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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1997)
AGGIE WRANGLERS AN AGGIE TRADITION FOR THIRTEEN YEARS FALL SESSION I DANCE LESSONS CLASS DAY TIME LOCATION JITTERBUG SUNDAY 4-5:30 GRW 266 COUNTRY & WESTERN I SUNDAY 6-7:30 GRW 266 JITTERBUG I SUNDAY 6-7:30 MSC 226 COUNTRY & WESTERN II SUNDAY 8-9:30 GRW 266 COUNTRY & WESTERN I WEDNESDAY7:30-9:00 GRW 255 JITTERBUG I THURSDAY 7:45-9:15 GRW 266 SIGN-UPS IN THE MSC FLAGROOM AT 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. ON SEPTEMBER 8 & 9 (or until class fill) COST: $30 PER COUPLE (non-students add $20/person rec-sports fee for classes in GRW) CLASSES START SEPTEMBER 14 C&W CLASSES RUN 5 WEEKS, JITTERBUG RUNS 4 WEEKS For more information, visit the Aggie Wranglers on-line at: WELCOME* BACK AGGE For all the styles and all the savings, Post Oak Mall is the only place to shop. You’ll find all your favorite stores . . . plus special offers for Aggie shoppers. L The Battalion IFESTYLES Thursday • September 4,1997 C/ex as music comes /o fife Festival in Austin and Kerrville honors Jimmie Rodgers’ 100th birthday By Rhonda Reinhart Staff writer T exas music - two words that speak vol umes. It is not country, blues, rock or jazz, but a class all its own. Texas music is writ ten for Texans by Texans. In an effort to preserve the traditions of Texas music, the Texas Heritage Music Foun dation will be holding its annual Texas Heritage Music Festival this weekend. The four-day event starts with a kick-off par ty in Austin Thursday night and continues in Kerrville Friday through Sunday. This year’s festival is a celebration of what would have been Jimmie Rodgers’ 100th birthday. Rodgers is considered the father of country music, and his influence is evident in the works of musi cians from Texas and other parts of the country. Recently Bob Dylan released a tribute album containing 14 of Rodgers’ songs with guest artists including Van Morrison, Aaron Neville and Mary Chapin-Carpenter. Glen Alyn, a Texas poet, writer and musician who has been performing at the Texas Heritage Music Festival for about six years, said the festi val is something he looks forward to every year. “It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “It’s charming and refreshing. It’s like a breath of fresh air in the country.” Alyn said he enjoys going to the festival be cause everyone involved in it really respects the musicians. The Texas Heritage Music Foundation is made up entirely of volunteers. Kathleen Hudson, foundation director and an English professor at Schreiner College in Kerrville, said the volunteers offer their services because they know what they do is unique. “Telling stories and singing songs make a dif ference,” she said. “We are a grass roots organi zation, not a bunch of people trying to figure out how to get on the radio.” Hudson said she is interested in Texas music because it has a rough edge to it. “Texas music is. not really slick and commer cially-oriented,” she said. “It’s original, unique and it breaks new ground. Texas musicians are really passionate about what they do. They’re passionate folks doing exacdy what they want to do.” She said Texas music gives listeners a sense they are connect ing to the peo- pie who are \J perform ing it. N “ It’s like a breath of fresh air in the country.” GLEN ALYN Texas poet, writer and musician Lori Hughes, a member of the office staff at the Foundation, agrees there is a special bond between listeners and performers of Texas music. “The spirit, the writing, the subjects of the writing and the personal stories make Texas mu sic special,” she said. “Texans think of themselves as special people - more rugged and enduring.” She said musicians from Texas have brought more of the outlaw spirit and the wildness people associate with the state to other styles of music. Alyn said Texas music has more of a frontier bite to it than other music. “I’m really glad to be a part of the Texas mu sic tradition,” he said. “There is a lot ofvarietv and a lot of influences from different cultures in Texas music.” Alyn said one of the goals of the festival is to help edify people on the influence Texas music has had on the state, the United States and the world. Events at the festival will include educational exhibits beginning with a focus ofTexas heritage on Friday, a fiddling contest on Saturday anda scholarship fundraiser on Sunday. The Wayne Kennemer Scholarship fund is | named foraTexas musician who was killed inan | automobile accident in September 1992. Willie Nelson and Little Joe Y La Familiawi be headlining the benefit, and all proceeds from ; the fundraiser will go to a student interested in I studying some aspect of music. Texas has produced a wide variety of musi cians, including Janis Joplin, Ernest Tubb and Buddy Holly. Even though their musical styles do not share many similarities, their Texas heritage gives them a common bond. Alyn said where you grow up is what makes you who you are. “Texas music reflects the natural environ ment," he said. "Music was originally thereto preserve the culture of people, the history and emotional content of people’s lives and the para doxes that occur in life.” SATURDAY & SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 6 & 7 Welcome Back Party . . . All Aggies are invited to a very collegiate weekend, sponsoreci by Post Oak Mall and Aggie 96FM. Pick up some pointers on campus life and get your FREE “Fall at the Mall” gift pack. Plus, at 2pm on Saturday,enjoy our “What’s Fashionable for Fall” show. PICK UP YOUR FREE CHECKBOOK Filled with valuable coupons and save money at dozens of your favorite stores. Available at the Customer Service Booth, while supplies last. SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS AND GET $5 FREE Check out Post Oak Mali’s great stores and spend just $65. Present your mall receipts at our Customer Service Booth and we’ll give you a $5 Gift Certificate to spend on anything you want at any of our stores. Quantities limited, good while supplies last. Post Oak Mall Bealls, Dillard's, Foley's, JCPenney, Sears, Service Merchandise, The Food Court and 105 Specialty Stores. Open Monday-Saturday 10 to 9, Sunday 12 to 6. Your Gift Certificate Connection ... Call Our Customer Service Booth 764-0777. Texas 6 Bypass at Highway 30, College Station DELTA SIGMA PI MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 INFORMATIONAL ROOM 110 KOLDUS 7:30-10:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 PROFESSIONAL ROOM 601 RUDDER 7:30-10:00 P.M. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 SOCIAL CAFE CAPRI 7:30-9:30 P.M. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 SOCIAL KYLE FIELD PRESS BOX, 9TH LEVEL 7:00-10:00 P.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 INTERVIEWS MSC 140, 141 8:15-MIDNITE Invitation Only WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 INTERVIEWS MSC 140, 141 8:15-MIDNITE Invitation Only THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 PICNIC OAKS PARK 5:00-8:30 P.M. 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