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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1995)
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DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY 505 University Dr. East, Suite 101 College Station, TX 77840 4 Blocks East of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection 1 HOME EVENTS Page 4 • The Battalion Monday • October Ij,; Smith’s sophomore sluiii| Mallrats lacks humor and dialogue that made Clerksm By Michael Landauer The Battalion When an independent filmmaker hooks up with a major film company, certain demands might be made that compromise style. In Kevin Smith’s case, Gramercy Pic tures might have demanded a plot. And in Smith’s attempts to deliver, Mallrats fails miserably, especially in comparison to Smith’s last effort, Clerks. Smith, who wrote and directed both movies, has an incredible knack for creating dialogue. In Clerks, the dialogue was the fo cus, but Mallrats comes out looking like a bad episode of Saved By The Bell. At the beginning of the show, Zack, oops ... I mean T.S. Quint (Jeremy London) and Brodie (Jason Lee) both screw things up in their respective relationships. After right fully getting dumped by their girlfriends, they take solace in a trip to the mall. Quint cannot stop brooding over the loss of Brandi (Claire Forlani). After they discover that Brandi’s dad is producing a live dating game show from the mall, Brodie and Quint seek out “mis chief-makers” Silent Bob (Smith) and Jay (Jason Mewes) to destroy the set and keep the show from happening. With Brandi subbing as a contestant on the show, it was a major source of tension in the break-up. Silent Bob and Jay are a major source of comedy in the film. As was the case in Clerks, Silent Bob only has one line and delivers it at the end of the film. Unfortu nately, his one speaking scene in Clerks served to tie the whole thing together, but in Mallrats, he borrows a line from Star Wars, which only compliments one of the film’s motifs. The rest of the film is splin tered between several subplots. A lot of “inside jokes” pop up be tween the subplots, but viewers will only understand them if they’ve seen Clerks. Otherwise, a lot of the humor gets lost in what most people will write off as meaningless babble. But the weird thing is that meaningless babble made Clerks , V Brodie (Jason Lee) tries to cheer up his friend T.S. (Jeremy London) by taking him to the mall in Mallrats. Movie Mallrats Starring Shannen Doherty, L] | Lee and Jeremy London Rated R Playing at Hollywood U ★ * (out of « a success. There are few hints oftles 1 writing of which Smith is capable. The film’s bright spots are hardt I plain. When the crowd laughs louk I usually followed with a collective,Ik 1 hell was that?” For example, Shanif; I herty, who plays Brodie’-s ex, actaofe I after being referred to as “Brenda.’ Smith’s sense of humor maynots I to the masses, but it is earning him:: | like following. Some of the film’s best moments] I with the delivery of Smith’s dialog 1 London, a professional skateboard? f adds a dimension of realness to the: | which at times makes an attempttei i comparisons to Saved By The Bell. But it really can’t. The characters | depth, and the film seeks to resolve; | subplot after a day full of waffling;; I major characters. Whatever the reasons for the films I ure, there are enough blunt and hut | moments to offer audiences hope.ibl ing else. Hopefully, Smith will return to theti 1 and tap in to what works for his nextpr i One area where he needs to move [ml however, is in the subject matter itself. | Smith has done all he can withthek up, girl-that-got-away plot. Maybehiss I film should be about a creative writen I takes the film world by storm only tok | creative soul — not to mention hiss® I humor — to a major film project. Smith’s already done the research. I Get Shorty wins with chaotic humo Football October 28 vs. Houston 1 p.m. Volleyball October 25 vs. Houston 7 p.m. W. Bktb November 2 vs. Women’s Military 7 p.m. M. Bktb. November 13 vs. N. Zealand 7 p.m. Dillard’s has women’s game coupons! Whataburger presents the player of the week! 7-8 p.m. Thursday on WTAW Radio The R.C. Slocum Call In Show Tickets for all sports: 845-2311 By Wes Swift The Battalion Get Shorty is about as orga nized as a third-grade fire drill. Storylines fly at you from every angle so haphazardly that view ers’ heads spins. But just like the fire drill, it gets the job done. John Travolta stars as Chili Palmer, a Miami loan shark who travels to Los Angeles looking for a person with a delinquent payment. While in L.A., he looks up Harry Zimm (Gene Hackman), a Hollywood producer who owes a Las Vegas casino $150,000. When Palmer goes to Zimm to collect the bucks, the produc er persuades him to wait for the cash. In return, Palmer tells Zimm his own idea for a movie, a story that resembles his own venture to California. Mojt Get Shorty Starring John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Rene Russo and Danny DeVito Rated R Playing at Hollywood 16 *(out nlHinBl Zimm likes the idea and pulls Palmer in as an investor. But his ideas also get the atten tion of Bo (Delroy Undo), a small-time gangster who has an IOU from Zimm. Bo wants into the flick, but he has to elimi nate Palmer. As Palmer and Bo duke it out, Colombian drug lords enter into the picture looking for some drug money from Bo. Then Palmer’s boss from Miami comes looking for the loan shark. Palmer and lover Karen Flo res (Rene Russo) try to woo mega-star Martin Weir (Danny DeVito) to star in the film, and ...Get the point? When the smoke clears, though, all the ends are tied up and everything, somehow, makes sense. Reminiscent of last year's Pulp Fiction, Get Shorty is a hari-kari comedy built on a wonderful script and powerful cast. The story has so many subplots that it teeters on col lapse but pulls back from the brink to deliver a funny, yet chaotic, film. The script is deftly crafted to keep all the storylines separate but connected. The storylines never seem too distant from one another, and the inevitable;' | nection keeps viewers inters | Travolta is just as sraooi |; he was in Fiction. Palmer? I sically a light-hearted Vine I Vega — the dark mobster’' f is part monster and part® I tic. Hackman is solid astlt I hapless Zimm, and Russos; I cel lent as Flores, the Hoik- | wood-wise B-movie actress I DeVito has such a small? I that it’s hard to get a hand: I his performance. It is hards I believe he got almosttop-M ! for the film. Lindo, however, is brill® I as Bo. Lindo plays the hood straight faced, but withei® I style to make his lines strati |; ! ly funny. Throw in cameos by Har« | Keitel, Bette Midler andotlii and Get Shorty turns ouU | a film that’s long onentertl ^ ment and short on flaws. } Is it the sound of that whispery voice, or those big, intellectual words? If your professots are putting you to sleep, Revive with Vivarin* Don't let fatigue get the best of you. Vivarin's* the safe way to stay mentally alert, with the same caffeine as about two cups of coffee. So stay sharp in class. Don't sleep your way to the bottom. Revive vrith C^j^SmithKIme Beach am ©1995 Consumer Healthcare Each tablet contains 200 mg of caffeine, equal to about two cups of coffee. Use only as directed. PB MSG POLITICAL FORUM PRESENTS V Back in the Holstef and Under the Jacket A discussion program on the concealed handgun takes effect on Jan. 1, 1996. A question-answer session will conclude the program. Panel of Speakers: The Honorable Steve Ogden Texas State Representative Mr. Robert E. Wiatt Director, University Police Department Mr. Dave Burdett N.R.A. Member, Shop Owner, and HCL Instructor Wednesday, October 25,1995 8:30 PM - 292A MSC Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M University Persons with disabilities please call 845-1515 to inform usd your needs. We request notification three (3) working days (>V prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of on' abilities. 74e view**- exfrtMAeti itc (Ate fruxyttutt. do- not nee&iMUOf itfntiMt (Am */ ‘Po/iticut "poxutH., tA.c 'TJtSF-, ox "7ex<ti- 'UitfwuUy