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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1997)
v4 HISPANIC BUSINESS STUDENT ASSOCIATION First General IVIeeting September TO, 1997 lAfehner 113 7:30 pm Administrative Assistant Our Bryan/College Station office seeks an assistant full or part-time, for word processing, office coordination and other cimnnrt duties Previous clerical experience helpful. Full time 5 position offers salary and full benefits including medical,| dental, and vision insurance, 401k and f cal , our I performance/salary reviews. EOE. To apply, please c 1 main headquarters'. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. 1-800-883-3031 Phi Beta Chf National Christian/Social Sorority Fall Rush '97 * Informational Meetinq TOMIGHT! Wed., 9/10 7pm Rudder 308 Sunday Dress * Campus Clue Thurs., 9/l l 7:30 pm Rudder 308 Casual Dress ... Wear Walking Shoes! * Movie Game night Mon., 9/15 7:30 pm Rudder 308 Casual Dress * Bible Study Wed., 9/1 7 7:30 pm MSCI45 All interested ladies are invited to attend. For more information, contact Gina Pierce Care Plus^m Presents , The Good Doc "Fell asleep at a tailgate party, did you ? ” Make tracks to CarePlus Medical Center for all your minor emergencies. Our on-site x-ray facility allows us to treat your accidents and injuries quickly. And no appointment is necessary, so you can come in immediately after an accident. A&M students even receive a 10% discount at CarePlus Medical Center. At CarePlus, you get quality care plus value and convenience. Care Plus^tt* 2411 Texas Ave. and Southwest Pkwy • College Station, TX 77840 696-0683 BMW mountain bike, when you bring your BMW for a free 40 point inspection. Quietly doing business the FRED BROWN way since 1982 C The Battalion AMPUS Wednesday • September 10,15! Campus Calendar Pre-Dental Society: An introductory meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in2S MSC. For more information contact Shannon at 696-2922. Wednesday, September 10 CIS: "Intro to MS Word” will be held from 2-4 p.m. in 1002 Teague. Reg ister at courses. Call 845-8300 for information. TAMU Women’s Lacrosse Team: Practice will be held from 4 to 6 p.i the Zachary fields. Anyone is encouraged to join. Experience is notne« sary. For questions call Monica at 694-6915. CIS: "Intro to MS Excel” will be held from 4-6 p.m. in 1002 Teague. Reg ister at courses. For more details call 845-8300. Phi Beta Chi: National Christian Sorority is having an informational me ing in Rudder 308 at 7 p.m. Sunday dress attire. Call Gina at 694-0564 more information. t t 04 th YE CIS: "Using Pic Sure” will be held from 3-4 p.m. in 132 Blocker. Register at courses. Call 845-8300 for details. Undergraduate Business Consulting Association (UBCA): If you are terested in consulting attend first meeting in Wehner 125 at 7:30. at 823-3007 for details. CIS: There will be a short course on how to use Netscape, ph, and ftp in 1002 Teague from 12-2 p.m. Register at courses. Call 845-8300 for more information. TAMU Anthropological Society: The first general meeting of the year be held at 7:00 in Room 130 of the Anthropology Building. Call Judyatlf 8531 or 693-7870 for more information. Indian Students Association: The first general meeting of the semester will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 292B MSC. Call Sarita at 764-8690 for details. Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society: There will be a meeting for current mem bers in 410 Rudder from 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. There will be free pizza. Bring your own drink. Sigma Phi Lambda (Sisters for the Lord): There will be a Rush Activq 110 Koldus at 6:45 p.m.-8:00 p.m. For further information contact Co; Chalmers at 696-5498 ituden Idvise: Angel Flight-Silver Wings: There will be an informational meeting at 7:i p.m. in room 510 Rudder. For more information call Stephanie at 695-26; Study Abroad Program Office: There will be a Fulbright Information Meet ing for those interested in studying abroad in 154 Bizzell Flail West at 10 a.m. Contact the Study Abroad Programs Office at 845-0544 for more information. Agnostic and Atheist Student Group: There will be a general meet from 8:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. in 128D Zachary. For more information cont Jaime Flenderson at 268-AASG. A graduate •insight an iw to surviv iy at 4 p.m. The prese by Women in and Technolc fence and Tee feomen in Cc panel will be Be students fields who h; jrriore. years c TAMU Zoological Society: Come eat free pizza and meet the officers at the first meeting of the semester in 100 Butler at 7 p.m. For more informa tion contact Alisa Campbell at 691-6417. Texas A&M Sports Car Club: There will be an informational meeting about the club, open to all cars, trucks, students and faculty at 7 p.m. in 108 Flar- rington. Call Dean at 822-9798 for more details. 'rofes: (air pov H A I £■*/'> 11 i rzA i American Medical Student Association Pre-Medical Chapter: Filo Maldon ado, Director of Texas A&M College of Medicine Admissions, along with a panel of med students will provide a medical school workshop at 7 p.m. in 301 Rud der. For more information contact Patricia at Unitarian Universalist Student Fellowship: The Credo discussions will be discussing “What is your spiritual quest?” from 11:30 a.m. tolpl in the Flullabaloo meeting room in the MSC. Contact Jeff at 862-94451 more information. I A lecture ( Campus Calendar is a Battalion service that lists non-pro| rea n War will student and faculty events and activities. Items should be sv:tonight in the mitted no later than three days in advance of the desired run dati Room (Room Application deadlines and notices are not events and will noti'i ouston San run in Campus Calendar. If you have any questions, pleasec;,, T ' ie J® < r t ^ r the newsroom at 845-3313. , at o hi o state .written sever rticles on rr Dining and Food Specials A att educe RATED BEST TASTING PIZZA BY THE BATTALION! i# / FINE SOUTHWESTERN FOOD WEDNESDAY AGGIE SPECIAL valid thru 10/01/97 Any 2 PIZZAS for $ 9.90 Dine-ln Only. TAMU Student ID required. SOUTHWESTERN FOOD & WOOD-FIRED PIZZAS I EDINBURl lidalgo Cour Ition over it ■e district a ■s prosecuf irough the < I Last wee! le county c< pt make prc |ig its jail pc )0 inmates pen though ficials said The state lie for coun i|f ate their i i on back v I On Tuesd, Bet Attorney Bd instruct* ■ork more cl Brs to ensu Bfile complc Bnders to ja 1905 TEXAS AVE v SOUTH * 764-871 7 Deliveries Daily 11 AM - 1 PM and 5 PM - 9 PM. All Major Credit Cards Accepted. r ederc Freshly made Sandwiches, Soups & Desserts Italian Sub (Lunch: 11-2 daily) FREE COOKIE! W/ PURCHASE OF AGGIE SPECIAL (SANDWICH, SIDE ORDER, & DRINK) Buy l Aggie Special and Get 2“* Sandwich for 1/2 PRICE! Imported ham, cheese, salami, and pepperoni on a fresh baked bun. Loaded with lettuce, tomato, and our special Italian sauce. Served with chips or pasta salad and a pickle. Price includes a 16 oz. soft drink. $ Present coupon before ordering Expires 09/17/97 2416 Texas Ave. S • College Station 696-DELI Fax: 693-6606 2.73 Hours: 10 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Delivery available. $20 minimum '+ tax Expires 12/97 COLDESYBEER I COLLEGE STATION.TX Y 311 University Drive • 846-3030 mcoui OMAHA, I ^gulators w acific’s hee Safety at the pad in resp jwestigatior people kille< Jince June. ■ “Until the wiry from this inished,” Fe Jfator Jolene M The ager ■cross the r fbf track rele fatigue, disp |ve equipm Jnd harassr ‘iporting safe LONG John Silvers 8081 Texas Ave. College Station and 3224 S. Texas Ave. Bryan "Soon to bo famous Chicken Fingers! We accept checks. ALL you can eat I Fish or Chicken. i PoPc°rN 1 : Munchers $499 i i | Fish, Chicken, or Shrimp Sun.thru Weds. (all day long) n.79 ! CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL Buy one box or plate, get second one for $ 1.50 IIS® with purchase of two soft drinks Present this coupon for special. Dine-in only. Mon. - Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Checks accepted Now serving Ice Cold Beer M i BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! of equal or lesser value We remember what Family Meals are all about! Whether its before a test, after a party or on a lunch break. Kettle Restaurants are always open to serve our Aggies. I R@YERS I linel loldman: one of the Campus Bryan College Station 846-9184 822-5507 764-9271 1403 Llniveristy Dr. 27 I 2 S. Texas 2502 Texas FRED BROWN 3100 Briarcrest Drive (East Loop 6 at Briarcrest) 776 - 7601 THE ULTIMATE DRIVING MACHINE.® MON 6am-FRI I Opm ONLY Dine in Only - Not Valid with any other offers. • Offer Expires 9-19-97 Tuesday^ & Wednesday’s Happy Pie Hour 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. Free pie with the purchase of any entree! (you gotta pay for the Blue Bell & Bring in this coupon) * catering * party rooms * tailgate parties * Call for “Same Day Seating” Expires 9/30/97 2500 Texas Ave. South 694-8826 * Sun, Tue-Thurs 11-9:30 * Fri 11-10:30 * Sat 12-10:30* lackson: Monitors Personal | hUp://l' BH°ok up i gloria I ne\ jKe, AP’; paws sen