Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1996)
The Battalion Classified n The l Sp To place a classified ad: Phone 845-0569 or Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior day accepted ANNOUNCEMENTS BED & BREAKFAST Attention All Students!!! Grants & Scholarships Available From Sponsors!!! No Repayments, Ever!!! $$$ Cash For College $$$ For Info: 1-800- 243-2435. Romantic Victorian B & B get-away. Plus gourmet can dle-light dining. The Pink House 364-2868 Want to start your own Fraternity? Zeta Beta tau is looking for a few good men to recolonize the Zeta Gamma Chapter. If interested call Randall Goltzman at 512/392-2928 Inspirations in Post Oak Mall has The Best Selections of t-shirts & posters in town!! EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AUTO T ‘87 Ford Bronco II, Eddie Bower package, 4 wheel cjrive, 5-speed, 85K, asking $4,700. Kenneth 696-4343 Attention students! 1979 Ford T-bird, immaculate con dition! Low miles, $1950 neg. 779-9513. Aggies - Make best $/hour w/Restaurant/Bar Jobs. Insider Guide tells how/what/where of area jobs. Send $3.00 to Information Cafe, 1501 Harvey #682, C. Sta., Tx. 77840 NATIONAL PARKS HIRING - Positions are now avail able at National Parks, Forests & Wildlife Preserves. Excellent benefits + bonuses! Call: 1-206-971-3620 ext. N58554. For Sale: 1985 Plymouth 4-door hatchback. Good price. Call (409)855-2602. 1992 Cutlass Sport, MAROON, 6 cylinder, 110,000 mi, $5995. 779-0124. FOR RENT '86 Ford Tempo, low mileage, automatic, ready to drive! $900. 774-7299 1986 325 BMW , 4-door, auto matic, excellent condition, $5,000. 691-8504 1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our specials. 822-0472 Two bedroom apartment south of campus. Available now. $250.00 696-2038 ‘93 Pontiac Sunbird LE, 4 door, automatic, 41 K, great condition, $8,500, negotiable. Call 694-0775 Live for less. 5 blocks from TAMU. College Main Apartments. 846-2089. 1990 Toyota 4-Runner, 50,000 mi., loaded, trailer hitch, $13,500. 731-1035. Fourplex for rent. 2 bdrm/1 bath, w/d hook-ups, $425/mo. Call Lee 779-7641 ‘89 Pontiac Firebird, black, t-tops, tint, new paint, alarm, incredible stereo. $4950 or $3950 w/o stereo. 260-9066. 1989 Suzuki Swift, 2-door, hatchback, 5-speed, 45 K, a/c, $3,495, negotiable. 775-0729 Tower Garden room for lease. 19 meals per week. Boys only. Secured parking & building security. Good study environment. Regular $6,400, yours for $4,400 (915) 523-9335 1990 Mazda B 2600 I, cab-plus SE 5, 4 x 4, 63 K, cel lular phone & one owner. In excellent condition, $10,500 268-1352 Furnished room - $250/mo, 3 miles from campus. Quiet, mature student. Leave message 846-0145 ‘92 Toyota Corolla Wagon, 85K, clean, reliable, extras $6500 846-0173 1984 Mustang GT Convertible 5-spd. $3200 Firm. Call Mike 775-8272 2 bedroom duplex available October 1st. 3 months lease available, $500/mo. Call 764-6755 2 bdrm 1 1/2 ba studio apt. for lease. W/D conn., $495/mo. Call 224-9150. COMPUTERS 3 bdrm 2 ba sublease, $625/mo. Available Sept 1. 822-4837, Pauline. 8 MB 72 PIN SIMM $50, AMD 5 X 86-133 Mhz CPU $551 693-1205 (Lawrence), 223-1147 (pager, leave nufhber) Country Home on Aggie fish farm, 32 miles from cam pus. No smokers, boozers. $325/mo. 535-7582, Wayne Edwards. 2 bdrm/ 1 1/2 ba, new carpet & paint. $700/mo. 774- 1055, 823-8153. CD-Recordable available for use. For details/rates, contact: Lawrence @ 693-1205 or email Blank CD’s available for $10 each. Restored Georgian home, 2-1, 1000 sq. ft., hardwood floors, W/D conn., new appliances. 775-2291. MUSIC Fall Special - 1-2 bdrms, unfurnished, $295/mo. Only a few left. Academic Village. 846-9196. 3 bdrm/1 ba house, 1100 sq. ft. As is, $500. Call Bob @ 779-7121. Professional DJ/MC - Peter Block. Specializing in Aggie Weddings /Date Parties/Banquets/Dances. Mobile to anywhere in Texas. Formal attire! The Party Block Mobile DJ 693-6294 Single bedroom apartment. $419/mo, September paid. Leave message 696-0140 Bike/walk to campus. 3 bdrm/2 bath house. Available now. New carpet & paint, $825/mo. 774-4425 STARZ Mobile Entertainment - Professional DJ spe cializing in Aggie weddings, private parties, proms, dances, corps, sorority, fraternity, all Christian events. Large selection of all styles of music, large or small sound/ lighting systems. Aggie owned & operated by Michael Bratz '97, 694-8981/ 1-800-435-6065. 3 bdrm/2 bath leasing now, near A & M, central heat & air, carpeted, $750/mo, no pets. 690-0085 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath, $520/mo, no deposit. Sublet thru May. S.W. Parkway 694-7824 DJ’s for parties, weddings, keggers. All music. Call Jay, 731-8112, or Steve, 1-596-2582. No deposit!! C.S. 2-1 fourplex, w/d, new carpet, shuttle, $425/mo. Available now. Select Properties 696-3107 Quiet country atmosphere - 2 bdrm mobile home. Central ac/heat, no pets, $335/mo + bills. 693-8534 FOR SALE liiiasiw ATTORNEY Look!!! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less. 2 & 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move in. 779-2123 BRUNO A. SHIMEK ‘83 Attorney at Law Licensed By Supreme Court of Texas • DWI’S • DIVORCE • MIP’S • PERSONAL INJURY • DRUG RELATED OFFENSES “FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION” 823-3327 118 South Main Bryan, Texas 77803 Not Certified By The Texas Board of Legal Specialization 7 day Florida / Caribbean vacation. Bought for $400, selling for $300. 696-3055 nights or 862-4184 days. Very good condition trundle bed plus head and foot boards at $150 693-5338 Mountain Bikes fully reconditioned - 21 speed $180, 18 speed $150, only 1 female Beach Bike $40 Hurry while they last! 846-8295 Antiques for sale - 2 rockers, one for $200 & the other for $50, buffet $300, china cabinet $250. Please call 776-8995, leave message. Bike for sale! 1991 TREK mountain bike, in perfect condition with helmet and u-lock $300. Call Ryan 764- 6934 / nKauT mm WW ™ 11| 11| f , H! i it! College Court ONLY 1 AVAILABLE!! Large 2 Bdrms, new carpet, utilities pd. (water, heating of water, sewer, garbage pickup), ceiling fans, intrusion alarms, swimming pool. Near TAMU, $419/mo. 823-7039 Are you still apartment hunting? If so, stop looking and start living! Come see us at Brown stone 2 Bdrm/ 2 Bath 900 Sq. Ft. Big move in SPECIALSW Call Soon 696-9771 THE HORIZON Aggieland’s Newest Private Student Dorm OVERASSIGNED? Limited Number of Spaces Remaining All-Inclusive Rates Starting at $275/mo. Furnished Rooms w/AII Bills Paid Free Shuttle to and From Texas A & M Optional Meal Plans Cali 779-7091 TODAY!!! D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House ApTs. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmire House Apts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House Apts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 1 BD/1 BA&2BD/1 BA or 2 BD/2 BA APTS. Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. # Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BEST!! MAIN OFFICE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 693-8850 Now Preleasing for the fall! Ask about our leasing policy! Brand New! Come Join The $074 Winning Team! O# I • Gated Community • Monitored Alarms • Sparkling Pool & Clubhouse • Fitness Center • Lott Style Floor Plans • Marble Bathrooms Du« to Our Unique Financing, Wo Accept Part Time Students Onty. Saddlewood APARTMENT HOMES Monday Directions: From Highway 6, exit University Drive and go west. Take a right onto Wellborn Road and we're approximately one mile down on your right-hand side. Friday 9 am - 7 pm Saturday Noon - 5 pm 775-8800 s 19.96 Security Deposit When You Qualify for a New Apartment Home! FOR SALE Queen sleeper couch $100, coffee table $20, washer $50, dryer $100, dining chairs $50. Call 694-1172 Cavitt Corner used books & collectibles has books, fur niture, antiques, etc. 822-6633. 14 pt. diamond for Aggie ring $110 O.B.O. 4A&Mvs. Colorado tickets, alumni side $150 ea. Call 823-2165 Macintosh computer, fully loaded LC series, Microsoft Office & lots of software. $500. Printer & modem also, 694-1826. Perfect for student! Toshiba VCR w/remote control, $100 O.B.O. Call 764- 0652 More Mountain Bikes reconditioned - numerous 10 speeds $40, only one 12 speed racing bike $50. 846- 8295 Must Sell!! ‘95 Cannondaie M300, 20 inch bike at $350 & ‘96 Raleigh M400, 20 inch at $650, both are nego- tiable. Call 764-5769 Jetski’s 1990 Kawasaki 650SX $2,000 & 1988 Kawasaki JS550 $1,200, both fast & in excellent condi tion. Travis (409) 731-8660 Mobile home - 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 14 x 71, cen tral AC/heaf, island stove, dual ovens, refrigerator. Great condition. Oak Forest Trailer Park #85. 713- 497-0549 or 409-696-5664. GRE verbal software for Windows, $24.95. VS/MC/COD. 1-888- Imaide (5762433). Toll-free. TI-82 graphing calculator with manual, in perfect condi tion $40.00 Call Brad at 764-3178 GREEKS & CLUBS Attention A & M Clubs & Organizations fund raising opportunity. Telecommunications oriented. Call for details. 696-5056 HELP WANTED Delivery & Tent set-up person. 20 hrs/wk, Mon.-Sat. Apply in person. Party Time Rentals. 1901 Texas. Bryan. igflMlIl'iMl Now accepting applications for Crew Personnel. Apply at any Subway Location Now Hiring! Restaurant Crew Wendy’s of Bryan and College Station has restaurant crew positions available. Full and part-time crew members are needed. We offer: • Flexible hours • Meal discounts • Free uniforms • Excellent starting wages Plus training and a chance to move into management. Call or visit our Wendy’s locations: 202 Southwest Pkwy. C. Sta., Texas Phone # 693-4951 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas Phone #775-0183 m s 1 HA'wSSiMEitS.] Now Hiring! Assistant Managers and Shift Supervisors Wendy’s of Bryan and College Station has restaurant assistant manager positions available. Benefits include: • Above average salary • 5 day work week • Free uniforms • Medical/Dental insurance • Outstanding growth potential For immediate consideration, please call or visit our Wendy’s locations: 202 Southwest Pkwy. C. Sta., Texas Phone # 693-4951 3216 S. Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas Phone #775-0183 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER $25,000 Immediate opening at our AAFES Operations Center in north Dallas for Industrial Engineer offering practical experience in Logistics Operations, PC Literacy, Method & Procedure Improvements, Traditional Industrial Engineer Work Measurement Practices. Travel Required. Send resume to: Army & Air Force Exchange Service Attn.: HR-C3 P. O. Box 660202 Dallas, TX 75266-0202 Equal Opportunity Employer ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify!# the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. n The Texas / ■am announci induct six Aj ito the school ime on Oct. 2 HELP WANTED Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt. Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L. 5 yrs. +, & college experience. Work evenings & Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr. No DWI’s, Pi's etc. 694-2122 Telephone interviewer position available. $5/hr.. days, evening & weekends work. Contact IntelliQuest at 268- 5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste. 102F College Station. Telemarketers needed promoting the circus. All shifts, flex, hrs., M-F. Mike 846-8818 China Garden Restaurant now hiring all positions. Please call 823-2818 BACK to school - up to $7.50, flexible schedules around classes. Scholarships/Internships available, cond. apply. No experience necessary, training provid- ed. Call 10-4, 696-7734 What would you do with $150 extra per month? Pay a bill or two? Buy your groceries? Make a car payment? It's up to you! Donate your life saving plasma & earn extra income. Just 3 or 4 hours/week of relaxing while you read, study, talk w/ friends, or whatever. Call Westgate Plasma Center for more information af 846- 8855, & check out our new center opening September 16th in the Golden Corral Shopping Center, next door to Sidepockets. Give us a call & we ll answer any ques tions you might have. The Press of Bryan - College Station, a weekly com munity newspaper has immediate openings for part- time reporters & photographers. Flexible hours. Apply in person at The Press, located at the Manor East Mall Part time office help needed. Medical experience a plus. Apply at Physicians Home Medical Equipment, 700 E. Unlv., Suite 103, C. Sta. Auctioneer needs 2 or 3 energetic helpers. Call 822- 7830 or 822-0398 20 Permanent Part-time Positions Available No Computer Background Required!!! Universal Computer Systems • 5.50/hr. • Convenient location (Between 4.0 & Sidepockets on University) • Opportunity to work with 100 Ags! • Flexible hours - 24 hrs./day, 6 days/wk, prefer mornings • Computer repair. Data Entry, Cleaning To apply, contact our Recruiting depart ment at 1-800-883-3031 no later than 9/6/96. UCS hires non-tobacco users only. EOE. Yeast Infection Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, irritation or discharge you may be eligible to participate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!! Psoriasis Study Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an investigative topical med ication. Volunteers will be com pensated for their time and travel. Fever Blister Study Volunteers with history of herpes labialis (fever blisters) needed to participate in a research study using an investigational topical prepara tion. Must be pre-screened before your next fever blister. Eligible vol unteers may receive up to $280. Call NOW for information Chronic Lower Back Pain Study Volunteers, ages 25-75, needed with chronic lower back pain requiring daily pain medication to participate in a ten week clinical research study using an investigational pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Athlete’s Foot Study Patients volunteers needed for Research Study of new investiga tional medicine. Free physical exam, treatments, study medica tions, and lab tests available for qualified participants. Patient stipend available for qualified par ticipants ages 12 years & above. No topical (prescription or over the counter) treatment in the last 2 wks. Acne Study Patients needed for mild to moderate acne study. Call to screen. No blood work. 10 week study starting in September Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 INNOVATIVE MARKETING SOLUTIONS Now Hiring: Students and anyone who needs flexible scheduling to work afternoons and/or evenings for telephone sales. (Minimum 20 hrs. per week with 4 hrs. on Saturday.) $6.00 - $13.50 PER HOUR Keybording 20 - 25 wmp a must • Sales experience helpful Excellent verbal communication skills needed Apply in person at: IMS 700 University Dr. East, Suite 104, College Station HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Waitstaff, $8-$10/hr avg., flexible hours. Also cashier position. Apply Tues-Fri 2-4 at Golden Corral. Wanted 25 people - get paid tor the pounds you lose. New metabolism breakthrough. (800) 935-5171 ext. #1335 ■ r __ Good pay, flexible hours. Talent tor singing telegram service. Have tun while working. Call WRP Pertect Harmony 731-1238. Need installer 8 sales person tor home 8 car electron- ics store. Call 823-094^ New location for Chick-fil-A in Bryan We are opening a new free standing restaurant We are accepting applications now at Post Oak Mall Work 8 training will temporarily be in the mall. Bryan hours of operation: 6:30 am - 10:00 pm. M-Sat 8 closed Sundays EOE Work in a mall environment Chick til-A ot Post Oak Mall now accepting applications. Hours of operation: 8:30 am - 9:00 pm. closed Sunday. EOE Cruise Ships Now Hinng - Earn up to $2.000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World Travel. Seasonal 8 full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more intormation call 1-206-971-3550 ext. C58543 Workers needed for lawn maintenance company 20- 30 hrs./wk., $5/hr. Call 690-6392. Local business needs part-time warehouse help. Please call 779-7043 tor information on resume sub mittal. Jim's Food Mart - We are now hinng full 8 part-time cashier/clerk. Apply in person @ 452 S. Tx. Ave., College Station. Retail sales help for produce stand in Heame honest, dependable, good with people. 20- $5/hr. 589-3373 LOST & FOUND Lost dog on Timber Creek Api 1996 at 2:00 a m. Pomeraniai (+ or • 30 inches). He has an < If found, please call Bart (409) dog, goW-t range plasti >96-9373 PERSONALS MEET NEW PEOPLE 5050 ext. 2235. $2 99 (619)645-8434. 774-DATE Why wait? hours a day un wi Mus ly today be 18v ROOMMATE 696-: ate Sta. Aggie businessman needs 2 sharp male students for 2 hours daily. Must have outgoing personality 8 strong people skills. 696-0832. Part-time staff assistant needed Must have good com puter skills, good telephone skills. 8 work well w/ a diverse group ot researchers. Afternoons available only. Bring resume by or come till out application O Lynntech, Inc., 7610 Eastmark Dr. Ste.105, College Station. EOE. Position closes 9/16/96 Photographers needed. Experience prelerred. Should be proficient w/ action photography, shooting different types of Him. 8 using a B8W photo lab - developing 8 printing. Pick up an application 6 member services desk in Rec Center or (or more Info., call David Robison 9 862-1855. T.A B C servers needed Sat., Sept. 14 tor downtown celebration. For more information, call 821-3409. M-F, 8am-5pm : Experienced computer technician needed. Call Dan 846-5454 Compuview Microsystems Seniors 8 Graduate students - Notes-N-Quotes is now hiring notetakers. Come by 701 W. Unlv. Dr. to get an application. Villa Maria Chevron - part-time help wanted at Villa Maria 8 29th St. in Bryan. Apply in person 776-1261 Photographers needed, no experience necessary, we will train. Call Photo Systems 260-8181 Artistic? Creative? The Marketing Division of the Dept, of Rec Sports needs someone to help us design 8 cre ate displays for our bulletin boards. We want someone who is motivated 8 will take initiative in producing inno vative promotional materials. Applicants must know how to use Window programs 8 photocopier. Knowledge of PageMaker 8 Corel Draw useful. Pick up an application at Member Services in Rec Center or for more info, call David Robison at 862-1885 Domestic Services now hiring for flexible daytime hours cleaning homes In B-CS. Need references, phone, 8 transportation. Starting $5/hr. Call 690-6882. Warehouse help needed, W8F 9am-5:30pm, Sat T0am-4pm, $6/hr. 779-7586 or 779-3270. Reliable woman needed for daycare of two children Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 to 5:00 pm. Southwood Valley location. 764-8385. Vineyard Court Hotel hiring part-time maintenance per sonnel. Requiring approximately 30 - 32 hrs. a week. Must be available on weekends. Please apply at 216 Dominik, College Sta. No phone calls please. Local firm needs full-time/part-time programmers expe- rienced in VB 8 ACCESS. Call 268-5332 Cashiers and kitchen help needed. Inquire at Burger Boy. Three females need apartment, $180/mo Female roommate n 1/2 bills 693-3382 Non-smoking male 2bdrm/1ba apt. In Ci Female roommate water paid. w/d. Cal Roommate wanted to share apartment at Jefferson Ridge 7972 Female roommate needed, 2bdi good location Call 694-8344. Own rm/ba Leslie 764-0172 'ery nee 3 For informs n/1 ba. W: 1/2 Need a roommate. S272 50/mo duplex, own room 8 bathroom. I Glenn 693-8682 Roommate needed, $30Q/mo ■ Chili s, hm 764-2003, wk 846-84 Fern. - roommate needed. 2 bdi College Sta,. shuttle rt., $200/moi 4906 _____ Fern. • roommate wanted: Outside petsoX home with W 8 D. SI 50/mo + 1/2 elec/ph. (rom campus Kellie 779-744 Female roommate needed. House t bkxkti pus. No rent or utilities. Call for details MW &M Ha ductee Those to be :9th Annual Bt ebble Creel dude baseb buck Knobli yington, soft aren Guerr mericans Stai Vlert” Hamptc ack coach Ch For Burges: iformation, eames of ssociation at \m se icket re 5 The exciter ie Texas A&M entrance onference tl anslated int iles. A&M h w record fc ith 23,922 sc Season tic lereased for ar and each ;asons has s We're pic sponse of th 3k2‘4ason in * '“Conference,” [ally Groff sait services imith Same-day & ovw i racquet-ball racqu Hoover's Tennis Servici vice. Re-stnnging tennii 9733 AAA Texas Defensive Driving 8 Driver s Tran of-fun. Laugh-a-lott! Ticket dismissal, msura count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pnv9pm| 8pm) 8 Sat( 10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pml Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. S! Lowest price allowed by law. 111 Unlv. Dr, 846-6117 Show up 30 min. early. Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metrof* Live chat) Games galore - MajorMUD, Far* etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! C 694-8441 via modem. Experienced. Dependable Lawn Care Mar Call Nathan (Senior '97) at 696-4146 Free entrepreneurship estate courses, articles, and FAOs from: Success Institute. Also in Spanish/French. Cleaning 2 mornings a week $50. Terry Cons 8995, leave message ree ai PETS Many | Taco Cabana is now accepting applications at both locations (Briarcrest 8 Texas), for all positions. Starting pay between $5.50 - $6.00/hr. Inquire in person College Station Pawn is currently seeking part-time help for T, Th 8 Sat. Call Mark @ 696-7296 or stop by @ 2316 Tx. Avenue South, College Station. Pruitt's Fabric Shop, 318 George Bush Dr., C.Sta. Full or part-time. Apply in person U. B. Ski is looking for sales representatives to post ski flyers. Earn Free trips 8 extra $$$. 1-800-SKI-WILD Kids Connection (Bryan ISD after school care program) current vacancies available: substitutes M-F (flexible) 3-6 $5/hr. 'child care experience required. Bus drivers (class B-C DL required) M-F, 3-6 $6.25/hr. Apply in per son at: 2200 Villa Maria Rm11. Call 731 -7803 for more info. Bryan ISD. EOE by choice Adopt: Puppies. Kittens, Cats, Dogs Brazos Animal Shelter 775-5755 Colombian rod-tailed boa, female, silver w h mond markings, very tame, 5 ft., $200 O.BO w/own cage. Call 764-0652 Adorable female yellow lab puppy, 7 wta.okll and worming, kennel, food 8 all supplies $& Scott at 696-6863 61/2' Boa w/custom made glass front cage-J32 sell 846-6213 IRVING (AF iwboys run nith threw ace Wednei mself read jew York Giai I "I honestly ■nith said. ‘‘I think I’ll be OF F It was less tl .th,it Smith fel sloulder tryin xe in a 22-6 the Chi Doi ars. re so wo ere might fine or neck < Ie they cut liform off \ lating him. "They c int to take tances, so up that oking unife aith said, ted that. Bu d a feeling SERVICES Need help with your next project? Anything to do With Words Specializes in Technical Writing, Editing, & Desktop Publishing 260-4845 Present this ad for 1/2 hour of FREE editing Kew?>rone^^AnipahoeB£ jj g 0 ^ a ] 0 { ck bothers i Smith Ski Three Resorts for the Price w h-™* LuxuyCondos mi Smith stay, Ski/SnoutoardRertaSS^ licago hosp T79 K r da y.yi'" Fjeemmm MW eCowboys) riot - www.<EKion iggSiOnly last tovering fre ?iK.i r - vvww.wcawi Tilt Dallas Jlorning Dons DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR EACH MORNING. JANUARY 2-20.199? « 4,5,6 OBt CALL TODAY: 409-589-3358 STEAMBOAT BRECKENRIDGE VAIL/BEAVER Or stop by our campus locations: Commons Lobby • MSC Limited delivery area misci SAVE $$ OFF NEWSSTAND PRICES TOLL FKEE IMFOMMATIOM AND RCtHEUVIj 1*800*SUNCHA w«b »lt» »t mtpV/www.iunchiHW; Financial Aid! sector grants 8 : lents are eligible int's income. Lei vices 1-800-263 '85 Honda Interc j paint, new tune jOQ ea. 731-8825 londa Shadow, ; 779-9513. ited: 4 tickets t level, close t< ise call Willson C lents who want ■ FDA regulated free local delivw 0-927-3340 ited 100 student metabolism br free gift. 1-80C