Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1996)
The Battalion Classified ft ds To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Bu§ing§.s..Hgurs 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day ? s. TW"' FOR RENT 1 Month FREE Rent 1 Bedroom Special Glenwood Apartments 2011 Labrisa 779-3220 Welcome Aggies August FREE! Large 2 Bedrooms Clothes Washers/Dryers available Ceiling Fans • Intrusion Alarms Health Club • Swimmimg Pool Utilities Paid (water, heating of water, sewer, garbage pickup) $419 $439 College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 3300 S. College 3700 Plainsman Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550 Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550 Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395 Old College 1/1 $290 Close to campus shuttle 1bd/1ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba locator service 696-4464 Equity Real Estate Management D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House flpts. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmire House Apts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House flpts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 1 BD/J BA&2 BD/1 BA or 2 BD/ 2 BA APIS Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BESTII MAIN OFFICE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 691-8850 Now Preleasing for the fall! Ask about our leasing policy! CLARKE &WYNDHAM, INC. Now Leasing: Close to Wolf Pen Creek Park 3/2 Fourplex Close to WPC Park Washer/Dryer Included, Some Bills Paid CS 2/1.5 Spacious Du/Fourplexes, Washer/Dryer Included, Shuttle, Some Bills Paid Bryan 1 Bedroom Efficiency Pool, Shuttle, Built-Ins, Some Bills Paid, Some Pets OK Bryan 2/1.5 Duplex Fenced, W/D Connections Some Bills Paid, Pets OK 846-4409 mvravi v rax* civil, ni * 9 Attention all students!!! Grants & Scholarships avail able from sponsors! Billions of $$$ in college money $$$. Call 1-800-243-2435 Free Financial Aid! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades. Income or par ent's Income Let us help Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58553 AUTO '89 Chevy Corsica. 4-door, hatchback, 5-speed, a/c. $1,995 823-8486,828-3643 1985 VW Jetta. 110 K. runs well, sunroof, new tires, stereo, a/c, alarm, $2,300. 694-2714 wi UWKfxHi.— DJ MUSIC EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Cruise Ships Now Hiring - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-971-3550 ext. C58553. Airlines Now Hiring - Domestic & International staff needed! Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservation- ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefits! Call 1-206-971-3690 ext. L58551 Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing industry. Earn up to $3,000 - $6,000+ per month. Room & Board! Transportation! Male/Female. No experience necessary! (206)971-3510 ext. A58554 Windows Programmer, full-time only. Elite Software 846-2340, FOR RENT 1 bedrooms starting $385/mo, 2 different floor plans, large closets, many amenities. 693-1906 Southwood Valley four-plex - 2409 Bosque, 2 bdrm/1 bath studio style, $410/mo. No pets, shuttle route. 731-8951 Live for less. 5 blocks from TAMU. College Main Apartments. 846-2089. Large 2 - 1 1/2, W/D, 2007 Monlto Way, $435/mo., $300/dep. 696-1245 Sublease 1 year starting August 16, 2 bdrm/2 bath, $450/month. $200 off first month's rent. 693-6903 leave message Sublease Immediately/! No deposit 2/1, 1/2 Free! $480/mo. New carpet. Nice facilities, Call Caran or Kristi 693-9879 1 bedroom trailer on 2 acres w/horse stall, $250/mo + utilities. 589-3786 Duplex 2 bdrm/1 ba $50b/mo + utilities, w/d conn. Bryan. Call Ravae at 846-7344 Sublease spacious 2 brirm/i 1/2 bath, $545/mo, 12 month lease, Colony Apts, Water & sewer paid, shut- tle bus & pool. 691-2469 Wellborn. 2 bedroom older home. $300/mo + water, electricity & garbage. 776-8567 call 6-10 p.m. Southwood Valley - 1 story four-plex, 2 bdrm/2 ba, w/d, shuttle ft., $550/mo. 690-7873 Bargain 1 bdrm apartment, 9 month lease, 12 month rates, $410/mo., quiet, window faces park end apart ment. No deposit. Call anytime 764-7772 1 bdrm. studio, all bills paid, $475/mo., horse accomo dations available. 846-2913, after 9 p.m. 3 blocks to TAMU. Utilities paid, w/d, 1 bdrm/1 ba effi ciency. Unfurnished $415/mo, furnished $425/mo available 8/13. (214) 343-0860/696-4455 _ Sublease August 21 st. - 2 bdrm/1 bath, GoldenWest Apartment. $300/mo, on shuttle route. 764-5821 i-female foommate needed, share 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath apartment. $252.50/mo + 1/2 utilities. (512)888-3420 ext.223, (512) 584-2256 ' Sublease spacious 1 bdrm/1 bath apartment, 672 sq. ft., $400/mo + utilities. No deposit. 693-1230 2 bdrms/1 1/2 bath for 2-4 roommates to share, blocks from TAMU. 693-3480 2 bdrm/2 ba duplex $650/mo. Great locatllon, covered parking, w/d, furnished or partially furnished. Call (409) 441-1014, (409) 539-1011 SUBLEASE Timber Creek Apts. 2 bdrm/ 1 1/2 bath, $500/mo, starts Aug. 16th. Very nice. 846-7122 Beautiful townhouse for lease to either 1 or 2 people. Great location, 1 1/2 baths, w/d conn., fireplace, direct ly on bus-line, $485/mo. 775-3531 Nice 1 bdrm/1 bath, walking distance to campus. Quiet area, cheaper Bryan utilities. $395/mo. 846-0754 2-1, nice condition, back fenced yard, on shuttle, $450/mo. 822-2492 Sublease 1 bdrm at Colony Apartments, $385/mo. 694-2204 or 1-800-283-6148 BOOMMAT1 Roommate needed for fall or spring & fall. Nice house, huge yard, garage, new appliances, $285/mo. 693- 6559 Need 2 roommates, 3 bdrm/2 bath, w/d, own room, $266/mo. Rosewood Villas. Dave 696-4967 Female A & M roommate wanted, house 1 block from campus, free rent + utilities. Call for details 846-3376 Responsible roommate needed to share 2 bedroom duplex in Bryan area. $240/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call Patrick at 776-8124 Female roommate needed. Own bedroom & bath in mobile home, $225/mo + 1/2 utilities. 693-8004 Needed 2 roommates, 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2 car garage, w/d, shuttle bus. 1511 Arctic Cir, off Andersen Rd. 822-5680 Jackie Roommate wanted, male or female, 3 bdrm/2 bath house, really snazzy, $300/mo +1/3 utilities. 822-9563 Female share 2 bdrm/2 bath, C. Sta„ bus it, $280/mo + all bills paid. 693-0661 Female roommate needed. 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath, $250/mo + 1/2 utilities, bus rt., pool, laundromat (& more). 846-7122 1-1, new carpet, conveniently, new washers, mailboxes & bus-stops. Call 696-5662 Sublease 2 bdrm/2 bath. w/d. walking distance to cam pus, no deposit 693-0800 Brand new Noirthgate fourplex. walk to A & M, 2-2, a/c, ceiling fan, $575/mo. Call 846-4076 2 bdrm overlooking pool, near mail, wash & shuttle bus, $300/mo. All bills paid but phone Call cindy: 846- 4414 Roommate needed for fall. Duplex. $275/mo + 1/2 util ities, pets ok, w/d. 694-6629 1986 BMW 325 E, grey. 4 door, auto, cold a/c, all power. Retail $6,975, only $4,975 best 696-3831 1986 Toyota Celica, 5 speed, dependable, $750, non- negotiable. Please call 268-7786 Roommate needed in 3-2 house w/swimmlng pool, large fenced yard, w/d, $350/mo Including utilities. 361-0067 Cain or Leslie Seized cars from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps. 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. A-1652 for current listings emu ir^cc '93 corvette - 40th anniversary, coupe, fully loaded, 25 K mis., automatic: Excellent condition. $23,900/ O.B.O. D-(713) 621-0170, £-(713)251-4265 Parents Special at Angelsgate Bed & Breakfast - Affordable, elegant suites at the price of a hotel room. Call 779-1231 Professional DJ/MC - Peter Block. Specializing in Aggie Weddings/Anniversaries/Parties. Mobile to any where In Texas. Formal attire always! The Party Block Mobile DJ 693-6294 BRUNO A. SHIMEK ‘83 Attorney at Law Licensed By Supreme Court of Texas • DWI’S • DIVORCE • MIP’S • PERSONAL INJURY DRUG RELATED OFFENSES "FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION" 823-3327 118 South Main Bryan, Texas 77803 Not Certified By The Texas Board of Legal Specialization Hoover’s Tennis Service. Same-day & overnight ser vice. Re-stringing tennis & racquet-ball racquets. 696- 9733 AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal, Insurance dis count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm- 8pm) & Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $25 cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111 Unlv. Dr., Ste 217, 846-6117. Show up 30 min. early. Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS. Live chat! Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia, etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! Call (409) 694-8441 via modem. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our specials. 822-0472 Two bedroom apartment south of campus Available now. $250.00 696-2038 FULL SZ W/D, 2 bdrm/1 ba, shuttle, microwave. Intru sion alarm, $459/mo. 846-7454 Large 2-1, great location, on shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm, ceiling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039 Great deal!! 2-1, 884 sq. ft., 5 closets, microwave, cell ing fans, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 691-2062 Walk to campus! Northgate area. Normandy Square condos - 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available immediately; also pre leasing for August $575. Purchase option available. 776-3690 or 268-0840. MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom, 813 sq. ft, pool, ceiling fans, large closets & kitchens. Pre-leasing August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776- 3690 The Villas of Cherry Hollow - A spacious 1 -1 only $449/mo & 2-1 1/2 studio, recently renovated. Walk to class! 503 Cherry St., C.S. 846-2173 Large 2 bdrm/1 ba apartment now available, on shuttle route. Excellent for college student or small family $365/mo. 1-800-840-9931 Quiet country atmosphere - 2 bedroom mobile home anchored, wooded $335/mo + bills, no pets . 693-8534 Walk to A&M - 2 blocks from campus on Northside, 2- 1 four-plex, no pets, $350-$400/mo. 696-7266 July Freel! 2 bdrm/2 ba four-plex, 1104 Adam Circle, $500/mo, pets o.k. 693-9959 2 bedrooms starting at $485/mo, close to campus, shopping, many amenities. Call 693-1900 ALENCO Local Manufacturer is cur rently accepting applications for a Production Scheduler. Requirements: •Degree in Industrial Technology or related field. •0-3 years of experience. •Familiar with SPC, Data Collection. •Understanding of MRP and inventory control & scheduling. Applicants may apply in person or send resume to: Alenco Personnel Dept. 615 Carson Bryan, TX 77801 EOE HELPERS WANTED Exterior/Interior sheet rock, painting and carpentry Flexible Work Schedule 775-7126 Yeast Infection Sublease on duplex, 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bth. Rest of July free!! 10 minutes from campus 776-4426 Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal Itching, burning, Irritation or discharge you may be eligible to par ticipate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!I Sinus Infection? If you are at least 18 years old and have a sinus Infection with symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, you may qualify to participate In a research study. If you qualify you will receive: AT NO CHARGE Sinus X-Rays Study-Related Medical Care Study Medication Financial Compensation Super Center. FOR SALE Psoriasis Study Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an investigative topical medication. Volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Look!!! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less, 2 & 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move In. 779-2123 Microwaves, refrigerators, laundry stack units, other appliances. Appliance Distributors. 775-3282 Kodak carousel slide trays for sale Capacity 80/140, $5/$7.60 774-0003 14 x 80 - 1984 trailer home. New floors 8 plumbing. Need some outside repairs. Appliances & front deck Included. $15,000 negotiable. 778-1741 Lou Ann In perfect condition - Black lacquer armoiro, 5 ft. tall. 3 shelves & 2 drawers $100, firm Call Todd at 229-3447 Cardiogiido exercise equipment, works great, barely used, already assembled $135 O.B.O. Call Myra at 693-0638 1/1 condo, microwave, shuttle, pool, tennis courts. $37,500 696-4227 Fever Blister Study Volunteers with history of herpes labi- alis (fever blisters) needed to partic ipate in a research study using an investigational topical preparation. Must be pre-screened before your next fever blister. Eligible volunteers may receive up to $280. Call NOW for information CD - Recorder available for use. For rietails/rates, con tact: Lawrence at 693-1205 or email Blank CD's available for $10 each. Gas dryer for sale!! $100 Call 693-9825 Double bed set $150, twin bed set $50, negotiable. Call Lauri at 696-9877 Bookcase/entertainment center $100, mountain bike $75. bed $100, desk $60, sofa $200, lamps $80/$70 & more! Call Andres 693-4473. http://http.tamu. edu:8000/~agp1541 Queen size waterbed bookcase headboard whitewash finish, month old, 98% waveless matress, heater, excellent condition, great buy! $300. Christy 694-6433 7 day Florida / Caribean vacation. Bought for $400, selling for $300. 696-3055 nights or 862-4184 days. Must sell! Electric dryer, needs belt $25, 16 ft. cubic refrigerator, runs great $50. 696-5138 Chronic Lower Back Pain Study Very good condition trundle bed plus head and foot boards at $150 693-5338 Volunteers, ages 25-75, needed with chronic lower back pain requiring daily pain medication to participate in a ten week clinical research study using an investigational pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. 4 piece wood bedroom set includes: nightstands, 2 dressers & mirror (no bed) at $110, 19 In. color t.v. at $60 Kenneth 696-4343 Sofa queen sleeper - maroon pattern $225, 14 pt dia mond for Aggie ring $110. Call 764-5645 WANTED Students who want to lose weight. Metabolism break- thru. FDA reg. $29.95. V, MC, Disc. & checks. Fast free local delivery. (409)823-3307. Acne Study Tickets needed for August 16th graduation. Will pay. Call (713)474-4636 Graduation tickets needed for August 16th. Will pay!! Call (409) 846-3897 Volunteers with severe nodular acne needed to participate in a 20 week research study with a known oral med ication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time & travel. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 5 graduation tickets needed for August 16th. Will Pay!! 696-9877 Lauri Need August 16th graduation tickets. Will pay! Call Stephanie at 696-5818 Help usl Aggie alumni grandparents desperately wish to see oldest grand aughter graduate from this fabulous instltuttion on August 17th, Will pay $$$ Call (409) 696-5229 Help fellow Agl! Need graduation tickets for Augus 17th. Leo (409) 693-1578 Page 4 • The Battalion • Tuesday, August 6, 1996 ‘AGGIE* PrivalgJ?iuly WantAds $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Chain Reaction'’* characters fail to light up big screen By Jeffrey Cranor The Battalion Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt $1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info call (202)393-7723 Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L 5 yrs. +, & college experience. Work evenings & Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr. No DWI's, Pi's etc 694-2122 Telephone interviewer position available. $5/hr., days, evening & weekends work. Contact IntelliQuest at 268- 5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste 102F College Station. SUMMER WORK. Up to $9.00 starting. P-t/FTTtampV perm, available. Internships & Scholarships available (conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734 Notes & Quotes is now accepting applications for the fall semester. Apply in person at 701 W. University. Telemarketers needed promoting the circus. All shifts, flex, hrs., M-F. Mike 846-8818 Personal care attendant for disabled person. Please call 764-8324 INSPIRATIONS - Now hiring friendly sales people for the fall. Apply at Inspirations, Post Oak Mall. Part-time bookkeeper - flexible hours. Apply within Piper’s Chevron, Texas Ave. et Untv. Dr. Part time help wanted Apply within Piper's Chevron. Texas Ave. at Unlv. Dr. ^ Vineyard Court Hotel 6 front desk personnel for day time shift & also evening / weekend shift. AFfply at 218 Domlnlk, C. Station. No phone calls please Woodworker & matting & framing - student worker w/experlence needed, ASAPI! Call 845-1631 Need individual to work In billing office Call Steve 691 - 0206 Full-time lube technician, experienced but not manda tory. Benefits-heatth Ins., profit sharing, etc. Wal-mart Andrew Davis’ last block buster, The Fugitive, left viewers’ tail ends sore from non-stop, edge-of-your-seat action. But his newest film, Chain Reaction, cre ates little reaction from audiences at all. Both films deal framed man on the run from a relentless lawman. But the simi larities end there. Tommy Lee Jones emulated a hard-head ed but respectable lieu tenant in The Fugitive and won an Oscar for his performance. Fred Ward, who plays FBI agent Ford in Chain Reaction, resembles Mayberry’s Barney Fife. Keanu Reeves is bomb-happy villains are ata; ing to frame them. They run,f spite their obvious innocence, Paul Shannon (MorganFre man), who was Kasalivicli mentor, knows Kasalivichc not plant the bomb. He nr tains contact with Eddie,r.| just to keep the boy from ac ting arrested, but also fort; with a own selfish reasons. Movie Review Faithful Starring Keanu Reeves and Morgan Freeman Directed by Andrew Davis Ratad PG»13 Playing at Hollywood 18 * * 1/2 foul of five) Ri :tion Eddie Kasalivich, the man on the run; but there is no comparison be tween his character and Harrison Ford’s Dr. Richard Kimble. In Chain Reaction, Kasalivich, a University of Chicago graduate student, discovers the final step in making cold fusion more than just a myth. But certain shady folks feel this technology should be kept secret in order to avoid a disastrous effect on the world’s economy. So, they blow up eight Chicago city blocks, including the factory where Kasalivich’s team devel oped the project. Eddie and his sexy lab partner Lily (Rachel Weisz) find that the suffers fro: the most common epideir among action films, dialogue de: ciency syndrome—writing tb requires only a fourth grade cc: prehension level. And Reeves, Weisz and War: hardly help this margin! script with their sub-margin: performances. Fortunately for moviegoer: though, Freeman manages!:; carry his character well throughout the film, and Dan has created some good qualitn action sequences. But nifty explosions and hig! impact chases have little effect an audience when they revol around characters that fail draw the audience into the actio Supercop's Chan (sort of) wins again By Jeffrey Cranor The Battalion While American action heroes gear up with the latest weapon technology, from nuclear-powered pistols to rocket launching dart guns, Hong Kong action star Jackie Chan arms him self with fast-and-furi- ous martial arts and a sense of humor. In Chan’s latest U.S. release, Supercop, he plays Hong Kong police detective Kevin Chan whose mission is to in filtrate a drug ring. Chan and Chinese Chief of Se curity Yang (Michelle Khan) go undercover as brother and sister aiding one of the cartel’s leaders, Panther (Yuen Wah). Chan fends off the Chinese police while battling the evil drug lords and their henchmen. The action is quick and often comedic, and the stunts are a spectacle in themselves. The addition of Khan is not the norm for a Chan film. Chan per forms solo in most of his films, but Khan works well with Chan’s rapid reflexes in combat and wit. Khan, as Yang, aids Chan’s ad venture into enemy territory, but bad luck brings Chan’s girlfriend May is on vacation in Chir.:! when she sees her lover, a strant woman, and some unsavory bf ings at a hotel swimming poc Chan tries to play her off asi hooker to avoid being discovered Movie Review Supercop Starring Jackie Chan Directed by Stanley Tong ^ v Rated R ■ Playing at Hollywood 16 flvej '' r d May (Maggie Cheung) on the scene. Following the American sue j cess of Chan’s Rumble in flif| Bronx earlier this year, Super- cop, a three-year-old Chan film | was released in the U.S. wittl dubbed-in English and a ne» ■ soundtrack. The movie’s action I particularly the stunt work.iT outstanding, but the script is| often caught at a crossroads be j tween comedy and thriller. Chan’s roles usually highlighu his own persona. Writers of Char i films do not concern themselves with intricate characterization. But in Supercop, the writers waffle in their intentions toward either serious or animated ac tion and in the process, bur; Chan’s famous spry countenance i and spirit. Saturday graduation tickets needed!! Contact David 847-7249 or Andrew (512) 887-6795 Will pay!! Please help a fellow Agi Need tickets for graduation. Will pay! Call 822-5241. leave message untie mI; jcctayk Pinocchio serves up to all Outstanding equestrian facility, 20 minutes from Texas A&M University Lovely ranch home. 3,200 sq. ft., 50 cares of lush coastal pasteurs w/horse & cattle facility. (409) 690-0029 Wellborn. Tx. Place Your Ad In The Battalion Call 845-2696 By April Towery The Battalion ADVERTISERS: WANT TO REACH MORE THAN 40,000 RETURNING A&M STUDENTS? Ads in our annual Back-to-School issues on Friday, Aug. 30, and Monday, Sept. 2, can chalk up extra sales for you. Make an educated move and reserve your space today! DEADLINE AUG. 23 For rates and reservations, call 845-2696 The Battalion 103 years at Texas A&M University Sex, violence and “adult lan guage” seem to be the common el ements found in movies today. Pinocchio, based on the novel by Carlo Col- lodi, contains none of these, yet still enter tains an audience of all ages. The movie includes excellent acting, music and set design, cute kids and a heartwarm ing story about making dreams come true. P i n o c c h dau’s seriousness and veteran acting ability. Thomas proves himself as a young actor in Pinocchio by dis tinguishing between a puppet and a child. Movie Revjew Pinocchio Starring Jonathan Taylor Thoma Martin Landau Directed by Steve Barron 16 out ot Rve) gj i n o c c n i o (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) is a puppet carved by Geppetto (Martin Landau) who wants to become a real boy. He goes through trials and triumphs. Pinocchio has been remem bered throughout the years as the boy whose nose grows when he tells a lie. However, this aspect of the story is not emphasized in the Disney version. Thomas and Landau work bril liantly together in this film. Their crystal-blue eyes make it believ able that Geppetto is really Pinoc- chio’s “papa.” Thomas is adorable and fun ny, which mixes well with Lan- Pinocchio is about love shared in a father-son relationship. The movie is touching and unique. It appeals not only to children, but to people of all ages. There is something for everyone in Pinocchio. Director Steve Bar ron is able to combine the expec tations of each age group. The scenery in the movie is beautiful. The animation of Pinocchio’s cricket friend, Pepe, is well-done and mixes well with the live action. The wholesomeness and fine acting displayed in Pinocchio make it a brilliant film for any audience. tue; August Ns I north en the Kold Building national mous fig Texas Aj Parking vice Offi those me women x armed w yellow ei er, who £ screw th trying to It’s no most ado campus, parking i es a grea and ange students, is comin driving £ one’s hei Lately PITS ofi around t instituti< the rackf When assumed that are there a 1< wanted t thought, tagged ir fy the ow long they No; in Tom Will matter, i bike rack moved.” ] “We norn if it looks Wow, i a minute after all, guess it’s older bik< erty take PITS offi should ju — the old — that ai tween sei Autum ’98 bioeng summed i “Seeing as public pro right to ta matter ho They pay Wit hav