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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1997)
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Low monthly payments. No finance charge when balance is paid in full. Purchases and returns are easy. By shopping at Target, you help us return 5% of pretax profits back to OLir communities. 0 TARGET 1200 Texas Ave. S. T The Battalion Nation Friday -Vugust 29, Poll finds public skeptical of proposed tobacco leal WASHINGTON (AP) — Ameri cans are highly suspicious of the pro posed tobacco deal, saying it won’t even achieve a prime objective of lowering teen-age smoking unless cigarette prices rise much more than expected, according to an Associat ed Press poll. More than half of those surveyed say the deal is not worth giving up the key concession that cigarette makers demand — banning class-action lawsuits. And two-thirds expect to bacco companies to sell as many cig arettes as ever. Seventy percent say the price of a pack of cigarettes would have to rise by more than $1 — much more than expected under the deal — to have much effect on teen smokers. Congress and President Clinton begin grappling with die proposed deal next month, and such poll find ings are bound to figure in the debate. “This reflects a huge amount of cynicism and skepticism about to bacco,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger, who in sists the public is missing the deal’s good points. “If it is left to the current, polariz ing debate... this is going to be a ma jor problem. We will miss an oppor tunity that may not come again, and tobacco wins." The findings present a dilemma for deal supporters, who would like to toughen some provisions but without going so far that to bacco companies back out. Yet, public distrust plays into deal op ponents’ hands. Indeed, critics immediately seized on the findings. “The American people have it right: They’re not against a settle ment, they’re against a bad settle ment,” Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D- N.J., said in a statement. “It’s exactly this kind of public opposition to the deal that’s going to force Congress to make significant changes.” n\N xicJ The proposideal wouldsj state lawsuits agist tobaccom parties by settin^ew nationalp cy. Companies wild pay $3® lion over 25 yearcurb adverslcha and marketing fines if s the smoking doesn’t (.significant lin ivium, they wonthlass-aai: Boil and other legal part ions, pn grad strictions on pendg govern mts control over nicotin V.J Clinton has saiciewillsti! ery the deal, includingdemanJ Ivei full government nhtinerep vei tion. The AP’s telejonei to he 1,003 adults, conduedAtifftn,” 24, found 58percentfAmeiiiPLoa support such regulaon, in I ing 54 percent of smeers. An additional 54 pcentsi deal isn’t worth the ass at lawsuit ban. But the sokertl would file such suitsverel evenly: 39.5 percent id at was worth that concern | percent who said it wa^t. Ron Brown’s son pleads guiti WASHINGTON (AP) —The son of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown pleaded guilty Thursday to a mis demeanor election-law violation, admitting he gave $4,000 to friends to donate to a Senate campaign. The admission by Michael A. Brown was part of a deal with the task force set up by the Justice Department to in vestigate campaign fund-raising abuses. It was the third plea obtained by the task force. Brown, 32, admitted in federal court to giving an un lawfully excessive donation to the 1994 re-election cam paign of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass. Prosecutors agreed not to recommend any prison term for Brown, who could be sentenced to up to a year and fined as much as $100,000. Sentencing was sched uled for Nov. 21. As part of tire deal, Brown agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department’s investigation of fund-raising abus es and of Nolanda Hill, a former business partner of Ron Brown, prosecutor Raymond N. Hulser told reporters. Hill’s dealings with Ron Brown had been scrutinized by an independent counsel appointed to investigate the former commerce secretary. The Hill investigation was referred to the Justice Department last year after Ron Brown and others on a U.S. trade mission died api crash in Croatia. Michael Brown, a Washington lawyer, adnniij after donating the maximum $2,000 that an if donor can contribute to a candidate, he gave Klfl his secretary and $1,000 apiece to two friends at| firm so the money could be donated in their i Kennedy’s campaign. I lulser said that the same day Brown and hisd made their contributions, Brown received$5,Ot ere . fund-raisers Nora and C .fin■ whoeaiiierii i t | u , pleaded guilty to felony charges of conspiringtola rm , $50,000 in campaign donations through “strawdo ^ a The hums, who are awaiting sentencing next it | st( admitted using Brown as a conduit for $5,0001 ..j r $50,000 in laundered campaign contributionstbf een , mined making, prosecutors said. Brown was anoffi nce their Oklahoma natural-gas pipeline company,!))! 1Q ic Energy Resources Inc. I ^ s i The investigation was widened in February 19%v The Associated Press reported that theLums,Mic- ese Brown and other officials of the Lums’ companywrt een , imbursed with corporate funds for politicaldonaDof ■evell ml tanca Welcome pizza / Better Ingredients. Three Topping Pizza '99 Not valid with any other coupon. J Valid only at participating stores. I I limm mmM J I Pvtr^ I i*no i E-Jvii ci LmCai yCr Two Topping ! 1 Large One Topping Pizza $^99 Get a second for $ 6. 00 \ Pizza |50 i i Additional toppings extra. . Not valid with any other coupon. J Valid only at participating stores. I L. mmm mmm mmm mum mtm mmm mmm turn mm mmm mmm J 4 Large One Topping ! Pizzas $24 95 Additional toppings ©xtra* Not valid with any other coupon. 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