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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1996)
Page 4 • The Battalion • Thursday, July 3, 1996 Ashe memorial statue dedicated RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The city that barred young Arthur Ashe from its whites-only tennis courts dedicated a monument to him Wednesday on a boule vard lined with statues of Confederate heroes. The 12-foot bronze statue of the first black man to win Wimbledon was unveiled on Monu ment Avenue after more than a year of racially divisive bickering in the former capital of the Confederacy. “Arthur Ashe Jr. is a true Virginia hero, and he belongs,” Ashe’s brother, Johnnie Ashe of Atlanta, told about 1,500 people at the ceremony. Ashe left his segregated hometown as a teen ager. He died in 1993 of AIDS, contracted from a blood transfusion he received during heart surgery. Plans to honor Ashe with a statue on Monu ment Avenue drew bitter opposition from people who said the street should be reserved for leaders of the Confederacy. “Were not going to allow this to happen without some sort of protest,” said Ron Doggett, who held up one end of a protest banner at the unveiling. Doggett said he had no problem with honoring Ashe, but felt Monument Avenue was the wrong place. The statue’s creator, Paul DiPasquale, disagreed. “Isn’t it for monuments? Isn’t it for heroes? No one questions that Arthur Ashe was a hero,” Di Pasquale said. The Battalion Classified To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertis ers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. PITS FOR RENT HIM* WANTED Adopt: Puppies. Kittens, Cats, Dogs Many purebreds! Brazos Shelter 775-5755 Free!! Black Healer mix puppy, approx. 9 weeks old. Needs loving home. Call 846-8613 for details Leave message. Welcome Aggies WANTID Students who want to lose weight. Metabolism break- thru FDA reg. $29 95. V, MC. Disc. 8 checks Fast free local delivery. (409)823-3307 ARilidlfCiMINTS Attention all students!!! Grants 8 Scholarships avail able from sponsors! Billions of $$$ in college money $$$. Call 1-800-243-2435 July FREE Large 2 Bedrooms Clothes Washers/Dryers available Ceiling Fans • Intrusion Alarms Health Club • Swimmimg Pool Utilities Paid (water, heating of water, sewer, garbage pickup) Free Financial Aid! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants 8 scholarships is now available. All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades, income or par ent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58553 $419 $439 College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 3300 S. College 3700 Plainsman The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for immedi ate route openings. The route requires working early morning hours, 7 days a week and earns $450 - $900 per month. If interested, call: Julian at 693-2323 or Major at 693-7815 between 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. for an appointment. n rn sl mtEikifCJi ct "The Pink House" Everything you've dreamed of 8 more. 1987 Victorian elegance - sweet romance - gourmet candlelight dinners. 364-2868. Parents Special at Angelsgate Bed 8 Breakfast - Affordable, elegant suites at the price of a hotel room. Call 779-1231 ummms opportunity Market demand has created the need for a Distributor in your area. Internationally recognized products new in the U.S. offers rare entry opportunity for exploding growth. Excellent income potential and management support. Minimal Investment required. Carol at (409) 968-6801 or (409) 249-5572 United Charities Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550 Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550 Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395 Old College 1/1 $290 Close to campus shuttle 1bd/1ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba locator service Yeast Infection 696-4464 Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, irritation or discharge you may be eligible to participate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!! Charity Assistance Program Assistance Network (UCAN) humanitarian business program benefits worthy charifdble'Lauses while gen erating large personal incoqieyjj , Visit website http://www.cashflow com/adc-ucan htm or receive fax- on-demand: (703) 736-1600 Doc. #839. Your Sponsor: A.Diza #409-696-7235 Equity Real Estate Management ■ SitUIS Infection? COMPUTIRS Pentium 100w/1.2gig HD, 16 megs RAM, 4x CD-Rom, SB-16, speakers. 14.4 modem, monitor, Win 95 etc. $1,249 at Byte Me Computers - Located in Northgate. 104 College Main, 846-1763 5X 86/100 (Pent 75), 520 MB HD/8 MB RAM, 3.5 FD, 1 MB SVGA, fully loaded $750. Gary 823-5000 Pentium 90 w/1.2 + .5 gig HD, 32 megs RAM, 4x cd rom, SB-16, 4 speakers, 14.4 modem, 17" monitor, eth- ernet + lots of software 8 extras. $2,500. 696-0785 486 DX 33 4M RAM VGA 120 HD Software $425, 386 DX 33 4M RAM VGA 120 HD Software $275. Call 731- 8665 jU iuiitsic Professional DJ/MC - Peter Block. Specializing in Aggie Weddings/Anniversaries/Parties. Mobile to any where in Texas. Formal attire always! The Party Block Mobile DJ 693-6294 EMPtOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Cruise Ships Now Hiring - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies Wodd travel Seasonal 8 full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-971-3550 ext C58553 D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House Apts. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmire House Apts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House Apts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 7 BD/1 BA&2BD/1 BAcr2BD/ 2 BA APIS. Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BEST!! MAIN OFFICE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 693-3850 Now Preleasing for the fall! Ask about our leasing policy! If you are at least 18 years old and have a sinus infection with symp toms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, you may quali fy to participate in a research study. If you qualify you will receive: AT NO CHARGE Sinus X-Rays Study-Related Medical Care Study Medication Financial Compensation Psoriasis Study 1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our specials. 822-0472 Airlines Now Hiring - Domestic 8 Internationai staff needed! Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservation- ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefits! Call 1-206-971-3690 ext. L58551 Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000 - $6,000+ per month. Room 8 Board! Transportation! Male/Female, No experience necessary! (206) 971-3510 ext. A58554 Two bedroom apartment south of campus, now. $250.00 696-2038 FULL SZ. W/D, 2 bdrm/1 ba, shuttle, microwave, Intru sion alarm, $459/mo. 846-7454 Large 2-1, great location, on shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm, celling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039 Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an inves tigative topical medication. Volunteers will be compensat ed for their time and travel. Call for more information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Great deal!! 2-1, 884 sq. ft., 5 closets, microwave, ceil ing fans, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 691-2062 Museum Educator: Teach 8 administer natural science programs. Plans, hires, trains, keeps budget 8 records. $9/hr. or by experience. Tami 776-2195 Pre-leasing nice duplexes/4-plexes for mid-August $425 to $490. 696-1245 RIDING HORSES Walk to class - 2 blocks from ASM on Northside of cam pus, 2 bdrm/1 ba fourplex, summer specials or fall lease, no pets, $350 -$450/mo. 696-7266 $1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call (202)393-7723 Bryan 2-1 1/2 4-plex studio. New carpet, vinyl, W/D conn., shuttle, water/ sewer pd., fireplace. $485-$515 696-7293. Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L. 5 yrs. +, 8 college experience. Work evenings 8 Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr No DWI's, Pi’s etc. 694-2122 BRAZOS VALLEY RIDING STABLES E. Hwy. 21, Carraba Rd. Spacious, renovated C. Sta. 2/2 4-plex, available now 8 fall, W/D conn., shuttle, gas 8 electric. $500/mo. Select Properties 696-3107 RIDING HORSES FOR RENT Ask about Midnight Aggie Ride! Friday Night Special!! Call Rudy for Appt. anytime!!! 779-7052 or 778-4118 Walk to campusl Northgate area. Normandy Square condos - 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available immediately: also pre leasing for August $575. Purchase option available. 776-3690 or 268-0840. Telephone Interviewer position available. $5/hr., days, evening 8 weekends work. Contact IntelliQuest at 268-5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste. 102F College Station. 'MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom, 813 sq. ft., pool, ceiling fans, large closets 8 kitchens. Pre-leasing August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776- 3690 SUMMER WORK. Up to $9.00 starting. P-t/F-t, temp./ perm, available. Internships 8 Scholarships available (conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734 Lose Weight! Needed: 74 people. All natural. Doctor recommended. (719)471-6544 ItOOMiVlATI Female A8M roommate needed. Free rent 8 utilities. Call for details 846-3376 Fern, apartment mate i fall, Jefferson Sq. Apts. 2 The Villas of Cherry Hollow - Now pre-leasing for fall a spacious 2-1 8 a 2-1 1/2 studio. Walk to classl 503 Cherry St., C S 846-2173 Helpers needed, aggressive, diverse for construction industry, will work w/schedule. 775-7126 Need installer salesperson for car audio store. Some experience required, have own tools. Call 823-0944 bdrm/2 ba. security systems, security gates, full W/D, furnished, $410/mo + 1/2 utilities. Or 2 fern, to share 1 bdrm/1 ba at $235/mo + 1/3 utilities. (713) 493-1588 D, (713) 827-1251 E. Large 2 bdrm/1 ba apartment now available, on shuttle route. Excellent for college student or small family $365/mo. 1-800-840-9931 Inspirations now hiring for summer 8 fall. Apply at Inspirations. Post Oak Mall. NORTHGATE nice 2/2 or 2/1, all appliances, new car pet. $500/mo 823-8486, 828-3643 Wanted: student to teach medical/dental school admis sion exam for Kaplan Educational Center. Please call 696-7737 2 roommates needed. Awesome 5 bdrm/2 ba house w/pool 8 pool table: starting in August. $210/mo. Devin/Darin 822-7806 Sublease spacious 2 bdrm/1 1/2 bath Colony Apts, starting Aug. 23rd for 1 yr. lease. $545/mo. (409) 691- 2469 Roommate needed 2 bdrm/2 bath for Fall '96. $490/mo. Located on Harvey. 764-8002 2 bdrm/1 1/2 ba apartment, W/D conn., $495/mo., $175/dep. pets ok, close to campus. 693-8674 Free Lifetime Income $$$. Earn $1,000's/Monthly. No Investment. No Selling. Save Money! Please visit website for details: Haircut models needed. 776-5008 Need roommate for fall and spring. Own room, partial ly furnished, has appliances. $250/mo. Call Eric (713) 395-3580 cfin cm jc China Garden Restaurant now hiring all positions. Please call 823-2818 Roommate needed for fall. 2-bdrm, $230/mo + 1/2 bills. July 8 August Free Call Martin 823-8149 Femaie roommate needed for faM. own rm.. utilities paid. $225/mo. 775-6104 Look!!! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less. 2 8 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move in. 779-2123 Make-ready assistant - cleaning/light painting. 15-29, $5.50/hr. 696-1138 Aug. Mint condition sofa newly reupholstered, blue pat terned $200, negotiable, twin bed w/out mattress $30, dark wood coffee-table $40. Call 694-8789 SERIfflCES '95 mobil home 16 x 80 3/2 death forces sale, satellite dish, relocate (713) 821-0312 Local electrical engineering firm seeking a part-time student worker (preferably a freshman or sophomore) w/computer related experience. Knowledge in dBase, Windows (all), Novell Netware, C++, Lotus, and/or computer install/repair is a plus but not necessary. Send resume to P.O. Box 10047, C. Sta. TX 77842. Hoover's Tennis Service Same-day 8 overnight ser vice Re-stringing tennis 8 racquet-ball racquets 696- 9733 Continental Airline voucher worth $472 - asking $350 Good through May 1997. Call 690-6213 or 696 1556 Wanted, Instructor To Teach Law School Admission Test For Kaplan Educational Center Please Call 696- 7737 AAA Texas Defensive Driving 8 Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal, insurance dis count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm- 8pm) 8 Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm) Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome $25 cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111 Univ. Dr, Ste 217, 846-6117. Show up 30 min. early. Motorcycle YSR50 for sale - like new, 400 mi., helmet included, black/yellow $700 O B O 846-7674 AUTO 4-piece bedroom set. wood, includes: 2 night tables, dresser. 8 hutch with mirror. Must Sell!! Asking $90 O.B.O. Kenneth 693-9795 '87 Toyota Supra, maroon, $5,500 negotiable Call Fifi 696-2662 Dresser $45. night stand $25: full size bed $60: JVC stereo $80: 8 color TV $45. Call 696-2662 Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS. Live chat! Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia, etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! Call (409) 694-8441 via modem. Keg refrig, full C02 tank, all hoses 8 taps $300 O.B.O 696-6912 1990 Celica GT Toyota; red; garaged/looks new; blue book price $9,900, asking $9,000 O B.O Located in Caldwell, can be seen in B/C Sta (409) 567-3317. leave message. A large brown leather suitcase with gold locks 8 leather buckles, in good condition. $30 O.B.O. 691-8528 1989 Jeep Wrangler, red. 6-cylinder, A/C. extras! $8,000 694-8784 Lots of All typing needs - resumes, dissertations, term papers, forms etc. 486 computer. Jewel 822-0001 Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt. People-watching allows us to find humor and lessons in Lit HU I luly 11, O oooh man, it’s summer and most of us have a lit tle extra time on our hands. So what the heck are we supposed to do with ourselves (after we, like, study or some thing)? A poor college student’s choices are pretty limited. Let’s see, we could sit around and watch the typical reruns of every decent show there is. Boring. We could all go rollerblading or biking. No, that involves money and road rash. Or we could just go out and drink more. Maybe, but hangovers and bounced checks get old fast. I guess we could just sit around and stare at people . . . wait, yeah that’s it, the sport of peo ple-watching. Think about it — we all do it any way, unless you walk around staring at the ground. So why can’t we make it more fun? Come to think of it, I think it should get a cu bicle in the Student Activities Office. Better yet, the Olympic Games in Atlanta should consider it a new exhibition sport. Thousands of people will be people-watching there anyway. It’s an art form really. You see, the cool thing about this sport is that it doesn’t discriminate. Whether you’re a freako, a non-freako, a two- strapper, or a one-strapper, black, white, green, purple, short, tall, male or female, anyone who can read this silly column can be a people-watcher. But, like any sport you have to have to lay down some ground rules. First, you have to establish your playing field. You must be in the presence of at least five people you don’t know. W atching your roommate stand in the middle of the room, pick his or her nose and eat it doesn’t count. This can be done in virtually any public place: sitting on a bench outside, in the MSC Flag Room, in class during a boring lecture or at our ever-popular Student Recre ation Center. Of course, as in any sport, you have to keep score. You get points for watching some one do some thing odd or disgusting. WW at Does TH \ M YL. SM e's with what they find), 50 points for someont scratching themselves, 50 points for a ver; large person wearing a very small bathing suit and of course all points are doubled if the per son is over 40 years old — tripled if it’s a pro fessor or administrator. Any other odd or disgusting act you witnes can be assigned points at your discretion accord ing to how funny it is. Of course, you get5( points for staring at a very good-looking girloi guy, but use extreme caution — you lose 10 points if he or she catch you staring — a go« way to screw up a good score. Remember, making fun of people where the; can hear it is not cool. If you get caught laughing at a football player’s girlfriend and get a fat lip — suck it up, it’s your own fault. So is people-watching a stupid ploy from the snobs in Aggieland to gain new members?Of course not. It doesn’t make you a snob. Everyone does it, anyway. Making a sport of it only makes it more fun. Anyone can do it, and anyone can be a victim What goes around comes around. That’s the beauty of it. Personally, my favorite spot to people-watch is the outdoor pool at the Student Recreation Cen ter. It’s a great place to do some people-watching and get a tan at the same time. Plus, the potential for points is incredible The people parked on those rafts and loungi chairs seem to think they have a shell around them. How many times does a girl have to adjus: her bathing suit in a five-minute period? Om provisional freshman (provie) I saw set the record at six. On a serious note, the world and especially America is a wonderful place because of the people who live here she: WE AGMMGr ?\ 7 . and all their interest ing differences. Oui funny little behav ioral quirks are pan of what gives each of us our identity, It probably would be cool if occa sionally we all took the time to meet some o( these people we are looking at. So all you Aggies out there who are feeling guilty for not exercising: Try exercis ing your ob servation skills and Ii Editorials a of the editc the opinio Texas A&h faculty or s and letter; Contact tl submitting The i sh< Since mer Cor Gen. Th June 1, trators h a suitabl After an process Search Maj. Ge: has nov position ers’ com panel ha Darlii resigna worked versity t He re commit! with lea ethics ai He also: commanc genuint A&M and Consi record, th gest that else — w the new c The se rigorous, with the c rum and; President Malon Sc good stooi Here’s the breakdown. Five points if you catch someone singing (ten if they’re really jammin’ out), 20 points for watching someone pick their nose (30 if they do something nasty your sense of humor. For people-watching is definitely a sport — a sport for all who look and laugh. Oil David Boldt is a Class of’97 marketing major Ingram brings Texas folk back to Bryan By Michael Cordova The Battalion With a wholesome folk sound and his Taylor 810 guitar, Jack Ingram has forged his niche in the country music scene and captured a unique country sound. Ingram, and the Beat Up Ford band will ride into the Dixie Theater Saturday night to continue their journey into the hearts of their fans. Ingram, a regular for several years in the Bryan-College Station area, said he enjoys coming to College Station. “I love coming back to A&M because they were the first ones who took us in,” he said. “They did- JACK INGRAM n’t judge us and just let us play. They helped us play at the places where we play now.” Before his following began, Ingram made his amateur debut at Adair’s Saloon while attending Southern Methodist University. He said he learned a few songs, invited his roommates and friends, and began a Tuesday night tradition at the popular Dallas bar. “After a while, more and more people started to come and the music got better,” he said. “It was good for me. I wasn’t going anywhere, just play ing in my room.” Since his amateur solo debut, Ingram has gained notoriety for his straightforward lyrics and Texas folk sound. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram describes his music as, “post-outlaw modern country with a salty, dance-all-night roadhouse spunk.” As a foundation for his songs, Ingram said he uses sounds from his music heroes. His influences include country legends Willie Nelson, Jerry Jeff Walker and Merle Haggard. “I listened to their music because it was simple and strong,” he said. “They have the kind of music that you can just turn out the lights and listen to.” Ingram himself has a simple sound that has en deared Texan audiences since the release of his self-titled debut album in 1993. Ingram said he finds inspiration for his songs in everyday life. “I just see something that moves me to write,” he said. “Seeing people on the side of the road or people just hanging around inspire me.” Apparently, Ingram’s music has drawn quite a following. His second album Lonesome Questions and debut album has sold over 20,000 copies. He said he hopes his newest album, Live at Adair’s, the success of his third album will follow the same path. But more importantly, Ingram just envisions playing good music. “I just want to make good records and write good songs,” Ingram said. “The rest takes care of itself.” After his show in Bryan, Ingram and the Beat Up Ford band will travel west to play in Colorado and California. However, Ingram will return to Luckenbach to team up with Jerry Jeff Walker on Labor Day. “I’m excited about coming back,” Ingram said. “I was there last year and it rocked.” I ’m OF Ar ... I mear ’95 Army my gia <5