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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1996)
► Campus TAMU System, TEA form direct link The Texas A&M University System named Wednesday a former Tarleton State University administrator to a new joint position with the Texas Education Agency. Dr. William E. Reaves Jr., former dean of the College of Education and Fine Arts at TSU, will assume the mantle of director of education al programs. The position will pro vide a direct link between the System and Texas public schools. The appointment marks the first time the TEA and the System have collaborated for a shared manager ial position. A&M begins fund raising campaign The 1996 State Employee Charitable Campaign got under way at Texas A&M facilities Monday. Campaign workers started col lecting contributions toward the University’s goal of $160,000. Texas A&M University System offices and agencies began collect ing money for their $92,500 goal. Donations are made to a vari ety of charitable organizations with cash, check, bank draft or payroll deductions. The campaign ends Oct. 31. ► State Bats make home in high school JOHNSON CITY, Texas (AP) — Students in this Central Texas town are getting an extended Labor Day holiday because of a bat colony that took up residence in the high school. Teachers will report back to work Thursday and classes will resume Monday, Superintendent John Lands said Tuesday. A professional bat excluder from San Antonio will work this week to prevent the small, winged animals from returning to their lofty roosts on the campus, which also houses the elementary and middle schools. A bat was found last Wednesday in a teachers’ lounge, caught and placed in a small brown trash bag, which was left outside with a pile of trash, Land said. However, the bag somehow did not get picked up with the other garbage. ► Nation Step by Step actor shot by L.A. couple LOS ANGELES (AP) — Actor Brandon Call, who plays J.T. Lambert on the ABC-TV series Step by Step, was shot while trying to elude two people who chased his car, police said today. Call, 19, also known for his ear lier role as the young boy Hobie on Baywatch, was wounded in both arms and was able to drive to University of California, Los Angeles, Medical Center. He was listed in good condition. The actor told police he was driving on the city’s west side Tuesday evening when he realized he was being followed by a man and woman in a car, said Lt. Anthony Alba. “He tried to get away from them, but they chased him to a cul-de-sac and opened fire,” said Officer Mike Partain. The motive for the shooting wasn’t immediately determined. Step by Step, a family comedy, stars Patrick Duffy and Suzanne Sommers. ► This day in history (AP) — Today is Thursday, Sept. 5, the 249th day of 1996. There are 117 days left in the year. On this date: In 1774, the first Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia. In 1939, the United States proclaimed its neutrality in World War II. In 1975, President Ford survived an attempt on his life by Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a disciple of Charles Manson, in Sacramento, Calif. Ten years ago: 21 people were killed and dozens wounded after four hijackers who had seized a Pan Am jumbo jet in Karachi, Pakistan, opened fire when the lights inside the plane failed. Five years ago: In Moscow, Soviet lawmakers approved the creation of an interim government to usher in a new confederation. Jury selection began in Miami in the drug and racketeering trial of former Panamanian ruler Manuel Noriega. One year ago: France ended its three-year moratorium on nuclear tests, setting off an underground blast on a South Pacific atoll. OJ. Simpson jurors heard testimony that police detective Mark Fuhrman had uttered a racist slur and advocated the killing of blacks. ► Today’s birthdays Today’s Birthdays: The president of the Motion Picture Association of America, Jack Valenti, is 75. Comedian- actor Bob Newhart is 67. Actor William Devane is 57. Actress Raquel Welch is 56. "Cathy” cartoonist Cathy Guisewite is 46. Rock musician Brad Wilk of Rage Against The Machine is 28. TV personality Dweezil Zappa is 27. Actor Andrew Ducote of Dave’s World is 10. Dead four-year-old was size of infant NEW YORK (AP) — The 4-year- old girl who allegedly starved to death in a crib as her mother cared for six other children in their apart ment weighed just 15 1/2 pounds when she died, the medical exam iner said Wednesday. “You would expect a normal 1- year-old to be heavier than this,” said Dr. Charles Hirsch, the med ical examiner. The autopsy found that the girl, Nadine Lockwood, died from mal nutrition and dehydration caused by starvation. The average 4-year-old girl weighs 35 pounds, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. The girl’s mother, 32-year-old Carla Lockwood, is charged with second-degree murder and endan gering the welfare of a minor. Lockwood told police she didn’t feed Nadine regularly for a year or seek medical help even when she realized the girl was dying. Police responded Saturday night to a call of a child’s having trouble breathing. They found Nadine dead in her apartment. . ■'* 1 Evan Zimmerman, Fire Finhtprl Paul Pirk,e • a senior Civil engineering * * y ■ ■ * I major, extinguishes a fire for a lab. ► Weather Today Tonight Tomorrow Highs & Low* tli alte angst-li the nigl brace a fresh With a drivin irfor biting h lunds more li Dfcis and Blur. Chance Wa |ad singer, < me town off lhas had liti The band’s r “It’s not whe i where yoi ills said. The British-| d sounding i rt in 1992 iwered an a Id guitarist Ti d bassist Bill] trio churn nu BAmu^inding punk “We stuck oi len we first kause we we kids, and we [people who v\ "Walls said. But by addii d took a dil “We started Yesterday’s Hit ngs,” Walls sai 93°F Yesterday’s It 73°F It hIu\ s I \pt»u Partly cloudy with widely scattered show ers and thunderstorms. Partly cloudy with iso lated showers and thunderstorms. Partly cloudy with widely scattered show ers and thunderstorms. High 94°F Today’s Lxpecir Low 73°F Information courtesy of the TAMU Student Chapter olllie ie songs oi Todd Jasmine September 2 - 13, 1996 Vocal Auditions Open to ALL Male Students Membership in the Corps of Cadets is NOT required. Room 003 MSC (Downstairs) 845-5974 Please stop by to make an appointment f MSC OPAS 1 NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW MEMBERS ftpptications may be picket up in the Student ‘Programs Office 2nd pboor 9dSC, %pom 223 beginning September 2, 1996 Applications are due Monday, September 9 by 5:00 pm Interviews will be September 9th and 10th. /T a Informational Meeting for all Potential Applicants: Rudder 404 September 8, 6:30 PM V J QUESTIONS? CALL THE OPAS OFFICE 845-1661 V .J iALE • SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE c/) < CO LU < CO LU < C/3 rs< CONTACT LENSES Qc^b AND QUALITY CARE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT AFFORDABLE PRICES I* BUY TWO PAIR AND GET TWO PAIR FREE $2930* or Clear or Tinted Standard Soft Contact Lenses Plus Free Care Kit WE HAVE ALL TYPES OF CONTACT LENSES AVAILABLE AND SATURDAY HOURS Call 846-0377 for information on FREE LENSES SAME DAY DELIVERY ON MOST LENSES *EXAM NOT INCLUDED CHARLES C. SCHROEPPEL, O.D., P.C. DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY LU < C/3 LU 505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, TX 77840 On University Drive between Randall’s & Black Eyed Pea SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE • m mm ' SALE • SALE • SALI What Do You Know About... LSAT, GRE, GMAT? uh.... LAST CHANCE for your BEST CHANCE Classes Starting NOW! KAPLAN I 1 -800-KAP-TEST E-mail: America Online: keyword “kaplan” World Wide Web: ATTENTION JEWISH STUDENTS: Texas A&M Hillel is here for you ...with a full range of religious, social, cultural, and educational program Bar-b-Que anti Swim Party Sunday, September 8 - Cars will leave Hillel at 51 Shahhat Services every Friday at 8:00 p.m. Call 696-7313 for details e-mail: 800 George Bush Dr. • across from campus The Battalion Michael Landauer, Editor in Chief Amy Collier, Executive Editor Gretchen Perrenot, Executive Editor Stew Milne, Visual Arts Editor Rachel Barry, Aggielife Editor Tiffany Moore, Night News Editor Helen Clancy, Night News Editor Wes Swift, City Editor Tom Day, Sports Editor Heather Pace, Opinion & Chris Yung, Web Editor Will Hickman, Radio E# Tim Moog, Photo Editor Brad Graeber, CartoonE s Staff Members Cmr Desk - Assistant Editor: Kendra Rasmussen; Reporters: Matthew Flume, Brandon Hausenfluck.Airt 1 ' 1 Hauser, Michelle Lyons, Carla Marsh, Melissa Nunnery, Laura Oliveira, Wesley Poston, Erica Roy.MeT' Smith, Courtney Walker & Tauma Wiggins Aggielife Desk - Assistant Editor: Libe Goad; Feature Writers; James Francis, John LeBas, Cecile MazzoY Meier, Joseph Novak, Christopher Rivera, April Towery, Brent Troyan, Shea Wiggins & Tauma Wiggins;!* Designers: Michele Chancellor & Ann Nguyen Sports Desk - Assistant Editor: Kristina Buffin; Writers: Jamie Burch, Sara Duesing, Jeremy Furtick.ColbT Ross Hecox, Matt Mitchell, Dennis Ramirez & Nicole Smith Opinion Desk - Assistant Editor: Erin Fitzgerald; Columnists: Jon Apgar, H. Baxter, David Boldt, Bryan GooR 1 Marcus Goodyear, Shannon Halbrook, Michael Heinroth, Aja Henderson, Jennifer Howard, Masons Sean McAlister, Chris Miller, David Minor, Patrick Smiley & Jeremy Valdez Night News - Page Designers: Marissa Alanis, Jennifer Bishop & Michele Chancellor Copy Editors - Katie Arnold, Brian Gieselman & Gina Panzica Radio Desk - Leigh Moody & Jamelle Wyman Visual Arts Desk - Photographers: Rony Angkriwan, Shane Elkins, Dave House, Patrick James, RaclielR' : Gwendolyn Struve & Evan Zimmerman; Graphic Artists: Jennifer Maki, James Palmer & James Vine) 3 ' Cartoonists: Michael Depot, Ed Goodwin, Dave Hoffman, John Lemons & Quatro Oakley Web Masters - Terry Butler, Dusty Moer & Tung Tran News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of St*- Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. News offices are in 013 Reed McDonald BuikM Newsroom phone: 845-3313; Fax: 845-2647; E-mail:; Internet Address: http Advertising: Publication of advertising does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by The Battalion. For ca# local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Adve&q are in 015 Reed McDonald, and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-26-j Subscriphons: A part of the Student Services Fee entitles each Texas A&M student to pick up a single COW 1 * Battalion. Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year.Todia# 3 MasteiCard, Discover or American Express, call 845-2611. The Battalion (ISSN #1055-4726) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring senieslefi* Monday through Thursday during the summer sessions (except on University holidays and exam peiiodsl-' A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station,TX 77840. Postmaster: Send addresscMi The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. The I Elect Grill tor Red I Austi band.Ti Miss at 3rd F Loca Elect Street P Loca Java tor