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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1997)
Tuesday • March25, Recent Continued from Page 1 “He (Aviles) will easily be able to see the broad scope of the A&M system and bring his experience to help solve the problems,” Gaston said. Aviles said that, as a regent, he wants to ensure that Texas students have equal access to the A&M System. “I look at it (being a regent) to pro vide the best education that we can give to the young people of Texas,” Aviles said. “I want to find ways to ensure the youth of Texas receive the education they require.” Dr. Ray M. Bowen, A&M president, said Aviles will reinforce strengths that al ready exist in the Board of Regents. “His greatest strength will be his con cern for high academic quality and his concern for faculty and students,” Bowen said. Aviles said the two other new regents, Armstrong and Nye, will also provide the Board with new perspectives. “I believe that my other two new colleagues (Armstrong and Nye) bring a wealth of background and a wealth of knowledge,” Aviles said. “We’re looking forward to serving the people ofTexas.” Allegations Continued from Page 1 Steve Walkup, a former member of the Fish Drill Team and a junior agricultur al engineering major, said what makes this incident so terrible is the disappoint ment involved. “If I were one of those fish, I would be tremen dously disappointed be cause you would feel like you worked all year for nothing,” Walkup said. “You have the utmost re spect for the upperclassmen. They want you to be the best you can, even if it includes a few hardships.” Foster said the Drill Team still plain performing at there® ing four exhibitions semester. Clay Lankford, theG inspector general,wai pointed to supervise team during this peri "The fishes’ majorcci was for A&M,” Fostersai; GREAT DEALS EVERY TUESDAY IN THE BATTALION t7 ANt? TA<E rT DEFENSIVE DRIVING ... COMEDY STYLE Defensive Driving with a Punch (Line)! (And pay only $25 with this coupon) USA Training Company, Inc. State-approved Defensive Driving course for ticket dismissal and insurance reduction Convenient Saturday classes taught at 4.0 & Go Tutoring Taught by professional comic Bobby Bernshausen '90 Aggie owned and operated - To register^ call 778-GRIN (778-4746) ^ Eastmark Apartments Don't throw money away!! PRELEASE NOW Receive $50 off your deposit! 693-8066 Limit 1 per apartment. Offer expires 04-15-97. 7600 Central Park Lane, C.S. FIFTY DOLLARS CLIPS SAVE i ■ ■■■■ ■■■!■ ■! 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