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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1997)
V jplies only to : at no charge. If nal insertions at ANTED The Battalion Classified ds HELP WANTED rriime evening work doing commercial office clean- Uon.-Frl. Call for an appointment 823-5031. ? Looking for a part- lere- to the Plasma month donating your I# first two weeks!! Donai d ask for in a part-time rre warehouse help/ dr Jrivlng record. Please ipplication. ludes mainten 2280 rking motivated manr tressed. (409)695-9! s a p Call Mari|a at 76l d Pub. Kitchen post s from minimum wage I ence. If Interested [ id Pub Now aca use position. Apply im 10 Bn ns needed. Koppe organizers Lowest rates to Jamaica. Mexico & Call 1-800-648-4849. lets Academy needs volunteer tutors for many : subjects Also needs CDL bus drivers for ath- ames Call 822-2715 for more Information mled Individuals- Singers, Dancers and Theatrical for a singing telegram service. Part-time lent pay Call between 9a m -4p m., Tues.-Fri. , 731-1238. sales needed for part/full-time Aggressive, jendent and experienced. Call Dan. 846-5454 Deluxe Diner hiring AM & PM wait staff and cooks, irsity Drive Apply in person 5 looking for sales reps to post fliers. Earn free extra $cash$. Call 1-800-SKI-WILD. rnders. The Ptarmigan Club. 822- led Friendly Door Greeters For "Outlaw Thursdays" Jt-up personnel Mua Ij-adow Canyon Every Thursday- 6P M. To Midnight ply in person. Party fir iDekson Productions 1 -888-754-8447. Bryan. rSxxjse help needed. F/P-T Tues -Sat., 9a.m.- liege Station iecreation > is currently lications for: ARPS MANGE 6 years of age) 5.50/hr. 9/22/97 ge Station e Department as Avenue i, TX 77840 . S6/hr. Please call 779-7586 i and Photographers needed for Study Breaks me Call 1-800-856-3141. LOST & FOUND 5TCAT. Male, short haired, all white, 1-blue eye, 1- ye Please call 696*4535. MISCELLANEOUS n?? Cavitt Corner Used Books & Collectibles i used furniture, pictures, dishes, decorations, *WSl! 822-6633. KWAWAY YOUR LAUNDRY DETERGENT!! Just xNEarthsmart Laundry Disc for soft, clean clothes ^CHEMICALS!! Call Jo @ 764-9756. MOTORCYCLE I'amaha XT550 Enduro. Runs great, needs little $800/o.b.o. 268-8208, Bryan, 696-1248 (Action it transportation I! 1985 Suzuki GS700. Runs and igood. Cheap insurance. $1,200 822-2675, work. d ol musical parking spaces? Park by most any "iSng on campus with a 1993 Yamaha XT-350, fent condition New back tire. $1,950. 764-2719, ings. MUSIC PERSONAL new people the fun way today!! 1-900-285-9035, 14461. $2.99/mln. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (645-8434. tome? are needed i-Home flea We provide ia control in ir cooperation iranovsky 22-3069. Your Companion. 1-900-289-1077, Ext.#8154. l/min. MustbetSyrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. Be Lonely Again!!! 1-900-285-9035, Ext.9969. S per minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645- PETS REAL ESTATE College Ski Week Rk ^ IE* Vail ^i£e6j£ei<nt the Price of II nvboard Rentals k Lessons Itnp Molorcoach or Aiifait and Free Night Skiin|' "Ski the Net!" / Winter Break! i_njLn_ CULccAjlIl roommate needed. 316-Brentwood. *0l/11/2bath. Contact Rufina at 764-6546. rate student or 25+, share 2bdrm/1bath house. !I campus. 862-3997, 694-9523 roommate needed to share 2bdrm/1bath duplex. S/mo+1/2bills. 361-0034. i, non-smoker, to share nice apartment. On shuttle, room/bath. $280/mo. +1/2bills. Cellular phone- te. NKflTI AND RESEKVATIOtg ICHASE reaks [12231 WANTED Wednesday • September 3, 1997 The Battalion PORTS Kyle Field expansion will help A&M charge into the next century itiimehelp wanted, experience preferred, Villa Maria in, at Villa Maria and E.29th in Bryan 776-1261. s, counter help and pujitiinie help wanted. The Grapevine Restaurant. Call 'ers paid cash daily. Ap^j an at 696-3411. xt to Whataburger). ■lime office staff needed for a medical equipment my Applications accepted at: Physicians Home (teal Equipment 700-East University, Ste.103, lljl-— — Jwiers Food Delivery hiring cooks and drivers. hour8 - Apply in e erson 31113 ~ Walton ’ c sta - stgate Biologicals, Inc, hiuTY SALES PEOPLE We have Full and Part Wellborn Rd., Bryan, stfe e*ening telemarketing positions available immedi- :ollege Station, 268-6(M'yi $7/hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible sched- )’s afterschool progS" ^ in person at IMS ' 70 °- Univ - Dr E - »r Fall-97 emolovnientl 104 ' C Slation (behind Golden Corral) - 691 - 86B2 Substitute positions anarch Scientist. Lynntech, Inc. A rapidly growing are experience reqiirrfcpany developing innovative electrochemical tech- laria, Rm.11. 731-7803*®es tor energy conversion, environmental remedia- y choice. J and biotechnology, seeks a highly selt-motivated ittial with experience in immunology and tissue cul- :. Candidate must have M S. degree in immunology tdated discipline. Excellent problem solving and tiical writing skills are essential. Send resume and :ime work Flexible anxa isy requirements to Joy Caldwell, Lynntech, Inc. .25/hr. Scholarships d WkEasImark Drive, Suite-105, College Station, Texas ons apply. Interview -q W E O E ( .4, 10a.m 4pm J ^ Break 98- Sell Trips, Earn Cash & Go Freelll orning Dcur tor each morning 9-589-3358, J.stic guitar player/ harmony singer needed for Jmited delivery are^y band a s a p call Roger, 778-5870. 5STAND PRICES O ver the past few months much has been said and written about the remodeling and up-dating of Kyle Field to include two-level of luxury areas. It seems that most of the information cir culating about these changes has been misinterpreted and ultimately misunder stood. It seems that most of the uproar and negativity started when the administration realized that the grave sites of former Reveilles would have to be moved to accommodate the elevator shaft that allows access to the upper levels of the new addition. While having to move the graves of our beloved mascots leaves a bad taste in our collective mouth, the time always comes when progress must be made. The Kyle Field ren ovation involves many more positive changes for A&M and the athletic depart ment than it does negative. First, the new area allows for several thousand additional regular seats that are Len Callaway junior journalism major ing while going to setaj km Travel Services is now hiring campus reps/ :hool Is In session? ing Break and the summl, all, 731 University Drw elevated to obtain a better view. The luxury area is divided into two lev els. One level is for luxury boxes and the other is a club level , that allows close to two k-a thousand fans to enjoy the game from the comfort of their seats. The ticket price for the club level seats will include a full meal before the games and the ability to purchase conces sions during the game. Athletic Director Wally Groff said that “the accelerated purchase rates assigned to the luxury tickets will pay for most if not all of the bonded indebtedness.” This means that the University did not have to pay out of pocket for the new addition. The cost was covered by leasing the new area to alumni and boosters. Second, the elevator shaft that caused the move of Reveilles’ graves in the first place not only services the luxury areas but also allows for access to the second and third levels of the new and old stands so that people who cannot walk the ramps are not forced into doing so. There has always been an elevator on the alumni side but there has been no way for students or visitors to reach the upper levels without walking the ramps. Third, A&M cannot expect to attract the best football players in the country with out state of the art facilities. How many of you that were overly upset about the mov ing of Reveilles graves will also be demanding blood if A&M were to lose to Texas this year. The A&M Athletic Department as a whole has an excellent opportunity to grow into a national power house o’ sports with the inception of the Big 12. For some reason people seem to be uncomfortable with the notion that A&M could one day be known for athletic excel lence as a rule, as well as academic excel lence. No logical reason for these feel ings can be uncovered, at least by this columnist. The entire A&M community stands to benefit from the proliferation of our world class athletic department. If A&M can consistently recruit the best class of athletes then our chances of victory are greater. If A&M wins more, we can recruit better athletes each year. Good athletes get better, which means that we can graduate more ath letes to the pro ranks than before. Pros are idols.This means that we have Aggie idols walking around the pro ranks succeeding and bringing notoriety to our pro gram. Believe it or not, the facilities available for a recruit to use are often equally important factors of consideration as returning starters, other talent, coaches, scholarship amount or previous season record. Besides, what better venue than the classroom and the television can Aggies use to show off our spirit, cama raderie, intelligence and traditions. A&M’s reputation rests on academic and athletic excellence. Projects such as this one sim ply make it easier for A&M to remain an all around world class institution. Fourth, G. Rollie White has been called the “ holler house” for years because of the deafening noise level attained when all good Ags are properly motivated to raise a little hell with the opposition.The same theory applies to Kyle Field. Fifth, the A&M football team is building and getting stronger.Truly powerful sea sons are in our future. Where will we put all of the folks that want to see champi onship football at A&M if we don’t have seats for them. Will we just put more fold ing chairs around the track? I think not. Sixth, can anyone remember the tradi tionalist belly aching that took place when Kyle Field was reborn in the ‘70s with a third deck. Well, no one is complaining about the third deck now. How would we have survived the seasons of the eighties and the nineties thus far without the extra seating? The current A&M enrollment could not fit into Kyle Field without that addition. While it is definitely a shame that our “first ladies” had to be moved and dis turbed, the positive aspects and possible ramifications of the addition to Kyle Field far outweigh the injustice done to Reveilles I through IV. A more appropriate stance to take might be to be proud of A&M and the athletic program for being in demand and having the foresight to make this decision now. A&M should be a symbol of excel lence in every aspect of its being. The hor rible consequence of growth is that things can’t always stay the same. A&M should be a symbol of excellence in every aspect of its being and now is not the time to begin apologizing for growth and success. Give us your weak, your tired...we’ll play’em it n; t2 CO NIf 15 mf: NCI* NOTEBOOK Hi senior speech communication major it Scores & More!!! Sport Scores & Trivia, Daily oscopes, Soap Updates, and Stock Updates. 1-900- 15777, Ext.#7110. $2.99/min. MustbetSyrs. Serv- 519)645-8434. Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure sds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Ipay rent? Buy a 3bdrm/2bath home within cycling Snce from campus. Excellent condition. Berber car- '/enced yard, 2-car garage, off S.W.Pkwy. $89,500. /Margaret Reese. Coventry Glen Realty. 846-2894, '4)766. ROOMMATES tanmate needed. 3bdrm/11/2bath house. 0/mo. +1/3bills. Call Katsura at 696-1503. roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2bath to. $220/mo. +1/3bills. Call 846-9523. 'alf of the Big 12 teams’ seasons are underway. The first week .featured a few match-ups that go against the scheduling trend of the second year conference. Like Nebraska, most schools schedule weak non-conference schedules to bolster records and give the coaching staff time to finalize the roster. But Texas Tech, Baylor and Oklahoma faced ranked opponents and lost. Anything For Money What is the going price for humiliation? If you ask Akron of Ohio they’ll tell you its $450,000. The former Division-II school bumped a home opener against Youngstown State to play Nebraska for the big payday. Nebraska defeated Akron 59-14 for its 37th straight win and 300th overall at Memorial Stadium. The Cornhuskers held a 644-243 advantage in total yardage, including 472- 99 on the ground. Heisman Hopeful Lights Up Red Raiders Peyton Manning began his Heisman Trophy campaign by torching Texas Tech, 52-14. Manning threw for a career- high five touchdown passes, tying a school single-game record. He retired in the third quarter having completed 26 of 38 passes for 310 yards, with one interception. The Red Raiders offense felt the loss of Byron Hanspard early. Tech had the football in Tennessee territory on its first five possessions and came away with one measly field goal. Once the Vols’ offense got in gear, it ran on all cylin ders. In an 11 minute span, Tennessee scored five touch downs on five consecutive possessions. The 10-3 lead exploded to 45-3. OU “Special” Teams Falters against Northwestern Sooner special teams coach Pete McGinnis answered the same question he faced at the end of each game last season. “What did I think about the special teams?,” McGinnis said. “They weren’t very special today.” In Northwestern’s 24-0 win over the Sooners in the Pigskin Classic, Oklahoma committed six blunders on special teams — kicker leremy Alexander missed field goals from 36 and 42 yards, two of senior Brian Shackleford’s punts traveled just 21 and 6 yards, and freshman Chris Lewis fumbled two kickoffs. Season Opener Begins Conference Play Oklahoma State began its climb towards .500 with a 21- 14 win over conference foe Iowa State. After finishing 4-8, 5-6 the last two seasons under head coach Bob Simmons, the Cowboys are hoping to turn the corner on the way towards a revitalized program. Running back Nathan Simmons second touchdown of the game, a one-yard run with just under 10 minutes remaining, broke a 14-14 tie and led Oklahoma State past the Cyclones. In his debut, Darren Davis, the starting tailback for the Cyclones and the brother of Troy Davis, gained a meek 51 yards on 16 carries. Baylor Bears — Brave or Waco? The Bears opened the season at home against No. 14 Miami. Over the last 13-plus seasons, the ’Canes are 99- 4 against unranked opponents. This one was over before it started with Miami lead ing 21-0 midway through the second quarter. Miami’s Edgerrin James, replacing injured tailback Dyral McMillan, scored three times as the Hurricanes crushed Baylor 45-14. The loss magnified the Bears many weaknesses that Roberts had touched on during two-a-days. During the summer workouts, Roberts said “there’s a lack of speed and a lack of people to throw the ball. We’ve got to get a lot better.” Good luck improving before conference play against Fresno State (Sep. 6) and Michigan (Sep. 20). Then the Bears will move onto Big 12 play with Texas Tech and Nebraska. At least those drubbings will be at Floyd-Casey Games of the Week Colorado State (1-0) at Colorado (0-0) — Folsom Field The 104 year old rivalry should have all the flare of a WAC shootout. The two teams lit up the scoreboard last season in Fort Collins with the Buffaloes edging out the Rams 48-34. Syracuse (1-1) at Oklahoma (0-1) — Memorial Stadium Although the Orangemen began this season ranked in the Top 25, the team plummeted after a 32-31 over time loss last week at the Carrier Dome to North Carolina State. Oklahoma leads the series 3-0, the first win coming in the 1959 Orange Bowl 21-6. Baylor (0-1) at Fresno State (1-0) — Bulldog Stadium The teams first meeting in 1993 was another WAC classic. Chuck Reedy’s Bears downed the Bulldogs in a 42-39 comeback win. Based on Baylor’s 37 passing attempts last week against Miami, this should be a repeat of the last match up. «nt or utilities. Call for details, 846-3376. »imate needed a.s.a.p. Rent: half of $485 +1/2utili- 2bdrm/11/2ba. Shuttle bus. Near mall. Call U, 694-0808. * (filiate needed to share 3bdrm/2bath house. tao. +1/3bills. Call 696-7669. srimate needed!! Close to campus. $112.50/mo. Skills. Call 694-6799, •filiate needed. 4bdrm/3bath, $200/mo. +1/4utili- jf* Next to campus. Call 693-4694. ’Wmate Needed: Fall Semester. $200/mo., w/d Near shuttle bus. Call 779-2269. SERVICES A-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver’s Training. Lots-of- Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. ^pm-Spm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), HOam-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations- *■ Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price ’ed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. »i-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). set $20. Fills and manicure $15. In and out in 30- fts The Other Eclipse. 696-8700. TUTORS scs tutor needed. Please call 774-7101. Sports Briefs A&M golf teams in preseason rankings Both the Texas A&M Men’s and Women’s Golf Teams will start their respective seasons in the MasterCard Collegiate Golf Rankings. The women open the season ranked No.15. The Aggies finished second at the Big 12 Championships a year ago and placed 17th at the NCAA Championships. The Aggies return five lettermen from last year’s team including Jamie Hullett who is ranked as the No. 16 female golfer in the women’s individual rankings. Coach Jeanne Sutherland will also welcome one of the nation’s top recruiting classes to College Station this fall. Texas A&M was the highest ranked Big 12 school in the preseason poll. Conference foes the University of Texas (22), University of Oklahoma (23), and Texas Tech University (25) were also included in the top 25. The men will start he season as the No. 24 team in the nation. Coach Bob Ellis, who enters his 24th season at A&M is coming off his best sea son since 1984 when the Aggies finished 10th at the NCAAs. Last year, A&m was 13th. A&M will return four lettermen from last season’s squad. Basketball releases 1997-98 schedules The Texas A&M Basketball Teams released the 1997-98 season schedules. The men’s schedule is highlighted by a February 2,1998 meeting with the University of Texas on ESPN’s ‘Big Monday’. The Texas game will be one of six Aggie games featured on ESPN. The network will also feature a January 10 match up with The University of Oklahoma, a January 17 game at Iowa State University, the January 24 meeting at Oklahoma State and the January 31 game at Oklahoma. A&M will open the season with an exhibi tion against North Melbourne on November 13 in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The regular sea son gets under way on November 22 when Stephen F. Austin comes to College Station. Big 12 action starts on January 3, 1998 when the Aggies host OSU. The Big 12 Tournament will be held March 5-8 in Kansas City, Mo. The women’s season get under way when Vanderbilt comes to A&M on November 18. The Aggies will take part in the Shreveport Shootout and Northern Lights Invitational in Anchorage, Alaska before the Big 12 season opens on January 3 in Oklahoma. The Women’s Big 12 Tournament will also be in Kansas City March 3-7, 1998. n M: Students to lose weight. No drugs. Herbs smetabolism, suppress appetite. $29.95. Fast/free 'delivery. $$Need$$? You can sell looll (409)823- ’ B/C Sta. •O ANl? tayce DEFENSIVE DRIVING... COMEDY STYLE USA Training Company, Inc. Speeding Ticket? Have the Last Laugh! State-approved Defensive Driving course for ticket dismissal and insurance reduction. Convenient Saturday classes taught at 4.0 & Go Tutoring in College Station CAMPUS REP Taught by professional comic Bobby Bernshausen To register, call 778-GRIN (778-4746) uoa i raining L/ompany, me. 11 ii i — The nation's leader in college marketing is seeking an energetic, entrepreneurial student for the position of campus rep. No sales involved. Pface advertising on bulletin boards for companies such as American Express and Microsoft. Great part-time job earnings. Choose your own hours; 4-8 hours per week required. Call: Campus Rep Program American Passage Media, Inc 100 West Harrison St. Suite S-150 Seattle, WA 98119 (800) 487-2434 Ext. 4444 | YOU DON'T NEED TO DRIVE TO AUSTIN FOR GREAT JEWELRY AND GIFTS DISCOVER celfic art • incense & oils • egyptian art wind chimes • museum reproductions • poison rings beautiful sterling silver jewelry inc scuu n was umi-