Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1997)
The Battalion Classified Tuj To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. SSCASH FOR COLLEGESS GRANTS AND SCHOL ARSHIPS AVAILABLE FROM PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTORS. GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! CALL NOW 1- 800-532-5953. auto 1989 Honda CRX, 5-speed, a/c, stereo, new battery, muffler, plus extras. Must see! 764-7359. 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon, white w/grey interior. Great condition. Seats-.?. $5,500 694-6960. 95 Chevy extended cab Silverado, 50k miles, $16,500. Call 822-7973 Cars for $100!!! Seized & Sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4’s, etc. 800-522-2730, Ext.#3782. Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. "The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B’. 364-2868. CHILD CARE Experienced child care at my home. Have references. Call 696-2401. COMPUTERS WORD PROCESSOR with ink jet printer only $100. Barely used. Features: Icon main menu, 3.5-inch floppy drive, multiple fonts, spreadsheet, 100-graphic clip art images, tutorial, typewriter mode, Original price $412. Call David, 847-1671. DJ MUSIC The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions. For the best call 693-6294. EMPLOYMENT Fun Instructors or Comedians. $6/hr. Will train. Evenings +Saturdays. College experience. TX.D.L. 5- years. No criminal records. 694-2122. Local company looking for full or part-time. C/C++ pro grammer, MFC desirable. Fax resume to 260-6391. ■toil rmiT 1 bdrm/1 bath. W/D. Room for rent in 3-bedroom house. $325/mo. 696-1288, Linda, 778-2322. 4rooms/1bdrm suites in large Victorian home. $250- $400/mo. No lease. (409)775-3426. Available nowl! 2-bedroom house. Stove, refrigerator. 1-block south TAMU campus. $450/mo. Call 696-1617. Bryan High. 1 bdrm/1 bath Condo. $495/mo. Please call 774-7194. College Court. Great location, 2/1, shuttle, microwave, some utilities paid, intrusion alarm, pool. $399/mo. 823- 7039. FIRST MONTH FREE!!! C.Sta. large 2bdrm/11/2bath, ■w/d included, fenced, $515/mo. 693-0551, 764-8051. Quiet, country atmosphere. Large 1-bedroom duplex, fireplace, $375/mo. +bills. No pets. 693-8534. I ..L 'V.’ .!■ - THE HORIZON 1U ‘UltmaU Sucdwt Sxft&uMcc GREAT RATES STARTING AT ONLY $270 PER MONTH! FULLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL BILLS PAID FREE SHUTTLE TO AND FROM TEXAS A&M ONE SEMESTER &c NINE MONTH LEASES AVAILABLE CALL 779-7091 TODAY New home sales trainee. Immediate opportunity for entry level position. 65 yr. old com pany seeks recent graduate in Business or Construction Science. Competitive salary & benefits with excellent long term potential. Respond to Tilson Home Corporation, 6211 Ea. Hwy. 21, Bryan, Tx. 77808. FEVER BLISTER STUDY Volunteers ages 18 and older with a history of herpes labialis (fever blisters) needed to participate in a research study using an investigational topical preparation. Must pre-screen and enroll before your next fever blister. Eligible volunteers will be compensated up to $450. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Attention Women Females, ages 18-34, who have been treated for a recent vaginal infection are being recruited to participate in a one year research study using one of two feminine hygiene products. History of douching is required. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Chronic Pain Study Subjects who have had chronic pain for at least three months, have been taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication daily and require additional pain relief are being recruited for an investigative research study with a marketed pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 or 1-800-681-8204 Leasing 2bdrm/1bath house located in Bryan, close to Northgate. Central A/H. Interior completely renovated (409)691-8785. Sonnenblick Apartments. Large 2/1, 884 sq. ft., 5- closets, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, pool, cov ered parking, shady picnic area, $439/mo. 691-2062. Assorted living room and bedroom furniture. Price negotiable. 696-4936. Bicycles Bicycles Fully Reconditioned: Mountain bikes- $200, high performance 10-speed racers-$150, Beach bikes-$75 Prices negotiable. Call 846-8295. White twin size dorm loft for sale, desk, shelves, draw ers, and wardrobe $200/negotiable. Please call 823- 6253. Furniture, desk $25, chairs, couch, chest, tables, mirror. 415-College Main. 8a.m.-5p.m. Giant rummage &recycllng sale. Saturday, Aug.30th, 8a.m.-1p.m., Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 305- Wellborn Rd.-C.Sta. (next to Jazzercise). Lots of furni ture, books, accessories, clothing. 696-5285. HELP WANTED -Closed Sunday- -Sound Good? Chick-Fil-A in Bryan at Briarcrest and Freedom Blvd. or College Station at Post Oak Mall is accepting applications. -Start this summer for a Fall schedule. -Store hours: Bryan- 6:30am-10pm. College Station- 8:30am-9pm. -Experience preferred, not necessary if other experience available. (E.O.E.) •Interviews by appointment. Animal volunteer wanted. Good experience for Pre-vet/ Vet. 2-days/wk. 1-hr/day. 694-3689. ATTENTION SENIORS AND GRAD STUDENTS: NOTES-N-QUOTES is now accepting applications for fall notetakers. Call 846-2255 with questions, or apply at 701 W. University, directly across from Blocker. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! Part-time work. Up to $8.25/hr. Scholarships and internships available. Conditions apply. Good resume experience. Call 696- 7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Babysitter wanted. Caring sitter needed for 4 & 6yrs. old on Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons In my home. Must have transportation. $5.50/hr. Call 696-7112. Cashiers and kitchen help needed at Burger Boy. Call 846-2146. Days Mon.-Fri. Need clean-cut, hard working, ambitious individual, learn how to clean carpets, oriental rugs, upholsterer, other cleaning technical procedures. Call for an appointment, 823-5031. Edge’s Grill & Bar and Edge’s Blues Factory is now hir ing servers, bussers, cooks and dishwashers. Apply in person between 2-4p.m. at 121-North Main Street, Downtown Bryan. 822-7754. FRAMER WANTED. Student worker needed for MSC University PLUS Frame Shop. Come work in the most fun, laid back frame shop in town. Work 10-20hrs./wk. and receive student worker benefits. Framing experi ence required. Must display proficiency in mat cutting. Apply at MSC University PLUS, Room 032, lower level MSC. FREE JAZZERCISE classes in exchange for babysit ting. Call 776-6696, 764-1183. Gumby’s Pizza hiring drivers, counter help and pizza makers. Flexible hours. Drivers paid cash daily. Apply in person at 107 Dominik (next to Whataburger). Need part-time technician- includes maintenance duties. Soil Analytical Services. 260-2280. Need a place for your next meeting? Large, a/c, heat, with lots of room to park, well lit, close to campus. Great for Churches, Dance Classes, Student Meetings or Tutoring Sessions. 776-6696 The Dallas JWornmg Denis Delivered to your door each morning CALL TODAY: 409-589-3358 For subscription rates. Limited delivery area SAVE $$ OFF NEWSSTAND PRICES Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified participants ages 12 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 HERPES STUDY VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with recurrent genital herpes for a research study of an investigational oral medication. A current herpes outbreak is not necessary. Up to $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with history of recurrent fever blister/cold sores for a research study with an investigational oral medication. Individuals that qualify and complete the study will receive up to $400 for their participation. AN | ACTIVE FEVER BLISTER IS NOT REQUIRED TO QUALIFY FOR THIS STUDY. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION. For more information, call: VIP Research,Inc. 776-1417 it r w itr mf n ftiirm Howdy Agsll Short on cash? Looking for a part-time job? Don’t go there!! Come here- to the Plasma Center where you can earn $140 a month donating your life saving plasma $80 in your first two weeksl! Donating plasma is everything you could ask for in a part-time job: minimal time, good pay, no work required, tax free cash!! Don’t delay, call today!! Westgate Biologicals, Inc. 2- convenient locations: 4223-Wellborn Rd., Bryan, 846- 8855. 700-University East, College Station, 268-6050. Kids Connection (Bryan-ISD’s afterschool program). Now accepting applications for Fall-'97 employment. M- F, 2:45-5:45pm, - $5.50/hr. Substitute positions also available, $5.15/hr. Childcare experience required. Apply in person. 2200-Villa Maria, Rm.11. 731-7803 for more info Bryan-ISD. EOE by choice. LOOK!! Back to school part-time work. Flexible around school schedule. Up to $8.25/hr. Scholarships and internships available. Conditions apply. Interview now. Start Thursday. Call 696-7734, 10a.m.-4p.m. Need a job? Need free parking while going to school? Only want to work while school is in session? (ie. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break and the summer off). Come see us at Taco Bell, 731 University Drive. Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment 823-5031. Part-time help wanted, experience preferred, Villa Maria Chevron, at Villa Maria and E.29th in Bryan 776-1261. Part-time help wanted. The Grapevine Restaurant. Call Gordon at 696-3411. Part-time office staff needed for a medical equipment company. Applications accepted at: Physicians Home Medical Equipment. 700-East University, Ste.103, C.Sta. Physics tutor needed. Please call 774-7101. Spring Break ‘98- Sell Trips, Earn Cash & Go Free!!! Student Travel Services is now hiring campus reps/ group organizers. Lowest rates to Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. Call 1-800-648-4849. The Deluxe Diner hiring AM & PM wait staff and cooks. 203-University Drive. Apply In person. Waitresses and Bartenders. The Ptarmigan Club. 822- 2263. Writers and Photographers needed for Study Breaks Magazine. Call 1-800-856-3141 LOST & FOUND LOST CAT. Male, short haired, all white. 1-blue eye, 1- yellow eye Please call 696-4535 MISCELLANEOUS Moving in?? Cavitt Corner Used Books & Collectibles also has used furniture, pictures, dishes, decorations, antiques!! 822-6633. MOTORCYCLE ‘82 Yamaha XT550 Enduro. Runs great, needs little work. $800/o b.o. 268-8208, Bryan, 696-1248 (Action Sport). TUTORS Physics tutor needed Please call 774-7101 Now accepting applications for Crew Personnel. Apply at any Subway Location ECONOPHONE, INC. Do you speak English and: Japanese? Chinese? Polish? French? Italian? Greek? Are you: Outgoing? Personable? Have good grammar skills and initiative? Have 1-2 years of customer service experience and good computer skills? If so, a fast growing international long distance telephone company in Bryan currently has the following positions available for you. Customer Service Reps - Day and Night shifts available to service inbound calls. Must have 1-2 yrs. previous CS experience & excellent computer & communication skills. Must be outgoing and personable! Bi-lingual/Multi-lingual a plus! Competitive pay & benefits provided. If interested, apply to: Human Resources Coordinator, 3833 South Texas Avenue, Suite 130, Bryan, Texas, 77802, or e-mail to E.O.E. THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS SMALL TOWN LIFESTYLES WITH BIG CITY OPPORTUNITIES Econophone is a rapidly expanding $100M/year company with headquarters in New York City. If you are interested in working at our R&D facility in Bryan, Texas helping design, develop and deploy a state-of-the-art world-wide Intelligent Network of telecomm products and services AND have skills and experience in any of the following areas, we want to talk to you. • C/C++ • NT 4.0 • Computer Telephony • Visual Basic • Oracle, Sybase, Informix, or MS SQL Server • TCP/IP Networking • DCOM/CORBA • Unix Salaries are open based solely on experience and qualifications. We offer competitive benefits, including 401K, and unlimited growth opportunities. Send resume to: Econophone, Inc. Attn. Human Resource Director 3833 Texas Ave., Ste. 130 Bryan, Texas 77802 The Battalion’s now offering access to The WIRE A 24-hour, multimedia news service for the Internet from The Associated Press The WIRE provides continuously updated news coverage from one of the world’s oldest, largest news services via The Battalion’s web page. ■ A comprehensive, up-to-the-minute news report combining the latest AP stories with photos, graphics, sound and video. ■ Headlines and bulletins delivered as soon as news breaks. S The Battalion PORTS Friday • August 29, day Tech suspends two U players for opener MOTORCYCLE Tired of musical parking spaces? Park by most any building on campus with a 1993 Yamaha XT-350. Excellent condition. New back tire $1,950. 764-2719, evenings. PERSONAL Meet new people the fun way today!! 1-900-285-9035, Ext.#4461. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434 Never Be Lonely Again!!! 1-900-285-9035, Ext.9969 $2.99 per minute. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645- 8434. Sport Scores & Morel!! Sport Scores & Trivia, Daily Horoscopes, Soap Updates, and Stock Updates. 1-900- 378-5777, Ext.#7110. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv- U: (619)645-8434. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. REAL ESTATE Why pay rent? Buy a 3bdrm/2bath home within cycling distance from campus. Excellent condition. Berber car pet, fenced yard, 2-car garage, off S.W.Pkwy. $89,500. Call Margaret Reese. Coventry Glen Realty. 846-2894, 778-0766. ROOMMATES Roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2bath house. $200/mo. +1/3bills. Call 696-7669. Roommate needed. Anderson street. Private bedroom, shared bathroom. $220/mo. plus utilities. Close to cam pus. On bus route. 694-3554. SERVICES AAA-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver's Training. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(l0am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations Bank. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min early. (CP-0017). Full set $20. Fills and manicure $15. In and out In 30- minutes. The Other Eclipse. 696-8700 LUBBOCK, Texas (AP) — Ten Texas Tech athletes who current ly have eligibility remaining accounted for 304 unauthorized long-distance calls from 1993-97, according to a letter obtained Thursday by The Associated Press. The calls totaled $362.19, a table included with the letter showed. The Houston Chronicle quoted unidentified sources who said the worst offenders were line backer Eric Butler and cornerback Tony Darden, both senior starters. The Lubbock Avalanche- Journal reported earlier this week that the two have been declared ineligible and will miss Saturday’s game at No. 5 Tennessee. Underclassmen will replace Darden and Butler, who were counted on to help stop superstar quarterback Peyton Manning. The letter, written by athletic director Gerald Myers to the NCAA and dated Aug. 14, lays the MOS groundwork for the players ’ (Q J regain their eligibility. Teclu ^ I cials have said the suspens , ,,.l w mild List him one game. |" SM | In the letter, Myers deli .'J* unauthorized personal calls pi ta j|' ri s made using Fechlongdista Y codes. The players' names) ' covered with white correti Missl fluid on The AP’s copy.Thti loirs in question have repaid school, Myers wrote. Myers wrote that ai gleaned the codes without leT knowledge. The Chronicle repj ed last April that manyi to individuals tied to Darden and basketball Gracen Averil. Averil no longer plays I Red Raiders. The Chronicle also rep | last April that the school faild report the possible NCAA i:^ tions after officials leamedo calls, which itself would bean lion of NCAA rules. Jordan inks record de? to keep nucleus in tael Mill onad WANTED ill:! •: HMSSsi ■ I • Mii-'.vV Wanted Students to lose weight. No drugs. Herbs boost metabolism, suppress appetite. $29.95. Fast/lree local delivery $$Need$$? You can sell tool! (409)823- 3307. B/C.Sta. Heartburn Study If you have heartburn Are 18 or older Are in general good health Qualifying volunteers will receive an honorarium of $50 No blood drawn. Call for information: J&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Jordan CHICAGO (AP) — Michael Jordan is coming back. So is Phil Jackson. Scottie Pippen never left. And Dennis Rodman is expected to bring his foul mouth and lin gerie collection back to town for one more season-long party. The hurricane of panic that blew through the Windy City shortly after the Bulls won their fifth NBA title has subsided. Chicago fans again are sport ing smug smiles as they begin planning for next June’s championship celebration in Grant Park. Now that Jordan has agreed to anoth er record-setting one-year con tract— $33 million, a source.close to the team said Thursday — only the Bulls’ opponents have reason to worry. For example, how does Pat Riley motivate his Miami Heat after publicly stating that Chicago is a championship lock as long as Jordan is wearing red and black? Riley and the rest of the league’s coaclies wisJi that Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf and general manager Jerry Krause would final ly get on with the rebuilding process they have been threaten ing for months. Reinsdorf said he doesn’t want the Bulls to be the next Boston Celtics, a once-proud franchise now in disarray. Krause said next season will be Jackson’s last as coach. Pippen, dangled as trade bait before tlie draft and still not assured of spending the entire 1997-98 season with the Bulls, said it will be his final year in Chicago. Although Jordan wanted a guarantee that Pippen, his close friend and fellow All-Star, won’t be traded, Krause said no such language exists in Jordan’s new contract. “I can tell you flat-out,” Krause said, “it isn’t in there.” Neither Krause nor Jordan’s agent, David Falk, would com ment on the value of the contract, which follows Jordan’s record $30.14 million deal last season. But reports that he will receive anywhere from $36 million to $41 million “are way out of line,” said a source who requested anonymi ty. “The number is $33 million,” still the highest salary ever for an athlete in a team sport. Falk said that although he, Reinsdorf and Jordan worked out terms of the contract in a brief meeting Tuesday in Las Vegas, “these things are never easy.” “Michael wouldn’t have accepted an agreement unless he deemed it to be fair,” Falk said Thursday. “But detei what’s fair for maybe the athlete in the history of spoil we’re dealing with unchar waters.” Just because Jordan signs one-year deal, it doesn’t i he’ll play only one more seas “There’s no reason too any decisions now,” Falk “But Michael certainly has al great basketball left in Last season, at 34, the league in scoring for thert time. He was edged by Malone for a fifth regular-sei MVP award but then Malone’s Utah Jazz in th series to win his fifth NBA Fii MVP. Jordan is the league's leader in scoring average, the regular season (31.7 poirljions and playoffs (33.6), and has 6,bu unmatched will to win. [fc carried the Bulls & Mm ties 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996 and 191 The I Ir U’lucil m 't;. plavmtMM. Lille] for most of two years, and i 1 vici Houston Rockets reigned ffl led Jordan resumed his basketti nidi career full-time. Askei Krause said the Bulls' order of business is Rodman, the cross-dressing,t too-covered showman whoisf NBA’s best rebounder. Jordan, Pippen, Jackson a j Krause all say they want Rodm [ back. And the “Worm”’ return so badly thathe’si give the Bulls a behaviorguaia tee. “He’ll play for free if hedoes deserve the money,’ Manley, Rodman's agent, sa Thursday. “If he doesn’t[ — the real meaning of thatist«| physically able to play butisst pended for misbehavior-: wouldn’t expect to be paid. “But if he performs, ifhe'si NBA’s top rebounder and pH vides the other things only Deni can, he should be paid as c the top power forwards in tl I league.” Rodman, 36, lost muchoW I was supposed to be $9 railni 1 salary last season because h(" s | suspended three times. Heili 1 was suspended once the prerf season. Nevertheless, he has beenali piart of the Bulls juggernaut i past two seasons. Coached: Jackson and led by Chicago had an astonishing 1' 30 record, including its two i cessful playoff runs. When training camp starts five weeks and all of Jordan’s mi ions are in place, the Bullsv ready to go for their second thrt peat this decade. “I’m delighted and excited ] be back,” Jordan said, committed to Chicago and winning.” Neagle picks up No. II ATLANTA (AP) — Denny Neagle became the NL’s first 18-game win ner and Javy Lopez hit a three-run homer after a catcher’s interference call, giving the Atlanta Braves a 4-2 victory over the Houston Astros on Thursday night. Neagle (18-3) pitched a four- hitter over seven innings, but he wouldn’t have broken a 10-game winning streak by Darryl Kile (17- 4) without a rare call in the sixth inning. With two outs and a runner at first, Ryan Klesko appeared ground out to short. But his struck catcher Tony Eusebi glove on the swing, so Klesko* awarded first. Klesko has reached based 1 way three times this season, $ ing the majors. He led thentfj in that category last year, 1 drawing three catcher’s inter ence calls. On the very next pitch Us lined his 21st homer deepim 0 left-field seats.