Director of reeningsare s of the day. ose a possi the right diret- d. re more prett- s or a relation : such things,' isorder canto r way it need I tendency® ringing it toll lost importac ic said stui MV BEST FRIEND'S DOING (PG-13) DOLBY) covering ism ress by haviors, itcai : anxiety," Sta joy the dayaiK is available. ms going on 10 attends, «il ■8721 24^° Jiling. :)ina!ion irication and e on-campus '98 Civil and ment Trainee " program to at PDM in gement and arding career y, October!/ ind schedule Continued from Page 3 The church’s present name was chosen as the name best able to de scribe its roots. In a March 1992 State ment of Purpose, the church described itself as a'welcoming community open to diversity.” Hudson said the church has been welcom ing diverse people since its beginnings. Schemmer said the church’s ministry has not changed because of the Open and Affirming Statement. She said the statement was a way to show people the church meant what it said. “We wanted to put it in writing that this church ac cepts all,” she said. “It’s re ally more for the commu nity than it is ourselves.” Schemmer said the church is told frequently that people feel at home there. Hudson said the church has not changed anything since its adop tion of the Open and Af firming Statement. “We’ve grown,” she said. “But this has to do with more than just being open and affirming. We’ve tried to do what we’ve al ways done.” Friends Congrega tional was the first church in its conference of 91 churches to be come open and affirm ing, and it is now only one of two churches in its geographical area to adopt such a policy. Hudson said the United Church of Christ has a long history of social justice. “Each church in our denomination has the ability to make a decision like this,” she said. “Each church has the right to de cide how it wants to stand on any issue. Before voting on the open and affirming issue, the congregation spent more than a year engag ing in prayers, discussions and Bible study specifical ly targeted to the topic. Schemmer said the congregation wanted to be able to talk about any fears among the group. “Some of what drives exclusion from any group is fear,” she said. “It is not always easy to discuss our fears.” Schemmer said being able to talk about their fears created a closer rela tionship among members. /L-A COLLEGE PARK 6 THEATRES ISI I 2080 EAST 29TH STREET trl/ BRYAN, TX MOVIE TIME GUIDE THE FOLIOWING INFORMATION IS VALID FOR MONDAY - THURSDAY OCT. 6-9, 1997 CONTACT (PG) DT5) CON-AIR (R) DOLBY) FACE OFF (R) LLTRA-STEREO) FICTURE PERFECT (PG-13) DOLBY) NOTHING TO LOSE (R) DOLBY) 7:15 9:55 7:00 9:50 7:10 9:50 7:20 9:40 7:05 10:00 7:30 9:45 BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:30pm MONDAY through THURSDAY Texas Aggie Volleyball & Houston 7 pm Wednesday G. Rollie White m TACO BELLa IMPROVE YOUR WEALTH- BY SHARING YOUR HEALTH Here are 81 good reasons to become a plasma donor at Westgate Plasma Center: $80 dollars in your first two weeks, and you save lives. 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COME EXPERIENCE THE ISLAMIC CULTVHE: jb/\IVr.K. SI RAJ WAHHAJ FREE FOOD! FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES AFRICAN AMERICAN CONVERT <& RENOWNED ISLAMIC SPEAKER Information about Islam Poster Exhibit Islamic Literature Slide Show MON. OCT. 6 @ 6PM MSC 212. 225 SPONSORED BY: L.T. .IORDAN INSTITUTE N I MfcKt WILL ALSO BE CLOTHING, ARTS, AND CRAFTS FOR SALE WED. OCT. 8 @ 7:30 PM Rudder Theater TUBS. OCT. 7 7:30PM-8:30PM MSC 225 $3 ENTRY FEE FREE ADMISSION Free Admission - 2. 19! e Battali ■ of Mon- Co-oo torcer Fair Zachry Engineering Center 8:30a.m.— 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 6 Company ABB Vetco Alexander Engineering Bayer Corporation Celanese Cryovac DSC Communication Electric Scientific Industries Entergy Operations Fidelity Investments Fourth Dimension Design H.B. Zachry HEB Grocery Company Halliburton Ingersoll-Rand Co. Marathon Oil Company NASA-JSC National Instruments Nortel Owen Healthcare, Inc. Sperry-Sun Drilling Tandem Computers Texas Instruments The Software Group The Trane Company Union Carbide Universal Computer Systems Majors cven Eisrrc COSC CVEN CHEN SANA CHEN CHEN ELEN BUSI CECN CEEN CPSC CVEN ELEN ACCT BUSI INEN MEEN COSC CVEN I DIS INEN AGEN ELEN MEEN CVEN ELEN ACCT AERO CECN CEEN BANA CECN BANA CPSC CPSC ELEN BANA CPSC CECN CEEN CPSC CPSC ELEN CHEN IVEEN ALL MAJORS MEEN CPSC MEEN CEEN CPSC ELEN INEN MEEN ELEN MEEN INEN MEEN FINC LEAR MGMT MKTG ELEN INEN MEEN a VI 3rs g tore- jnfer- ented ■D INEN MEEN Environmental Safety BIEN CPSC ELEN FINC MEEN MGMT MKTO CPSC ELEN CEEN CPSC ELEN EN7C FINC MGMT MKTG CSEN CPSC ELEN ENTC INEN MEEN Tuesday, October 7 nt of n ad- bout help pub- busi- soju- what ation allow d.” 1 rpo- ders, rep- :iin- iton. fEn- right Company Majors ABB Lummus Global CHEN CVEN Advanced Micro Devices CEEN CHEN ARCO Chemical Company CHEN ELEN Central Intelligence Agency BANA BUSI City of Houston - Public Works BUSI CPSC Dow Chemical CHEN ELEN Ethicon ELEN INEN Flowtronex International ELEC ELEN Freese & Nichols COSC CVEN Grant Prideco CVEN MEEN Houston Industries (HL&P) BANA CPSC HP - Convex Division CECN CEEN IBM BANA CECN International Paper CHEN ELEN Lockheed Martin Vought AERO CECN Lyondell-Citgo Refining CHEM CHEN M&M Mars ELEN MEEN Mobil Oil Corporation CHEN MEEN Motorola CPSC CEEN New Holland Incorporated AGEN MEEN Occidental Chemical CHEN Solar Turbines AERO ELEN Solutia Inc. BUSI CHEN Southwest Research AERO BIEN Sulzer Intermedics Inc. BIEN ELEN Tellabs Operations, Inc. INEN Tellepsen Corporation COSC ENDS U.S. Space & Rocket Center ENGR UFE Incorporated MEEN Valspar Corporation CHEN ELEN MEEN ELEN PHYS MEEN CEEN CPSC ECON ELEN ENGR LBAR LANG LBAR E 8. MEEN MECH MEEN MEEN PHYS ELEN MEEN CPSC ELEN MEEN CEEN CPSC ELEN MEEN CEEN CPSC ELEN MEEN ELEN MEEN Environmental id rs a- PE7E ELEN i- ie i- MEEN CPSC ELEN MEEN CEEN CPSC ELEN MEEN MEEN All Majors Invited PROFITABLE NUMBER! The Battalion Classified Advertising N oo