Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1995)
< I I i I The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Fox 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (bosemenf) Reed McDonald Building Monday through Friday Business Hours $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. ‘AGGIE.’.Privgle_Pflrty Want Ads Help Wanted <§> FULL TIME - PART TIME $5.00/HOUR CASHIERS $6.00/HOUR ASSISTANT MANAGERS BENEFITS START IN 30 DAYS TUITION REIMBURSEMENT WELL GIVE YOU A SCHEDULE BASED ON YOUR SCHEDULE AND CLASS LOAD INTERVIEWS ARE CONDUCTED AT OUR STORE LOCATED AT: FM 2818 & LONGMIRE (AT TEXAS AVE.) WEDNESDAYS: 4:00pm - 7:00pm THURSDAYS: 4:00pm - 7:00pm SATURDAYS: 9:00am - 11:00am EOE M/F fBLADDER INFECTION INFECTION STUDY URINARY TRACT Participate in a research program if: Employment Opportunity INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Earn up to $25-$45/ hr. teaching baslcconversational English in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info, call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J58553. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+/mo. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-4155. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earning an excellent income in the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info, call 1 -206-634-0468 ext. C58555. For Rent [the HORIZON I Slvdonl Housing ALL PRIVATE DORMS AREN’T CREATED EQUAL! CHECK US OUT! The Horizon, Bryan/ College Station’s newest private dorm, offers all the usual amenities, plus FREE shuttle to both A&M and Blinn; FREE local telephone; FREE cable; FREE parking; plus LOW MONTHLY RATES!! Call Today! 779-7091 Roommate Christian male roommate needed for summer, fall & spring. 2bdrm-2bth fourplex, $237/mo. + 1/2 bills, own room, shuttle route Call Jeff 693-7016. Female roommate for 3bdrm-2bth house, 10 min. from campus, nice neighborhood, $200/mo. + 1/4 utilities. Summer/Fall. Jennifer 847-1922. Female roommate for summer. Own room, $ 160/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Dawnelle 775-8220. Male roommate needed for summer. Private room/bath, 2bdrm-2bth, $200/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call Matt 764-1448. Female roommate needed for summer. Own room in 3bdrm-2bth duplex, $280/mo. + 1/3 utilities, shuttle route, W/D. Call 696-1572. FALL 95/SPRING 96. 1 or 2 female roommates. 2bdrm- 2bth, Treehouse Village. Tiffany 764-5837. Female roommate wanted. Student/faculty, non-smoker, $300/mo., all bills paid, W/D & cable included. Copperfield area. 774-7241. Roommate needed ASAP to share 2bdrm-1bth, $190/ mo. + 1/2 utilities. Close to campus. Call Slava at 696- 5197, or 845-1411. Summer roommate needed (3 months). Female, $170/ mo., own room, wash./dry. 764-3910. Male roommate needed summer semester, to share 3 bedroom house near Wolf Pen Creek Park. 696-4661. Roommate needed for summer & fall. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth , shuttle route, pools, Jacuzzi. Call Cliff at 260-1787. 2 females needed to share nice 3bdrm-2bth house. 4 blocks from campus, W/D, starting end of May, $240/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Call Kristen 696-8691. For Sale Pioneer Stereo. 150 watt speakers, CD w/remote, dual cassettes, equalizer, amplifier, receiver, w/cabinet. Great sound! $250 0.6.0. 696-1994, Couch, dark In color - $125/0.8.0.; tan recliner - $50/ O.B.O. Both In great condition! Call 764-8529. FORMAL DRESS: Beautiful, Royal Blue, Sequined Formal from New York with Satin Trimming. Absolutely Gorgeous Gown, Must Sell!! $200/0.8.0. Call 774- 4197. Automobiles '87 White Chevette. Needs little work. $800 negotiable. Call 694-8464. 1992 Nissan Pick-up, 45,000 miles, excellent condition, extras added. Asking $7,000. 731-8224. 1983 BMW 633CSI — Classic style; only 79.500 mi.; Excellent condition; Drives like a dream. $10,500; 776- 8786. 1994 Mazda MX6 - dark green, loaded, 5 speed, 9K, $19,500/0.6.0. Call 693-1700. 1982 Mazda 626 - 5 speed standard, AM/FM cassette. Runs great, really reliable. Great for student! Asking $1,000. Call 693-1416. Typing Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs accepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. DJ MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reasonable rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. SOUND POWER Professional DJ Service. Parties/Mixers. Lights/Smoke. 847-4491. Computers Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software, repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. Miscellaneous WANTED: 100 Students. Lose 8-100 lbs. New metabolism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. In 3 weeks. R.N. assisted. Guaranteed results. $35. 1-800-579-1634. Services MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES? Need help getting it working? Call Mark 690-7519. Page 10 • The Battalion Tuesday April 11, 1995 .. Ml* Lawler: Good program makes recruiting easier Continued from Page 7 game. Lawler said that as a pitching coach, he stresses on certain aspects of that pitcher throughout the year. “In the fall, we try to get the pitcher to understand what the mechanics are and to help him correct his mistakes,” Lawler said. “When it comes to game time in the spring, we do less mechanics work and we try to work on the mental part.” Lawler has also been recog nized for his recruiting at Texas A&M, which has been consid ered among the best in the na tion. Collegiate Baseball maga zine rated Lawler among the na tion’s best recruit ing coordinators. “You’re a good recruiter when you have a good school to recruit the play er to,” Lawler said. “Texas A&M is a good university and has a good baseball program, so there are a couple of things in our cor ner. What helps me do a good job of re cruiting is having so much here at Texas A&M to offer the kid.” Lawler was a three-year let- terman pitcher at Buena Vista College in Iowa when he was drafted by the New York Yan kees in 1972. The concepts Lawler learned from his playing experience, he now teaches them to the Aggie players . “Coach Johnson and I believe in the concept that the game doesn’t owe you anything, you owe the game,” Lawler said. “Baseball is a great game and it’s a great situation to be in volved in.” Johnson and Lawler first met at the University of Arizona, where Lawler was a graduate assistant and Johnson was an assistant coach. Lawler has also served as the head coach at Gon- zaga University. His 1980 team finished the season ranked #9 in the nation. Lawler said he has received some head coaching offers from other schools while he has been at A&M. “I have talked to other "What helps me do a good job is having so much here at A&M to offer a kid." —Jim Lawler pitching coach schools and to people about head coaching positions, but this place is better than probably 75% of the head jobs,” Lawler said. “I think this is a quality situation here. There are a lot of schools with head coaching openings, but not a fair chance of winning their conference or at the national level. Here, we have a fair chance to win.” Dd CM $5 cn Inf 90 E> W<: ba If su rrvi Pi: op or At: ro' ir Di tr<; G« Sr O. re 31 Bi N< 2s; E< Hi nc * You are suffering from the symptoms of a bladder infection including burning, pain, frequency of and/or cloudy urino. * You are a female between the ages of 18 and 64. Qualified Participants receive the following benefits: * Free medical care from qualified health care professionals. * Free study medication. * Up to $100 for your time and travel. Call now for more information! G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 FEVER BLISTER STUDY Volunteers with a history of recurrent herpes labialis (fever blisters) needed to participate in a research study using an investiga tional topical preparation. Eligible volunteers may receive up to $150. Call NOW for information. G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Sublease through July, large 1bdrm-1bth, W/D, fireplace, $450/mo, + bills, 846-2408. 4bdrm-2bth, 2 car garage, W/D, fenced yard, right next to A&M. $ 1,200/mo. starting May. 693-4469. AFFORDABLE Summer Sublease large 2bdrm-2bth, up- down stairs, balcony, shuttle, W/D, last half May free, $600/mo. 776-0074, I Summer Sublease. Large 2bdrm-2bth apartment on bus route. Available May 1st. $570/mo. 696-8065. Summer sublease 3bdrm-2bth large studio duplex. 20 ft. celling, W/D connections, carport, bus-route, patio. Can re-lease for fall, $775/mo. 696-6912. 2bdrm-1bth apartment available in mid-May w/option to renew lease for fall. W/D, microwave, $439/mo. Call 693- 9494. Sublease Huntington 2bdrm-2bth. May-Aug., optional renewal. Rent negotiable. May paid. Come Seel! 693- 7280. DESPERATE! 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. Make reasonable offer and it’s yours. Summer. 268-7585. 2bdrm-2bth, W/D connections, 25% off deposit before May 1st, $500/mo., large kitchen, bus-route. 696-2465. Great Summer Rates! 2bdrm-1bth, $285/mo. unfurnished or $335/mo. furnished, close to campus. Casa Blanca 846-1413. Sublease 2bdrm-2bth apartment, $520/mo. + some utilities, close to campus. Call 696-4704. Sublease spacious 2bdrm-2bth, $540/mo. + electricity, on • bus-route. Call Max or Dave 764-2896. Condo for rent. 1 extra large bedroom, behind Bryan High, W/D connections, $450/mo. Call Don or Christy 778- 2087. Now pre-leasing for May. 1 bedroom loft at April Court Apartments, $375/mo. Call Don or Christy 778-2087. Large 1bdrm-1bth, available mid May-Dec. Sublease at Country Place Apartments. Pet option. $400/mo. 846- 2109. Summer sublease 1 bedroom Enclave Apartment. W/D, balcony, security gates, pool & more. Must see!!! $510/ mo. 764-6094. 4-plex: 1 & 2bdrm-1bth, W/D hook-ups, all electric, deck, water paid. 302 & 304 Manuel Dr., CS. $395/$475. 268- 0840. For lease: 1 & 2 bdrm duplexes & apartments. Available June 1st or pre-lease for Fall. No pets. Call 693-8534. Summer sublease 1 bedroom apartment, near campus and bus route, water & sewage paid. 823-0316 after 5pm. SUMMER SUBLEASE 3bdrm-2bth fourplex. On bus- route, option to renew lease, $695/mo. 696-1227. th to e> Pi P> A hi A. (C n< C Ti ei w R c< H ci 4 c l c $ ’B B C R H C If h o n p F 5 n C a li e C GET PAID TO PLAY SEGA! Looking for Sega On- Campus Rep. for next year. Call Allyson, 800-783-4237 ext. 313. Domestic Services now hiring for flexible daytime hours cleaning homes in B/CS. Need car, phone & references. $5/hr. + mileage. Call 690-6882. Childcare provider needed Mon.-Fri., part-time to care for infant In my home. Own transportation, non-smoker. 696- 9080. EXPERIENCED VOCALIST (male/female) & Guitarist wanted for high-volume, heavy cash flow, working top 40 band. Contact Brian at 696-9117. BLACKJACK DEALER. Will train. Must be here this summer. Call 778-0167, noon - 5pm, Mon.-Fri. Leave message. Pizza Hut now hiring summer positions. Cooks, phone operators & delivery drivers. Apply at any B/CS location or call 693-9393 ask for Robert. Aggressive student for part-time & summer work. Sheet- rock, painting & carpentry. Experience helpful. 775-7126. Entry Level Sales Engineer. Dallas based Rep. - Distributor selling valves, level controls, flow meters, transmitters, heat tracing products, etc... looking for a "Go Getter”. Great Opportunity! Salary & Commission. J.W. Sayles & Assoc . Inc. Phone # 800-989-1186. Oxford Street Restaurant and Pub, B/CS favorite overall restaurant now hiring all positions. Apply M-Th, 2-5 & Saturday, 1-3. Kitchen positions $5-$7/hr. 1710Briarcrest, Bryan. Now hiring full or part-time, day or night. Sonic Drive-in, 2900 S. Tx. Ave, next to Walmart. Earn $1,000+ a month part time selling a unique product — not multi-level marketing. Call Mike at (310) 281-3780. HOUSTON SUMMER JOBS - Miller Swim Academy la now hiring 80 college students to teach kids how to swim this summer, Excellent pay. Free training provided. 20 locations throughout Houston. Swim team or teaching experience needed, Call 1-713-777-7948. Part-time Job helping handicapped male. A&M student preferred. $270/mo 12hrs./wk. Call after 7pm 846-3376. A fun, prestigious, part-time position. Averages out to $5/ hr. Mustbe21+. Will arrange training. 694-2122. Telemarketers wanted promoting the circus. Work evenings that fit your schedule, 6pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri. No weekends. $5.00/hr. 846-8818. Part-time work Monday through Friday, cleaning commercial buildings. Call 823-1614. Employment Opportunity STUDENT WORK $8.25 to Start * No Door to Door/Telemarketing * Must Fill 10 Positions Call 10a.m. - 3 p.m. 693-4975 Sublease May 15th. Able to renew. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, by the mall, $480/mo. 764-4078. 1bdrm-1bth apartment, bus-route, pool, $425/mo., available in May. 696-9127. SUBLEASE CONDOMINIUM - May 15-Aug. 15. 2bdrm- 2bth, W/D, fireplace, pool, less than 1 mile to campus, $560/mo. Call 260-1096. Parkway Circle, 2bdrm-2bth, $645/mo. OR BEST OFFER, water paid, on bus route. Call 693-0812. 1bdrm-1bth, pool, balcony, laundry mat, near shuttle, water & sewer paid, $395/mo. 268-0840. Sublease 2bdrm-1 bth, $440/mo. + utilities through August 15th. 2 blocks from campus. 846-2564. Now pre-leasing Doux Chene Apartments. 3 bedrooms, efficiencies & 1&2bdrms. $320/mo.-$750/mo. Remodeled whitewalls. 693-1906 2bdrm-2bth fourplex, W/D connections. Lease available May or August. Rent$515/mo. 1104 Autumn Circle. 693- 9959 Spacious 2bdrm-1 1/2bth studio unit. 1400 Holleman, C Sta. $400/mo., $300/dep. 696-1245. SUMMER SUBLEASE 3bdrm-2bth duplex. Close to campus, storage, car-port, W/D conn., nice & spacious. $800/mo. 696-4820. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! Sublease through August, 1bdrm-1bth Walden Pond Apartment (large enough for 2 ). On bus-route, ceiling fans, vaulted ceilings, fireplace, large balcony. Very nice! 696-1201. Large 1bdrm-1bth available May 13th, with option to renew. $410/mo. Call 694-8550. A great duplex: 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, deck, backyard, W/D connections, fireplace. 696-8433. NOW LEASING: Scholars Inn 846-9196, Academic Village 846-9198 & Casa Blanca 846-1413, Summer & Fall leases, Special Summer rates. Furnished & unfurnished. 1 & 2 bedrooms, ___ Summer Sublease. Available May 6. Leaseends Aug. 16. 1bdrm-1bth at Brlarwood Apartments. May rent paid. 693-0276. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, W/D connections, fenced, $445/mo. August pre-lease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, spacious, W/D, $525/ mo. Manuel Drive Fourplexes. 693-0551,764-8051. 2bdrm-1 bth, pool, laundry mat, water & sewer paid, patio/ balcony. Available now, preleasing & summer leases available. $465/mo. Monterrey Apartments. 268-0840. 2bdrm-1bth nice apartments, behind Super 8 Motel. Call 823-8210 or 622-6196. Large 2bdrm-1bth. intrusion alarms, some utilities paid, pool, shuttle, many extras. 691-2062. GREAT APARTMENT!! Full-size Wash./Dry., 2bdrm- Ibth, intrusion alarm, shuttle, $479/mo. 693-4168. 2bdrm-1bth, e z access to TAMU, $350/mo. Call 822- 6272 or 778-19^1. Large 1 bdrm available now. 3 miles from A&M, completely remodeled. Call 822-0472. Roommate CRUISE SHIPS & Vacation Resorts Hiring. Earn up to $2,200+/mo. by working in the travel industry. World Travel & Exotic Resorts. Tree Transportation! Room & Board! No experience necessary! (818) 705-3416 ext. C219. RESORT JOBS - Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels. Spas, + more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R58552. Need two male roommates for summer! 3bdrm-2bth duplex, W/D, pool, $250/mo. + 1/3 bills. 764-5763. Roommate needed for summer/fall. 2bdrm-2bth, $215/ mo. Call Leonard at 696-4714 Roommate needed for summer. 3bdrm-2bth, private room, $267/mo. + 1/4 utilities. Call Marshall 764-0964. Summer sublease 2 roommates to share 3bdrm-2bth apartment in Bryan, $217/mo. + 1/3 electric. 846-3844. 20" Specialized Allez, GPX Hardware, Clip Pedals, Aero Handlebars, Computer. Great condition, hardly used. $500 Or Best Offer. Call James at 847-6594, NEED TO SELL: sturdy dorm loft - $80; sturdy desk - $86; dryer-$35; sofa bed-$60, Prices Negotiable. 693-2301. HIDE-A-BED COUCH - Mauve and tan, good condition, $120. Blue & white checkered optional cover - $20 negotiable. 696-0506. Vacation for 2 to the Bahamas. Includes round trip air fare. $600. Call 764-1426. MOUNTAIN BIKE: 1993 DlamondBack Apex with Deore LX Components. Barely used at all. Original price $700, selling at $500 negotiable. Call 846-4782. DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT Ring: 1/3 CT. Marquee. Appraised at $1,000, asking $700 negotiable. Call Jason at 847-5849. Colt Buntline Scout .22 mag Pistol. 9 in. Barrel. 98% cond. - Bought in 1963. $285 negotiable. Wow, What A Great Deal! Call 696-2094. MacSE/30 SMB RAM, 40HD, extended keyboard, mouse, some software. Good Condition. $575. Call 693-7216. TREK 9500-full suspension, must sell. XT equipped, 10 1/2 months full warranty left. Must Sell $1,000 O.B.O. Call Joey at 693-1036. Sega C.D. Brand New. Comes with over seven games!! Call Chip at 696-2094 - Wow - What A Great Deal At $225! , Armoire - $30 & matching night-stand - $20 & morel! Call 694-2387, 1993 Mobile Home. Closeto campus. $2,500 & take over payments. Will be ready In May. Ring Dance Route. Call 775-8607. GOLF CLUBS for sale: Golden Ram Tour Blades. Asking $200 Or Best Offer. Call 764-6447, leave message. 2 person loft - $100. Maroon, 2 shelves, ladder. Carpet - $75. Covers entire commons room + extra. Call 847- 2881. BikeForSale: 12 Speed Panasonic Racing Bike. Custom Paint, Cateye Micro Cycling Computer. Excellent Condition. $175/O.B.O. Call 694-2529, Matching loveseat and sofa by Clayton Marcus. Excellent condition. Navy base color. Moving, must sell now! $400, Call 268-1048. For Sale: Tan, Blue, Mauve Plaid Couch and Loveseat -$100. Call 696-7283. Wedding Dress: full length, white, sequined, beaded gown with moderate train & beaded veil included. Size 8- 10, $250 Or Best Offer. Call Cynthia 693-6193. Extra-large Aral Signet Helmet - $85; Large Nolan N37 - $80; Large SR700 Helmet - $60; 2 Michelin Race Tires: Front - 120X70XZR17, Back - 160X60XZR17 - $150/ both; 693-4223. '95 Univega 17” mountain bike. 21 speed. Model Aluminum 701. Only used two months. $450 Or Best Offer. Call Eric 847-5770. DIAMOND RING for engagement, 1/2 CT. marquee, 14K gold setting. Asking $750, negotiable. Call Toby at 696- 8766. Mobile home for sale. Must Seel! $7,900/offer. Call 690- 0691. Pets Must Sell Female Dalmatian! 15 months old, spayed, shots, $100. Call 694-2657. AKC Siberian Husky Puppies. Absolutely gorgeous, four white feet, perfect batman masks, beautiful eyes, sweet & loving disposition - $195 each. Call 694-2122 or 696- 5802. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , Insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Frl (0pm-8pm) & Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am- 2:30pm), Sun (12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-Ins welcome. $20 w/ad » $5 off. 111 Unlv. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117. Body Shop Cal’s Body Shop. Foreign and domestic vehicles. Match your paint exactly. “May we have the next dents?” W. Hwy 21, Bryan. 823-2610. Greeks & Clubs FAST FUNDRAISER - Raise $500 in 5 days - Greeks, Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast, Easy - No Financial Obligation. (800) 459-VISA ext. 33. Personal LONELY? Call Tonight! 1-900-776-6600 Ext. 467u. $2.99/min., must be 18yrs. Procall Co, (602) 954-7420. I, Ivan Chua, apologize to Mark Im & Florence Chen, for- suggesting to Florence on April 3 to isolate Mark. My actions destroyed their friendship & put them in despair. I sincerely regret my words & actions. LIVE PSYCHICS 1-on-1. 1-900-725-4000 ext. 6765. $3.99/min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. Is HERPES controlling your life? I recently found a 400 mg prescription tablet that really helps. Call your physician or Planned Parenthood. 846-1744. Call the Sports/Entertainment Line Today! Sports Fun!!! Scores, Point Spreads and much more!!! 1-900- 526-6000 Ext 5437. $2.99/min and 18+. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. DIRTY, LIVE, NASTY TALK. Hot, Steamy & Erotic. 1- 900-435-4SEX (4739). $2.50-$3.99/min., instant credit, 18+. Farm/Ranch HORSIN' AROUND: One day class for horse enthusiasts - $35. 693-1398. Real Estate GOV’T FORECLOSED Homes From 5%. Delinquent Tax, Repo's, REO's. Your Area. Toll Free 800-898-9778 Ext. H-1652 for current listings. Notice fP “ ' — ^f Planning on getting married soon? Where are you going to hold the reception? Have you ever considered the Faculty Club? Yes, it is possible. For more information, please call Bridget Cole at 862-2988. 1 1 PICK UP OR PURCHASE YOUR '94 AGGIELAND If you ordered a '94 Aggieland, bring your Student ID to room 230 of the Reed McDonald Building between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday, and show it to one of our enthusiastic staff members. If you did not order last year's yearbook, you may purchase one for $30 plus tax. • Let the memories of 1993-94 come rolling back • 864 pages, 2-1/4" thick, weighs almost 12 lbs. • The nation's largest college yearbook AGGIELAND 1994 Richards: Shortstop feels urgency to make playoffs Continued from Page 7 age, 23 RBIs and seven home runs. Despite the impressive numbers, Richards feels that she is not doing as well as she could be. “I’ve started slowly,” Richards said. “I’m not playing like I know I can. I know if I continue to work hard it will start to come around.” Richards illustrated that it is all starting to come around when she turned in an outstand ing performance at last week end’s Tulsa Festival where the Lady Aggies placed second. Richards hit .667 with three home runs and nine runs bat ted in. “She is working hard both as a player and academically,” Brock said. “That is why she is our leading hitter because she does the job.” Not only is Richards an offen sive threat but she is also a sound defensive player. Richards leads the Lady Aggies with a .952 fielding percentage and has committed only one er ror this season. Because Richards transferred to A&M and has only two years of eligibility left, she feels a sense of urgency when it comes to post-season play. “My freshman and sophomore year we got knocked out at re- gionals,” Richards said. “I would love to go to the World Series by my senior year. We have lots of potential and we could make it.” Brock said the team has come together and is ready to make a run for a chance to play in the post-season. “The team is fitting together now with the additions at short stop and third base,” Brock said. “We’ve had some injuries but they’re getting better. We are more team oriented now.” Scabs: Players deserve respect despite crossing picket lines Continued from Page 7 liked his play and will con tact him in the future. Now, Reagans has to go back to working those various jobs and wondering if and when they will call him. Before I could ask another question, Reagans asked me that if I were in his shoes, would I have played for a ma jor league ballclub as a re placement player? I had to think a lot about this question. I think I would play base ball as a replacement player. Even though people would call me a scab, I would risk that in order to get another shot at the majors. Even though none of the replacement players are at the major league level, some of them are at the AAA level, somewhere they were not at before the strike. And then there’s the ques tion of what will happen to the regular ballplayers who crossed the picket lines and went on and played against the union’s demands. Will they get beaned by a pitch be cause they played on instead of striking? Another friend of mine, Jaime Saylor, plays in the Houston Astros organization and said he had to cross the picket lines because this was the only way he could get money out of something he enjoyed. He also said by crossing the picket lines, he would get more baseball in and it could possi bly help him move up closer to the majors. The move paid off as Saylor jumped up from the Class A Quad City River Ban dits team to the Class AA Jackson Generals. He said he hoped no one will have any hard feelings for what he did. He said he did what he thought was best for himself and his career and would not let a baseball strike interfere with that. The replacement players were shown throughout the media as being error-prone in the field and striking out or hitting weak hits at the plate. Yet, some of the replacement players were pretty good. The Texas Rangers should have wished the strike would continue because they had a team which would have proba bly been the only Ranger ball- club to ever contend for a divi sion championship. And some of the replacement players did receive second chances at mi nor league baseball. Yes, the baseball strike did leave a bad taste in my mouth about the sport. However, I would have gone to some of the replacement games and supported them for giving their all on the field and mak ing the most out of an oppor tunity they received. At least they would have not been cry ing because no one has of fered them a lifetime contract worth $100 million. By knowing both a replace ment player and a minor lea guer who crossed the picket line, I began to realize how wrong we are for making fun of them just because they were not Ken Griffey Jr. or Jose Canseco. If you were offered some money to fulfill a sports fanta sy and to replace a crybaby All-Star, wouldn’t you do it? Think about it.