Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1997)
■ The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day A stay home Mom and loving Dad hope to adopt infant. Offer happy home and bright future. Call Wendy and Ted at 1-888-840-4321. Legal/ medical expenses paid only. A Warm Sunlit Nursery And An Abundance Of Love Await Your Baby. We Are Jill And Bill, An Aggie Couple. We Are Fully Certified With A Licensed Agency. Call Pam Lucas At The Homes Of St. Mark, In Houston, 800- 543-BABY. Legal/ Medical Expenses Paid Only. Aninaffea ■auf'icBiHEau’irc MraniuurafjrC.iviE.ra i js $$CASH FOR COLLEGE$$ GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. MU I AUTO m 1984 Mercury Cougar, $1,000/o.b.o. Call 845-9164, ask for Albert. 1985 Ford F250, V8, auto, new tires, $4,500. Call 823- 5513. 1985 Honda Accord. Automatic, ac, good condition, $2,400/o.b.o. Call 693-8951. 1989 Ford Probe. 5-speed, silver, 90k miles, a/c, cd- player. Runs great!! $2,200. Call 696-5412. 1990 Miata. Excellent condition. One owner. Low mileage. $7,000. 774-7788. 1994 Elantra, 5-speed, low miles, great condition, $7,000 O.B.O. Call 847-0620. 1994 GMC Jimmy, red/ grey w/leather interior. $16,000. 775-9507, leave message. ‘74 Mercury Marquis, a/c, power, runs fine, $500. Please call 696-3719. Cars for $100!!! Seized & Sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4’s, etc. 800-522-2730, Ext.#3782. RVFl AMn RSXFAKEACkT COMPUTERS Large computer desk $50. Good condition. Call 693- 8698 and leave message. Toshiba lap top, Pentium 100, 810HD, color, Win-95, Office, $1,200. 696-9581. THE HORIZON PRIVATE STUDENT DORM HOUSING FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND VISITORS TO CAMPUS. FURNISHED ROOMS W/ALL BILLS PAID FREE SHUTTLE TO AND FROM TEXAS A&M DAILY, WEEKLY & MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE CALL 779-7091 TODAY! College Court SEPTEMBER PAID! Large 2 Bedrooms /1 Bath Microwave, new carpet Partial Utilities Paid •Ceiling Fans ‘Intrusion Alarms TAMU Shuttle $399 823-7039 3300 S. College Ave. Chronic Pain Study Subjects who have had chronic pain for at least three months, have been taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication daily and require additional pain relief are being recruited for an investigative research study with a marketed pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 or 1 -800-681 -8204 Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified participants ages 12 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with recurrent genital herpes for a research study of an investigational oral medication. A current herpes outbreak is not necessary. Up to $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. For more information, call: VIP Research,Inc. 776-1417 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Pentium 233MMX $1,160, 200MMX $1,080, 166MMX $1,000, 166MHZ $925, 133MHZ $875, 16MB-ram, 20x- CDROM, 1.3GB-HD, 33.6-V/F/modem, 2MB-video, 14"- monitor, s/speakers, tamuNet set-up, 1-year warranty, 2.1GB-Hd add $20, 3.1GB-HD add $65, 846-7186 upgrading &laptops. n i itmittir* uj muaiu Sound Power DJ Service. Weddings/ Mixers/ Parties, Large/ Small Sound Systems. Lights/ Smoke Available. Large Music Selection. Tommy Reed, Class '98, 696- 9754. The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions. For the best call 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT NEEDED: College Students. Part-time Job. $12.00+ per hour. Contact us upm i«cra I 2bdrm/1ba duplex. Fenced, ch/a, w/d connection, $395/mo. On Georgia. HUD o.k. 779-8480. 6bdrms/3baths country home. 32-miles from t.a.m.u. No smoking. $975/mo. 535-7582. An Aggie Tradition.... Come Make Your Home At College Main Apartments. 2bdrm/11/2bath. First Month Rent Free!! 5-Blocks from T.A.M.U. Located on shuttle route. 846-2089. Close to campus. 2bdrm/1bath. $325-$400/mo. $250/dep. Pets ok. Fenced. 846-8630. Office space under construction on Hwy.6 in South C.Sta. Spaces ranging from 250 sq.ft, to 800 sq.ft./con ference room and sitting area. Call 693-7830. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext..A-1652 for current listings. Short term leases available. 1,2,3 bedrooms. Call for information. United Realty, 694-9140. FOR SALE Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B". 364-2868. 18" Bianchi mountain bike, chromemoly, 2" front shock, Shimano components, grip shift, toe clips, $300. Please call Krista at 846-7068. 1976 Invader Ski-boat, Evinrude 115HP water ready $1,800. Craig, 694-0873. Gateway 90Mhz Pentium, 8MBRAM, 640Meg HD, CD- ROM, 15in. monitor, Sound card, speakers, 14.4 fax/ modem, Win-95, MS Office Pro, HP color Ink Jet printer, $800. Craig, 846-1153. 1996-Waveblaster II, under 10-hrs., 3-yr. warranty, $400 hopup, $5,600. 694-9677. 2-digital audio loudspeakers, great for home or profes sional use, worth $2,000, sell $1,000/o.b.o. Still in box. Never been used. 696-0301. Laptop Cannon Inova book, 486DX4, 100 mghz, 520 hard drive, zoom 33/56 modem, Windows 95, carrying case $800/o.b.o. Call 776-0624. Aerosmith Ticketsll For Oct.9th in Dallas. Seating in middle of the house, second section. $84 for two. Please call 694-1542. Need Help With A Computer Problem? Rent A Nerd!! Services Include: Software and Hardware Service and Support. Call 260-9137. Brother word processor $100, king-size bed w/frame $50, washer $50, dishwasher $50, coffee table $20, tapestry luggage $75. Alyssa, 774-3451. Heartburn Study If you have heartburn Are 18 or older Are in general good health Qualifying volunteers will receive an honorarium of $50 No blood drawn. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 SKIN INFECTION STUDY Patients 18 years and older with uncomplicated skin infections such as impetigo, cellulitis, infected hair follicles, wounds, abrasions, insect bites, etc. needed to participate in a research study with an investigative antibiotic. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $200. Call for information: J&S Studies 846-5933 BRAZOS VALLEY RIDING STABLES E. Hwy. 21, Carraba Rd. RIDING HORSES FOR RENT Ask about Midnight Aggie Ride! Ftide Special only $5 Call Rudy for appt. anytime!! 770-7052 or 778-4118 Tilt Dallas gaming Dcms Delivered to your door each morning CALL TODAY: 409-589-3358 For subscription rates. Limited delivery area SAVE $$ OFF NEWSSTAND PRICES • SKI-IN CONDOS • LIFTS • PARTIES • PLUS MORE CLO imSKI-INIS 7 5 4 - 8 4 4 7 U.B. Ski’s IOth Annual College Ski Week If3 RRECKENRIDGE SKI RESORT ^ ^ Vail, ■sOeaiwi Ski 4 Resorts for the Price of 1! I Luxury Condos Lift Pass Ski/Snowboard Rentals & Lessons Non-Stop Parties Roundtnp Motorcoach or Airfare d-*- o- and Free Night Skiing! UUSki “Sk\ the Net!" 1-800-SKI-WILD Don't Mies The Party! (1800 754-8453) IMplSSillf Cannondale full suspension mountain bike. Mavic rims, carbon fiber rear, Sugino crank, $1,495 O.B.O. 696- 3179, leave message. Cannondale V500, new brakes, new tires, STX, gripshift 600, just tuned, plus extras, $375, Please call Wil at 695-0629. Catholic Books/Gifts. Byrne's Catholic Bookstore. Northgate, Upstairs. Afternoons. 846-8699. Clarion In-dash am/fm/cd, 30w x 4, Rem. Face, 1 month old, factory warranty. $200. Please call 260-2001. Full set of beginners golf clubs with bag $75, Heavy duty golf dollie $20, both $90. Pager 226-7079. Full size Drunswick pool table with cues, cue stand etc. $350. Please call 695-8757. Hardtop for Jeep Wrangler $1,200 negotiable. Cooper Ice hockey equipment $350 negotiable. Bryan, 693- 9749. Pool table with balls and two sticks. Used but still in good shape. $75, negotiable. Please call 589-2653. Three tickets for U2 in San Antonio, November 23rd. $40 each. Parking provided. Please call 693-1878. Trek 830 Mountain bike. Like new! $275 o.b.o. Please call 696-7448. ■MMllllllllll Naughty Crosswords Puzzles. Great Fun. Great gift. Cheapo, HELP WANTED ACSI seeks Part-Time students for a Programmer (Required: MS Access, MS Visual Basic; Helpful: Oracle. UNIX, DB2, Delphi, Power Builder) and a Technician (Required: Windows 3.x, Win '95, PC and LAN knowledge; Helpful: Win NT, Novell, UNIX). Starts at $8/hr. Resume:, fax: 268- 8811, APPOINTMENT SETTERS. $7-$9/hr. We're seeking bright, enthusiastic people to tell others about our terrif ic service and help bring people together. B/C.Sta. area accounting firm otters: ‘Flexible day hours; full/part time, ‘Professional environment, ‘Base Salary plus com mission, ‘Training and support. For interview, call Ed between 9A.M.-5P.M. EST at: 800-994-4276. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Part-time work. Up to $8.25. Scholarships and internships available. Conditions apply. Good resume experience. Call 696- 7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Attention Students: Want a fun way to make money? Become a character in the 16th century and work in a food booth at the Texas Renaissance Festival. For more information call Debbi, 279-3274. Bike delivery, car delivery and cashiers needed. Apply: Burger Boy, 301-C Patricia. 846-2146. CHINA GARDEN now hiring wait, host, cashier. Lunch and dinner shifts. 823-2818. CICi's Pizza now accepting applications for guest greeters and kitchen staff. Flexible shifts and sched ules. Apply at Culpepper Plaza location/C.Sta. Education major wanted to tutor eight grader. Sun.- Thurs. Start at 5p.m. Approx. 3hrs/day. Call Cherry, 691-4663. Experienced dental waxer needed. Full-time/ Part-time, flexible hours. 776-7905. FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT. $18K-$72K/yr. +Benefits. Paid Training. For Information On F/T & P/T Positions Call 1-800-585-9024, Ext.#4357. Golden Floors is looking for someone w/construction background or courses. Must have dependable trans portation, be outgoing & have good public relations. Apply @4001 -East 29th. Street, Ste.#111. HARPER’S, nicest little tavern in Bryan needs 2- Bartenders Waitress. 778-6333. Apply in person at 3006-North Texas, Bryan. Howdy Agsll Short on cash? Looking for a part-time job? Don't go therel! Come here-to the Plasma Center where you can earn $140 a month donating your life saving plasma $80 in your first two weeks!! Donating plasma is everything you could ask for in a part-time job: minimal time, good pay, no work required, tax free cashll Don't delay, call todayl! Westgate Biologicals, Inc. 2- convenient locations: 4223-Wellborn Rd., Bryan, 846- 8855. 700-University East, College Station, 268-6050. IS Operation Technician. Excellent computer skills required. Late evening hours. Often work alone. To apply fax resume to: 774-6207 or call 774-6227. Kids Connection- Bryan ISO's after-school program is seeking the following: Bus-drivers, '97-'98 school-year, Mon.-Fri., 3-6, $6.25/hr. Qualifications: Class B/CDL required. Apply in person with resume: 2200 Villa Maria, Ste.#11. Bryan ISD is an E.O.E. by choice. 731- 7804. Kitchen help needed. Apply Mon.-Fri., 4-5p.m. T-Bone Jones. Manpower Job Line (Bryan) 260-5010. (409)295-6696, 24 Hour Information. (Huntsville) New company in B/C.Sta. seeking motivated managers. PT/FT, Team work. Highly stressed. (409)695-9984, Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment 823-5031. Phoning/ 10-key entry. No selling. No weekends. $6/hr. 1-5p.m. Temporary. Call Cameron at RRC, Inc. at 846-4713. iillll ■ 1 |-y tAf nuifm C.K_■ Wfrtra I E-U Telemarketers. Pleasant phone work. $8/hr. after training. 2-shifts available. Apply between 10a.m.- 3p.m. or 4:30p.m.-6p.m., Mon.-Fri. 1701 S.W.Pkwy #112, C.Sta. 694-7171. Temporary Programmer needed. Familiar with Microsoft Access '97. Call 693-8888. P/T Office Work (night/ weekends) with KAPLAN, world's leading test prep organization. Friendly intelli gent staff are needed immediately! Call Crystal Tidmore for interview. (409)696-3196. Sign Shop has part-time positions available for students, working in shop & art room. Apply at Signs now!! 116- A Walton Drive, C.Sta. For information, call 764-8339. The Deluxe Diner hiring morning/ lunch wait-staff and lunch delivery driver, 203-University Drive. University Tower needs an Aerobics instructor, teach boxing and step. Apply at University Tower, call Stephanie 695-9973 for class times. LOST & FOUND Lost ladies High School class ring. Cathedral City High School. Rewardl! 847-5007. 88888888 g % £gjg jgg *•. 88868888 8888S888aa8a88a MOTORCYCLE • • \ : 1987 Yamaha FZ700 with helmet & charger. New seat, chain. $2,100/o.b.o. 764-9057, leave message. MUSIC Rock, R&B band needs new drummer for upcoming gigs. Call 775-3230. PERSONAL Looking for Boyfriend? Somebody to talk? Non- Profitable Dating Servicel! Meet New People The Fun Way Today!! 1-900-289- 1245, Ext.#3665. $2.99 per min. MustbelSyrs. Serv- U (619)645-8434. No blind dates!! 1-900-289-1245, Ext.#6421. $2.99/min. MustbelSyrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS ■I Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cat^, Dogs. Many pure breedsl Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. AKC miniature Schnauzer. Please call 696-0321. Cute black males. $200 Miniature Schnauzers AKC, ears/tails done, shots, groomed, health guarantee, white, s/p $250-$300. Please call 567-7209. Reveille look alike registered sheltie puppies. 6-weeks old on 9/26/97. Shots and wormed. $200 & up. Student discounts given. (254)822-1627. Two SIMs (single iguana male) seeks caring spacious home. Clean & friendly. $100 O.B.O. Call Preston at 696-9673, evening. Weimaraner puppies!! Several colors available, $150- $200. Parents on property. Please call 272-1223. REAL ESTATE Gov’t Foreclosed homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent tax, Repo's. REO's. Your Area. Toll Free (1)800-218-9000. Ext.H-1652 for current listings. ROOMMATES F-Roommate needed to share 3bdrm/11/2bath house. Own room. $200/mo.+1/3bills. Call Katsura, 693-3102. Female roommate needed. 2bdrm/11/2bath. $225/mo. + 1/2bills. 316-Brentwood. Contact Rufina, 764-6546. M/F Roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bath 4-plex Apt. Fall semester. $200/mo. +1/2bills. W/D included. Call Doug, 779-2269. M/F Roommate needed to share 2bdrm/2bath apart ment. $330/mo. Plantation Oaks. Brian/695-1835. SERVICES UUAMTFn www%WW I K.L9 Part time openings available for general office helper and library runner. Must have dependable transporta tion. Mail or drop resume and time available for work to Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, Suite 105, College Station, Texas 77840. E.O.E. e- mail: The final deadline for buying a page for your organization in the 1998 Aggieland yearbook is Monday, Sept. 29, at 5 p.m. Contracts are available in Room 004 Reed McDonald.* Part time openings available for assembly of environ mental wells and equipment. Flexible hours available during the week and weekends. Must have dependable transportation. For application come by Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark drive, Suite 105, College Station, Texas, 77840 E.O.E, Part-time, 8a.m.-12p.m., M-F. Clerical data entry. Call 774-6633 for appointment. Partners Food Delivery hiring cooks and drivers. Flexible hours. Apply in person at 113-Walton, C.Sta. PC Repair Specialist. Our College Station office an experienced PC tech with knowledge of PC hardware and ability to perform component level repair. We can offer full-time or part-time hours to fit your schedule and $12-$14 per hour. E.O.E. To apply, stop by our Recruiting office in the Metro Centre in Bryan, 3833 South Texas Ave,, Ste. 201, Tuesday-Thursday after 12p.m. or call: 1-800-883-3031. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Person needed to do part-time ranch work in exchange for small unfinished house with appliances/utilities. Near Navasota. Couple preferred. Call (409)873-2869. PT Clerical/ Customer Service Representatives needed for busy property/ casualty insurance agency. Must have a professional appearance, excellent written and oral skills, and previous clerical experience. Send resume to : Attn: Office Manager, 1100-B Harvey Road, College Station, TX 77840. QUALITY SALES PEOPLE. We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immedi ately. $7/hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched ules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. Retail Manager Trainee. Full-Time. Send Resume To: Career Apparel, 1702 A South Texas Avenue, Bryan, TX 77802. before it’s too late Technician needed. Computer store. Experienced and independent. Part/full time. Call Dan, 846-5454. Friday • September 26, Volleyball looks to M/Roommate needed. Large country home. 10-min- utes from campus. $275/mo. +1/4bills. 776-0566. rebound against Oil By Travis V. Dabney Staff writer The Texas A&M Volleyball Team will attempt to recover from a tough loss to the University of Texas in their second conference match of the season. They will take on the University of Oklahoma tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at G. Rollie White Coliseum. The Aggies had their seven- game winning streak snapped on Wednesday by the twelfth-ranked Longhorns in a five game match ending with the Horns taking the last two games by scores of 15-12. “Mentally we are fine after that loss, but we do have a few nicks and scrapes,” Coach Laurie Corbelli said. “It is real important that we are resilient right now, and remain up beat.” Outside hitter Jennifer Wells said she believes the Aggies will make a strong comeback after the loss to the Horns. “Last night we all decided that that match was behind us,” Wells said. “OU has a great team and we are going to be fired up when we play on Saturday night.” The Sooners come into Saturday night’s match with a 6-5 record and two straight losses. Even with the less-than-stellar record, two of the Sooners’ losses have come at the hands of Stanford University and Brigham Young University, both of whom are considered among the elite Ajri w teams in the country. Cot Corbelli says the Aggies willkj , their hands full on Saturday^ with Oklahoma. “OU has a very solid team aril couple of great outside she said. “They return fivestanj and they are ready for success,’ Corbelli also said she expo: the Aggies to return to winr; form against the Sooners. “Mentally, we are fine after) UT game, physically we areal) their fla banged up but 1 expect thatwu painted be fine on Saturday,” Corbellisg vibrant i Oklahoma will be at a slight! nationa advantage due to a schedii insub-z glitch forcing them to playlg perature on Friday night and TexasAMii Saturday night. Coach Cork overwhc Does not feel this will haveglove for effect on Saturday’s game. “Physically it won’t man Frida P weight, aged mi country, the joy c because all the players arej mint Pai such good shape, andwecanil ingfor a worrying about doing,” Corbelli what theva oelong t said. “We cj lerdofl need to worry about whatlg mown a A&M is doing. Even with the loss Wednesday night, coach Coik across tl seems to be very pleased withi) cans of! season to date. “I am so happy to be coat this team right now, I wotit natchin You Tw jjlilight” a want to coach any other teamimi a ^ en 01 country,” Corbelli said. “This has the ability to learn fromitsci takes and they all have enjoy being around on another Aggie Softball Team kicks off Fall seasoi By Jeff Schmidt Staff Writer and Amy Schmaltz along)rf S '! 1 . n Rightfielder Tanya Klecker 61 also be counted on to ■■ )rova 1 AAA-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver's Training. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations Bank. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). TUTORS Experienced Tutor- Genetics, Math, Science, Spanish. H.S. and College. By appointment only. Small group discount. Call 690-0738. Wanted: Students to lose weight. No drugs. Herbs boost metabolism, suppress appetite. $29.95. Fast/free local delivery. V/MC/Disc. plus checks. (409)823-3307 or 1-800-927-3340. B/C.Sta. apnhgs LOOSE 10-100 LBS. Feel great. All natural. Doctor recommended. Money back guarantee. (409)223- 2020. “Talented but young” is not only a theme of the Texas A&M Football Team, but also applies to the Texas A&M Softball Team. The Aggies begin the fall season Saturday by hosting the Texas Aggie Fall Softball Tournament at Central Park. The Aggies start the tourna ment by playing Alvin Community College at 10:00 a.m. on field one. They will also play Blinn College, Texas Lutheran University, and Centenary College. The Championship game is at 7:00 p.m. Admission to the tourna ment is free. Coach Jo Evans said the team can practice during the fall even though softball is a Spring sport. “The NCAA allows us 22 weeks out of the year to practice,” Evans said. “If we start right after Christmas that leaves us some time to work out. We choose to go now when the weathers nice.” This extra time can be useful in evaluating the team. “It’s good teaching time for us. We spend a lot of time with the kids and on fundamentals,” Evans said. Last season, the Aggies fin ished 37-29 and wound up sixth in the Big Twelve. However, only five teams advanced to the NCAA playoffs. Despite getting shut out of the playoffs, Evans said she was proud of what last year’s team accomplished. “We finished pretty well con sidering our team was really young,” Evans said. She hopes that the post season snub will motivate the team. “There’s a good chance as the season wears on that if we play well and we come together like I think we can,” Evans said, “we’ll have a chance to be ranked and do some good things.” The team will be lead by a solid core of returning lettermen such as shortstop Jamie Smith. Last season, Smith lead the team in batting as a true freshman. Catchers Marianne McGuire ny shoe Yes, p Foott vait. No uphori Jmmm, op 10, r ions of 'ears. Ye Amer ewel of ivilizati irutes, v vhile sh tribute. McGuire is the r: defensive oriented calc: while Schmaltz will providt offensive firepower. Klecki an excellent slap burner n the speed to steal bases. However, the returnees have to fight off challenges 10-woman freshman ( including live-armed fresh pitcher Ashley Lewis, allofwi can contribute. “Every single new person!: possibility of stepping up doing great things,” first) assistant coach Ali Sagas said Evans said the fall is a tins newcomers to adjust to collegt “We’re spending a lot ofi getting to know each othed getting our team chemist Evans said. “We have alotof players and they’re trying tolf our system and adjust to coaching and each other. 1 time for us to jell as a team." Klecker said that the newo ers playing experience the team. “A lot of the new girls pi* ball in the summer to shape, and that’ll help,”shesai After getting their feet wti hosting their own tournament Aggies will travel to Springfe 1997 SK College Classic to be on October 4-5. If the Aggies muster a good showing at tournament, there is a j chance they could wind up pi ing the dreaded Texas Shortly The team swept the Shortin' last season. The Aggies spring sees begins February 10 with a header at Southwest Texas S University. The first h will be at the Aggie Invitation^ February 20-22. The Aggies fully anticiptf good campaign in the fall, said she expects a little more. “I believe we can get to NCAA Regionals,” she said, If confidence is a key to ning, the Aggies already h step up on the competition. lall play ommei heir me sbecor he brag Regre pbvious he third Albert fired by NBC after enterin guilty plea on assault charges ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — After three days that put the details of his kinky sex life on trial, Marv Albert pleaded guilty Thursday to assault and battery charges that could bring him a year behind bars and perhaps a lifetime of humiliation. Within hours, NBC fired him. “From my point of view, I just felt like I had to end this ordeal,” Albert said outside court in a weary voice after agreeing to a deal in which prosecutors dropped the more serious charge of forcible sodomy, which carried from five years to life in prison. Albert, 56, was accused longtime lover of flinging hen) a bed, viciously biting her and forcing her to perforin oral in an Arlington hotel room Feb because she failed to bringaiH er man into their bed. His plea came a day aftera prise witness came forward similar accusations: thatAlbe! wearing white panties garter belt — bit her on the and tried to force her to perfi oral sex on him during a struggle in a Dallas hotel that left her holding the spo' caster’s toupee. St I nev pi a’ A&i nothin game t counti campi Brona rented mer, a: cernec of mer their 5 knowli brevia somet Wh life as with tl would is foot ed to c had oi Hm game, what I as mu naviar where would Activit ceiver Frienc The But