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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1996)
The Battalion • Tuesday, July 9, 1996 tj High noon: NBA free agents become expensive Bus ^ 8 a.m. Inserti V/S 11 ■ 1986 Fc (409)69 ‘88 Dail tery, mi Attentic able frc $$$. C Free FI sector dents i ent's In vices: (40« <3 486 t Inten tiablt Profi Aggl whei Mob Win' 846 Crui worl Woi able call Alrii nee Ists Cal Ala Eai Boi ne< . i 1 a spi Tw (AP) Shaquille O’Neal can listen to the Lakers, Reggie Miller can telephone the Knicks, Dennis Rodman can assess his post-title value and even Michael Jordan can go shopping. As of noon EDT Tuesday, the largest and gaudiest free agent market in NBA history will open for business as soon as the collective bargaining agreement be tween the league and players is ratified. Nearly unanimous approval is expected. About 150 players whose contracts have expired will be available. Money and location will be the prime consid erations. The teams with the most room under the salary cap will have the most options, but any team can ex ceed the $24.3 million limit to retain one of its players. “The market will be dictated by the superstars and the time frame is imme diate. Teams that have salary cap room won’t take chances with waiting to spend the money,” said David Falk, the agent for Jordan, Alonzo Mourning, Juwan Howard, Kenny Anderson and several other free agents. Jordan, who wants a minimum of $18 million to stay with the Chicago Bulls, has threatened to play elsewhere if Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf tries to lowball him. But almost no one around the league expects such a scenario. Jordan’s deal could be done by July 18, when Falk is taking his family to Europe for vacation. Falk also expects the rest of his flock to have new deals by then, too. “Other players may want to get on air planes and fly around the country on re cruiting trips, but not our clients. This is n’t college, this is the professionals.” The Miami Heat, New York Knicks, Minnesota Timberwolves, Indiana Pacers and Vancouver Grizzlies have the most salary cap room, and the Los Angeles Lakers will join that group if the anticipated trade of Vlade Divac for Kobe Bryant goes through Tuesday after the league’s eight-day moratori um on signings, trades and negotia tions expires. The Lakers would then make a hard push for O’Neal, hoping the movie lots and recording studios of Hollywood can lure him from the Disneyesque motif of central Florida. “Orlando is still my first choice. I don’t even have a Plan B,” O’Neal reiterated Monday, refusing to comment about the possibility of playing for Los Angeles. “It’s going to be a difficult time, one of the most difficult decisions of my life. It’s like deciding whether to get mar ried, where to go to college, whether to leave college early.” O’Neal was not predicting an early resolution, and Dream Team teammate Miller said the bidding war for O’Neal could drag on two weeks. Miller, who nearly led the Indiana Pacers to the NBA Finals in 1994 and 1995, expected to hear from the Knicks and Heat. “It’s going to be interesting, probably the biggest free agent market the league will ever see,” he said. “It’ll be something to see teams maneuver and shift.” If Falk’s prediction comes true, the biggest stars will sign first, setting the market ceiling. After that, signings of low er-level players should come in bunches. “The average player may have to wait until later in the summer, after the primary five or six guys, Mourn:: w'| (Dikembe) Mutombo, Howard, O’MI q -] (Gary) Payton, Anderson — gettiBijiy ' deals ” Falk said. “Jordan is at his p level. He’s a whole different matter.” O’Neal and Mourning may be thel most sought centers, especially if aa er rumored trade goes through: Den signs Mutombo, the Phoenix in a three-wi Charles Barkley to Hi Horry and Sam Casse The second tier of >hns shin trades him deal that se: ston andRois 0 m e ^.^ o the Nugge-i; missis e agent centi ^his s XJI of Seattle, J: ^kbuster- m, BenoitR ,loC , D . Com. and Atlant ^ g 0m e-thi an Rooks. , • i missing l** 0 ™ Payton, the defensive player oft ® , )b l e ri- o^o+fle. is the marquee pq j^e fc includes Ervin Mcllvaine of f W jamin of Milv vaukee Sean Rooks. year for Seattl guard on the J are Anderson larnet and 1 a "H^V'frtSJhe i. H a r da,|»'“ s(ieep . that. It’ 8 ther Aggie filmrn- Come to t- [Texas A8cWI [uate enrollrr« not offer a R- would ben of'L ma ny degree; ■dents. By .no- gies miss out For examp thanO.J. Sic tion around t format. Ever*, such as KTSl programming The Battalion Classified Former Dallas police officer tel stand trial for plot to kill Irvin To place a classified ad: Phone: 845-0569 / Fax: 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Insertion deadline: 1 p.m. prior business day BM AGGIE 5 Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1,000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertis ers ottering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. IMIiillMiBilKiiil HELP WANTED ■liTii Attention all students!!! Grants 8 Scholarships avail able from sponsors! Billions of $$$ in college money $$$ Call 1-800-243-2435 Free Financial Aid! Over $6 Billion in public and private sector grants 8 scholarships is now available. All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades, income or par ent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-64g5 ext. F58553 Yeast Infection '87 Toyota Supra, maroon, $5,500 negotiable. 696-2662 FOR RENT Duplex’s Starting $500 to $550 Fourplexes Starting $400 to $550 Northgate 1/1 all bills pd. $395 Old College 1/1 $290 Close to campus shuttle 1bd/1ba & 2bd/1ba or 2bd/2 or 1.5 ba locator service Women 16 years of age and older If you are experiencing vaginal itching, burning, irritation or discharge you may be eligible to participate. As a participant you will receive $150 for completion of study (3 visits). Physician visits and medication are FREE. No blood drawn!! Plymouth Sundance '90, a/c, am/fm radio, 81,300 ml., nice engine. $2,500. Call (409) 862-9039 DALLAS (AP) — The judge in the case of a for mer Dallas police officer accused of plotting to kill Cowboys star Michael Irvin ruled Monday that probable cause exists to go to trial. Judge Jack Hampton also declined to lower the defendant’s $250,000 bond. The rulings came after testi mony from one prosecution wit ness and several defense wit nesses at an examining trial and bond reduction hearing for John nie Hernandez. Sources say Hernandez want ed Irvin killed because the foot ball player had threatened his girlfriend, Rachelle Marie Smith, a topless dancer due to testify against Irvin at his ongoing drug possession trial. Hernandez is also a potential witness. fied at trial and she’d V ever see my client ’ i + 1 d ii J+ions,” Read said. least those are the allegatio*‘»’ Hernandez 28 resigned from the police fon Hernandez resign* charge8 of 8oM following hl» June 24 arrest "1- tion of capital murder an<J u y charge stemmed from an unrelated case. Dallas police Sgt. John Coughlin testlWelwup.ed for r Monday about audio and video tapes made (tojfleast KTSR h. the investigation that recorded Hernande.tlhudent-run u j u rvio and paying an unite cussing the alleged scheme , „r, l-+ cover drug agent $2,960 to d 111 ^ ie * • tt j • „+;r>n Coughlin admitti. Under cross-examinatio‘*> . . videotaped f that the day after Hernandez 4. j „ vyovment, the officer tm: mg the agent the down-pay* IRVIN 1990 Celica GT Toyota; red; garaged/looks new; blue book price $9,900, asking $9,000 O.B.O. Located In Caldwell, can be seen in B/C.Sta. (409) 567-3317, leave message. Seized cars from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW’s, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll Free 1-800-898-9778 Ext. A-1652 for current listings. CMPLOYNIEftlT OPPORTUNITY Sinus Infection? Cruise Ships Now Hiring - Earn up to $2,000+/month working on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. Worid travel. Seasonal 8 full-time employment avail able. No experience necessary. For more information call 1-206-971-3550 ext. C58553. Irvin was subpoenaed to testify at the hearing, but defense attorney John H. Read agreed to drop the subpoena after meeting with Irvin’s attorneys. “He started this, didn’t he?” Read said of Irvin. “I think this is all over threats of serious bodily in jury ... How about death? “My understanding of the threats were she (Smith) wouldn’t see the end of the light of day if she testified before the grand jury ... or if she testi- to back out of the schema- ^ ^ r “Mr. Hernandez paged the (Drug Enforce»fl Administration) agent a h^, ° , thought about it and asked { he could call it of Coughlin said, adding that hf '«•>>»«■* washy" about the alleged hit- e a f said, T already made the payment-. 1 P“4 Coughlin said, Heim At the end of the tape, - - , iL , dez reaffirmed his desire to proceed with theh “Go ahead and do it," Coughlin quoted Hemal* as saying. , ,, Coughlin also said that the agent agreed to su? pproximately $27,50. In return, Coughlit ply Hernandez with the needed to complete the job said Hernandez would provide the undercover 696-4464 Equity Real Estate Management D.R. CAIN PROPERTIES Brazos House fipts. 2401 Welsh, C.S. 693-9957 Longmire House fipts. 2300 Longmire, C.S. 693-7741 Yellow House fipts. SW Pkwy & Welsh, C.S. 696-9492 / fiD/7 BA&2BD/1 BA or 2 BD/2 BA APIS. Duplexes & 4-Plexes - Bryan & C.S. Our Apartments Are Cleaner Our Prices Are Better Our Service is the BEST!! MAIN OFFICE - 3002 Texas Ave. S., C.S. 693-8850 Now Preleasing for the fall! Ask about our leasing policy! If you are at least 18 years old and have a sinus infection with symp toms such as runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, you may quali fy to participate in a research study. If you qualify you will receive: AT NO CHARGE Sinus X-Rays Study-Related Medical Care Study Medication Financial Compensation Airlines Now Hiring - Domestic 8 International staff neededl Flight attendants, ticket agents, reservation- ists, ground crew + more. Excellent travel benefits! Call 1-206-971-3690 ext. L58551 96 All-Star Game Alaska Summer Employment - Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000 - $6,000+ per month. Room 8 Board! Transportation! Male/Female. No experience necessary! (206)971-3510 ext. A58554 Museum Educator: Teach 8 administer natural science programs. Plans, hires, trains, keeps budget 8 records. $9/hr. or by experience. Tami 776-2195 ALL-STAR LINEUP isiiiiiiiag Elected starters, by position, for the 67th All-Star game, scheduled at Veterans Stadium in Philadelphia: Hoover’s Tennis Service. Same-day 8 overnight ser vice. Re-stringing tennis 8 racquet-ball racquets. 696- 9733 Psoriasis Study AAA Texas Defensive Driving 8 Driver's Training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal, insurance dis count. M-TU(6pm-9pm), W-Th(6pm-9pm), Fri(6pm- 8pm) 8 Sat(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am-2:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-Ins welcome. $25 cash. Lowest price allowed by law. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste 217, 846-6117. Show up 30 min. early. OUTFIELD AL-Albert Belle, Cleveland NL-Barry Bonds, San Francisco THIRD BASE Individuals with psoriasis needed to participate in a research study using an inves tigative topical medication. Volunteers will be compensat ed for their time and travel. Call for more information: J & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Need a diversion? Tour Big 12 on Metropolis BBS. Live chat! Games galore - MajorMUD, Farwest Trivia, etc! Free demo accounts! Internet Access! Call (409) 694-8441 via modem. AL-Wade Boggs, New York NL-Chipper Jones, Atlanta for listeners e there. The cu_ KANM, is hi^ people listen, a broadcast tc cast student * As far as t- think that a = pensive for tt However, KA_ the equipmei - casting. Sure out in the be§ When the c create a medi« "ER.” It’ll be the trauma ar pens daily at 1 Center. Here’s Patient: Do been decapita bodily fluids! ] Doctor: Hei and come bad feel bad. Sorrj excuse or anyt Of course.t canceled becat hours long, an the waiting ro As far as fil of the blockbm Aggie, trained helped prodnci Twister — All typing needs - resumes, dissertations, term papers, forms etc. 486 computer. Jewel 822-0001 SHORTSTOP -Kenny Lofton, Cleveland NL-Lance Johnson, New York FOR SALE AL-Cal Ripken, Baltimore NL-Barry Larkin, Cincinnati Look!!! Why pay rent when you can own a manufac tured home for less. 2 8 3 bdrm model homes on large wooded sites ready to move in. 779-2123 Duraliner bedliner for a full size Ford S.W.B. $100, VGA computer monitor $100, 12 Inch punch sub in box $100. Must Sell!! Greg 693-1561 1 and 2 Bdrm apartment available now. Ask about our specials. 822-0472 Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours 5pm-8pm. Hours vary sometimes. No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone. Call 823-1614 for appt. Mint condition sofa newly reupholstered, blue pat terned $200, negotiable, twin bed wfout mattress $30, dark wood coffee-table $40. Call 694-8789 Beautiful certified 5/6 karat bridal set for sale, excellent quality - asking $2,800. Call 846-0754 Two bedroom apartment south of campus. Available now. $250.00 696-2038 $1,750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call (202)393-7723 '95 mobil home 16 x 80 3/2 death forces sale, satellite dish, relocate (713) 821-0312 FULL SZ. W/D, 2 bdrm/1 ba, shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm, $459/mo. 846-7454 Large 2-1, great location, on shuttle, microwave, intru sion alarm, ceiling fans, $439/mo. 823-7039 Prestigious teaching position, must have had Tx. D.L. 5 yrs. +, 8 college experience. Work evenings 8 Saturdays, averages out to $5.00/hr. No DWI’s, Pi’s etc. 694-2122 Full size climb in/stand-up video game - discs of Tron: $495 O.B.O. 696-2094 Great deal!! 2-1, 884 sq. ft., 5 closets, microwave, ceil ing fans, intrusion alarm, $459/mo. 691-2062 Pre-leasing nice duplexes/4-plexes for mid-August $425 to $490. 696-1245 Telephone interviewer position available. $5/hr, days, evening 8 weekends work. Contact IntelliQuest at 268-5307 or come by 702 University Dr. Ea. Ste. 102F College Station. Kegerator - all tanks Included. Perfect condition $350 O.B.O, 696-2094 Continental Airline voucher worth $472 - asking $350. Good through May 1997. Call 690-6213 or 696-1556 Motorcycle YSR50 for sale - like new, 400 mi., helmet included, black/yellow $700 O.B.O. 846-7675 SECOND BASE BPWji ... .... .. AL- Roberto Alomar, Baltimore NL-Cralg Blgglo, Houston Pal OUTFIELD AL-Bracfy Anderson, Baltimore NL-Dante Bichette, Colorado FIRST BASE Walk to class - 2 blocks from A8M on Northside of cam pus, 2 bdrm/1 ba fourplex, summer specials or fall lease, no pets, $350 -$450/mo. 696-7266 Taco Bell - 920 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Now tak ing applications, day 8 night shift. Starting salary $5/hr. 4-piece bedroom set, wood, Includes: 2 night tables, dresser, 8 hutch with mirror. Must Sell!! Asking $90 O.B.O. Kenneth 693-9795 AL-lvan Rodriguez, Texas NL-Mike Piazza, Los Angeles AL-Frank Thomas, Chicago NL-Fred McGriff, Atlanta Associated Press Bryan 2-1 1/2 4-plex. New carpet, vinyl. W/D conn., shuttle. $485-$515. Also, 2-1 1/2 house, $650. 696- 7293. SUMMER WORK. Up to $9.00 starting. P-t/F-t, temp./ perm, available. Internships 8 Scholarships available (conditions exist). Training provided. 696-7734 Dresser $45; night stand $25; full size bed $60; JVC stereo $80; 8 color T.V. $45. Call 696-2662 Spacious, renovated C. Sta. 2/2 4-plex, available now 8 fall, W/D conn., shuttle, gas 8 electric. $500/mo. Select Properties 696-3107 Lose Weight! Needed; 74 people. All natural. Doctor recommended. (719) 471-6544 Keg refrig, full C02 tank, all hoses 8 taps $300 O.B.O. 696-6192 Helpers needed, aggressive, diverse for construction industry, will work w/schedule. 775-7126 PETS Injuries keep players out of game Walk to campus! Northgate area. Normandy Square condos - 2 bdrm/1 ba. Available immediately; also pre leasing for August $575. Purchase option available. 776-3690 or 268-0840. Need installer salesperson for car audio store. Some experience required, have own tools Call 823-0944 Adopt: Puppies, Kittens, Cats, Dogs. Many purebreds! Brazos Shelter 775-5755 Inspirations now hiring for summer 8 fall. Apply at Inspirations. Post Oak Mall MONTERREY APARTMENTS - 2 bedroom, 813 sq ft., pool, ceiling fans, large closets 8 kitchens. Pre-leasing August - $475 - water/sewer paid. 268-0840 or 776- 3690 i ; "St. Mary's Catholic Center has an immediate opening for a Field Representative to work on the "Building a Tradition In Faith" capital campaign. This one year position requires travel around Texas. Call St. Mary's at 846-2569 for more information.’ Free!! Black Healer mix puppy, approx. 9 weeks old. Needs loving home. Call 846-8613 for details. Leave message. ROOMMATE Thundercloud Subs seeks motivated hard working store managers. Great opportunity 8 growth potential. Apply in person at any location or call 693-6494 Female ASM roommate needed. Call for details 846-3376 Free rent 8 utilities Wanted: student to teach medical/dental school admis sion exam for Kaplan Educational Center. Please call 696-7737 Fern, apartment mate / fall, Jefferson Sq. Apts. 2 bdrm/2 ba, security systems, security gates, lull W/D, furnished, $410/mo + 1/2 utilities. Or 2 fern, to share 1 bdrm/1 ba at $235/mo + 1/3 utilities. (713) 493-1588 D, (713) 827-1251 E. Child Daycare has several immediate openings. Must be available for the following schedules: Mon., Wed. 8 Fri. 7:30a.m.-12:45p.m., Tue. 8Thu. 7:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Mon.-Fri. 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Prefer education majors. Experience helpful. Also, one opening for experienced housekeeper, part-time. Dependability a must. Only responsible, dedicated applicants need apply. Call 9 a.m.-12 p.m., 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. weekdays only. 693-3661 2 roommates needed. Awesome 5 bdrm/2 ba house w/pool 8 pool table; starting in August. $210/mo. Devin/Darin 822-7806 2 Christian female roommates needed to share 2 bdrm/2 bath new duplex. $260/mo + 1/3 utilities. Non- smoker, neat. Barbie 696-1643 Roommate wanted, female, $35d/mo + 1/3 bills, deposit, 3-2, W/D, no pets or smoke. College Sta., Oak Forest mobil home park (903) 785-0842 Need roommate for fall and spring. Own room, partial ly furnished, has appliances. $250/mo Call Eric (713) 395-3580 PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Ken Griffey Jr. and Tony Gwynn al ready were gone, and then Matt Williams got banged up. Now there’s a chance Roberto Alomar and Frank Thomas may not be able to play, either. No doubt, attrition is taking its toll on Tuesday night’s All- Star game. “I was really looking forward to seeing Tony hit,” said NL teammate Greg Maddux, who may not be able to pitch because of a cracked nail on his big right toe. “He’s one of the guys I like to watch.” More than injuries, however, there’s another factor that many feel will truly hurt future All- Star games — interleague play. By this time next summer, AL starting pitcher Charles Nagy of Cleveland may have faced Cincinnati’s Barry Larkin earli er in the season. There may be no mystery about how NL starter John Smoltz of Atlanta will match up with Baltimore’s Cal Ripken because they might have seen each other only a few weeks earlier. “From the National League fan’s standpoint, they want to see the American League stars play,” said Gwynn, sidelined with a heel problem. “And probably, we should feel the same way. “But this game is a special oc casion and a special time that a lot of guys don’t have the oppor tunity to enjoy,” he said. “My feeling is interleague play may take away from this event.” The allure of the All-Star game, after all, is seeing players on the same field who aren’t usually together. But starting next June, pend ing approval by the players’ union, Mike Piazza may be hit ting against Troy Percival while Barry Bonds may trying to steal against Ivan Rodriguez. “I’m not an advocate of inter league play, OK?” NL manager Bobby Cox said. “Eventually, I think it will take a little luster off the World Series and All- Star game.” For now, the biggest problem is injured players. Griffey, the leading vote-get ter in fan balloting for starting spots, is unable to play for the second straight year. He has a broken right hand, though it did not prevent him from standing at shortstop while the AL took batting practice. “I’m here for the fans, and the Philly cheesesteaks,” he said. “They voted me to be here, and I’m here. That’s my obligation, and I didn’t want to let them down.” Williams also will be absent for the second straight summer, this time because of a bruised elbow. Alomar, voted to start at sec ond base for the AL, missed Monday’s workouts because of an injured finger. The Baltimore star is scheduled to bat third, but AL manager Mike Hargrove said he’s prepared for Minneso ta’s Chuck Knoblauch to start in place of Alomar. Thomas has been hampered by a sore left foot for about a week. If the Chicago White Sox first baseman cannot start — the injury cost him a chance to defend his title in the home run derby — Mo Vaughn of Boston will play. “I’m in a tremendous amount of pain,” Thomas said. “You get Voted in, you want to come. Who knows if I’m going to play or not?” n older handed two flji the Fourth i the scorching enbach sun.i time, there wi better things worry about I getting to tie to see Rober Keen, so I stir them into ray to look at las: The flyersi I public of Tea I will it affectji also had a hi World Wide! tory and goais An introd: vouched for I bers take inla j sense of seifs our history lit its own indep “A wistful! Texas coulcbl These are:: dress up in I blacksmith J kids. The Rd I ates Texas’ 1 nation, but n legal action to dence from ii After app Texas Suprm filed documE tional Courli in January. Why doeil Texas needrt the flyer, siiii practices suto and sales tas ets are cited: sion one get disapprovalit ) tion by the I Richard Pt. Davis, Ta, in the federal! j 1845, the Lepl: lacked the rp for admissiat says 1lill II votes, Texas®