Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1997)
\ The Battalion The Battalion lassified Thursda y * September 4, 1997 PORTS s All-American Blalack Walls looking a little blank? applies only to ys at no charge. If onal insertions at Kl Individuals- Singers, Dancers and Theatrical lor a singing telegram service. Part-time, ntpay. Call between 9a.m.-4p.m., Tues.-Fri 131-1238. ■al sales needed for part/full-time. Aggressive, « and experienced. Call Dan, 846-5454. MNTED ood? Chick-Fil-A in Bryan al d. or College Station al Post cations. -Start this summer nours: Bryan- 6:30am-10pm. om. -Experience preferred, erience available. (E.O.EJ (tore Diner hiring AM & PM wait staff and cooks, nversity Drive. Apply in person. l is looking for sales reps to post fliers. Earn free id extra $cash$. Call 1-800-SKI-WILD. sses and Bartenders. The Ptarmigan Club. 822- 3ood experience for Pre-vet/ 694-3689 u miss excitement, passion rareer can fulfill your needs aseball Players Company osses competitive edge to Houston 696-2431. Part-time work. Up to and Internships available, iume experience. Call 696- . 6a m.-2p.m. in our home. HELP WANTED sparks big victory Jazz them up with art! (Fnendly Door Greeters For “Outlaw Thursdays" dowCanyon Every Thursday- 6P.M. To Midnight, son Productions 1-888-754-8447 wse help needed. F/P-T. Tues.-Sat., 9a.m.- S6/hr. Please call 779-7586. and Photographers needed for Study Breaks Call 1-800-856-3141. LOST & FOUND CAT. Male, short haired, all white, 1-blue eye, 1- iye. Please call 696-4535. MISCELLANEOUS h?? Cavitt Corner Used Books & Collectibles used furniture, pictures, dishes, decorations, I 822-6633. king responsible, detail pri- ranch September through lust be able to work some all 696-5669. for more infer- reeded al Burger Boy. Cal I wait. host, cashier. Lundr AWAY YOUR LAUNDRY DETERGENT!! Just (Earthsmart Laundry Disc for soft, clean clothes OCHEMICALS!! Call Jo @ 764-9756. MOTORCYCLE naha XT550 Enduro. Runs great, needs little SHOO/o.b.o. 268-8208, Bryan, 696-1248 (Action time EXPERIENCED main- er. Pleasant environment :ut, hard working, ambitious aan carpets, oriental rugs, technical procedures. Cal ng part-time flexible hours, Heed phone, transportation 50/hr. Call 690-6882. tansportationl! 1985 Suzuki GS700 Runs and pod Cheap insurance. $1,200. 822-2675. work. musical parking spaces? Park by most any on campus with a 1993 Yamaha XT-350, (condition New back tire. $1,950. 764-2719, MUSIC guitar player anda.s.a.p. i my singer needed for er. 778-5870. s seeking positive enihusi- ive fun at work!! Flexible ’lease apply al 326-George oad between 2p.m.-5p m, YPING IN YOUR FREE 's Blues Factory is now hir- and dishwashers. Apply in I it 121-North Main Street reded. Full-time/ Part-time. Ail positions. Drivers earn $18K-$72K/yr. +Benelits. on On F/T 8 P/T Positions )57. nt worker needed for MSC o. Come work in the most town. Work 10-20hrs.Avk. benefits. Framing experi- proficiency in mat cutting. JS, Room 032, lower level PERSONAL iople the fun way today!! 1-900-285-9035, S2 99/min. Must be I8yrs. Serv-U: r Companion. 1-900-289-1077, Ext #8154 Must be 18yrs Serv-U: (619)645-8434 lonely Again!!! 1-900-285-9035. Ext 9969 minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645- S More!!! Sport Scores & Trivia, Daily i, Soap Updates, and Stock Updates 1 -900- 77,Ext#7110. $2 99/min. MustbetSyrs Serv- !M5-8434. PETS Puppies. Kittens. Cats, Dogs. Many pure Stazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. iamese Python male 5/2 feet, beautiful $350 John at 693-0446 Jr»w puppiestl Several colors available $150- ■ti. Yms on property. Please call 272-1223. REAL ESTATE |>i rent? Buy a 3bdrm/2batb home within cycling pfrom campus. Excellent condition. Berber car ped yard. 2-car garage, oft S.W.Pkwy. $89,500. pare! Reese. Coventry Glen Realty. 846-2894, 1URCHILL HIGH? Wanna 33 s, counter help and pizza ers paid cash daily. Apply xt to Whataburger). Ily needs help with house- ] ___________ 3 8694 ROOMMATES ? Looking (or a part-time tere- to the Plasma Center month donating your life- first two weeks!! Donating d ask for in a part-time job: irk required, tax free cash!! stgate Biologicals, Inc. 2- /Vellborn Rd., Bryan, 846- ollege Station, 268-6050. lie A&M student preferred, all after 7p.m., 846-3376. >'s afterschool program), r Fall-'97 employment. M- Substitute positions also are experience required, aria. Rm.11. 731-7803 for / choice. ipplications for drivers and 3 Caesars. ie warehouse help/ deliv- riving record. Please call pplication. me work. Flexible around 25/hr. Scholarships and tns apply. Inten/iew now. 4. 10a.m.-4p.m. ng while going to school? nool is in session? (ie. ng Break and the summer II. 731 University Drive. udes maintenance duties. 2280. ring motivated managers, ressed (409)695-9984 s.a.p. Call Manja at 764- Pub. Kitchen positions from minimum wage to ince. It interested phone d Pub. Now accepting se position. Apply in per- 0 Briarcrest. s needed. Koppe Bridge innate needed. 3bdrm/11/2bath house. Ill +1/3bills. Call Katsura at 696-1503. iteeded to share 3bdrm/2bath duplex, $190/mo. t Call 693-9755. i roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2bath $220/mo. +1/3bills Call 846-9523. I ! roommate needed. 316-Brentwood. ttfibath. Contact Rufina at 764-6546. faster bedroom for two responsible roommates to v in gorgeous house w/huge deck. $240/each 693-0169 or (281)469-7256. |ae student or 25+, share 2bdrm/1bath house. ttpus. 862-3997, 694-9523. ommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bath duplex. i 0+1/2bills. 361-0034. on-smoker, to share nice apartment. On shuttle. |>om/bath. $280/mo. +1/2bills. Cellular phone- cor utilities. Call for details, 846-3376. *iate needed a.s.a.p. Rent: half of $485 +1/2utili- •Wrm/ttCba. Shuttle bus. Near mall. Call it 694-0808. He needed to share 3bdrm/2bath house +1/3bills. Call 696-7669 te needed 4bdrm/3bath, $200/mo. +1/4utili- text to campus. Call 693-4694. “ale Needed: Fall Semester. $200/mo.. w/d Near shuttle bus. Call 779-2269 SERVICES 'exas Defensive Driving/Driver's Training. Lots-of- jjgli-a-lot! 1 Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. ifn-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), jm-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations- Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price silly law 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. NjpWmin. early. (CP-0017). :-up personnel. Must be ily in person. Party Time Bryan. commercial office clean- intment 823-5031. nee preferred, Villa Maria ’9th in Bryan 776-1261. or a medical equipment ed af: Physicians Home ist University, Ste.103, ng cooks and drivers, t at 113-Walton, C.Sta. call 774-7101. We have Full and Part sitions available immedi- bnuses. Flexible sched- IMS, 700-Univ. Dr. E„ Jen Corral). 691-8682. Inc. A rapidly growing e electrochemical tech- environmental remedia- a highly self-motivated ■nunology and tissue cul- 3. degree in immunology nt problem solving and ntial. Send resume and taldwell, Lynntech, Inc. >, College Station, Texas Earn Cash & Go Free!!! iw hiring campus reps/ s to Jamaica, Mexico 8 olunteer tutors for many CDL bus drivers for ath- more information. Fills and manicure $15. In and out in 30- ss The Other Eclipse. 696-8700. TUTORS Ktutor needed. Please call 774-7101. WANTED kt Students to lose weight. No drugs Herbs -etabolism, suppress appetite. $29.95. Fast/free "Shery $$Need$$? You can sell too!! (409)823- 3/C.Sta. WEIGHT LOSS 10*100 LBS. Feel great. All natural. Doctor tended. Money back guarantee. (409)223- # NEW! Local Radio News from the newsroom of mm campus and community news 8:04 a.m. Monday through Friday during NPR Morning Edition on KAMU-FM 90.9 College Station / Bryan By Stephen Boudreau Staff writer It took only 30 seconds for Bryn Blalack to put the sixth-ranked A&M soccer team ahead for good in a 2-1 victory over 16th ranked Stanford. “She showed why she is a con sensus first team Ail-American and why she is such a weapon,” Head Soccer Coach G. Guerrieri said. “Not only did she do well, but every one around her did a good job to cover a lot of things that give her the freedom to attack and do the things she does so well.” Blalack, a senior midfielder, was the sole Big 12 representative on the Soccer America preseason All- America team. After an hour and a half delay because of lightning Tuesday night, the game began with a sloppy first half by both teams. “Stanford is a quality team and the style that they play makes it very difficult to establish any type of pos session or rhythm to our game,” Guerrieri said. “So us being a little out of control is by design by what the Cardinals are doing.” With the game scoreless 52 min utes into the game, Junior Sharon Pickering sent a corner kick to the center of the penalty box where Blalack headed it in to give the Aggies the lead. • “Sharon had been serving great corners the whole night and I final ly got my head on one,” Blalack said. "Sharon and I have been work ing on that, so it was due. It hap pened at the right time.” Within half a minute, Blalack struck again. After stealing the ball off the Stanford kickoff, the Aggies pene trated the Cardinal defense. ■SuphuuiuiL 1 Mill illy uavidson deliv ered a pass to Blalack who drove the ball up the midfield. From 15 yards out, Blalack sent the rain soaked crowd of 968 people into a frenzy when she launched a shot destined for the back of the net. “That second goal was a bomb. An absolute bomb,” Guerrieri said. The back-to-back goals were the first and second of the year for Blalack, who is A&M’s all-time lead ing goal scorer with 64 carreer goals. "My role this season is not to score goals. I’m more like the quar terback trying to get the ball to other people,” Blalack said. “But it does feel good to get my first goal.” Both teams got 14 shots off, Stanford connecting with only one at the 72:58 mark when Stanford midfielder Katherine Horney snuck one by the A&M defense and sophomore goal keeper Melanie Wilson. . “Because our midfield is so explosive and they would take the ball on counters and penetrate into Stanford’s area. Our defense was a little slow in picking up,” Guerrieri said. “If we lost the ball there was space in between our midfield and defense. That worked to Stanford’s advantage.” The victory moves A&M to a 2-0 record. This weekend the team will be traveling to face Big 12 Conference foes Kansas and Missouri. The next home game will be Friday, Sept. 12, against Iowa State at the Aggie Soccer Complex. MSC POSTER FAIR Sept. 1-5 10 am - 5pm (M-F) Rudder Fountain Area call 845-9251 for more info ^Tr msc visual arts committee msc film society msc town hall posters by Global Prints DAVE HOUSE/The Battalion Texas A&M freshman midfielder Heather Weibe and the Aggie Soccer team defeated Stanford Tuesday night. ■AGGIE KICKOFF Want 2 FREE t.u. tickets? Starring - /^ Robot Earl Keen &* A Very Special Guest WOLF PEN CREEK Where the 12 th Man will be! Tickets at MSC, Marooned, Cavender's Sponsored by Double Dave's & Dickson Productions Friday SepL|9 Come to our 1st General Meeting Monday, Sept. 8 @ 6:30 in MSC 206 for a chance to win these & others prizes Hear R.C. Slocum 7 & G. Guerrieri speak Everyone is welcome 12il N Questions, Comments, Suggestions? Please contact us at: or visit our webpage at: Get Connected http://aggienet.taniu.edB/cctr 209 Koldus CAREER CENTER On-Campus Interviewing Begins Soon The linebacker said it was diffi- that’s when I learned football was dinator Mike Hankwitz said none contribute as one member of a cess.'