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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1997)
The Battalion Tuesday - June 24 ; 199? Cambodian premier expects resistance to trial KOMPONG SPEU, Cambodia (AP) — Pol Pot’s for mer allies may never let him leave Cambodia’s jungle alive, fearing what the Khmer Rouge leader may re veal about their roles in his genocidal rule, one of Cambodia’s co-premiers said Monday. Many inside and outside Cambodia fear being impli cated if a U.S.-led effort to bring Pol Pot before an interna tional tribunal succeeds, Prince Norodom Ranariddh said. The prince named no one. However, he clearly was alluding to his co-premier, Hun Sen, a Khmer Rouge cadre until 1977, and to China and Thailand — Pol Pot’s allies in a guerrilla war he waged against the Vietnam- installed regime that toppled him in 1979. “It appears to me that some Cambodians and maybe some countries are not really willing to see Pol Pot alive and brought to justice,” the prince told reporters near Kompong Speu, 30 miles south of Phnom Penh. “Pol Pot will say, ‘Those people were involved,’ or, ‘Those countries were supporting me for years,”’ he said. Pol Pot was in the custody of mutinous guerrillas, ac cording to Gen. Nhek Bunchhay, the government’s chief negotiator with the Khmer Rouge. Nhek Bunchhay has denied rumors Pol Pot is dead, saying he saw the 69-year-old guerrilla leader, weak and ailing, at the Khmer Rouge’s northern jun gle stronghold in Anlong Veng. However, it was unclear when — or if — Pol Pot would be handed over to face trial for the Marxist-in spired policies that led to the deaths of as many as 2 million Cambodians during his 1975-79 rule. The rival prime ministers in the ruling coali tion, Ranariddh and Hun Sen, have petitioned the United Nations to create an international tribunal. But that requires approval from the U.N. Security Council where China, formerly a Khmer Rouge ally, has veto power. Canada, meanwhile, is considering a U.S. request to take a lead role in bringing Pol Pot to justice. Ca nadian law allows for prosecution of crimes against humanity that occur outside Canada’s borders. However, three similar prosecutions — cases against alleged Nazi war criminals — all failed. Extradition to Canada also could be a way to get Pol Pot out of Cambodia en route to a U.N. war crimes tri bunal. However, Canadian law does not provide for ex tradition to an international body. So, once in Canada, it could be difficult and time-consuming to find a way to turn him over to U.N. authorities. “There do seem to be some legal obstacles that would have to be overcome,” Jennifer Ledwidge, a spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Department told the Canadian Press in Ottowa. “We’re not certain that Canada can play a major role here.” Ranariddh also called Monday for a royal pardon for Khieu Samphan, who led about 1,000 guerrillas in a mutiny against Pol Pot after he executed an old com rade, Son Sen. Khieu Samphan has pledged to back an electoral al liance led by Ranariddh. ^ ^ There do seem to be some legal obstacles that would have to be overcome. w Jennifer Ledwidge Spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Department The proposal was certain to be opposed by Ra nariddh’s co-premier, Hun Sen. King Norodom Si hanouk, Ranariddh’s father, has said he will not pardon Khmer Rouge leaders unless both premiers agree. Last year, the king pardoned leng Sary, Pol Pot’s one time defense minister and brother-in-law, in exchange for leading the defections of 10,000 guerrillas. The defections were the beginning of the end for the Khmer Rouge. Anlong Veng is believed to betheiili stronghold. “leng Sary was granted an amnesty, so whyn Khieu Samphan?” Ranariddh asked Monday. “Het catch Pol Pot.” Deciding the future of Khieu Samphan andotl Khmer Rouge leaders holding Pol Pot — especially guerrilla commander Ta Mok, known as "The Butchi for his brutality — are likely to be key in deten when Pol Pot will be turned over. Hun Sen, a Khmer Rouge cadre until he quit in 19ilg has been an object of Khmer Rouge hatred since hero to lead the regime that Vietnam installed after 1979. Both Ranariddh and Hun Sen have courteddi fecting Khmer Rouge guerrillas over the pastyei Their military skills and influence over territorynl 01 under nominal government control could provedt ani cisive in elections next year. Ranariddh’s royalists were part of a resistance coal tion dominated by the Khmer Rouge in the 1980$thi iUl fought against the Vietnamese military occupationaa Hun Sen’s government. Ranariddh and Hun Sen have never overcometi# 10 battlefield enmity. They have shared power since; lf,r U.N.-supervised election in 1993. The prince’sroyaliil K won the most votes but were forced into acoalitionaf ter Hun Sen threatened renewed civil war. GREAT DEALS EVERY TUESDAY IN THE BATTALION czzz ( < r\ o CLIP& SAVE "1 I Professional Nail Care for Women & Men • Guarantee our work • Friendly Service FREE Quick Dry Topcoat Profinish & Cut Down We Carry OPI Products & Nail Polish Refills Full Set $13.00 w/coupon $25.00 w/coupon Located in the College Station Kroger Shopping Center (near Old Country Buffet & Amber's) 2406 Texas Ave. • Suite D • College Station • 764-9582 Monday-Wednesday 9:30-8:00pm»Thursday-Saturday 9:00-8:00pm § Appointments & Walk-Ins welcome. Expires 8-31-97 ANI? 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