Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1995)
The Battalion fied Ads Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building 845-0569 Or FAX us at 845-2678 Business Hams Call or visit 8 a.m. - 5 p,m. Monday through Friday in Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Deadline 1 p,m. prior to publication K M accepted < o LU Q. CO ‘AGGIE’ Private Party WantAds $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers ottering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad Is cancelled early. Travel Tutor Help Wanted ADVANCED TUTORING SERVICES GROUP SUN 10/22 MON 10/23 TUE 10/24 WED 10/25 RHYS 208 TEST REV PART A RHYS 208 RHYS 208 MATH 308 TEST REV TEST REV CH 7 PART B PART B PART C (8pm-10pm) MATH 308 CH 7 PART A JANUARY 2-15. 1996 • 4.5.6 OR 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT - - BRECKENRIDGE J58 VAIL/BEAVER CREEK' [toll free information and reservations 1*800*SUNCHASE NOBODY DOES SKI BREAKS BETTER Travel For Sale Washer, good condition $100. Call 696-5637 U.B. Ski's 8th Annual COLLEGE SKI 12 ft. Skiff with 15hp Evinrude rebuilt, trailer too. $850. 774-0945. Ask for Rick. 8bdrm/5ba for sale. Ideal for fraternity. Only $67,500. Call 846-5800. 1-800-SKI-WILD Motorcycle 1(800)7 54-9454? ’78 Honda XL125 good condition light, quick/ simple $850 Quentin 696-0571. Personal ’94 Geo Metro, red 2-dr. standard am/fm, cassette play er, A/C, tint. Great economy car- 40 mi/gal, 21K miles $5,500 neg. 846-5980 (leave message) Sports News - scores/ spreads, soaps, horoscopes & much more!!! 1-900-656-1800 (ext. 6418). $2.99/min. Must be 18 yrs. touch tone phone required. SERV-U. (619) 645-8434. Bed & Breakfast Romantic Victorian B&B. For special weekends or home games. Candlelight gourmet dinners. Calvert, 35 miles north 1-800-290-1213 DON’T spend another lonely evening, call 900-263- 4559 ext. 12 now & leave your personal message, then listen to others & begin sharing your evenings. $2.95/min. avg. Call 5 min. Must be 18+. Need touch tone B1 360-636-3313. Computers Riding Horses 486 DX 33 245 MG Tower HD CTX SVGA monitor, internal fax-modem, 101 keyboard-mouse, Prodigy, Windows-DOS, lots of software, great condition 764- 6443. DJ Music Sound Power Professional DJ Service. Parties/ Mix ers/ Weddings. Lights/ Smoke/ Karaoke. 696-9754. PARTY BLOCK Mobile DJ. Professional, will travel! Specializing in Aggie Weddings, Parties. References Available. 693-6294. STARZ BRAZOS VALLEY RIDING STABLES E. Hwy 21, Carrabba Rd. RIDING HORSES FOR RENT Ask about Midnight Aggie Ride! Friday Night Special!! Call Rudy for Appt. anytime!!! 779-7052 or 778-4118 Mobile Entertainment. Professional Sound/Lighting. Church/School Dances, Weddings, Parties. Any Occasion, 1-800-435-6065,694-8981. Fundraiser Employment Opportunity CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earn ing an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info., call 1-206-634- 0468 ext. C58557. For Rent Aggie Owned and Managed! Large 2 bdrm, great location, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, & pool 1- MONTH RENT FREE Unlimited number of units College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 Student Special - Relocate now, be ready for finals. Furnished 1bdrm/1ba apartment $345/mo. Free Nov. & Dec. rent w/ signed lease through Aug. 20, 1996 846- 9196 Share 3bdrm/2ba new duplex, shuttle bus, $255/mo + 1/3 utilities. 846-8864 Large 2bdrm/ 1-1/2ba, fireplace, W/D connections, ceil ing fans, $550/mo 846-6580 MOTIVATED STUDENT GROUPS INTERESTED IN MAKING SERIOUS MONEY MARKETING “NO ANNUAL FEE FOR LIFE” CREDIT CARDS: AT&T Universal MasterCard Discover Card For More Details Call Sharon at 1-800-592-2121 ext. 118 Call Today! Large 1bdrm/1ba sublease available now. Rent paid through November. Call Suzanne @ 693-1906. Student organization needed for marketing project on campus. Call 800-592-2121 ext. 313. Apartment for sublease. Efficiency, Treehouse II. $360/mo. For information call 696-3807 Miscellaneous 1bdrm/1ba apartment $399/mo. All bills pd. $100/deposit, close to campus. 696-8740 1 story fourplex within walking distance to Walmart, Albertsons 2bdrm/2ba w/nice patio, W/D, shuttle, last unit available now, $550/mo 764-1999. Hey Ags, looking for that special someone? Call our Dateline @ 1-900-255-1515 ext. 7813. $2.99/min, 18+, tch-tn phone reqd. Serv-U (619) 645-8434. ibdrm apartment available - Cripple Creek. First month free. 1-800-235-5970. MONEY FOR COLLEGE - Hundreds & thousands of grants & scholarships available to all students. Immedi ate qualification. Call 1-800-270-2744. Open Mon-Sat. Sublease apartment Jan.-May. 1 bdrm/1ba, poolside, shuttle, W/D conn. $445/mo. Oakwood 696-8332. Sublease 1bdrm/1ba, W/D, bus route, water, sewage paid 696-4880. GOV’T FORECLOSED HOMES for pennies on $1. Delinquent tax, Repo’s, REO’s. Your area. Toll free 1- 800-898-9778 ext. H-1652 for current listings. Large 2bdrm/ 1-1/2ba $525 rent, W/D, available Janu ary. Manuel Dr. 4-plexes 693-0551. College Scholarships available from private financial aid sources - Recorded message gives details. 800- 587-9598 "Department 36. The Villas of Cherry Hollow Now pre-leasing for Dec. & January. 1 & 2 bdrm/ recently renovated. 3 blocks to TAMU 846-2173. Attention All StudentsMI Grants offered by major companies. Billions of dollars available. Call 1-800- AID-2-HELP (1-800-243-2435). Sublease 2bdfm/2ba, available in December, on shut tle bus route. 696-7144. 16 foot low-boy trailer - car hauler $40 for 24 hours 696-8901, FREE FINANCIAL AIDI Over $6 Billion in private sec tor grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58554. 2bdrm/1ba for rent. Walk to campus $300-$375/mo w/deposit. Call 846-5800. 2 bdrm. / split bath, pool, patio / balcony, laundrymat, water / sewer paid. $475/mo. 268-0840 We also have private tutors for math classes! For more information call our TICKET OFFICE in Burger Boy at: 846-2146 Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Do you have 2-3 hrs each afternoon to spare? Need student to work from 1 - 3 pm Mon. - Fri. for Student Publications. If interested please come by rm. 015 Reed McDonald Bldg. ATTENTION WOMEN Three ways to beat the high cost of college. 1. The Montgomery Gl Bill 2. Student loan repayment 3. Part-time income Queen size waveless waterbed. Perfect condition $100 696-8218 Igloo dog house, rarely used, like new $50 846-9713 Table for sale, dark brown wood, 48” round 4 chairs good condition $75. Call 693-3102 Angie. Need a red ass Halloween costume? Go as the Fight- in’ Texas Aggie Bonfire, Whoopi Award winning Bonfire costume $100. 778-9823 Brother word processor, like new. Has disc drive for saving. Asking $150 Shelby 691-8598. If you are 15 years of age or older and are experiencing symptoms of a vaginal infection, you may be eligible to participate in an open label research program Bacterial Vaginosis. Qualified participants will receive the study medication, a physical exam, laboratory tests and a monetary stipend at the successful completion of the study to compensate for your time & travels. For more information, please call J & S Studies, Inc. 846 - 5933 The Ba i t /s accepting APPLICATIONS FOR Sports Page Designers and Web Page Operators Apply at 013 Reed McDonald. Call 845-3313 The Army Reserve Alternate Training Program is a smart way to pay for college. First, if you qualify, the Mont gomery GI Bill can provide you with up to $6,920 for current college ex penses or approved vo/tech training. Second, if you have—or obtain—a qualified student loan not in default, you may get it paid off at the rate of 15% per year or $500, whichever is greater, up to a maximum of $10,000. Selected military skilly can double that maximum. Third, you can earn part-time money in college, and here’s how it works: One summer you take Basic Training, and the next summer you receive skill training at an Army school. You’ll earn over $1,500 for Basic and even more for skill training. Then you’ll attend monthly meetings at an Army Reserve unit near your college, usually one weekend a month plus two weeks a year. You’ll be paid over $105 a weekend to start. It’s worth thinking about. Give us a call: (409)764-0572 BE ALL YOU CAN BE.® ARMY RESERVE TU tickets and sports passes needed Will pay Call Finch @ 847-5739 Experienced Folk/ Rock vocalist looking for guitarist (I also play rhythm guitar 4 piano). Call Dave 694-1198 Attention Future lawyers! Doctors! Journalists! Engi neers! Businessmen! Attend graduate school for peanuts. Call for inslant scholarships: (900) 336-5555, $2 99/m in, 18 yrs., 5 min., touch-tone, Dialtronix (619) 569-4444 Attention December grads! I need gradualion lickets, will pay top dollar Jennifer 696-9290 i.u. football tickets and sportcpasses needed Will pay! Please call Jeff at 847-3765 Students who need to lose weight Now metabolism breakthru. Lose 1S lbs. in 3 weeks. Guaranteed Results $32 + free local delivery, (409) 823-3307. Wanted: 100 students Lose 8-100 lbs New metabo lism breakthrough I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks R N Assisted Guaranteed Results. $35 Cost 1-800-579- 1634. Services Let's Talk Small group lessons [Students, wives visiting faculty welcome English as a Second Language Classes New classes begin October 23 Call or visit 12:00 to 5:00 Mon-Fri 696-6583 707 Texas Ave. 303-C • Across from A&M Student Counseling HelpLIne, 845-2700 for support, information, or referrals 4pm-8am weekdays, 24 hrs/ wkends. Concealed handgun proficiency course, $100, caii far- getmaster Training at 693-3363. Will match local com petitors advertised prices. I NT ERNATIONAL STUD EN TS- Visitors. D V-T Green- card Program, by U S. Immigration, Legal Services. Tel: (818) 772-7168. 20231 Stagg St, Canoga Park, CA 91306. _ AAA Texas Defensive Driving & Driver's training. Lot- of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , insurance dis count. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm-9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) & Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am-2:30pm), Sun (12pm- 6:30pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $25 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr„ Ste. 217, 846-6117. Roommate Roommate needed ASAP, $ 175/mo + 1/3 utilities, own room. 846-6580 Female roommate needed ASAP 2bdrm/2ba $203.33/mo + 1/3 utilities, shuttle route. Shelley 764- 3959. Female A&M roommate wanted. Free rent & utilities. Call for details 846-3376. We need you to deliver the new GTE telephone direc tory in the Bryan, C Sta., Kurten, Snook, & Tunis areas. Earn up to $8/br. or more depending upon your speed of delivery. Must have a valid driver's license, a vehicle w/ a current license plate & have 4-8 daylight hrs, avail able. For more information call: 1-800-657-4113 Mon- Fri 10:30am-6pm. Part-time receptionist-secretary for local R8D firm. Afternoons only. Good verbal & written communication skills, Mac experience a plus. Send resume or drop by Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, Ste 105, C Sta. TX 77840 EOE to fill by 10/27, Part-time AutoCAD position, fuesdays 4 Thursdays. Must have good working knowledge of AutoCAD 12. Send resume or drop by Lynntech, Inc. 7610 Eastmark Drive, Ste 105, C Sta. TX 77840 EOE to fill by 10/27. Now hiring Lunch Servers. Apply in person at La Bar- ronena Ranch Steakhouse between 3-5 Mon-Fri. Part-time Positions, several w/ flexible hours. $6/hr + bonuses. Those bilingual Spanish/ Construction are encouraged to apply. 690-6684 $12-14/per hr. Great opportunity for any student. This job will not interfere w/your studies or social life. Set your own hours. Call for more information. 1-800-480- 8797 or 1-800-641-5647. Now hiring part-time banquet help, days & evenings. Apply in person, 1929 Country Club Dr., Bfyan. Lone Star Cash, Inc. is currently seeking December 95 or May 96 graduates in all majors for management positions. Will begin training immediately. Locally w/flexible hours. Will start at 23K, serious applicants send resume to: Lone Star Cash, Inc,, 1007 Sonoma Circle, College Station, TX 77845 Attn: Personnel, INSPIRATIONS. Wanted: friendly, intelligent, depend able & hard working individuals for part-time help throughout the year. Also hiring Christmas help. Apply at Inspirations at Post Oak Mall. Delivery driver Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm or 12pm-5:30pm. University Flowers 696-8546. Experienced carpenter for part-time remodeling job Electrical 4 plumbing experience helps. 589-2949. WANTED: Highly motivated energetic individuals to join a progressive organizational unit of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS), currently has projected openings for Agricultural Commodity Graders, Microbi ologists, Auditors, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, and General Engineers. To learn more about our pro grams, services, and career opportunities, you are invited to attend our agency's instructional demonstra tion on October 24, 1995 6:00-8:00pm Memorial Stu dent Center, Rm 230. Resumes will be accepted, and refreshments will be served. '95 AGGIELANDS ARE HERE. Pick up or purchase your yearbook today. licking up your 1995 Agqieland gieland is easy. If bring your Student I you ordered a book, just bring yc ID to the English Annex (across from Heaton Hall) this week between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and show it to one of our enthusiastic staff members. If you did not order last year's yearbook, you may purchase one for $30 plus tax. Checks are accepted at the English Annex. To pay cash or charge on your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express, go to 230 Reed McDonald Building. The City of College Station Parks & Recreation Depart ment is now accepting applications for lifeguards & swim instructors. The rate of pay is $5.00/hr for life guards & $5.65/hr for swim instructors. For more infor mation please contact the Parks & Recreation office at (409) 764-3486. The City of College Station is an equal opportunity employer. Application may be obtained at: City of College Station, Human Resources Department 1101 S. TX Ave. G. Sta. TX 77840 Class of ’98 Sophomore pictures are being taken until Oct. 31 for Texas A&M's Appieland yearbook. Pictures are taken 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday through Fridays at AR Photography 707 Texas Ave. (next to Taco Cabana) Call 693-8183 for information. Page 6 • The Battalion Ag Swim teams hit S WC roal □ A&M will faceTCt and SMU in thiswe?! end's competition, Great Co-op opportunities w/ companies such as 3M, ARCO, Exxon, H B. Zachry, IBM, Mobil, NASA, Texas Instruments. Highest demand majors: ACCT, AERO, BANA, CECN, CEEN, CHEN. COSO, CPSC, CVEN, ELEN. INEN, MEEN. 2.5+ required. Call 845-7725 for Information on orientalion dates. $Cruise Ships Hiring! Students needed! $$$+Free Travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii!) Seasonal/perma nent, no experience necessary. Guide (919)929-4398 ext.C 1023 Now hiring all shifts Apply at Wendy’s at either Bryan/ College Station location. Pay above minimum. No phone calls please. Accepting applications - $8 00 starting, PT/FT possi ble Evenings and weekends available. Scholarships/internships. No experience necessary. Will train. Call 10-4 691 8959 Need help promoting the circus Year round work Flexible evening hours. No weekends. 846-8818 Telemarketers needed now Come by 4012 Stillmead- ow Mon -Fri. 5:00p.m. ready to work Comer of East 29th. and Stillmeadow behind Oakj Food Mart Need part-time cleaners for commercial buildings. Working hours: 5pm-8pm Hours vary sometimes No weekend work. Great for college students, must have car and phone Call 823-1614 for appointment. By Lisa Nance The Battalion The Texas A&M Swinr. and Diving teams will wrap its four-meet road stand;: weekend with two South: Conference dual meets. Tonight, the teams fa Texas Christian University Ft. Worth at 5:00 p.m, ail Rickel Swim Center ont! TCU campus. Saturdaytl teams will head to Dallas[oi 1:00 p.m. face off agai Southern Methodist Univeii: ty at Perkins Natatorium, The women’s team, coac by Don Wagner, goes into weekend ranked No.lSir. preseason Speedo America It: 25 Poll. Assistant Wom Swimming Coach Teara,te Wolfe looks at this weekend an opportunity to seen kind of competition the we? wall face this season. "Basically this early ic'd season the meets are ai for the women to go ai where they are at in training,” Wolfe said, that’s what we’re going there to do.” Last weekend in Houst the women’s team placedfc and’ the men placed the SWC Relays. The A&M men's teai coached by Mel Nash, second in the 1600-free rsir Senior Scott DeWolf, Jason Miles and juniorNc Randall swam the race 14:20.82 to place second, Sophomore diver Jarr Flores recorded A&M’s victory from the boards w::: 298.70 individual points the men’s one-meter. Tbeil! gie men’s diving team fmi second to Texas. The women divers place: fifth on both the one-mete: and the three-meter. In tonight’s meet, theli gies meet up with the Hon Frogs from TCU. The Lm: Frogs are led by butter flyec Shelia Hewerdine andDeirfc Steven, as well as specialist Jamie Bobo. On the men’s side NCAA qualifier Walter Sc: and distance free stylerClir Kern, along with sprim Matt Houston lead the Frog: The SMU teams return: All-Americans and six Champions combined. After this weekend tt gies will finally make thei but at the new home faci the 1,300-seat Student Hi alional Center Natatorium Nov. 3, when they chaiiesf future Big 12 foe Nebraska. Walker Continued from Page 5 tf i oN has struggled, the defen: has shined. However, knows not just one group win the game for the team. “Our coaches have alwa; said that there is no group, or aspect of the that can win the gi Walker said “The defense not win without the offen: We’ve tried to feed the offen- off of our success and p> [! them up because there ing to be times when have to pick us up. A teanF ; vided, a house divided is tined to fall so we’ve got 1 stay together and that’s we’re trying to do right now. With tomorrow’s „ Walker and the rest of tt ( Aggie team are looking continue the winning lion that brought him A&M. In fact, the thought losing does not enter mind. “I’ve never gone into game where I thought were going to lose,” Walk; said. “That’s like a traditi 01 passed down from the o guys to the younger guf There are a lot of times in game where you think ’wk am I going to do? I looked the clock (at the SMU and saw that we had 50 onds left and I was like 1 we’ve got 50 seconds left," can try something.’ Fr Oct< It St I: rr te 0) bags guy, car-t | Not : som( | reall Tl fedei trurr |terrc from own Tl then fervt time sere 1 T gain ing. New and Ji thes' Tat insi ifor Un eng pie she grs fro thi: she if i he; thi, Ba1 Ta1 ab( Ag th; Wo: to ] ist is Ml ms i sc f ‘hd ou: cac am