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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1997)
-j- The Battalion Lifestyles mber 2,199?jesday • September 2, 1997 PEALING lltinued from Page 3 ■ bands ig for a record ‘lam going lose , like. I want togi rking and pul ential part ofsel i big make it .■veto said. “Mi eir biggest bre; J is not a utopian society,” jro said. “I don’t think that the .ofHonor is taken very serious- most students." nother problem on campus is • of academic materials. Books s articles often seem to be miss- iBt when a student needs them, zschmar said expensive lab !.. jpment has also been reported ’ 1 mout of classrooms and labs, [ike virtually all libraries, ours security system to prevent of library' materials,” said Jene Clark, an employee of fogC. Evans Library. t dditionally. we have hired loss prevention specialists to monitor doors and gates and to assure the safety of individuals and materials,’’ Clark said. Regarding personal item theft in the library, Clark suggests students not leave their books or personal belongings unattended. The library does have provisions for the recovery of lost or stolen Items. “There is a lost and found area at the circulation desk.” Clark said. “Items at the lost and found are sent to the MSClost andfound after one week.” One way that students can pro tect themselves against theft is to mark their driver license number on all of their personal property “Students should mark comput ers, cameras, bicycles and other property with their driver license number and state abbreviation,” Kretzschrnar said. “Any police offi cer in the country can run a driver’s license number to identify stolen property.” • Kretzschrnar said not to use f dal Security numbers since 1 federally protected from lot lice searches. If a student’s wallet or purse Is stolen, Kretzschrnar suggests can celing all credit cards ami Aggie Bucks. Combating these crimes with awareness rather than paranoia will prevent criminals from stealing one’s peace of mind atA&M. Many students may not lie, cheat or steal, but to these students, Kret- zschmar stresses, do not tolerate those who do. Get Organized with the Official 1997-98 Texas A81M All University Calendar • Important Academic Dates • Student Organization Meetings • University and Sporting Events • Campus Map • Problem Solver Guide • Important Telephone Numbers • Aggie Songs • Semester Schedule Planners • University Center Map Available exclusively at the Texas A&M Bookstore >EVET0 iGENT AND 1ALISM usic Stores not what who you well you jntinued from Page 3 For $150 we can set you up with a good acoustic larand give you your first lesson for free,” Byer said, lot of people come at Christmas with a New Year’s olution to learn to play guitar and we try to help pi out.” On Nagle Street across from the A&M campus is ipman Music. Brian Lippman, owner and manag- lofthe store, describes Lippman Music as guitar- 1 is to haveTexaljnted. * night a week aiits locally owned and locally minded,” he said. -College Statioraijppman Music purchases used guitars, but to avoid e an atmospheric problems with resold guitars, they will complete- an listen to gooTrbish and repair any guitar they buy before it is of- ^e to pay a price|j for sale. Lippman Music sells digital recording lipment for computer software or the Alesis brand ■ has all he ca^ponents. One employee of Lippman Music, who has school and h%ee in musical studies, gives bass and guitar lessons. 2 free time. I'We actually teach you how to play guitar, not just tw Band receiveina song,” Lippman said. "Anybody can teach tech- jm the Lonestaijes and scales, but we teach you how to get a sound albums out. lour own.” ’s hard work an$!ecording music can be as simple as plugging in a yet to realizemw recorder or as involved as a visit to Harry-O’s rds. But he doelMing studio in Wheelock. Four-track and eight- lirecorders are readily available, and musicians can r the money” h@ e ^ ese " rou gh” recordings to Harry-O’s studio to Te business. And, fun.” i ^jjSJtkson handles -me with humor o is content with t and bookinfl^W YORK (AP) — Go ahead, hat he does anf Samuel L. Jackson for an auto- jod music in th#^ Just don’t forget the magic M ‘Imake ’em say ’please,”’ Jack- vrifi 1 lojoiisays. “That’s one of my little ■ ; 1 prhs, you know.” Jackson, who in the last six years irisen from a well-respected but e-known cameo actor to a highly Jlecinematic success with such is Jungle Fever, Pulp Fiction and me to Kill, is entitled to a few “clean up.” Some people buy enough equipment through mail order and Holtze Music to make their own high-quali ty recordings. Depending on how much a band wants to spend, Harry-O’s can make a simple three-track demo tape or “To me, this is more a hobby than a job.” BRIAN LIPPMAN OWNER AND MANAGER, LIPPMAN MUSIC a fully involved production. All of the above stores have one thing in common. Their owners and sales staff are all supportive of local music and the art of making music. All of them will tell customers it is not practical to be in the music business for business reasons. “This, to me, is more a hobby than a job,” Lippman said. “You can’t be in this business to make money be cause you won’t. You’ve got to love it to do it.” It is that attitude on the part of all the music stores that make Bryan-College Station a suitable place for a musi cian with money to spend. Baclc lb Colleqe x U IE rm liter all, he has spent more than (ears fine-tuning the craft he first in love with on the stage at shouse College in Atlanta in the If 1970s. tow that he’s made a name for self, one would think the 6-foot- lar would be tempted to ride in . Instead, he rides the subway. People go, ‘You know, you look that Sam Jackson guy,' and I’ll 'Really?'" Jackson explains, a smile creeping across his face his right eyebrow lifting mis- ivously. “But I can’t be him be- ise I'm on the subway, and Sam ;son doesn’t ride the subway, |iides around in limos. He’s FAY- iS." ! ackson admits to occasionally wing around his weight, but he ishe limits it to the little things, scoring a free pass to a movie table at his favorite restaurant, ateverthe case, he is more like- poke fun than congratulate him- for it. Visit us year round in Downtown Bryan and in the Fall, Booth #224 at |ilie Texas Renaissance Festival discover OfficeMax MM . V , MAM!- Guaranteed Low Prices Everyday! 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