Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1995)
Sunday, October 29 3:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets are on sale at the MSC Box Office-TAMU, or charge by phone at 845-1234. Now accepting Aggie Bucks' 1 New extended Box Office hours include Sat. 10:00 2:00 p.m. Opera & Perform*# Arts Society Persons with disabilities please call 845-8903 to inform us of your special needs. We request notification three (3) working days prior to the event to enable us to assist you to the best of our ability. CHAMPION ■ ii-icKM- ■ |I A C UWYI-AIMPO 1 PY GLUCOSAMINE I tAb HWY-GAINER ■ SULFATE “900” | $1 095 I PHOSPHAGEN HP <r ^ I *8 I 2 1b. can ZV I 60 Tablets I $^ft95 _ „ H Ligament and Tendon I -P 7 lb. can | Reoair ■ ^ # LEAN GAINER! 400 gr. powder I 60 count $"IQ9S I $CT95 I SI09S I Loaded with Creatine I Limited supply y inermogenic ASde^r^ewsweel^^^^Ha^^^F^^^^^Uy^lN^PECIAL and TV. i DOUBLE XX ■ T MicheaMersevs MELATONIN I $7 095 I "'cheai jerseys $ I I 95 I ? I O 95 i ^ W 8 7 1.43 lbs ■ Rp<7 $ 48 ,s Suner 60 tablets I Over 50 Bodybuilding I i ^ Sleep Better-Feel Great! Products all in one | Selection CYBERGENICS Iphase i $59.95 INFINITY 3,000 4lbs $24.95 I A QUICK TRIM two weeks $39.95 1 I 1^ AA ^ TOTAL I j I Bodybuilding system...$99.951 MUSCle & FitnCSS (Loss Program $59.95 OTOMIX SHOES AVAILABLE BY ORDER POWERLIFTITING BELTS All Styles Including Lever & Special Orders MSC FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS... "If You Loved Hugh Gram In 'Four Weddings/ Don't Miss This Movie! A Sure-Fire Crowd Pleaser! Ml (I H G fM N T I ' k t F n / G r. K A L I) Cot'! M i. t s f 'i who went up a hill but came down a mountain MIRAMAX Englishman 4*—/ u/hn u/pnf i in pi hill hi it r Thurs., Oct. 19 at 7 & 9:30pm WHERE YOU ARE THE EHBAHGEREB SPECIES. IHiLMHH Fri. & Sat., Oct. 20 & 21 at 7 & 9:30pm AdmlMlon $2.75 w/I.D. $3 w/out I.D. Persona with diaabillUea please call 847-8478 to Inform ns of your special needs. We request notification 3 working days prior to the event in order that we may assiat you to the best of our ability. Aggie Cinema Hotline: 847-8478 Rudder Box Office: 845-1234 All films are presented in the Rudder Theater Complex e-mail: Roxanne causes heavy property damage in Mexi« □ Forecasters continue to keep an eye on the tropical storm. VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico (AP) — Tropical Storm Roxanne, once a powerful hurricane, was petering out Wednesday after flooding much of Mexico’s Gulf coast and damaging the area’s ba nana and cattle business. Forecasters, however, were keeping a wary eye on the erratic storm. “This storm has been driving us crazy,” said Tricia Wallace, a staff meteorologist at the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami. “The storm has been breaking up ... hut we’ll keep watching.” The Mexican government lifted tropical storm warnings for the entire gulf coast at 11 a.m. EDT, but slapped them back at 4 p.m. EOT for a stretch of coastline from Tuxpan northward to San Fernando. Roxanne was last reported drifting west, was located at 10 p.m. EOT about 150 miles of Tampico, Mexico. Sustained winds were)} 40 mph. U.S. Coast Guard and Mexican helicopters tinued searching for three people stillbe| missing from a petroleum work-barge that; Sunday night with 245 people on board.Fi\ e pie were killed. On Wednesday, officials said three fishen from Ilrownsville, Texas, were rescued(rv small reef where they had wrecked during the; ricane. The fishermen set out from Brownsvi Oct. 11 and were headed for Belize. They apparently blew onto the low reels Cayos Areas two or three days later, sai Best, the acting port captain of Ciudad delt men. Best identified them as Manuel Cuevas livar, Juan de Dios Ponce and Adalbert) Portt Sk©tteh By Quatr | SOME GOOD REASONS TO LEAVE GLAM /MAGAZINES ON THE RACK... LOOK AT THIS O/VE...M/0CES ALLIOOH, WOW ABOUT THIS ONE... [THAT'S AN IMTKEfi Th Oct< SURPRISE! SuRFRlSE'IT SHELLS OUST LIKE SOAP/SMEU5 Li ' (CAT URINE TO THAT MONEY AND STILL CXXSAlT "DO YOU CLIP YOUR TOENAILS: PLACE To (VT CEllOW GO TO THE PENT ST! HA HA THE BATHROOM //SNDONLmts TW/CEAWS^ B) ON YOUR SEP THOSE RANCID, SCRATCH N‘ SNIFF COLOGNE SAMPLES In The Buff BY VfiLER JT S-f-CX<^Pd, j u ^+ DSing -fV\C. vending in 4G-<_ (?t -/uvic<* a HbraYu -once, i+iaybe l^'c^a dew. dhen X Woo Id rvw/SdX snej^k tnj over 4a 4hc Pi -FH en .. oh .. dof) C\r\yonc hcwi (A. hssud.? j 6o on ... vie WORKOUT BELTS All sizes - styles Weather Today Partly cloudy with a high near 84. Southeast winds at 10-15 mph. Tonight Becoming mostly cloudy and cooler with temperatures dropping to near 50. Winds shifting to the northwest at l5-20|ppj$. ^ y^S V X y wO r ' > 'j> F riday Clearing skies with a high near 74. North windsati 10 mph. >Y yf \ M Chapter Lf the An Source - A&M Chapter')/ the American Meteorological to HOWDY SENIORS! This Week is Class of ‘96 Gift Awareness Week Your ideas and contributions toward our class gift are needed! To give you as many opportunities as possible to get your class gift suggestions in we have the following services available: • Class Gift Hot Line: 862-1351 Call and leave your ideas on our voice-mail • Class Gift E-Mail: Send in your ideas via the internet! • Drop-off boxes in the MSC SPO and Student Activities Offices (Koldus) At the end of this week there will be a drawing for a dinner for two from Garcia’s, Olive Garden, and Tom’s Bar-B-Q from a bucket of people who have submitted a class gift suggestion during this awareness week. Please use the suggestion form below to submit your class of ‘96 gift idea! CLASS OF ‘96 GIFT SUGGESTION Name Suggestion Phone s f! ( If I resp pool just emc chai cisn last ads 1 erfu pan l fror I jerk clai ant I per: rigl Sar Cat rad 1 acts all: ads con neij alei ma; Lgi “rig E; w um sivi art Th cor er dif; er, no- agi