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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1995)
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UMDERGRADUATE DEADLIME FOR PRELIMINARY APPLICATIONS: 4:00 pm Friday, November 17 GRADUATE DEADLINE FOR PRELIMINARY APPLICATIONS: 4:00 pm Friday, November 3 INFORMATIONAL MEETING TIMES Held in Bizzell Hall West, Room 134 GRADUATE October 25 1 l:00-12:00p.m. October 26 11:00-12:00p.m. UNDERGRADUATE October 23 2:00-3:00p.m. October 25 11:00-12:00p.m. October 26 11:00-l 2:00p.m. For More Information please write or call: Study Abroad Programs Office Texas A&M University, 161 Bizzell Hall West College Station, Texas 77843-3262 (409) 845-0544 Pick up your copy today. 1995-96 Texas A&M Campus Directory NOW AVAILABLE S TUDENTS: If you ordered a 1995-96 Campus Directory, stop by the English Annex (across from Heaton Hall) between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. this week to pick up your copy. (Please bring Student ID.) If you did not order a Campus Directo ry as a fee option when you registered for Fall '95 classes, you may purchase a copy for $3 plus tax at the English Annex (by check) or in room 230 Reed McDonald Building (by cash or credit card). D EPARTMENTS: If you ordered Campus Directories and requested delivery, deliveries will be made within the next few days. If you did not order Campus Directo ries, you may charge and pick them up at the English Annex until Nov. 3. Cost is $3 per copy. (Please have part number, FAMIS account number, account name, billing address, contact person' and phone number that directories should be billed to.) If you have not submitted your work order for delivery, please fax it to 845-5408. The Campus Directory includes listings of departments, administrators, faculty, staff, students, other information about A&M, plus yellow pages. RECYCLING: If your building currently is being served by TAMU Recy cling, just place your old phone books in a separate container (plastic sack, cardboard box, etc.), and place it with the rest of your recyclables. You may want to discuss this with your custodial staff or whomever takes care of recy cling for your building. Page 6 • The Battalion Campus Monday • October 23,: Violence Continued from Page 1 know less about government sys tems and help than their poorer counterparts, Vorachek said. Women in lower socioeconomic situ ations have an easier time escaping to welfare programs and public as sistance, she said. Vorachek, who deals with abuse in families on a daily basis at the Women’s Center, said the issue of domestic violence receives a lot of publicity during October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but is virtually ignored by the press the rest of the year. When domestic violence is men tioned, the real causes are ignored, she said. Citing a recent case in Houston in which a man shot his wife in both knees and the Houston Chronicle headlined the article “Anger, joblessness create tragic mix” she said, “His joblessness did not cause him to batter her. It was just another excuse.” Women should be aware of the possibilities of violence in a rela tionship when it starts, Vorachek said, and should investigate the men they date more carefully. “What we better do is check these guys out,” she said. “You better call their ex-girlfriends. If it’s someone that you meet for the first time, you’d better do some investigating." Women can also protect them selves by knowing the patterns that most batterers follow, she said. An early, intense commitment and romantic possession are both warning signs of a possibility for vi olence in the relationship, Vorachek said. Unexpected violent outbursts followed by profuse apologies and an increase in violent activities on the part of the man are signs that he may be a batterer. Vorachek said batterers are not always easy to spot, and she had dated a man who was convicted of violent crimes against two women. “He was very charming, even af ter having committed two rapes and murders,” she said. The community can be involved in preventing domestic violence in four main ways, Vorachek said. Ed ucation, intervention in abusive sit uations, sanctions for those who abuse and a combined effort involv ing the entire community of men and women can stop domestic vio lence, she said. “Women are not going to do it alone,” she said. “We’ve got to have men beside us, speaking with us.. Not speaking over us, but with us.” Students attending the lecture said they gained support and knowledge during the presentation, and some offered their own experi- Sksfeh CRAPPY^ 1 : 'BETTER BRgAK OUT TW£ ' BLEACH FOR THESe BAD BCFfSb .HER HEHl , WORKING OUT TOGETHER GAWD/ HE WCKIHINY. SHE ence with domestic violence, Nishawn Hanif, u chemical engineering student \4 belongs to Women in Science mi Engineering with his wife, said I lecture improved his understaidir: of American culture. “It’s education,” Hanif said, “foil come and learn about how women are trying to overcome oppress® in all these different forms.” A woman attending the lectw who asked that she not be identic came for the information offeree i: the session. “I just got out of a relationship that was seventeen years of abuse,' she said. “My biggest fear now is how to avoid that again.” Nika Van Tilburg, A graduate plant pathology student, said the advice Vorachek offered was help' ful, but hard to implement in real' life situations. The investigationol intimate partners would she said. “It’s difficult to find out people are really like,”! Women in Science and Engineer ing will present two more lectures as part of their Women’s Health Month series. “Reproductive Health and Preventative Medicine” will take place today at 3:30 p.m. in4l3 Heep Building, and a presentatior. on breast cancer will be given on Monday, Oct. 30 at 5 p.m. in 2l2l Chemistry Building. By Quatro wiwirprMir "miHA I VUUWAi ARE rOU\ SEETHING WITS OKAY? ] ESTROGEN! QM take me To oskmans' In The Buff Gr^CL'P- bad grade cr\ dr\ -f-c s+. lA^be TT sUmiUn'L <\o ou4 So much.. BY VfiLERIE Y £S r X B [ Look FREE MONEY Pick up applications in MSC Room 223 F Due: Wed., Nov. 1, 5 p.m. To assist in programming a campus^wide International Awareness Program for the 95-96 school year Open to all Student Groups and Academic Departments Sponsored by the Enrichment Fund of the L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness, 845-8770 Sunday, October 29 3:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets are on sale at the MSC Box Office-TAMU, or charge by phone at 845-1234. Now accepting Aggie Bucks'” New extended Box Office hours include Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m Opera & Performing Arts Society Persons with disabilities please call 845-8903 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability.