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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1995)
■ i i i < B Da clo $5j Ch infi 901 E>< w;) b£,i 8L SU I rrve Pi j OF* or Ag ro< Eli Di! trfj G'S S!3 O* res Sa Br Ea Pi pri At hr Af <C nc t T« ev w< P; cc Hi CC A< Cl I Cl $; c: Rl H' IN hi 01 re A FI & n< <: ai In C 1 s n F n F n C s n f c F F I l \ i For Knockout Savings, Put Meineke In Your Corner Warld Heavyweiobt Champion C5 EXHAUST D BRAKES □l SHOCKS CS STRUTS B SPRINGS Qi C.V. JOINTS meineke 8 Discount JVlufflers EXHAUST • BRAKES • SHOCKS STRUTS • SPRINGS • C.V. JOINTS TRAILER HITCHES Free Undercar Inspection &> Estimate Bryan 408 S. Texas Ave. 775-0188 (Comer of 30th St.) Nationwide Lifetime Guaran tees OPEN MON. - SAT. 8 AM TO 6 PM ESI All Parts Does not apply to labor. One Coupon Per Vehicle Expires 7-15-95 • MEINEKE® I Why Pay For I Inspections & Estimates I At Meineke® They're FREE! Otter valid through 7-15-95 at Meineke*. Waco loca tion onty. Not valid with any other otters. Must present coupon at time ot estimate. Copyright © Meineke* 1995 4.0 and Go Tutoring with Art Located at 700 E. University Drive, Suite 108 Behind Golden Corral and Blockbuster Video, across from the Hilton Tickets available starting at 5 pm each day. Located on the Centerpole Bus Route. ‘This f Wee!<i Monday Apr. 24 Ttuesday Apr. 25 Wednesday Apr. 26 Thursday Apr. 27 6-8 pm FINC 341 Part 1 FINC 341 Part II FINC 341 Part III FINC 341 Part IV Reviews for finals 8-11 pm ACCT229 Cash Flows ACCT 229 Test I Review ACCT 229 Test II Review ACCT 229 Final Review Reviews for finals 7-9 pm BANA 303 LP BANA 303 LP ACCT 230 Ch. 13 & 14 ACCT 230 Ch. 14 & 15 This is new material. Final reviews are next week. Last time new material offered. 9-11 pm MATH 151 Test 3 Part 11 MATH 151 Test 3 Part III 9 pm-12 am MATH 151 Test Review 9-11 pm MATH 152 Polar Coords. MATH 152 is new material. Final reviews next week. For questions call 846-TUTOR (846-8886) End of School Special Mr. Gatti’s FastFeast Buffet Specially Priced Just For You! All You Care To Eat! Pizza (lots of different kinds!) SpaGatti (with Mr. Gatti’s rich 'n meaty sauce!) Fresh ‘n Healthy Salad! Desserts (including Mr. Gatti’s Dutch Apple Treat and Very Cherry Dessert Pizzas!) Lunch $099 Plus Tax Dinner $099 served every day 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Plus Tax served every day 4 - 9:30 p.m. 107 South College • 268-8888 NEW! FAST FREE DELIVERY! 1 Call for campus area delivery 268-8888 I Fresh, hot pizza delivered Mon-Thurs, 5-10 pm; I Sat, 11 am - 11 pm; Sun, 11 am - 10 pm. DELIVERY SPECIAL ONLY! 1 medium Meat MarkeL $ Pizza 99 7 plus tax Fresh provolone Cheese plus pepperoni.mild sausage, burger, Canadian bacon, and spicy Italian sausage. Delicious! 2nd Medium 2-topping pizza for just $5 more! Not valid in combination with other discount offers or coupons. One coupon per order, please. Good at participating Mr. Gatti’s. HURRY! Expires May 13, 1995 I I I I I I I I I I Monday E.C.H.O.: . A Baylor College of Dentistry meeting which is sponsored and hosted by the Mi nority Association of Pre-Health Aggies will meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in 206 MSC. For more infor mation call Michelle at 847-1890. Alpha Zeta: The last gener al meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in 113 Kleberg. For more information call Sarah Lineberger at 693-6621. SMYRT: (St. Mary’s Youth Retreat Team) We will prepare for student-led retreats that reach out to junior and high school youth at 9 p.m. at St. Mary’s Stu dent Center Library. For more information call Tonya at 846- 5717. TAMSCAMS: We will have officer elections, tornado videos and pizza at 7 p.m. at the O&M Observatory. For more informa tion call Mike Coyne at 847-1284. Aggies for Life: We will be having a baby shower. Please bring baby supplies to be donat ed to needy moms. Food will be served and games will be played. Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 302 Rud der. For more information call Sara at 847-0035 or Henry at 847-1708. AGGIME - Texas A&M Japanese Animation Fans: Free screening of Japanese ani mation. This week - Patlabor and Ghost Sweeper Mikami. Meet from 7-9:30 p.m. on 6th floor of Evans Library. Alpha Rhi Omega: Girl’s Club service project meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the office. Texas Society of Profes sional Engineers (TSPE): An information booth will be in the Zachry atrium through Wednes day from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. each day. For more information call Andrew Coleman at 764-4033. Career Center: A Job Search Strategies Seminar will be held at 3 p.m. in 410 Rud der. A Placement Orientation (last one) will be held at 8:30 a.m. in 410 Rudder. For more information call 845-5139. Learning Skills Center: A Time Management and Pro crastination workshop will be held from 10-11 a.m. in 103 Henderson Hall. For more in formation call 845-4427. Texas A&M Tae Kwon Do Team: Competition practice will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 263 G. Rol- lie White. For more information call Matt Banasik at 847-0945. TAMU Roadrunners: Group runs (2-5 miles), meet in front of G. Rollie White at 6 p.m. For more information call Molly at 696-2464. Student Counseling Ser vice: A safe and supportive place to discuss issues and concerns re lated to being a Hispanic/latino student at Texas A&M from 5:15- 6:30 p.m. in Henderson Hall. For more information call Juan Riker at 845-4427, ext. 134. Women’s Lacrosse: We will have practice Monday through Friday from 4-6 p.m on Simpson Drill Field. Beginners are wel come. For more information call Rosalie Olson at 693-1167. AIDS Services of Brazos Valley: Free and anonymous HIV testing is available on campus. Call 260-2437 for more information. Tuesday Baha’i Club: A discussion about the Baha’i faith will be held at 7 p.m. in 205 MSC. Everyone is welcome. For more information call Kipper at 847-7466 Texas A&M Tae Kwon Do Team: Competition training will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 342 MSC. For more information call Matt Banasik at 847-0945. Texas A&M Rodeo Club: A general meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 115 Kleberg. Mem bers must attend. For more infor mation call Jason Littleton at 696-1153. TAMU Bridge Club: After our weekly duplicate bridge game from 7-11 p.m. in 301 Bright we will be voting for officers and on t- shirts. For more information call Hank at 847-2017. I TAMU Math Society: We will be having a meeting with Pi Mu Epsilon at 7 p.m. in 624 Blocker. Both clubs will elect offi cers. For more information call Bill Sweet at 847-0923. Scuba Club: Dr. Brennen will speak on exciting travels at 7 p.m. in 504 Rudder. Pi Mu Epsilon: An organi zational meeting will beheld s from 7-8 p.m. in 624 Blocker, For more information call ^ David at 847-1775. D Fe CSA: Daily Mass will be held at 12:05 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. For more information call Tonya at 846-5717. Alpha Phi Omega: Pledge activation will be held at6:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. Pi Sigma Alpha: Karen Sev | ern will discuss the application process for law school at 8:30p.m. in 145 MSC. For more informa ; tion call Michelle at 693-7217. Career Center: Successful Interviewing Seminar will beheld ; at 4 p.m. in 302 Rudder. For more information call 845-5139. Study Abroad Programs Of fice: A meeting for all interested students who are interested in be ing future teachers from 1-1:45 | p.m. and 3-3:45 p.m. in 154 | Bizzell West. For more informa tion call 845-0544. CKI: A general meeting will be held at 8:30 p.m. in 410 Rud f der. All students interested in | service, leadership, and fellow ship are encouraged to attend For more information call Dan f Tinker at 693-3148. TAMU Waterski Club: A general meeting for the SWT Tournament will be held at8:3(); p.m. in 308 Rudder. Formorein formation call Todd Harrodai f 694-2196. Student Counseling Ser vice, Minority Student Walk- | in Services: No appointment | necessary. Student are seen on a l ; first-come, first-serve basis from. I 1-4:30 p.m. in Henderson Hall | For more information call Juan Riker at 845-4427, ext. 134. TAMU Roadrunners: Grou: runs (2-5 miles), meet atG. Rollie White at 6 p.m. For more infer mation call Molly at 696-2464. M Junioi It’s time, recogr sopho about to wh< Ym the fa the si safe c or thr On have and ii Th journ If 3 ed, — have : it is, ( time 1 tire ai advis< we w( “Tl Now cannc In thing now - thing job a I c think of col ' I c than What’s Up is a Battalion scrvfc that lists non-profit student ani faculty events and activities. Itcnf should be submitted no later that three days in advance of the de sired run date. Application dead lines and notices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. The Legend of Tubularman, 2nd Edition. On sale now! Booksigning 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 29th at the Texas A&M Bookstore at the Memorial Student Center! Use your AGGIE BUCKS at the MSC Bookstore! Paid Advertisement Financial Management Association and Pi Sigma Epsilon presents J.R. ATKINS of Foster Financial Group and The Dallas Aggie Job Network Former AGGIE ( c 85) will present in both a fun and dynamic style extremely helpful advice concerning topics in todays job market such as: • The Placement Center Myth • Resume do’s and don’t s • Possible approaches to job searching As well as give multiple areas for self improvement and self marketing. * Every student / Every major “very welcome” TUESDAY, APRIL 25 @ 7:00 P.M. RUDDER 601 Admission - FREE I ftl wo me ists at tifs on by vio weak , don’t g Chi They i fact, tl the bij The name Cai vague thems We Shi’ite are no cause Eve °f how by hije and sb Re c The these ; signifi Vio here, { make We] On crosse into tl It v kn-owr subwa a ge, ai The multa: When and o\ to a de Int