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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1995)
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ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS April 14, 1995 Sign up in the Career Planning and Placement Center or call APMCEM 1-800-487-2434, #8700 Place Your Ad In The Battalion Cal/ 845-2696 You are invited to Holy sit ttlie Episcopal SitiuKilejntt CeiotteF Wednesday April 12 6:15 PM Agape Meal followed by 7:00 PM Tenebrae— Service of Darkness (at Canterbury House) Thursday April 13 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Liturgy and Stripping of the Altar (at St. Thomas Church) April 14 12:10 PM Stations of the Cross (begin in St. Thomas Courtyard) 1:30 PM Good Friday Liturgy (at St. Thomas Church) April 15 11:00 PM The Great Vigil of Easter (at Canterbury House) 1:00 AM Easter Breakfast Friday Saturday Episcopal Student Center at Texas A&M university 902 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 JADIES & lOR^S / ////. ///////rev-'Vc//7/ Sci/e WE OFFER MORE,*. “Service, Selection, Savings, And A SMILE...” Tuxedo Rentals from $44*95... our tuxedo rentals include everything but SOCKS AND SHOES $10 Off Your Tuxedo Rental. ANY TUXEDO RENTAL $45.00 AND UP UNTIL APRIL 30, 1995 Beaded Dresses 20-50% OFF AN INCREDIBLE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM WITH PRICES FROM $69.00 Ladies Formals 20-50% OFF HUNDREDS TO SELECT FROM IN AN ARRAY OF COLORS AND SIZES FROM $69.00 SHORT, TEA LENGTH AND LONG LADIES AND LORDS “THE BRIDAL AND TUXEDO STORE” 807 TEXAS AVENUE • NEXT TO RED LOBSTER OPEN MONDAYS LATE UNTIL 8 PM 764-8289 Tuesday • April 11, IlllliliIII . I • 3^1^00:lriLm : ^ Front-runner Dole launches White House bid S □ Senate majority leader Bob Dole declares his candidacy for the 1996 Republican presidential nomination. He claims he will lead the fight for fundamental change. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Em bracing the conservative agenda of lower taxes, smaller govern ment and a balanced budget. Bob Dole launched his third White House bid Monday by casting himself as uniquely qual ified to “lead America back to her place in the sun.” “I am not afraid to lead, and I know the way,” the Senate majority leader said as he for mally declared his candidacy for the 1996 Republican presi dential nomination. “Let us rein in our govern ment to set the spirit of the American people free. Let us re new our moral convictions and strengthen our families by re turning to fundamental values. Together, let us reassert our rightful place as a great na tion,” he said. Dole, 71, entered the race with a scornful critique of Pres ident Clinton as a “clever apolo gist of the status quo,” elected on a platform of change in 1992 but now fighting the change voters demanded in the Repub lican sweep in 1994. “We need a president who shares our values, embraces our agenda and will lead the fight for the fundamental change America chose last November,” said Dole, whose commitment to that agen da will be tested in the coming months as the Senate acts on leg islation already passed by the more conservative House. There was nary a mention of his Republican rivals. Befitting his status as the clear early GOP front-runner. Dole chose to ig nore them. His announcement was elaborately choreographed, complete with a balloon drop and a charter plane marked “Dole for President.” Dole proved anew his willing- "I am not afraid to lead, and I know the way." — Bob Dole, presidential candidate ness to adapt to the times — and the changes in his own party. He reached out to economic conserv atives who have often ques tioned his commitment to lower taxes, and to cultural conserva tives who are influential in GOP primaries but somewhat suspi cious of Dole because of his legis lator’s penchant for compromise. “We can cut taxes and balance the budget,” said Dole, oncea fierce critic of Ronald Reagans “supply side” economics. Aides drew the distinction that spend ing would be cut this time, as op | m posed to raised as ii was at the time Rea gan’s tax cuts were enacted. Still, that declara tion left little doubt Dole knows his candi dacy hinges as much on getting the new GOP congressional agenda through the quirky Senate asi H the strong organization he has built in early primary states. Dole winds up a weeklongan nouncement tour at a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post home in his home town on Friday, the 50th anniversary of his World War II wounding in Italy. huifi Son? WHAT INSPIRED THE MOUNTAIN MEN? George Washington: “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.” Abraham Lincoln: “Intelligence, Patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty. ...As was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether’” Thomas Jefferson: "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.” Teddy Roosevelt: “There are those who believe that a new modernity demands a new morality. What they fail to consider is the harsh reality that there is no such thing as a new morality. There is only one morality. All else is immorality. There is only true Christian ethics over against which stands the whole of paganism. If we are to fulfill our great destiny as people, then we must return to the old morality, the sole morality.” FACULTY FRIENDS We are inspired by Jesus Christ who said: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” We are a group of professors, instructors, lecturers, and administrators united by their common experience that Jesus Christ provides intellectually and spiritually satisfying answers to life’s most important questions. We are available to students, faculty, and staff who might like to discuss such questions with us. If you would like to be a part of the FACULTY FRIENDS ad, please contact Murphy Smith 5-3108, Steve Crouse 5-3997, or Lee Lowery 5-4395. 1 Natalie L. Allen 1 Accounting Lee Lowery, Jr. Civil Engineering 1 Bill Cready I Accounting James S. Noel Civil Engineering I Austin Daily 1 Accounting Paul Roschke Civil Engineering I Patsy Deere 1 Accounting Hayes E. Ross Jr. Civil Engineering I Steve Salter 1 Accounting Donald Saylak Civil Engineering 1 L. Murphy Smith I Accounting Hank Wigley Civil Engineering I Casper Wiggins 1 Accounting Ralph Wurbs Civil Engineering I Sue Zlveney I Accounting Dan Colunga Computer Science I Walter Haisler I Aerospace Engineering Walter Daugherity Computer Science I Thomas U. McElmurry I Aerospace Engineering Mac Lively Computer Science 1 John Whitcomb 1 Aerospace Engineering Dick Volz Computer Science I Oral Capps, Jr. 1 Agricultural Economics James W. Craig Jr. Construction Science 1 H. L. Goodwin 1 Agricultural Economics Richard K. Anderson Economics Fred Ruppel Agricultural Economics James M. Griffin Economics Don R. Herring Agricultural Education Tim Gronberg Economics Alvin Larke Jr. Agricultural Education Steven Wiggins Economics L. Wayne Greene Animal Science Maynard Bratlien Educational Administration Dan Hale Animal Science David A. Erlandson Educational Administration Paul Harms Animal Science Jack Campbell Educational Curriculum (Retired) Doug Householder Animal Science Robert K. James Educational Curriculum Jimmy T. Keeton Animal Science Delmar Janke Educational Curriculum Theodore S. Maffltt Architecture Patricia Larke Educational Curriculum David Kent Athletic Department Will Worley Electrical Eng.-Emeritus George W. Bates Biochemistry James Blake Electrical Engineering James R. Wild Biochemistry & Genetics Andrew K. Chan Electrical Engineering Connie Batten Center Teaching Excellence Robert Nevels Electrical Engineering Liz Miller Center Teaching Excellence Philip Noe Electrical Engineering Nancy Simpson Center Teaching Excellence John H. Painter Electrical Engineering R. R. Davison Chemical Engineering A. D. Patton Electrical Engineering Jack Lunsford Chemistry Don Russell Electrical Engineering Harry Coyle Civil Engineering Joy Shetler Electrical Engineering Charles Hix, Jr. Civil Engineering Karan Watson Electrical Engineering Dallas N. Little Civil Engineering Roy Hartman Engineering Technology Craig Kallendorf English & Mod Languages Terry Blanchard Large Animal Med. Sci. Roger Fay Oceanography/GERG Patricia Harris English Language Institute Robert Field Large Vet. Animal Clinic Joyce Davis Pathology & Lab Med-Emeritus Terry Larsen Environmental Design O. E. (Ed) Elmore Management John A. McIntyre Physics Walter F. Juliff FSIS Project Management Frederick Larson Management Marian Scully Physics George Mcllhaney Family & Community Medicine George Rice, Jr. Management Patricia Griffin Political Science Russell K. Biles Family & Community Medicine Patrick M. Wright Management M. M. Kothmann Rangeland Ecology & Mgmt. Ben Welch Management Richard T. Hlse Marketing Louis Hodges Recreation & Parks Lamar McNew Family & Community Medicine Eli Jones Marketing Carson E. Watt Recreation & Parks David Segrest Family & Community Medicine Stephen McDaniel Marketing James Kolarl Finance Robert Gustafson Mathematics Maurice Dennis Safety Education Lawrence Wolken Finance Marek J. Radzlkowskl Mathematics Michael Greenwald Speech Comm & Theatre Arts Ed Soltes Forest Science Richard M. Alexander Mechanical Engineering Martin Medhurst Speech Comm & Theatre Arts Terry Spencer Geophysics Walter L. Bradley Mechanical Engineering Rick Rigsby Speech Comm & Theatre Arts Danny Ballard Health and Kinesiology L. Roy Cornwell Mechanical Engineering Roger Schultz Speech Comm & Theatre Arts Henrik Schmlediche Klrstln Brekken Health and Kinesiology Camille Bunting Health and Kinesiology G. Brian Colwell Health and Kinesiology Stephen Crouse Health and Kinesiology Carl Gabbard Health and Kinesiology Emma Gibbons Health and Kinesiology Vicki Markowsky Health and Kinesiology Robert H. Pender Health and Kinesiology Leonard Ponder Health and Kinesiology Rose Schmitz Health and Kinesiology Wayne Wylie Health and Kinesiology Barry Nelson Health & Science Center Don Rice Industrial Distribution Bryan Deuermeyer Industrial Engineering Richard Feldman Industrial Engineering Don Phillips Industrial Engineering Ricky Telg Journalism Rodger Lewis KAMU-TV-Journalism v Robert DeOtte Statistics Mechanical Engineering Kenneth R. Dirks Louis Everett Student Health Services Mechanical Engineering Stephen L. Hand Ramon Goforth Mechanical Engineering Surgery Sally Dee Wade Richard Griffin Mechanical Engineering TAMU Faculty Warren Hefflngton Mechanical Engineering Donald A. Sweeney Urban & Regional Planning Harry Hogan Mechanical Engineering E. Dean Gage Veterinary Medicine C. L. Hough Mechanical Engineering Ron Green Veterinary Medicine Ken D. Kihm Alvin A. Price Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Medicine Gerald Morrison Loren Skow Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Medicine Dennis O'Neal Michael Willard Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Medicine Ozden Ochoa John W. Huff Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Microbiology Robin Redfield Travis Small Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Pathobiology David Rhode Kenneth Pierce Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Pathology Dan Turner James E. Womack Mechanical Engineering Veterinary Pathology Wayne Sampson Medical Anatomy James G. Anderson Veterinary Physiology David Thompson Medical Pharmacology Larry D. Claborn Veterinary Physiology Michael Davis Medical Physiology Jim Jensen Veterinary Physiology Steven Oberhelman Modern & Classical Languages J.D. McCrady Veterinary Physiology James Brooks Oceanography NfilE: This ad presents the personal convictions of the individuals listed herein; the ad does not represent or support any view or position of Texas A&M University or any academic department. The ad does represent and acknowledge the diversity of academic contributions to Texas A&M University by men and women of various race, ethnic group, and cultural background who share the .Christian faith. w leirea! ■ear 66 Hear w inds5