Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1996)
The Battalion Classified 1\ ds To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day itihkWi nsriutir 1 Month FREE Rent 1 Bedroom Special Gienwood Apartments 2011 Labrisa 779-3220 ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550 Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550 Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395 Old College 1/1 $290 Close to campus shuttle 1bd/1 ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba locator service 696-4464 Equity Real Estate Management Welcome Aggies August FREE! Large 2 Bedrooms Clothes Washers/Dryers available Ceiling Fans • Intrusion Alarms Health Club • Swimmimg Pool Utilities Paid (water, heating of water, sewer, garbage pickup) $419 $439 Collette Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 3300 S. College 3700 Plainsman CLARKE &WYNDHAM, INC. Now Leasing: Close to Wolf Pen Creek Park 3/2 Fourplex Close to WPC Park Washer/Dryer Included, Some Bills Paid CS 2/1.5 Spacious Du/Fourplexes, Washer/Dryer Included, Shuttle, Some Bills Paid Bryan 1 Bedroom Efficiency Pool, Shuttle, Built-Ins, Some Bills Paid, Some Pets OK Bryan 2/1.5 Duplex Fenced, W/D Connections Some Bills Paid, Pets OK 846-4409 D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House flpts. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmire House Hpts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House flpts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 1BD/1 BA &2BD/1 BAor2BD/ 2 BA APTS. Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BEST!! MAIN OFFKE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 693-8850 Now Preleasing for the falll Ask about our leasing pollcyl ATTORNEY WE DEFEND M.I.P. CHARGES JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409) 774-8924 • (800) 927-3115 Not Certified By The Texas Board Of Legal Specialization. WE DEFEND TRAFFIC TICKETS JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409) 774-8924 (800) 927-3115 Not Certified By The Texas Board Of Legal Specialization. Duplex 2 bdrm/i ba $500/mo Bryan. Call Ravae at 846-7344 utilities, w/d conn. Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath, $545/mo, 12 month lease. Colony Apts. Water & sewer paid, shut tle bus & pool. 691-2469 Wellborn. 2 bedroom older home. $300/mo + water, electricity & garbage. 776-8567 call 6-10 p.m. Southwood Valley - 1 story four-plex, 2 bdrm/2 ba, w/d, shuttle rt., $550/mo. 690-7873 Bargain - 1 bdrm apartment, 9 month lease, 12 month rates, $410/mo., quiet, window faces park end apart ment. Call anytime 764-7772 1 bdrm. studio, all bills paid, $475/mo. t horse accomo dations available. 846-2913, after 9 p.m. 3 blocks to TAMU. Utilities paid, w/d, 1 bdrm/1 ba effi ciency. Unfurnished $415/mo, furnished $425/mo available 8/13. (214) 343-0860/696-4455 Sublease August 21st. - 2 bdrm/1 bath, GoldenWest Apartment. $300/mo, on shuttle route. 764-5821 1-female roommate needed, share 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath apartment. $252.50/mo + 1/2 utilities. (512) 888-3420 ext.223, (512) 584-2256 Sublease spacious 1 bdrm/1 bath apartment, 672 sq. ft., $400/mo + utilities. No deposit. 693-1230 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath for 2-4 roommates to share, 2 blocks from TAMU 693-3480 1C XX MX#* t; 9CX«wKRj’Kt9; BRUNO A. SHIMEK ‘83 Attorney at Law Licensed By Supreme Court of Texas • DWI’S • DIVORCE • MIP’S • PERSONAL INJURY DRUG RELATED OFFENSES “FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION” 823-3327 118 South Main Bryan, Texas 77803 Not Certified By The Texas Board of Legal Specialization Hoover’s Tennis Service. Same-day & overnight ser vice. Re-stringing tennis & racquet-ball racquets. 696- 9733 AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lot!! Ticket dismissal, insurance dis count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm- 8pm) & Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $25 cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111 Unlv. Dr., Ste 217, 846-6117. Show up 30 min, early. Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS. Live chatl Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia, etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! Call (409) 694-8441 via modem. vtiifift'itt'i’ic ml EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Cruise Ships Now Hiring - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-971-3550 ext. C58553. Airlines Now Hiring - Domestic & International staff needed! Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservation- ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefits! Call 1-206-971-3690 ext. L58551 Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000 - $6,000+ per month. Room & Board! Transportation! Male/Female. No experience necessary! (206) 971-3510 ext. A58554 AM MO IlliC EIRE KITS Attention all students!!! Grants & Scholarships avail able from sponsors! Billions of $$$ in college money $$$. Cali 1-800-243-2435 Free Financial Aid! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades, income or par ent's Income. Let us help Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58553 il COMPUTERS 8 meg RAM chips 72 pin sims $59. This is not a type- o!! Call 693-1205 or 764-4425 Dragon 1@mail.myri- ad net Students who want to lose weight. Metabolism break- thru. FDA reg. $29.95. V, MC, Disc & checks. Fast free local delivery. (409)823-3307. Tickets needed for August 16th graduation. Will pay. Call (713) 474-4636 Graduation tickets needed for August 16th. Will pay!! Call (409) 846-3897 Help! Desperate Aggie needs graduation tickets for August 16th. Will pay! 693-1103 or (713)781-8380 5 graduation tickets needed for August 16th. Will Pay!! 696-9877 Lauri Need August 16th graduation tickets. Will pay! Call Stephanie at 696-5818 Help us! Aggie alumni grandparents desperately wish to see oldest grand aughter graduate from this fabulous instituttion on August 17th. Will pay $$$ Call (409) 696-5229 Help fellow Agl! Need graduation tickets for August 17th. Leo (409) 693-1578 RUIIMMIITI Roommate needed for fall or spring & fall. Nice house, huge yard, garage, new appliances, $285/mo. 693- 6559 Need 2 roommates, 3 bdrm/2 bath, w/d, own room, $266/mo. Rosewood Villas. Dave 696-4967 Female A & M roommate wanted, house 1 block from campus, free rent + utilities. Call for details 846-3376 Responsible roommate needed to share 2 bedroom duplex in Bryan area. $240/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call Patrick at 776-8124 Female roommate needed. Own bedroom & bath in mobile home, $225/mo + 1/2 utilities. 693-8004 Needed 2 roommates, 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2 car garage, w/d, shuttle bus. 1511 Arctic Cir. off Andersen Rd. 822-5680 Jackie Roommate wanted, maie or female. 3 bdrm/2 bath house, really snazzy, $300/mo + 1/3 utilities. 822-9563 Female share 2 bdrm/2 bath, C Sta , bus rt., $280/mo + all bills paid. 693-0661 i-firMg C CYMYK XmCimv K^XVAX K Outstanding equestrian facility. 20 minutes from Texas ASM University. Lovely ranch home. 3.200 sq ft.. 50 cares of lush coastal pasteurs w/horse & cattle facility (409) 690-0029 Wellborn, Tx. HELP WANTED 1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our specials. 822-0472 two bedroom apartment south of campus. Available now. $250.00 696-2038_ FULL SZ. W/D, 2 bdrm/T ba, shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm. $459/mo 846-7454 Large 2-1. great location, on shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm, ceiling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039 Great deal!! 2-1, 884 sq. ft.. 5 closets, microwave, ceil ing fans, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 691-2062 Spacious, renovated C. Sta. 2/2 4-plex, available now & fall, W/D conn., shuttle, gas & electric. $500/mo. Select Properties 696-3107 Walk to campus! Northgate area. Normandy Square condos - 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available immediately; also pre leasing for August $575. Purchase option available. 776-3690 or 268-0840. MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom, 813 sq. ft., pool, ceiling fans, large closets & kitchens. Pre-leasing August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776- 3690 The Villas of Cherry Hollow - A spacious 1-1 only $449/mo & 2-1 1/2 studio, recently renovated. Walk to class! 503 Cherry St., C.S. 646-2173 Large 2 bdrm/1 ba apartment now available, on shuttle route. Excellent for college student or small family. $365/mo. 1-800-840-9931 Quiet country atmosphere - 2 bedroom mobile home anchored, wooded $335/mo + bills, no pets . 693-8534 Walk to A&M - 2 blocks from campus on Northside, 2- 1 four-plex, no pets. $350-$400/mo. 696-7266 July Free!! 2 bdrm/2 ba four-plex, 1104 Adam Circle, $500/mo, pets o k. 693-9959 2 bedrooms starting at $465/mo, close to campus, shopping, many amenities. Call 693-1906 1 bedrooms starting $385/mo, 2 different floor plans, large closets, many amenities. 693-1906 Southwood Valley four-plex - 2409 Bosque, 2 bdrm/1 bath studio style, $410/mo. No pets, shuttle route. 731-8951 Sublease on duplex, 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bth. Rest of July free!! 10 minutes from campus 776-4426 Live for less. 5 blocks from TAMU. College Main Apartments. 846-2089. Large 2 - 1 1/2, W/D, 2007 Monito Way, $435/mo., $300/dep. 696-1245 Sublease 1 year starting August 16, 2 bdrm/2 bath, $450/month. $200 off first month's rent. 693-6903 leave message Sublease immediately!! No deposit. 2/1, 1/2 Free! $480/mo. New carpet. Nice facilities. Call Caren or. Kristy 693-9879 1 bedroom trailer on 2 acres w/horse stall, $250/mo + utilities. 589-3786 WE'LL PAY YOU $35,100 TOWARD YOUR DIPLOMA. You can earn more than $18,000 during a standard Army Reserve enlistment ...and another $7,124 if you qualify for the Montgomery GI Bi\\ help in paying off a qualified student loan up to $10,000, if eligible. You’ll usually serve one weekend a month plus two weeks’ Annual Training. And you’ll serve with an Army Reserve unit near your campus. Over $35,100 toward col lege - for part-time service. Think about it. Then think about us. And call today: (409) 764-0572 BE ALL YOU CAN BE? ARMY RESERVE Yeast Infection Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, irritation or discharge you may be eligible to par ticipate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!! Sinus Infection? If you are at least 18 years old and have a sinus infection with symptoms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, you may qualify to participate in a research study. If you qualify you will receive: AT NO CHARGE Sinus X-Rays Study-Related Medical Care Study Medication Financial Compensation Psoriasis Study Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an investigative topical medication. Volunteers will be compensated for their time and travel. Fever Blister Study Volunteers with history of herpes labi- alis (fever blisters) needed to partic ipate in a research study using an investigational topical preparation. Must be pre-screened before your next fever blister. Eligible volunteers may receive up to $280. Call NOW for information Chronic Lower Back Pain Study Volunteers, ages 25-75, needed with chronic lower back pain requiring daily pain medication to participate in a ten week clinical research study using an investigational pain medication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Acne Study Volunteers with severe nodular acne needed to participate in a 20 week research study with a known oral med ication. Eligible volunteers will be compensated for their time & travel. Call for information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 TOR SALE Look!!! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less. 2 & 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move In. 779-2123 Microwaves, refrigerators, laundry stack units, other appliances. Appliance Distributors. 775-3282 Kodak carousel slide trays for sale. Capacity 80/140, $5/$7.50 774-0003 14 x 80 - 1984 trailer home. New floors & plumbing. Need some outside repairs. Appliances & front deck included. $15,000 negotiable. 778-1741 Lou Ann For sale: Teal reclining sectional - 5 pieces, in excel lent conditionrJMOO^B.O. 693-1103 Nice black lacquer bedroom with king size bed, head- board, armoire and night stand. In great condition. $400, negotiable. Call Maureen at 260-8026 In perfect condition - Black lacquer armoire, 5 ft. tall, 3 shelves & 2 drawers $100, firm Call Todd at 229-3447 Cardioglide exercise equipment, works great, Barely used, already assembled $135 O.B.O. Call Myra at 693-0638 1/1 condo, microwave, shuttle, pool, tennis courts. $37,500 696-4227 CD - Recorder available for use. For details/rates, con tact: Lawrence at 693-1205 or email Blank CD s available for $10 each. CiFdryerfor sale!! $100 Call 693^9825 Double bed set $150, twin bed set $50, negotiable. Call Lauri at 696-9877 Bookcase/entertainment center $100, mountain bike $75, bed $100, desk $60, sofa $200, lamps $80/$70 & more! Call Andres 693-4473. http://htt p. tarn u. ed u:8000/-agp 1541 Queen size waterbed bookcase headboard whitewash finish, month old, 98% waveless matress, heater, excellent condition, great buy! $300. Christy 694-6433 7 day Florida / Caribean vacation. Bought for $400, selling for $300. 696-3055 nights or 862-4184 days. Must sell! Electric dryer, needs belt $25, 16 ft. cubic refrigerator, runs great $50. 696-5138 Very good condition trundle bed plus head and foot boards at $150 693-5338 4 piece wood bedroom set includes: nightstands, 2 dressers & mirror (no bed) at $110. 19 in. color t.v. at $60. Kenneth 696-4343 AUTO '89 Chevy Corsica. 4-door, hatchback, 5-speed, a/c. $1,995 823-8486, 828-3643 1986 BMW 325 E, grey, 4 door, auto, cold a/c, all power. Retail $6,975, only $4,975 best 696-3831 1986 Toyota Celica, 5 speed, dependable, $750, non- negotlable. Please call 268-7786 Seized cars from $1757 Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. A-1652 for current listings. T§85 VW Jetta, 110 K, runs well, sunroof, new tires, stereo, a/c. alarm, $2,300. 694-2714 dj music Professional DJ/MC - Peter Block. Specializing in Aggie Weddings/Anniversaries/Parties. Mobile to any where in Texas. Formal attire always! The Party Block Mobile DJ 693-6294 BED A BREAKFAST Parents Special at Angelsgate Bed & Breakfast - Affordable, elegant suites at the price of a hotel room. Call 779-1231 RETS The Battalion Advertising Page 4 • The Battalion • Monday, August 5, 1996 Talent, leadership keys to Oilers’ succes O HELP WANTED HELPERS WANTED Exterior/Interior sheet rock, painting and carpentry Flexible Work Schedule 775-7126 Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt, $1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call (202)393-7723 Prestigious teaching position, must have hadTx. D.L. 5 yrs. +, & college experience. Work evenings & Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr. No DWI's, Pi's etc. 694-2122 Telephone interviewer position available. $5/hr., days, evening 8 weekends work. Contact IntelliQuest at 268- 5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste. 102F College Station. SUMMER WORK. Up to $9.00 starting. P-t/F-t, tempi perm, available. Internships & Scholarships available (conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734 Notes & Quotes is now accepting applications for the fall semester. Apply in person at 701 W. University. Telemarketers needed promoting the circus. All shifts, flex, hrs., M-F. Mike 846-8818 Personal care attendant for disabled person. Please call 764-8324 Texas Renaissance Festival Annual Job Fair, August 4, 9:00 a m. at Festival grounds in Plantersville, TX. Punctuality a Must!! Many jobs available In food, drink, games, rides & crafts. Call to receive Info flyer 1-800- 458-3435 INSPIRATIONS - Now hiring friendly sales people for the fall. Apply at Inspirations, Post Oak Mall. Part-time bookkeeper - flexible hours. Apply within Piper’s Chevron, Texas Ave. at Unlv. Dr. Part-time help wanted. Apply within Piper's Chevron, Texas Ave. at Unlv. Dr. The fastest growing company in America need people who want to be their own boss. Make as much money as you want and set your own work hours. Call Paul at 693-9324 Vineyard Court Hotel 6 front desk personnel for day time shift & also evening / weekend shift Apply at 216 Dominik, C. Station. No phone calls please Woodworker & matting & framing - student worker w/experience needed. ASAP!! Call 845-1631 K yKr COLBY GAINES SPORTSWRITER n the verge of a proba ble franchise move, the Houston Oil ers may be on the verge of striking gold on the playing field. This may be hard to believe for diehard Oiler . fans who’ve anguished over the team’s con stant absence from the Super Bowl in recent years. However, this year things are looking up for a couple of reasons. The Fisher Factor Finally, the Oilers have a bona fide leader on the sideline. In 1994, Houston coach Jeff Fisher was handed the reins of a careless and virtually talent- stripped NFL team just six games before the end of the season. In his short stint as head coach, he has taken the team from a horrible 2-14 season to an uplifting 7-9 fin ish in 1995. Fisher brings posi tive potential to the Oilers. He leads with a controlled aggres sion that players easily under stand. He may pace the sideline in record-setting fashion, but he isn’t afraid to unleash some anger on players who fail to live up to their potential. He has also brought good, tal ented players to the franchise and has the knowledge to maxi mize their performance. Contrary to past coaches, Fisher brings emotion without extra baggage. When former coach Jack Pardee was at the helm, the team operated with a ‘Well, we’ll get ’em next time’ attitude after each loss. The sad part was that they never got ’em. Many times Pardee remained calm when there was an obvious calling for the main man to light a fire under someone’s kiester. Before Pardee, there was Mr. Superstitious — Jerry Glanville. Mr. Glanville’s off-the- field antics, such as leaving tickets for Elvis at the ticket window, have always eclipsed the on-field production. Ironically, the Oilers’ “House of Pain” motto inflicted more emotional wounds on fans with their first-round playoff blun ders than their physical hits on opponents. In the end, the King’s greatest fan never really produced a hit football seas that mattered. With Fisher comes reap: from players, other NFL m: and the fans — and that.'; welcome change. The Dynamic Trio A few years back, an am: tious coach by the name of J my Johnson acquired threebli- chip players with the hope building a solid football tea: The trio — Michael Irvin, E: mitt Smith and Troy Aikmar,- worked well enough to winafr Super Bowls for America's ter Meanwhile, the Oilersb recently assembled theiroi fruitful foundation of standov With the final piece addedatt I pie of weeks ago, Houston’sc| namic trio consists of recehfl Chris Sanders, running backE;L| die George and quarterb- Steve McNair. Sanders could possibly devtj ■ op into the best receiver Hot ton has ever had. Last seasoj he could’ve been®, taken for a veteran9 his prime instead of 1 rookie second-rom draft pick. The Ohio Star alum made manyacr batic and athleticai: challenging receptk ) seem as easy as tab. candy from a baby. The Oiler backfield should b| amazing when considering it k showcase Heisman Trophy wi: ner Eddie George. In his fim season at Ohio State, Geon made defenders look like Bam: on ice, amassing nearly 2,007 rushing yards. Although he’ll begin the sea son as a backup to Chris Chat dler, former Heisman Candida:- Steve McNair will probably get: chance at the quarterback pos: tion this year. With a brilliant college caree:: and a year at the professional level under his belt, McNair should be ready to exhibit bi ; | multimillion-dollar worth. In the near future, this tri: could possibly follow in theta steps of Dallas’ great three. After his pursuit of a new sti dium in Houston fell through,© ers owner Bud Adams decided! move the team to Nashville, 1; could happen as early as net year — even if the Oilers makes good run in the playoffs. It may be early to say, but will the right blend of leadership and a solid foundation of youth and talent, the Oilers maybethf team of the future — even if that future may not lie in Houston. Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many purebreds! Brazos Shelter 775-5755 Pickard Continued from Page 3 adding facilities coordination to his duties in 1979. He worked under the title of assis tant athletic director for train ing, equipment and facilities for seven years before being named to his current post in February 1994. Cannon said Pickard pos sesses more energy and trust than most people. “He has more energy than I know of someone his age,” Cannon said. “He’s been around for many of the changes. The integrity he comes in with is fantastic.” COACHING LEGENDS Pickard’s experiences with the University extend over the careers of three of the most in fluential coaches in A&M Foot ball history — Paul “Bear” Bryant, Gene Stallings and current coach R.C. Slocum. “If there was one word I had to use to describe each of these three individuals, coach Bryant would be demanding, coach Stallings would be in tense, and coach Slocum would be loyal,” Pickard said. “All three possess an intense desire to improve football and athlet ics at Texas A&M.” KYLE’S MAKEOVERS Pickard compared the excite ment of present-day improve ments to Kyle Field to those that have occurred in the past. “Kyle Field was an unbeliev able place (in the ’50s),” Pickard said. “It was relatively new and held about 48,000 people. In 1954, they added the new part of the second deck and talked about the possibili ties of what was to come. “In 1967, I saw them com plete the second deck and add the new press box. In 1980, I saw the third deck go up, and hopefully I’ll be around to see the expansion of the northern! zone in 1999.” CHANGING TIMES Pickard says the recent con version of Kyle Field from As troturf to a grass playing sur face was a social change and a recruiting move for the future of A&M football. “Players have a ‘social atti tude’ toward artificial turf,' Pickard said. “The social envi ronment is placing an empha sis on having grass right now, It is very intense.” Pickard said A&M’s rivalry with the University of Texas, the challenge of playing in the Big 12 Conference and the ex posure the school will receive because of it made leaving the Southwest Conference a less painful task. “The exposure the Univer sity will receive from the move will be great,” Pickard said. “It gives a nostalgic feel ing of what we had in the Southwest Conference. “To tell you the truth, I don't think there was too much of a feeling of breakup because we still have the rivalry with Texas. If we had lost that, then maybe the loss of the conference would have been felt even harder." SENSE OF DIRECTION Pickard connects the suc cess of A&M athletics with the accomplishments of the University. He praises those individuals — such as former A&M presi dent James Earl Rudder —that were brave enough to change the face of the University to insure success in the future. “I just loved General Rud der,” Pickard said. “He was a fabulous guy with a great vision for this school. We were respec tive of his war heroism. (We’ve been) fortunate to have people (like Rudder) that were vision ary of the University.” Mor August Jh Gr< bas W! of Virgin Coalition than an t Party, an used to b Taking recent po Christian say that t toward th But is the GOP In a la Election ian Coali advocacy can Party welfare” currently along wit also stay It is ui would be whelminj the 1992 tion publ favored E assisted i Helms (1 Inglis (l£ these me: reason th Althou Republic< of voter g voters for questions the Repul Rather that is be Becaus nature, rr lines as tl Christian telling pe mocrat, it will repre tively tha Some n ers may c First Amc Furthe every rig! tion to en ing to Sec Code. Als- tions that as the coa merce, thi the Sierrs Ralph 1 Cu a PI L ast v pie c and meet at oi Northgate ments for While I w; flipping tl of my schc one my fri rived; and stinct, I al up to gree a kiss on t But the to many ti: don’t do th ter, in the ciety. But; Greetin the cheek i — where I Latin Ame A&M. Wor male frient females th: This is i and I learr first time I warned me not someth Orientatioi ing people Lind of har cute g-uys a Things i areas: At d forks and 1 mother hat wise, peopl dais (a defi sweatshirt: cold (some! nioron to rr Food wa nsed to. It’s and beans, rived foods brisket and thing I still tie of Naya the water h from the dii