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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1996)
The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day VISA S® ;< O LU </> ‘AGGIE* Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear In ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertis ers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. fO« RENV Welcome Aggies July FREE! Large 2 Bedrooms Clothes Washers/Dryers available Ceiling Fans • Intrusion Alarms Health Club • Swimmimg Pool Utilities Paid (water, heating of water, sewer, garbage pickup) $419 $439 College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 3300 S. College 3700 Plainsman Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550 Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550 Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395 Old College 1/1 $290 Close to campus shuttle 1bd/1 ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba locator service 696-4464 Equity Real Estate Management CLARKE & WYNDHAM, INC. Now Leasing: Close to Wolf Pen Creek Park 3/2 Fourplex Close to WPG Park Washer/Dryer Included, Some Bills Paid CS 2/1.5 Spacious Du/Fourplexes, Washer/Dryer Included, Shuttle, Some Bills Paid Bryan 1 Bedroom Efficiency Pool, Shuttle, Built-Ins, Some Bills Paid, Some Pets OK Bryan 2/1.5 Duplex Fenced, W/D Connections Some Bills Paid, Pets OK 846-4409 D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House f?pts. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmlre House 0pts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House Hpts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 / BD/1 BA&2BD/1 BA or 2 BD/ 2 BA APTS. Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BESTI1 MAIN OFFICE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 693-8850 Now Preleasing for the fall! Ask about our leasing policy! f end 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our yaclala, B22-0472 Two bedroom apartment south of campus. Available now, $250,00 696-2038 FULL SZ. W/D, 2 bdrm/1 ba, shuttle, microwave, intru- sion alarm, $459/mo. 846-7454 Large 2-1, great location, on shuttle, microwave, intru- slon alarm, celling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039 tirufdsalf) 2-f, flW sq, A, ll olossts, microwave, call ing fens, Intrusion alarm, $469/mo. 691-2062 Spacious, renovafiH’GT SfiT M T-pTax, avaflaBla now & fall, W/D conn,, shuttle, gas A electric. SBOO/mo. Select Properties 698-3107 Walk to campusl Northgaie area. Normandy Square condos • 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available Immediately; also pre leasing for August $576. Purchase option available. 776-3690 or 268-0840. MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom. 813 sq. ft.; pool, ceiling fans, large closets & kitchens. Pre-leasing August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776- 3690 The Villas of Cherry Hollow - Now pre-leasing for fall a spacious 2-1 & a 2-1 1/2 studio. Walk to class! 503 Cherry St„ C.S. 846-2173 Large 2 bdrm/1 ba apartment now available, on shuttle route. Excellent for college student or small family. $365/mo, 1-800-840-9931 NORTHGATE nice 2/2 or 2/1, all appliances, new car- pet. $500/mo 823-8486, 828-3643 Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath Colony Apts, starting Aug. 23rd for 1 yr. lease. $545/mo. (409) 691- 2469 _ Quiet country atmosphere - Large 1 bedroom duplex w/fireplaco, no pets, $375/mo. + bills. 693-8534 Available August - C. Sta. large 2-1 1/2 four-plex, W/D, shuttle, assigned parking. Manuel Drive four-plexes 693-3477 8-1 1/2 house, fenced backyard, on shuttle, w/W & D, bicycle distance, $700/mo. Call after 2 p.m. 822-2492 Walk to A&M • 2 blocks from campus on Northslde, 2- 1 four-plex, no pets, $350-$400/mo. 696-7266 July Freell 2 bdrm/2 ba four-plex, 1104 Adam Circle. $500/mo, pets o.k. 693-9959 2 bedrooms starting at $465/mo, close to campus^ shopping, many amenities. Call 693-1906 1 bedrooms starting $385/mo, 2 different floor plans, large closets, many amenities. 693-1906 1100 sq. ft. 2-1 1/2 condo, w/d conn., fireplace, bal cony, celling fans, on bus rt., water & sewage paid. $600/mo. 776-8106 Attention all students!!! Grants & Scholarships avail able from sponsors! Billions of $$$ in college money $$$. Call 1-600-243-2435 Free Financial Aid! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades, Income or par ent’s income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58553 '87 Toyota Supra, maroon, $5,500 negotiable. Call Fill 696-2662 The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. The route requires working early morning hours, 7 days a week and earns $450 - $900 per month. If interested, call: Julian at 693-2323 or Major at 693-7815 between 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. for an appointment. Yeast Infection Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, irritation or discharge you may be eligible to participate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!! Sinus Infection? If you are at least 18 years old and have a sinus infection with symp toms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, you may quali fy to participate in a research Study. If you qualify you will receive: AT NO CHARGE Sinus X-Rays Study-Related Medical Care Study Medication Financial Compensation Psoriasis Study Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an inves- tigative topical medication’.- Volunteers will be compensat ed for their time and travel. Call for more information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Need part-time cleaners tor commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Greet for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt. $1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For Info call (202)393-7723 Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L. 5 yrs. +, & college experience. Work evenings & Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr. No DWI’s, Pi’s etc. 694-2122 Telephone Interviewer position available. $5/hr., days, evening & weekends work. Contact IntelllQuest at 268- 5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste. 102F College Station. SUMMER WORK. Up to $9.00 starting. P-t/F-t, temp./ perm, available. Internships & Scholarships available (conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734 Lose Welghtl Needed: 74 people. All natural. Doctor recommended. (719)471-6644 Frae Lifetime Inooma $$$. Earn $1,000'»/Monthly. No Inveatment. No Selling. Sava Monayl Please visit website for details: http://www.ftwdometarr.oom/D1179fl988.rep CNneTGarcfen Restaurant now hiring all positions. Please call 823-2818 ^ ^ Make-ready assistant - cleaning/light painting. Aug. 15-29, $5.50/hr, 696-1138 Wanted; Instructor To Teach Law School Admission Test For Kaplan Educational Center. Please Call 696- 7737 Notes & Quotes Is now aooaptlng applloatloni for the fall semester Apply In person at 701 W, Unlvarslty. TelsmarketersTieetied promdliritfiffit errc'ui, All sfiffiiC fits. hn„ M»F. MIN8 MMIU wfif Cleaners, Puikklma Munter position available, apply In person at 3030 Bs, aOth, Bfysn, Part-time technician for home medical equipment oom- pany. Will train the right Individual. Apply at 700 E. University, suite 103, C. Sta. Personal care attendant for disabled person. Please call 764-8324 Private school wants students with experience in drama, music & Spanish to teach children ages 3-8, once or twice a week. Contract fee. Call 823-4751, ask for Kim or Kamy PIPING I BRAZOS VALLEY RIDING STABLES I E. Hwy. 21, Carraba Rd. RIDING HORSES FOR RENT Ask about Midnight Aggie Ridel Friday Night Special!! Call Rudy for Appt. anytimelll 779-7052 or 778-4118 . ROOMiMMIpK , ' Roommate needed for fall, 2-bdrm, $230/mo + 1/2 bills. July & August Free. Call Martin 823-8149 Female roommate needed for fall, own rm., utilities paid, $225/mo. 775-6104 Nice house with W & D, close to campus, $375/mo. Includes utilities. 693-9103 Roommate needed for house, 1 min. from campus (Kyle field area). Own room/bath, partially furnished $265/mo. Drew 696-2287 Roommate needed for fall or spring & fall. Nice house, huge yard, garage, new appliances, $285/mo. 693- 6559 SERVICES Hoover’s Tennis Service. Same-day & overnight ser vice. Re-strlnging tennis & racquet-ball racquets. 696- 9733 AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotll Ticket dismissal, insurance dis count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm- 8pm) & Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $25 cash. Lowest price allowed by law. Ill Univ. Dr., Ste 217, 846-6117. Show up 30 min. early. Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS. Live chat! Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia, etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! Call (409) 694-8441 via modem. All typing needs - resumes, dissertations, term papers, forms etc. 486 computer. Jewel 822-0001 Students who want to lose weight. Metabolism break- thru. FDA reg. $29.95. V, MC, Disc. & checks. Fast free local delivery. (409)823-3307, Tickets needed for August 16th graduation. Will pay. Call (713) 474-4636 Need graduation tickets for August 17. Will pay. Call 693- 8648, ask for Jennifer. a\ S „ . ' 'i. . A < ■! SKSSSKS: Kfttt «t«i m . Look!)! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less. 2 & 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move in. 779-2123 Continental Airline voucher worth $472 - asking $350. Good through May 1997. Call 690-6213 or 696-1556 Keg refrig, full C02 tank, all hoses & taps $300 O.B.O. 696-6912 A large brown leather suitcase with gold locks & leather buckles, In good condition. $30 0.8.0. 691-8528 Full size climb In/stand-up video game - discs of Iron. $425 O.B.O. 696-2094 Kegerator - all tanks Included. Perfect condition $325 O.B.O. 696-2094 Microwaves, refrigerators, laundry stack units, other appliances. Appliance Distributors. 775-3282 Canon BJ-200E bubble jet printer with new ink car- trldge, In excellent condition $100. 694-6415 Couch & love-seat $90, coffee table $45. Call Tim at 694- 7285 Sofa-bed $50, dresser $15, table $20, negotiable. Cristina 846-7255 Custom made loft with bookshelf headboard for sale. Excellent condition $75. Call 693-2479 Darla Acoustic guitar; Samlc, hardly used. Chad 696-7421 GT Timbertlne Mountain bike Chromolly, STX compo nents. paid $450, barely rlden. A steall selling for $325 O.B.O. 693-6634, Nathan. imiiii Kittl JL RRKAlittJii&r "The Pink House” Everything you've dreamed of & more. 1987 Victorian elegance - sweet romance - gourmet candlelight dinners. 364-2868. Parents Special at Angelsgate Bed & Breakfast - Affordable, elegant suites at the price of a hotel room. Call 779-1231 Pentium 100 w/1.2 gig HD, 16 megs RAM, 4x CD-Rom, SB-16, speakers, 14.4 modem, monitor, Win '95 etc. $1,249 at Byte Me Computers - Located In Northgate, 104 College Main, 846-1763 8 meg RAM chips 72 pin sims $59. This Is not a type- oil Call 693-1205 or 764-4425. Dragon1@mall.myrl- Professional DJ/MC - Pater Block. Specializing In Aggie Weddlngs/Annlversarles/Partles. Mobile to any where in Texas. Formal attire alwaysl The Party Block Mobile DJ 693-6294 S US j Cruise Ships Now Hiring • Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Lsnd-Tour companies. World travel. Seasonal & full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more Information call 1-206-971-3550 ext, C58583. Airlines Now Hiring - Domestic & International staff needed! Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservatlon- ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefits! Call 1-206-971-3690 ext. L58551 Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000 • $6,000+ per month. Room & Boardl Transportation! Mala/Femala. No experience 971-3510 «I. A!S8594 Market demand has created the need for a Dlatrlbutor In your area. Internationally recognized products new In the U.S. offers rare entry opportunity for exploding growth. Excellent Income potential and management support. Minimal Investment required. Carol at (409) 968-6801 or (409) 249-5572 Charity Assistance Program. United Charities Assistance Network (UCAN) humanitarian business program benefits worthy charitable causes while gen erating large personal income. Visit website or receive fax- on-demand: (703) 736-1600 Doc. #839. Your Sponsor: A.DIza #409-696-7235 LOST & FOUND !!i|l Ladles amethyst & diamond dinner ring - Lost around July 2nd. Reward! (806) 655-4579 " PETS wsi Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many purebredsl Brazos Shelter 775-5755 Kitten needs a home. Rambunctious black & white male, 4 mo. old, vaccinated, loves dogs. Call 822-7433 two yeajcr How^^ stroyed a tore Fortxi the bom.1 Downey charged with felony MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — Robert Downey jr. was charged with carry ing crack cocaine, heroin and an un loaded, concealed gun in his truck. The felony charges against the 31- year-old actor, filed Tuesday, stem from a speeding stop last month. He was also charged with drunken driving. If convicted, the Oscar-nom inated star of Chaplin faces up to three years and eight months in prison, though time behind bars was unlikely, said Deputy District Attorney Ellen Aragon. "He's a first-time offender and could take drug diversion classes," she said. "They found a fairly small amounts of drugs." Downey's publicist didn't immedi ately return phone messages. the Epilepsy Foundation of America. Contributors can designate gifts to the Epilepsy Society of San Diego, or the foundation. The money will be used to help fund national research and education programs on behalf of people with seizure disorders. Spielberg, Capshaw expect new baby Douglas, 37, pleaded guilty in June to the misdemeanor charge oi "violent and tumultuous conduct.' He also had two earlier confronta tions on airliners. In November,; judge in Los Angeles dismissed charges he interfered with attendant and was "loud and obnoxious" on a July 30, 1995, flight from New Yorkto Los Angeles. Charges that he disrupted a flii in February 1995 also were dropped. needles s Alth.ou a power-fH. sure does The re Order, a | just had • j Catholic victory oi II more t their Cat Althcm in after P of rioting-. By this decided tc As a re HOUSTON (AP) — Steven Spiel berg and wife Kate Capshaw are ex pecting another encounter — of the baby kind. Capshaw's publicist confirmed Tuesday that the actress is pregnant. The couple have one child each from previous marriages, two born during their marriage and two adopt ed children. The couple are in Texas while Cap shaw shoots her new movie Locusts. Johnson rubs noses with Mayor Giuliani NEW YORK (AP) — Magic Johiw was in the Big Apple to promote a bi- for thi he city's you!' Douglas ordered to get drug treatment Epilepsy fund set in memory of Hemingway LANDOVER, Md. (AP) — The Epilepsy Foundation of America has established a fund in memory of Mar- gaux Hemingway, who suffered from the disease. The 41-year-old model-actress and granddaughter of Ernest Hem ingway was found dead in her Santa Monica, Calif., apartment on July 1 f Authorities were still trying to deter mine how she died. The Margaux Hemingway Memo rial Fund was announced by Paulette Maehara, chief executive officer of NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Eric Dou glas was sentenced to 30 days in prison for letting his dog out its cage during a flight and ignoring repeated requests to put the animal back in. The youngest son of Kirk Douglas also was ordered to pay the maximum $5,000 fine and get drug treatment in prison. The judge rejected a proposal that Douglas serve his time at a drug treatment center. Douglas was "loud and verbally abusive toward the crew" through out the March 1 7 flight from Lqs An geles to New York, and at one point rolled blankets into balls and threw them at flight attendants, an FBI complaint said. ketball tournament — and maybe drop a three- pointer in the mayor's face. The basket ball star joined Mayor Rudolph Giuliani Tuesday at an event to launch the city wide "Mayor's Cup" tourna ment, a projected annual event for boys and girls under 18. Johnson gave a pair of basketball sneakers to Giuliani, who grinned widely as he put them on. "We're going to go over and shoot some hoops," Johnson said, nodding to ward a portable backboard set up in the City Hall parking lot. But once the ceremony ended, Giu- liani ducked back inside City Hall while Johnson chatted, signea auto graphs and tossed a few shots for the cameras. The tourney is scheduled to begin in August. Beer Continued from Page 3 And now it’s microbrewed beers.” The art of beer-tasting as a trend has also spilled over into the art of home-brewing. Smith said home-brewing is an educated hobby — an educated career for others. He said the idea behind home-brewing is not in toxication. People brew their own beer because they want to leam more about different styles of beer. “There are a lot of students who brew and a whole lot of professors,” he said. "There are two lo cal surgeons, an ex-mayor, city attorneys and oth er professionals that brew.” Darryl Dincans, a senior agricultural engineer ing major, is one of the students who brews. In fact, Dincans won Brewfest 2 in the spring with his "Belgian Triple." Dincans makes brewing sound easy. For the 1996 Brewer of the Year title, he leads in points based on contest rankings throughout the year, al though he just started home-brewing in June of last year. "[Brewing] is easy,” Dincans said. "To make good beer is incredibly simple. Trying to perfect it Is when you start spending vast amounts of money." Dincans said learning to brew one's own beer can make a person enjoy and understand the craft more. “Some people may never appreciate beer be cause they only drink one commercial style, which is a watered-down pilsner,” he said. McGreger said gaining knowledge about beer is a worldwide phenomenon, and Americans are just now beginning to catch on. He said the study of beer is a sort of historical and multicultural experience. “Just like religion or society,” he said, “when two cultures meet and meld, each of their tradi tions becomes a permutation of the originals.” McGreger provided a brief history lesson on the effects of culture collisions on beer. He said Sri Lanka makes a strange, stout beer rooted in the colonization era. Many years ago natives had their own brewing process, he said, but when the British came to colonize, their methods were im posed on the existing ways. Blackwelder said Prohibition and World War II shaped the history of American brewing. For in stance, light beer was created during the war for women, since most male beer-drinkers were overseas, "Every time I see a big-booted, huge-belt-buck led fellow with a longneck Bud Light,” he said, "I’m thinking, 'Son, you’re drinking an effeminized version of a female’s beer.’” McGreger said the tour educates the public about the multicultural aspects of beer. But there is a whole world out there the public has vastly ig nored. Beer is just one of them. “I don’t like to limit myself to just beer,” he said. “People could open up to all sorts of things like dif ferent beverages and ethnic foods as well. Beer is simply the tip of the iceberg.” Rocki evidei CINEMARK THEATRES MOVIES 16 HOLLYWOOD USA BRYAN-COLLBOe STATION 1 Hwy e Bypass O Hwy 30 764-7502 \ MOVIES BELOW ARE FIRST-RUN $.{..'50 MATINEES EVERY DAY BEFORE (.I’M AH IK (.I'M AIU'I IS SI.-.O/Hlll I1KI.N A StNIOKS $l.*.l MULTIPLICITY (PG-13) 11:00 1:30 4:10 7:15 10:15 * KAZAAM (PG) 11:15 1:40 4:15 6:50 9:45 C uiy+»+t1UoJ "COURAGE UNDER FIRE (R) (on two screens) 1. 1:15 4:10 7:15 10:15 Sa-t 2. 1:45 4:45 8:00 10:45 INDEPENDENCE DAY (PG-13) (on three screens) 1. 11:30 3:00 6:30 10:10 2. 12:00 3:25 7:00 10:35 3. 12:30 3:55 7:50 10:50 ‘HARRIET THE SPY (PG) 11:35 2:10 4:45 7:10 9:55 THE NUTTY PROFESSOR (PG-13) (on two screens) 1. 11:45 2:45 5:30 7:55 10:25 CSSssD 2. 11:15 1:30 4:55 7:10 10:00 THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME (G) 1. 11:30 2:05 4:20 7:05 9:30 c THE ROCK (R) 1. 11:05 2:00 4:55 7:50 10:55 (uiffllftr*} STRIPTEASE (R) 11:00 1:30 3:55 7:30 10:15 1 TWISTER (PG-13) 11:05 1:35 4:20 7:05 10:00 («M I MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 11:10 1:45 5:00 7:45 10:25 LONE STAR (NR) 11:00 2:00 5:05 8:00 10:45 NO PASSES OR SUPERSAVER ACCEPTED We re on t he Internet. Our WEB address is ^ Towery Continued from Page 3 Calvert, a small town on the way to Waco. Culture For those of us who feel as though summer school cannot satisfy our yearning for knowl edge, there are close museums and exhibits to visit. Johnson Space Center in Houston is a cheap way to spend the day in the air-conditioning and see a lot of cool stuff. Surprisingly, Fort Worth has more to offer than cows and saloons. There is a modem art mu seum and a natural science museum, as well as the old Cullen Davis mansion. For a beautiful and relax ing drive, just go down a long Texas highway and look at the bluebonnets. According to Southern Liv ing’s Texas Vacations issue, “Interstates in Texas look like four-lane art galleries — cruise control corridors showcasing murals of road and sky." Food Food sounds like a bad ex cuse to get out of town, but when you find yourself in a College Station restaurant that actually sells Rolaids at the counter, it’s time to leave. The best steaks can be found less than an hour away at the Country Inn Steak House in Somerville. Galveston is the place to go for seafood or a relaxing evening at the Rock ’n’ Java Coffeehouse— hearing a band and satisfying the caf feine addiction you picked up in college. So go ahead, get out of town. Enjoy a break from a week of two-hour classes and do some thing different. Although Texas doesn’t al ways seem like the vacation spot of choice, there is some va riety. Anything’s better than staying home and watching "Saturday Night Live.” “Many r electric; holds” a] drilled 1 perhaps well, no pable ofi would tl elled to! climb, a areas.C holds, a were sui crete sh; pits — 1 never sc with spj climberii restrict!; mally w; Wheil drills, tj which in help pro rock. Tl; well as j little vi; I m sur cess thi Whit climber; for the i then all; This stf Does Wj