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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1995)
Page 4 • The Battalion Sports Wednesday • June 14,1| The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569/ Fox 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (bosemenf) Reed McDonald Building < o co ‘AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possessions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. Business Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Help Wanted Help Wanted \ .1 HEALTH CONSCIOUS MEN NEEDED FOr* SEMEN OOMOFCS! ! IF YOU ARE BETWEEN 18 AND 35 /\r\JD WOULD LIKE TO EARN EXTRA ! 1 MONEY WHILE HELPINO INFERTILE COUPLES, OIVE US A CALL FAIRFAX CRYOBANK 776-4453 \ ——'—• —• —• • For Sale 1990 Honda N550 Sportbike. Must sell. Priced low to move! JOrily $550! Call 823-6111. 1988 Jet Ski 550-Limited . Custom painted. Excellent condition! Must Sell! 823-6111. Used refrigerator - 3 feet cube $70. Good condition. Call Gerry 846-2133. LOFT For Sale. Will take best offer. Call Sandy at 779- 1049. $100/0.8.0. Sectional couch with fold-out bed - $100 Or Best Offer. Call Robin at 696-1493. ROCKET TICKETS!! All games, many in stock. Call 696-2094. MUST SELL! Sega Genesis and Sega CD, Plus Two Brand New Controllers And Five Games. $250 Flexible. Call 268-8230. 16.5 Trek 800, silver/ indigo fade, $240, ridden four times. Perfect condition. Purple Trek Helmet included, never used. Lisa 693-6916. Wedding gown & veil - size 8, cathedral length, off shoulder, perfect for summer wedding. $700. Call 731-8545. URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY (BLADDER INFECTION) Participate in a research program if: * You are suffering from the symptoms of a bladder infection including burning, pain, frequency of and/or cloudy urine. * You are a female between the ages of 18 and 64. Qualified Participants receive the following benefits: * Free medical care from qualified health care professionals. * Free study medication. * Up to $100 for your time and travel. Call now for more information! G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 JOCK ITCH STUDY Patient Volunteers needed for research study of new investigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treat ments, study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants. * Ages 12 - 65 years. * No topical (over-the- counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call: G&S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 Adoption ADOPTION. Childless professional woman with lots of love and security, seeks to adopt white newborn. Attorney involved. Medical/Legal expenses only. Call Patricia 1-800-592-1995. Auto '83 Honda Accord - automatic, dependable, 30 + miles/gallon, $1,800. 693-5035. 1987 Mazda RX7 Turbo - 62,000 miles, excellent con dition. 693-4497 Steve. ‘86 Nissan Pick-up - 5 speed, A/C, stereo, $2,500 O.B.O. Call 846-4299. 1981 Pontiac Bonneville - 4 door sedan, automatic, A/C, looks good & runs well. $1,650/0.6.0. 260-9865, please leave message. ‘86 Saab 900 Turbo - 2 door, 5 speed, looks great, needs engine work. Make offer. 764-2952. Employment Opportunity ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,00- $6,000+/mo. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545- 4155 ext. A58556. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earn ing an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info., call 1-206-634- 0468 ext. C58557. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT”Earn up to $25- $45/hr. teaching basic conversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info., call (206) 632-1146 ext. J58554. Pets ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Roommates Roommate Needed Immediately!! Own room, $230/mo. + 1/2 bills. Call 693-9689. Roommate needed to share 2bdrm-1bth, $ 190/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call Sviatoslav at 696-5197 or 845-1411. NEW APARTMENT! 2 Peopli needed for 3 bedroom? Price negotiable. On bus-route. (210) 637-0400. Female to share 2bdrm-2bth duplex, with 2 room mates. W/D available, backyard, near shuttle bus route, 5 minutes from campus, $175/mo. + 1/3 bills. 693-7344. Roommate Needed Immediately! 2bdrm-1bth apart ment, $186.25/mo. + bills, close to campus. (713) 781- 9576. FtOOMMATE NEEDED! 2bdrm-2bth large contempo rary apartment. Leave message 846-2121 (Sabrina). Wanted: Responsible, male student to share new 3bdrm-2bth mobile home in Bryan. Starting August 1st, $200/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Call (409) 597-6396. Needed: Non-smoking, female to share privately owned, furnished luxury 3bdrm-2bth condo. Own room -unfurnished, close to campus, in fall. W/D, $325/mo. + split utilities 3-ways. 693-9806 or (713) 468-4608. AUSTIN: Aggie needs roommate, 4bdrm-2bth house, 08/15/95, $340/mo. 693-1851, (512) 459-7849. Female roommate needed to share 2bdrm-2bth condo. Available Now! Bus route, W/D, covered parking! Call anytime: 691-2233 FEVER BLISTER STUDY Volunteers with a history of recurrent herpes labialis (fever blisters) needed to participate in a research study using an investiga tional topical preparation. Eligible volunteers may receive up to $150. Call NOW for information. G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Telemarketers wanted promoting the circus. Work evenings that fit your schedule, 6pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri. No weekends. $5.00/hr. 846-8818. Construction Laborers and helpers needed. Call (409) 873-2267. Part-time painter/ helpers needed. Experience and truck preferred. Call 775-7126. Cashier needed for convenience store. Apply in per son at Broach Oil Co., 1700 Kyle, Suite 200, CS. Bookkeeper Needed. Flexible hours. Piper Chevron, corner of University & Texas. Apply within. Healthy people needed to help save lives. Approx. 3hrs./wk. at your convenience. $ 130/mo. Donating plasma is so easy! Call 846-8855 for more info. Part-time help needed at Villa Maria Chevron. Experience preferred. Villa Maria at 29th, Bryan. 776- 1261 Part-time telemarketer needed for local insurance agency. Hours: 5pm-9pm Mon.-Thurs., 10am-2pm Sat. Pay: $6.00/hr. 693-6966 for interview. The Houston Chronicle is taking applications for imme diate route openings. Pay Is based on per paper rate & gas allowance is provided. The route requires work ing early morning hours 7 days a week & earns $600- $900 per month. If interested, call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 between 8am-3pm for an appointment. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776-4453. Miscellaneous $$$COLLEGE FUNDING$$$. Scholarships/ Grants. Over 350,000 sources. $$$MONEY BACK GUARAN- TEE$$$. Not based on financial need. No GPA requirement. For free information, call NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP SERVICES 1-800-643-4439. ATTENTION Ail Students!i Need scholarships from major corporations? Call 1-800-AID-2-HELP. Register to win Free Money for college. Several finan cial aid awards available for Fall 1995. Drawing held 08/15/95. To enter drawing, call 1-800-643-4439. Funded by National Scholarship Services. FRlE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion irTprivate sec- tor grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent’s income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F58554. Personal Call Your Date Now!!! 1-900-988-8700 ext. 4513. $2.99/min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420. MEET YOUR MATCH! 1-900-884-7800 ext. 2740. $2.99/mln., must be 18yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420, Call the Sports/Entertainment Line Today! Sports Fun!!! Scores, Point Spreads and much more!!! 1- 900-526-6000 Ext. 5437. $2.99/min and 18+. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. DIRTY, LIVE, NASTY TALK. Hot, Steamy & Erotic. 1- 900-435-4SEX (4739). $2.50-$3.99/min., instant cred it, 18+. Services AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm- 9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W- Th (6pm-9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) & Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am-2:30pm), Sun (12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117. Typing Strong Office Services. Typing, Presentations & Graphics. Laser Printer Out-put. Fast Service. 694- 2120. Wanted Mature woman to share house. Garage, pool. Private 2bdrm-1bth suite, $650/mo. includes utilities. 696- 1804. _ _ Wanted: 100 students. Lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo lism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. R.N. Assisted. Guaranteed Results. $35 Cost. 1-800-579- 1634. Computers For Rent 2 Houses For Rent! Wellborn, Texas. 2bdrm-1bth country-style houses, $300/mo., pets/ horses ok (under conditions). 690-0829, 822-3179. 2bdrm-2bth fourplex, $515/mo., shuttle stop, W/D con- nections. Pets OK. 1104 Autumn Circle. 693-9959. STOP LOOKING! WE HAVE FOUND THE PERFECT PLACE FOR YOU TO LIVE! THE HORIZON Student Housing 405 West 28th Street, Bryan (409) 779-7091 This newest PRIVATE DORMITORY has everything that you can imagine. Here are just a few of the features you will find: > Furnished Rooms/Bills Paid > ONLY 9 minutes from A&M >■ FREE Shuttle to/from A&M > FREE Local phone & cable > FREE Parking > LOW MONTHLY RATES GRADUATION SALE: Complete Computer System - 486 SLC/ 50MHz, 200 Meg HD, 2 Meg RAM, TVGA Monitor, Printer Card, Game Stick, Internal Fax/Modem. Only $875. Call 846-8126. Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software, repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. DJ Music MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reasonable rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. For Rent Great Location! 2bdrm-1bth fourplex, 2 blocks from A&M, on northside. Available now. No Pets. $350/mo. 696-7266. 3bdrm-2bth houses. CH/CA, carpeted, near campus, no pets. Call 690-0085. Near Treehouse Apartments. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth fourplex, $600/mo. 823-8153, or after 5pm 774-4090. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth fourplex, fireplace, W/D connections, shuttle, $550/mo. 404 Fall Circle. 693-9959. 2bdrm-1bth, pool, laundry mat, patio/balcony, water & sewer paid, $475/mo. Monterrey Apartments. 268- 0840. Summer Leases Available. GREAT APARTMENT! Full-size WashVDry., 2bdrm- Ibth, intrusion alarm, shuttle, $479/mo. 846-7454, 693-4168. Nice furnished bedroom, 1.5 miles to A&M, laundry & kitchen, $325/mo. includes utilities. Call 693-5230 after 5:00pm. WOODED, 4 blocks from campus, large 2bdrm-1bth studio apartment (approximately 930 sq.ft.). Ceiling fan, gas & electric, patio, $495/mo. + bills. No HUD! No Pets! 693-8534. Aggie Owned and Managed! Large 2 bdrm, great location, shuttle, microwave, intrusion alarm, laundry & swimming - $459/mo. College Court Sonnenblick 823-7039 691-2062 .^OQDlj * Large 3 Bedroom/2 Bath * On Shuttle Bus Route * Close To A&M Consolidated * Quiet Wooded Setting * Adjacent To Parks * Beginning At $900/Mo. AVAILABLE AUGUST FOR MORE INFORMATION: PINNACLE MANAGEMENT GROUP 409-846-1100 OR 409-268-5029 PROFITABLE R4R.0569 The Battalion Classified Advertising NUMBER! Rockets take rough road to repeat □Many of Houston's players say they don't get the respect of champions. HOUSTON (AP) — The Orlando Magic proved their point by just getting to the NBA Finals. The Houston Rockets arrived carrying heavy baggage and after traveling a much harder road. After what the Rockets have been through in the last year, it’s no wonder they’ve swept through the finals with such ferocity. What’s driving them is the memory of an NBA title that supposedly didn’t count and a 32-year-old player who had fallen short every time he had a shot at a championship. “We are one win away from definitely getting re spect,” swingman Mario Elie said Tuesday. “If we win the title back-to-back, teams are going to have to respect us.” If the Rockets complete a sweep of Orlando on Wednes day night, they will have done it in the toughest possible way — as a sixth seed and by beating the four best regular- season teams in the league. Three of those teams won 60 games. “No one’s ever done this before,” Houston coach Rudy Tomjanovich said. “If we get this thing closed out, no one’s played the 60-win teams, no one’s had to come from the sixth spot, no one’s won as many road games.” What the series between the veteran Rockets and the youthful Magic has shown more than anything else isn’t that you have to pay your dues. It’s that the process of paying them makes you stronger. Now Orlando knows. “We can take something from this,” said John Gabriel, the team’s vice president of basketi): operations. The Magic’s talent has gotten them furthertfei most thought. But talent, it seems, is no match! experience when the experience is not all hap: memories. The Rockets are still stinging from the heat! took in last year’s finals for playing the NewYtr Knicks’ low-scoring, grind-it-out kind of game.4 when they played it well enough to win, itwasc missed as a fluke. “It’s something I don’t understand,” Tomjanovi said. “We took on all the good teams last year know how hard it was, 1 know where we came fro- I know the personnel we had. To come out on top a great league and have people say it was an year, that (Michael) Jordi wasn’t there, that bothersmL The unpopular finalsm followed by the unpopulartr«: of Otis Thorpe for Ch: Drexler, a deal even most oft: Rockets didn’t like. And by . time Houston got to the play® with all of 47 wins, thete found it had a lot to playi and a lot to prove. “It’s been so much fun kicking all tht: doubters,” forward Robert Horry said. “Nowtil can’t say anything, because we weren’t evensr posed to be here.” What the doubters didn’t accomplish, Drexk desire for a title did. After missing an NCAA championship with I University of Houston and missing two chancer an NBA title with Portland, he has quietly pid up the Rockets every time they were in danger hitting a lull. He’s rebounded and led the fastbm leaving behind the twentysomething Magic player "It's been so much fun kick ing all those doubters. Now they can't say anything." — Robert Horry, Houston Rockets forward NFL: Five A&M players sign Continued from Page 3 surprised if he was not given an opportunity to make an NFL team. I think he’ll make it.” It was not a surprise to Rucker that Biggens signed as a free agent. “You don’t have to run the ball 24 or 25 time s a game to get noticed,” Rucker said “He played in every game on all the special teams. He’s a talented person with a big heart that you cannot measure.” Slocum recommended Biggens to NFL scouts when they came to A&M last spring to see the Aggie seniors work out. “When those people came to visit us, I told them they need ed to look for him,” Slocum said. “They got to meet him in person and work with him at our pro-workout day. He’s got real good running ability, bal ance, speed and toughness.” Indianapolis is starting to become a sanctuary for former Aggie players. Besides Biggens and Groce, the Colts drafted former Aggie linebacker Jessie Cox, and have also drafted de fensive lineman Lance Teichel- man and linebacker Quentin Coryatt in the past three years. Other former Aggies who have signed free agent con tracts since the draft are defen sive end Larry Jackson with the Denver Broncos, offensive tackle Jeff Jones with the De troit Lions and tight end James McKeehan with the Seattle Seahawks. “A lot of our players have come out and done well on a professional level,” Slocum said. “Because of that, our pro gram gets a lot of looks.” HOUSTON VS. ORLANDO Section A Row 15 SeaU c 7/k 1995 NBA (fuiafaj Game 4 at the Summit in Houston at 8 m. p jees 91 Moy v uop$ OC1NV I>1() 'SA NOlSnOl A London Paris Madrid Frankfurt Tokyo Costa Rica Caracas $329 $389 $396 $478 $170 $199 ‘Fares are each way from Houston based on a roundtrip purchase. Restrictions apply and taxes not included. Call for other worldwide destinations. Council Travel 2000 Guadalupe St. Austin, IX 78705 512-472-4931 Eurailpasses issued on-the-spot! STEWART: QB comes hom Continued from Page 3 to play football. He said he re membered that A&M possessed a friendly atmosphere that he wanted a part of. “A&M is a big school, but it doesn’t seem like it,” said Stew art. “Everybody is so friendly here, and everyone speaks to each other.” The 19-year-old, 6-foot-2-inch sophomore from Stephenville is not eligible to play during the 1995 football season because he transferred, but he is excited and optimistic about the opportunity to lead the Aggies when the 1996 season arrives. Stewart said a year of not playing will give him the chance to adjust to the different playing styles of the Southeast and Southwest Conferences. “(The SEC) has a crazy at mosphere where many of the games are just big-play games,” Stewart said. “A&M football consists of more of a control-type offense with a great defense and a terrific coaching staff.” Stewart said he hopes tolf establish a more pass-orient offense at A&M with the ass! tance of Offensive Coordinat Steve Ensminger. “Coach Ensminger is veryfl operative with the players Stewart said. “He is focusedc installing more passing, whit will lead to bigger chunks yardage for the team.” Since Stewart will be sitthT this season out, he will have® watch his teammates from til sidelines. However, he expec great things from the Aggiij during the 1995 season. “I think we will definitely! undefeated,” Stewart said. "Be as far as a national champ onship, that is left up to thevo' ers. 1 know we have the pot£ tial to win it all becausetl team is focused and excited.’’ Stewart said he feels thij the Aggies will be cominge of an extremely successfe 1995 season. He hopes th will give the team a maj® : boost for the inaugural seast of the Big 12 Conference. 211 University 268-DAVE 326 George Bush Dr. 696-DAVE We're Always Rolling I Carter Creek Center 846-DAVE 919 Harvey Rd. 764-DAVE Call DAVE for —Fast Fresh Delivery 2 for 1 or Buy 1 Pizza, Get 2nd of equal or lesser valu? for ONLY $2.00 Battalioia Dave's Delivery Deal $5.99 Medium 1 Topping Pizza