Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1997)
The Battalion ports Monday ‘August4, Houston football-less for first time since 1960 Jaguars ttat Panthers, 23-c HOUSTON (AP) — Houston’s pro football loyalties are up for grabs. For the first time since 1960 — when the Houston Oilers helped inaugurate the old American Football League — there will be no pro football played in the city this year. The Oilers have deserted for the financially greener pas tures of Tennessee. That void has not gone totally unnoticed by the teams closest, at least in location. Dallas, home of the Cowboys, is 225 or so miles to the north, a little more than three-hour drive up Interstate 45. New Orleans, home of the Saints, is about 320 miles to the east along I-10, by Texas standards a short five- hour hop. Cheap air fares and quick and frequent flights to both cities make getting to either place a breeze. By the time drinks are served on the plane, it is time to descend. New Saints coach Mike Ditka already has shown up, making a stop in Houston a couple of weeks ago on the eve of his first training camp for a speech to the Houston Touchdown Club. “We already have a great fan base, but if we can get some more fans, that’ll be great,” he said. Houstonians are not unfamil iar with The Crescent City. More visitors to New Orleans come from Houston than any other city in America, New Orleans tourism statistics show. On the football field, however, the Saints are at a disadvantage. Love ’em or hate ’em, and even when the Oilers were still around, Houston long has been a Cowboys’ town, a fact of life the Cowboys almost apologize about. TV ratings, for example, go through the roof for KRIV, Houston’s Fox affiliate which car ries NFC games. KRIV officials will not divulge their programming plans, but given the history, it would make sense they grab every Cowboys game they can. So while the hard sell on Houston isn’t immediate, the soft sell has started to begin raising the blue Dallas star over the Bayou City. “We have always done things to increase our profile and visi bility in San Antonio, Austin and El Paso,” says Cowboys spokesman Rich Dalrymple. “And now Houston will fall into that category.” ,k The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Bldg. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day V/SA Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results$0r you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. AUTO 1987 Civic, 74,000 miles, $2,600, a/c, reliable, runs great. 862-3856. 1988 BMW 325IC, red convertible, runs/looks great. $9,200. 694-6822. 1991 Hyundai Excel, 2-door hatchback, manual shift, 60,000mi., well maintained, red, $2,900 or make cash offer. 268-1441. '83 Jeep CJ-7, 33-inch tires, 6-cylinder, wench, KC’s, hard-top. Call Todd, 695-9796. Cars for $10011! Seized & Sold locally this month. Trucks, 4x4’s, etc. 800-522-2730, Ext #3782 BED AND BREAKFAST Romantic Victorian B&B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. “The Famous Pink House Gourmet B&B". 364-2868. COMPUTERS Multimedia system: 486DX2-66 170MB drive, 8MB Ram, 16-bit sound card, 14.4 fax/modem, 350MB tape backup, software, no monitor, $350. 694-0584. Pentium 133MHz, 16MB-ram, 1.6GB-HD, 33.6-modem, CDROM, sound Sspeakers, 2MB-video, 14”monitor, Packard Bell desktop, new, one only $575. 846-7186. Pentium 200MMX $1,150, 166MHz $960, 16MB-ram, 16XCDROM, 33.6-V/F/modem, 1.3GB-HD, sound &speakers, 2MB-video, 14"-monitor, Tamunet set-up, 1- year warranty, upgradable, 3.1GB-HD add $75. 846- 7186. DM MUSIC The Party Block Mobile DJ- Peter Block, professional/ experienced. Specializing in Weddings and TAMU func tions. For the best call 693-6294. We’ve got an apartment for you! It’s time to Make Your Move 1 Bdrms. starting at $335 2 Bdrms. starting at $425 Doux Chene Apartments!!! 1401 FM 2818 693-1906 Sonnenblick AUGUST FREE! Large 2/1, 5 Closets, TAMU SHUTTLE, near BLINN covered parking, pool, microwave, ceiling fans, intrusion alarm, partial utilities paid. $439 691-2062 3700 Plainsman Ave EMPLOYMENT Exciting Opportunity. Young company looking for 7- motivated people w/good PR skills. PT/FT. 268-2232. Fun instructors or comedians. $6/hr. Will train. Evening SSaturdays. College experience. Tx.D.L. 5-years, no criminal records. 694-2122. FOR RENT 1&2 Bedroom apartments or graduate dorms available for Fall. 10% discount for students or staff. Great loca tion! Furnished or unfurnished. 846-9196. 1-bedroom. All bills paid, cable, $450/mo. Horse pen available. 846-2913. Ibdrm/lbath for sublease through May. Pet deposit paid. $395/mo. On shuttle. Travis House Apartments. 693-5955. Ibdrm/lbath. W/D. Room for rent in 3-bedroom house. $325/mo. 696-1288, Linda, 778-2322. 1st.-month rent free, +$100. Female needed, sublease 4-bedroom apartment. University Commons. $275/mo. (972)283-1925. 2Bdrm. duplex, on shuttle, fenced yard. No pets. $395 &bills. 693-8534. 2bdrm/11/2bath townhome. 1,100sq.ft., w/d. Available August-12th. $525/mo. Very nice. 764-7653.Z 2bdrm/1bath for sublease, w/d hook-ups, $500/mo. Great location. Very clean. 693-2184. Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investigational medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medications, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified participants ages 12 years and above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Heartburn Study Do you suffer from heartburn symptoms? Call for details. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 or 1-800-681-8204 FOR RENT 2bdrm/1bath, w/d connection, bus route, $550/mo. $100/dep. per person. 764-0451. 2bdrm/2bath, 1000sq.ft., $525/mo., w/d connection, on bus-route. Call Angela, 260-2148. 3bdrm/2bath duplex located 1015-B Autumn Circle. Available August 20th. $750/mo. Pets ok. 693-9959. Available now or for August. Pre-leasing tbdrm/lbath, all bills paid, Northgate area. United Realty. 694-9140. Cowboy Country. Stalls & Duplexes for rent. 10 min. from A&M. Lighted arena. (409)778-4600, (409)778- 7531. Duplex, 2bdrm/1bath, a/c, shuttle bus route, $500/mo 1417-Dexter, C.Sta. 693-0726. Edgewood Court Apartments. 2bdrm/11/2bath and 3bdrm/2bath. $450/mo. and $650/mo. Quiet living. Behind Central Baptist Church in Historic Bryan District. 694-7330. Female needed. Own room/bath, w/d, $200/mo. +1/3bills. Available now. 775-7352. FULL-SIZE WASHER/DRYER! 2bdrm/1bath, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 589-3779. House for rent. 1407 East 23rd., Bryan. 2bdrm/1bath, ch-a, wood floors, ceiling fans, appliances, no pets, $450/mo., $450 deposit. (903)595-1602. Manuel Drive. 1 and 2-bedroom four-plex, W/D connec tion, fenced backyard. $425/mo. and $495/mo. 694- 7330. New 2bdrm/2bath house, c/a and heat, w/d, refrigerator, dishwasher, 15-minutes from campus, no pets, $700/mo. 778-3106. Quiet country atmosphere, fireplace, very large 1-bed room brick duplex, $375/mo. +bills. No pets. 693-8534. Select from economy to luxury 1,2 and 3-bedrooms, apartments/fourplexes. Bryan and C.Station. Available now or pre-lease starting at $315. Some with all bills paid. United Realty, 694-9140. Students!!! 2bdrm/1bath mobile home, trees, in country, approximately 21/2-miles from campus, no pets. $295/mo. +bills. 693-8534. Sublease. Treehouse Village. 490sq.ft. $425/mo. Efficiency. August rent paid!! Available August-9th. 694-1004. Yes!!. We do have an apartment for youl! Come see our spacious 2.2’s and get in on a really great deal. Only $594/mo. on a 12-months lease. Treehouse Apartments, corner George Bush and Marion Pugh. 696-5707. FOR SALE 1980 40-foot Park model trailer, 1-bedroom w/computer room +table. All new flooring +carpet. $4,000. 779- 9497, leave message. 2 Couches, in fair condition. Must Sell!! $50. Please call 862-2067. Bunk bed with told out futon bed on bottom, $250. O.B.O. Please call 693-1443 at anytime. For Sale - Washer and dryer $100 each, twin bed $50 and desk $50. Please call 775-3242. few ION APARTMENTS 1501 Harvey Rd. (Across from Post Oak Mall) 693-1110 THE COMPUTER & STUDY CENTER We are in the Internet * Eff., 1,2, & 3 Bdrms., • Sand Volleyball • 2 Pools & Jacuzzi, • Fitness Center w/Aerobics Classes Check Out Your New Rental Rates. 0^* We Save You Money!! OPEN DAILY M-F 8-6, SAT. 10-5, SUN. 1-4 Attention Women Females, ages 18-34, who have been treated for a recent vaginal infection are being recruited to participate in a one year research study using one of two feminine hygiene products. History of douching is required. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Chronic Pain Study Subjects who have had chronic pain for at least three months, and have been taking medication daily and require additional pain relief are being recruited for an investigative research study with a marketed pain medication. Eugible volunteers will be compensated. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 or 1-800-681-8204 Texas Agricultural Extension service Location: Riverside Campus Contact Person: Linda Russell Phone: 845-6471 Salary: $5.15/hr. Job Title: Student Worker Start Date: ASAP Duties: Surplus, Inventory and Central Receiving duties, Data Entry, different duties as required, and must be able to 50 lbs. Qualifications: Blocked schedule, must be able to work 1:00 P.M. to 5 P.M. every afternoon. Must have drivers license. FOR SALE Glass top wicker table with 2 chairs for sale - $50 O.B.O. Please call 695-2765. Moving! Must sell! Large sofa $200, love seat $150, bicycle $35. 694-8652. Moving. Must sell! Full-size futon, twin bed &desk. Great condition. Best offer. Can hold till 8/21. In B/C.Sta. Julie, (972)416-4451. Slightly used carpet, remnants and roll balances perfect for dorms and apartments. LaMar Carpets. 400-Lake Street, Bryan. 822-6619. Vintage toys for sale: StarWars, Lunchboxes, Spawn, Board Games, Hot Wheels, etc. at Blast from the Past In Northgate. 846-4004. HELP WANTED Advertising Sales Representatives needed for Study Breaks Magazine. Part-time. Flexible hours. Solid account base. Call 1-800-856-3141. Aggressive individuals for paintings. Starting 8/13. Experience helpful. Call 775-7126. Breland Pest Control is looking for a technician. Call Katie to apply, 778-4362. California Smoothies now hiring. Knowledge of supple ments necessary. Apply in person. 846-6202. China Garden now hiring hosts, cashiers, wait-persons for summer and fall, lunch/dinner shifts. 823-2818. Cocktail, door, floor hiring now for fall. Must be TABC certified. In person only, Wed.-Fri., 2-5p.m. Hurricane Harrys. Full-time warehouse help needed. $6/hr. Tues.-Sat. Please call 779-7586. Housekeeper needed- A mature, responsible person to look after our home &4 teenagers for 2-weeks in September. Must be family oriented. References required. Call 696-8278, evenings. Kid’s Connection (Bryan ISO’s afternoon program) now accepting applications for substitutes for Fall '97, M-F (flexible), 2:45-5:45p.m., $5/hr. Childcare experience required. Apply in person at 2200 Villa Maria, Rm.20 or call 731-7803 for more information. Bryan ISD. E.O.E. by choice. Make-ready Assistant. Prefer painting experience, cleaning. Aug.14-28. $5.50/hr. 696-1138. National firm expanding. 15 openings available. Above average pay. Flexible around summer school. Scholarships available. 696-7734. Part-time evening work doing commercial office clean ing, Mon.-Fri. Call for an appointment 823-5031. Part-time help needed. Minor maintenance. Apartments close to campus. Flexible hours. Call 823- 7039. Part-time help wanted, experience preferred, Villa Maria Chevron, at Villa Maria and E.29th in Bryan 776-1261 POSITIVE PEOPLE- Looking for few key individuals to help expand in the College Station/ Bryan area. Motivated inquiries only. 696-3007. Quality Sales People. We have Full and Part time evening telemarketing positions available immediately. $7.00 hourly base pay + bonuses. Flexible schedules. Apply in person at: IMS, 700 Univ. Dr. E., Ste.104, C.Station (behind Golden Corral). 691-8682. Reading this will bring you an extra $140/month CASH. In a gentle, easy way. You lie back in a soft chair, get a pin-prick & you’re free to read, study, talk or dream. 60-minutes & you're up and away, cash in hand, smiling. The Plasma Center. 4223-Wellborn Rd. 846- 8855. 700-University Dr. E. 268-6050. MERIDIAN Welcome Home! Offering: • Walking Distance to A&M • Efficiencies • One bedrooms •Two bedrooms, 11/2 baths • Two On-Site Laundries • Two Swimming Pools • Exercise Room • 24-hour On-site Maintenance • On-site Management • Pest Control & Landscaping Offering Summer Storage Pay 1 Month’s Rent, Get 2 Month’s FREE 696-3177 309 Redmond Drive off Texas Ave., behind J.J.’s VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with recurrent genital herpes for a research study of an investigational oral medication. A current herpes outbreak is not necessary. Up to $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years and older with history of recurrent fever blister/cold sores for a research study with an investigational oral medication. Individuals that qualify and complete the study will receive up to $400 for their participation. AN ACTIVE FEVER BLISTER IS NOT REQUIRED TO QUALIFY FOR THIS STUDY. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION. For more information, call: VIP Research,Inc. 776-1417 1111 1 1 ■'l|IIIIJMIjllll g p 1 )IJ||J| GIT RAID FOR SKILL TRAINING. The Army Reserve will train you in a special skill, then let you practice it regularly—usually one weekend a month plus two weeks’ Annual Training. Youll be well paid for this part-time service—more than $18,000 during a stan dard enlistment And you’ll have valuable skill train ing to keep for the rest of your life. Think about it Then think about us. Then call: 764-0572 BE ALL TOUCAN BC ARMY RESERVE HELP WANTED Sales/ Marketing Assistant Texas Digital, a 25yr old elec. mfg. co. seeks Mktg Asst, to prepare sales corre- sp and help product mktg. materials MS Word. ACT, and degree a plus. Excellent benefits and bonus plan. Resume to: Texas Digital. 512-W. Loop. C.Sta TX 77845. Fax: (409)764-8650 St. Michael's Academy seeks part-time day care aids and substitute teachers for the fall Experienced appli cants preferred References required. Please apply at 2500 S.College in Bryan 822-2715. Waitstaff $8-$ 10/hr average. Also cashier position avail able. Apply Tues.-Fri., 2p.m.-4p.m. at Golden Corral. Wanted Counter/ Service Agent at Budget Rent-a-Car. $5.75/hr. 30-35hrs/wk. Apply in person. Easterwood Airport. MISCELLANEOUS Your own business while in school. Exceptional part- time Income (254)772-4748 PERSONAL Alternate Strategies. Local Companionship. Call Now- FREE 1-888-200-0564. Must be 18yrs.+ Meet Your Match!!! 1-900-287-0467, Ext.#3587. $2.99/min. Must be 18yrs. Serv-U: (619)645-8434. ROMANCE FOR YOU!! 1-900-336-8162. Ext.#3702. $2.99/min. MustbetSyrs. Serv-U (619)645-8434. PETS Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many pure breeds! Brazos Animal Shelter-775-5755. Moving!! For sale!! Registered 10 month old male weimaraner with dog house, $150. Please contact Justin at 693-1799. Weimaraner puppies. Shots and wormed. Parents on property. $200. Please call 272-1223. Yellow lab puppies. AKC registered. 6-weeks old. Ready to sell. 694-0612 ROOMMATES 2-female roommates needed for 3bdrm/2bath house, close to campus, hot tub, garage, w/d. 268-4724, leave message. 2bdrm/1bath, female needed, furnished, w/d, 1/2-utili- ties, available August-21 st. $330/mo. University Commons. 694-3651. A&M student roommate needed!! No rent, all utilities. Call for details. 846-3376. A.S.A.P. Female. Own bed/bath, w/d, $290/mo. +1/3 bills. Mandy, 694-4439. Female roommate needed to share 3bdrm/2bath luxury condo on Wolf Run, 1-block from campus. Private pool. $300/mo. +1/3 utilities. (281)892-7785. Female roommate needed. Big condo. Share room. $300/mo. including utilities. W/D, on bus route, covered parking. Call anytime, 691-2233, (Anna). Female roommate wanted. 3bdrm/2bath duplex, w/d, on bus route, pets ok. $250/mo. plus 1/3-utilities. 775- 7390. Male Christian roommate needed for 2bdrm/2bath apartment. Own room/bath. Near shuttle. $252.50/mo. +1/2 utilities. 695-8438. Need M/F roommate. $237.50/mo. +1/2bills. 2/1 Duplex in C.Sta. Open now! Pets ok. Call 696-3799. Need roommate for duplex. Graduate student preferred. Own room/bath. $325/mo. +1 futilities. 862-7573. Need roommate for fall. 4bdrm/2bath house. $270/mo. flat. W/D, cable, 2-phone lines, big backyard. 778- 1524. Roommate needed for 2bdrm/2bath apartment. $315/mo. plus 1/2-utilities. Available August-15th. Call 696-8297. Roommate needed immediately. Spacious Bryan house. Pets welcome. $275/mo. +1/4-bills. Call (409)268-3140. Roommate needed in a nice 3bdrm/2bath house in C.Sta. Near campus. Big newly painted own rm/bath. Quiet area. $270/mo.+$40/utilities. 694-1595. Roommate needed now!! North Ram Park. 1,400sq.ft. 2bdrm/2bath. Own room/bath, parking/phone, w/d. 1- block to tamu. $350/mo. plus 1/2-bills. Jeromy, 846- 9531. Roommate needed Male, $237/mo. +1/2 bills. Spring Loop. (512)887-9498, Doug. SERVICES AAA-Texas Defensive Driving/Driver’s Training. Lots-of- fun, Laugh-a-loti! Ticket dismissal/insurance discount. M-T(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm), Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Inside Nations Bank. Walk-ins welcome. $25/cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111-Univ. Dr., Ste.217. 846-6117. Show-up 30/min. early. (CP-0017). Carlson Craft wedding invitations and accessories. 20% discount. The Invitation Lady. 693-6294. Word Processing- Fast service, 65-70wpm. Reasonable rates. Ev's Typing Services. 693-6294. TUTORS Experienced Tutor- Genetics, Math, Science. H.S and College By appointment only Small groups o k. Call 690-0738. WANTED Looking For Easy $$Money? Sell me your 8/16 gradu ation tickets! Call 764-9498. Need 1-graduation ticket. August-16th, 9:00a.m. Will $$$Pay$$$l! Kristin, 691-4688. Need graduation tickets for 8/15/97. Will pay $$money$$. Call 694-6803. Need graduation tickets for 8/16/97 at 9:00a.m. Will pay! 694-6929. Need graduation tickets for Friday, August-15th!! Will pay big $$$! Call Angela, 823-0163. Will pay for August-15th, 1997 graduation tickets. Please call 696-8398. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) a preseason matchup of the NFI two youngest franchises, Jacksonville Jaguars showed sip Sunday that their best f may still be ahead of them. Linebacker Eddie Robinsi had an interception and one seven sacks for Jacksonville, a| Mark Brunell led the Jaguars two first-quarter touchdown ves in a 23-9 victory over mistal prone Carolina. The Panthers turned the over twice and managed i one sustained drive in the half behind Kerry Coll 1 resulting in John Kasay’s yard field goal. They got inside the 10-yard twice in the second halfbuthai settle for field goals because tt| penalty and a dropped pass. Two years after Carolina Jacksonville made their debut the 1 lall of Fame game, each within one victory of going to Super Bowl. nne campus. E to the Sum Rockets ne sistent sell the first c though tl playoffs e with the < Everyone To the Houston easiest pi Dabney Continued from Page! The Rockets have seen goo; times ever since bringing the first world championship to Houston during the 1993-19S4 season, but it wasn’t so long ago that this team was luckyto _ in front of 5,000 ofheinz Pavilion on ersity of Houston Even after the move mmit in 1975, the Mayed to con- 11-out crowds until hampionship, even icy had made the ■very year since 1985 ■xception of one year, loves a winner, defense of many fans, it is not the ace to be a fan. The blown out of bounds call ofa Mike Renfro touchdown in the end zone in the 1979AFC Championship game would have likely Sent the Oilers to the Super Bowl. The Rockets J consistently teased thefanstf Houston with trips to the 1 NBA finals in 1981 and 1986, / only to collapse in theptes: ence of Larrynird. TheAsftos' always seemed to find away to play themselves out of con tention in August and September, or trade a player like Joe Morgan or Kenny Lofton as they entered the primes of their careers, not to mention letting Nolan Ryan sign with the Rangers. These are all good reasons for fans not showing up, but when compared to other cities, they seem relatively minor. The Chicago Cubs fans have not seen a World Series since 1945, and have not won the World Series since 1908. Boston Red Sox fans have not seen the World Series trophy since 1918. But when was the last time you turned on a sport highlight show and not seen Fenway Park or Wrigley Fieid busting at the seams with fans! Certainly several generations have grown up with these teams, and this would Account for their constant support, but just how long should it takefot the city of Houston to fall in love with its local teams? Being from Houston, it is hard to admit that yourcityis not near the kind of sports town that a Chicago, Bostonot even a Denver is, but it is the I truth.The city has all the mak ings of what a great sports town needs, but in the end the fans let them down year after year and game aftergame. Some might argue that the blue collar make up of Houston and their tendency to be more frugal with money is a reason for a lack of support. Others might say the Astrodome and Summit are uncomfortable and really lack the charm of other stadiums and arenas around the coun try. But in the end, the simple fact is that Houstonians don't support their teams for a vari ety of reasons, and they all lad validity. There are three kinds of fans in this world: Bandwagoners (see Dallas 1 Cowboy fans), ‘til death do us part fans (see Chicago Bears fans) and those who just don't come at all (see Astros fans). Houston must decide quickly if they want to be ‘til death do us part fans, or risk losing not only the Oilers, but the Astros and Rockets as well. top