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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1995)
The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569/ Fax 845-2678 Office: Room 015 (bosemenf) Reed McDonald Building -J lAggHE’Private Party .Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less (price must j—r appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If ■ ■ ■ item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 1 p.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end O to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is CO cancelled early. Business Hours Call or visit 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Computers Especially with our A&.M alumni!! Providing the best software and hardware available for accounting, inventory, financing and other business needs is our mission. We seek intelligent, success oriented individuals who want to learn our business from the ground up. We have over 800 employees at our Houston headquarters and over 1400 in the US, UK and Mexico. Current openings for graduating seniors include: * CLIENT SUPPORT REPS * SALES TRAINEES * WRITERS/PRODUCT SUPPORT REPS * PROGRAMMERS - COBOL, C, ASSEMBLY * CLIENT TRAINERS/TEACHERS * SOFTWARE INSTALLATION REPS All positions provide thorough training and are salary + full benefits. We conduct semi-annual performance reviews and promote from within. We hire non-smokers only and provide a professional environment with a team orientation. We plan to be on campus in April. Call us or see your placement office for more details. EOE. Universal Computer Systems, Inc. Ford Dealer Computer Services, Inc. 6700 Hollister, Houston, TX 77040 (713) 744-4500 1-800-883-3031 MUST SELL Macintosh Centris 610 w/built-in CD-ROM, StyleWriter II, fax/modem, 14" color monitor, software & CD's - Package $1,900/0.6.0. Call Jay 847-5688. Miscellaneous WANTED: 100 Students. Lose 8-100 lbs. New metabo lism breakthrough. I lost 15 lbs. In 3 weeks. R.N. assisted. Guaranteed results. $35. 1-800-579-1634. Earn up to a 4.0 this semester! Do it with less effort! 1-800- 418-9799. FREE FINANCIAL AID! Over $6 Billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's Income. Let us help. Call Student Financial Services: 1-800-263- 6495 ext. F58552. Services URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY BLADDER INFECTION Participate in a research program if: * You are suffering from the symptoms of a bladder infection including burning, pain, frequency of and/or cloudy urine. * You are a female between the ages of 18 and 64. Qualified Participants receive the following benefits: * Free medical care from qualified health care professionals. * Free study medication. * Up to $100 for your time and travel. Call now for more information! G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 JOCK ITCH STUDY Patient volunteers needed for research study of new inves tigational medicine for JOCK ITCH (Skin Fungus). * FREE physical exam, treat ments, study medications & lab tests available for qualified participants. * Patient stipend available for qualified participants. * No topical (over-the-counter) treatment in last 2 weeks. For details, Call : G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 ATOPIC DERMATITIS Volunteers between the ages of 13-70 with a history of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis needed to participate in a 6 week research study using an investigational topical prepa ration. No blood work. Eligible volunteers may be compensated. Call for infor mation. G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 STUDENT WORK $8.25 to Start * No Door to Door/Telemarketing * Flexible Schedule Around Class Call 1 0a.m. - 3 p.m. 693-4975 CAMP COUNSELORS Needed. Sugarland, TX (close to Houston). Enthusiastic Individuals 18+only. Applications accepted Mon.-Fri. (1pm-6pm) at 4665 Sweetwater Blvd., Ste #300, Sugarland, TX 77042 or call # 980-8200, Dental receptionist part-time. Dental experience pre ferred. Accepting applications or resumes at Care Plus Dental. 2411-B Tx. Ave., CS. Carpenterwantedfull-time. Multiple skills desirable. Leave message at 779-8113. Work for summer rent! Aggies w/ranch & construction experience needed for ranch work & apartment work .May 9- May 28, in exchange for an apartment for the summer. Call 846-9196 or come by 3914 Old College Rd. to apply. Part-time clerical, approximately 2 days/week, 5 hours/ day. Computer literate & 10-key calculator. Apply Mac Oilfield Services, 1515 Shiloh, Bryan. LITTLE CAESAR'S now hiring delivery drivers only. Apply at Northgate location. Oxford Street Restaurant hiring all positions. Apply in person Mon.-Fri., 2pm-4pm. 1710 Briarcrest Dr.. 268- 0792, Waitstaff needed at Bigdogz'. Apply In person 2pm-5pm. Mon.-Sat., 500 S. Tx. Ave. Minnesota based company expanding. PT/FT sales rep resentatives needed to locally market livestock/crop prod- ucts. Call 1-402-465-3480 ext. 6443. Clerical help needed. Two positions available. 9am-1pm or 1pm-5pm. Send resumes to: Nationwide Insurance, 1100-B Harvey Rd„ CS 77840, A fun, prestigious, part-time position. Averages out to $5/ hr. Mustbe21+. Will arrange training. 694-2122. Typist Needed, 50 WPM accurately. Tuesdays, all day & evenings. Will work around class schedule. Call Debbie for appointment at 822-7899. Part-timework Monday through Friday, cleaning commer cial buildings. Call 823-1614. MOLECULAR BIOLOGISTS: Tech Serv/Mktg Position. Responsibilities: phone support, tech, writing & lab work. BS/MS & 2 yrs. In lab, good communication skills. Reply toAmbion Job#22at 2130 Woodward, Austin, TX 78744. AA Cruise Ships Hiring! Earn big $$$ + free world travel (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, Etc.) Summer/ Permanent, no experience necessary. Guide. (919) 929-4398 ext. C1036. Telemarketers wanted promoting the circus. Work eve nings that fit your schedule, 6pm-9pm, Mon.-Fri. No weekends. $5.00/hr. 846-8818. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite #101, (409) 776- 4453. Employment Opportunity RESORT JOBS - Earn to $12/hr. + tips. Theme Parks, Hotels, Spas, + more. Tropical & Mountain destinations. Call 1-206-632-0150 ext. R56552. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Earn up to $25-$45/ hr. teaching basic conversational English In Japan, Tai wan, or S. Korea. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For info, call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J58553. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+/mo. Room & Board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-4155. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Travel the world while earning an excellent income In the Cruise Ship & Land-Tour Industry. Seasonal & full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For info, call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C58555. For Rent Sublease large 1 bedroom apartment. Country Place Apartments. $390/mo. Call 691-4682. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth. New carpet. Gas, waters sewage paid. $480/mo. through August 15. On shuttle, pets o.k. 764-7188. Eastgate Apartments, Summer sublease, large 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, pool, water paid. 764-8757. Sublease large 2bdrm-2bth, W/D, $500/mo., $200/dep., lease ends August, pets ok. 696-0883. Sublease Ibdrm-lbth private dorm, pool-side, assigned secured parking, meals, organized activities, maintenance & cleaning, $300/mo. 1-800-773-2326, 1-800-757-1187. Summer sublease or 1 to 2 female roommates for Sum mer. 2bdrm-2bth, $550/mo. 846-3543. Sublease available for Summer. Option to renew lease in Fall. Tlmbercreek Apartments. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. Pets allowed, bus-route, approximately $480/mo. 691-2075. Treehouse Village, 1bdrm-1bth. Summer $350/mo.. Fall & Spring $435/mo. Water paid, shuttle. 693-8824. i Summer sublease available 5/13. 2bdrm-2bth apt.. The Oaks. Paid water, hot water, sewer, very cheap utilities; extra large bedrooms - $545/mo. Call Tammy or James 823-5053. NOW LEASING: Scholars Inn 846-9196, Academic Village 846-9196 & Casa Blanca 846-1413. Summer & Fall leases. Special Summer rates. Furnished & unfur nished. 1 & 2 bedrooms. Summer Sublease. Available May 6. Lease ends Aug. 16. 1bdrm-1bth at Briarwood Apartments. May rent paid. 693-0276. Sublease 1bdrm-1bth, May 15-Aug. 15. W/D, lcemaker& microwave. Will pay portion of rent. 694-2759. A 2bdrm-1 1/2bth fourplex, W/D Included, water paid - $475/mo.. Condo - $525/mo. Shuttle, yard. Manual Drive Fourplexes. 693-0551, 764-8051. Summer Sublease 3bdrm-1 1/2bth. Furnished, close to campus, laundry on-site, pool, $200/each, water & cable Included. 693-4068. Summer Sublease. Casa Del Sol Apartments beside St. Mary’s. 2 blocks from campus, furnished. Able to renew lease in fall. $290/mo. 845-3944 or 846-7120. Summer Sublease 2bdrm-2bth, 1/2 mile from campus, in Scandia Apartments, large bedrooms, pool. 764-9119. Preleasing for May/June move-ln. 3bdrm-2bth fourplex with W/D - $675; 2bdrm-1bth fourplex with W/D - $475; 2bdrm-2bth duplex with W/D - $550; 2bdrm-1bth duplex. W/D connections - $475. Select Prop. 696-3107. Summer sublease spacious 2bdrm-1 1/2bth. All extras, save$130/mo. Hurry! 268-7585. Sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, available May after graduation. $590/mo., all bills paid. Call Tyler 693-8760. Large 2 bdrm-1 1/2bth, studio apartment through August. Utilities paid, on shuttle. 694-8464. 2bdrm-1bth, pool, laundry mat, water & sewer paid, patio/ balcony. Available now, preleasing & summer leases available. $465/mo. Monterrey Apartments. 268-0840. 1 extra large bedroom condo, behind Bryan High, W/D connections, $450/mo. Call Christy or Don at 778-2087. SUMMER SUBLEASE 3bdrm-2bth fourplex. on bus route. Available summer and/or fall. 696-1227. 2bdrm-1bth nice apartments, behind Super 8 Motel. Call 823-8210 or 822-6196. Brand new/ Just built 2bdrm-2bth, W/D, on shuttle route, $700/mo 696-7907, leave message. Large 2bdrm-1bth, Intrusion alarms, some utilities paid, pool, shuttle, many extras. 691-2062. GREAT APARTMENT!! Full-size Wash./Dry., 2bdrm- 1bth, Intrusion alarm, shuttle, $479/mo, 693-4168. 2bdrm-1bth, e z access to TAMU, $350/mo. Call 822- 6272 or 778-1951. Large Ibdrm available now, 3 miles from A&M, completely remodeled. Call 822-0472. Farm/Ranch HORSIN’ AROUND: One day class for horse enthusiasts - $35. 693-1398. Roommate Roommate needed for May 1 yr. lease, studio apartment, own room, lots of extras, $312.50/mo. Call Shannon at 764-5875. Male roommate needed for summer. Private room/bath, 2bdrm-2bth, $250/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 821-6224. Roommate needed ASAP for nice house. Own room. $ 192/mo. + 1/3 utilities. 822-6318. Roommate needed summer semesters, $240/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Call Kelly at 693-1876. Female roommate. Own room & bath, $275/mo., avall- able now. Call Jennifer 846-4620 or 846-0629. SUMMER 1CR2 Female Roommates Needed. $180.83/ mo. + part utilities, on bus route. Call 696-4353. Roommate MOTORCYCLE TROUBLES? Need help getting it work- Ing? Call Mark at 690-7519. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-fun, Laugh-a-lotl! Ticket dismissal , insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W (8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri (6pm-8pm) & Sat (10am-2:30pm), Sat (8am- 2:30pm), Sun (12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-Ins welcome. $20 w/ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Ste. 217, 846-6117. GUITAR LESSONS. Acoustic or Electric. All Styles Call Blake 847-6857. Female needed to share 2bdrm-2bth Brownstone Apart ment, summer semester, $ 185/mo. (903) 389-3641. Body Shop For Sale Lady Kenmore electric dryer - $75; exercise station $150; 2 bar stools - $10. Call 764-3926 and leave message. Sofa and Loveseat with matching lamps. Good condition, asking $150 Or Best Offer. Call Donny or John at 693- 2726. 286 Clone with an amber screen, CD ROM, printer, two games on floppy. No hard drive. $55. Call Danielle at 647-2647, MONK’S Moving Sale: Wash./Dry. - $115/each; couch & loveseat (Southwest design) - $750/set; 2 cherrywood dressers - $165/each; 25" color TV w/remote - $250; 10X13' carpet - $100. Call Kathy at 268-0594. WEDDING DRESS - full length, white, sequined, beaded gown with moderate train & beaded veil Included. Size 8- 10, $250 Or Best Offer. Call Cynthia 693-6193. Small bed with mattress and boxspring - $60. Call 845- 2802 or 693-7974. Synthesizer for sale: ENSONIQ ESQ1. Peavey KB 100 Amp, “A" frame. Components together $800 negotiable. 846-2833, leave message. FLUTE for sale - solid silver gemeinhardt In excellent condition! $300 Or Best Offer. Call Lla at 847-0015. Wedding Dress: Traditional, full, white, sequined gown with sweetheart neck-line. Size 14, $275 negotiable. Call 696-8532. JVC Stereo In cabinet: CD Player, Tuner, Double Tape Deck, Amplifier & 2 Three-way speakers - $400 O.B.O. Men's Bike, Great Condition, $50. Call Pat at 696-7115. 3 piece couch set: matching couch, love seat & chair. Black with feminine design. Excellent condition, $300 Or Best Offer. 779-6620, please leave message. Professional Quality Olympic Weight Bench w/Welghts. Lat & Row, Preacher Curl, Squat & Leg Add-ons. Must See! $698 negotiable. Call 696-5441. 30’ TREK 1000 road bike. Aluminum frame, Campy crank, Dura-Ace hubs w/aero wheels. Zefal hp, Cateye Micro, & necessary tools Included. $500/0.8.0 . 775- 0719. Mobile home for sale. Must Seel! $8,500. Call 690-0691. Albino Burmese female - $275; Reg. Burmese (hetero) male - $200; common boa - $175. Cages available. Call Mike at 775-8606. AKC Siberian Husky Puppies. Absolutely gorgeous, four white feet, perfect batman masks, beautiful eyes, sweet & loving disposition - $195 each. Call 694-2122 or 696- 5802. Full blood Pit-bull pups, six males, first shots & wormed. $150 each, taking deposits. Call 764-3973. ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Cal's Body Shop. Foreign and domestic vehicles. Match your paint exactly. "May we have the next dents?" W. Hwy 21. Bryan. 823-2610. Greeks & Clubs FAST FUNDRAISER - Raise $500 in 5 days - Greeks, Groups, Clubs, Motivated Individuals. Fast, Easy - No Financial Obligation. (800) 775-3851 ext. 33. Real Estate ATTENTION COUNTRY LOVERS! Can You Believe All Of This In One Property? A new home, room for a horse. Investment property, dog pens, garage with an office, & much, much more. 12 miles from town. All of this for $115,900. Call Janet Higgins, Ashford Square Realty today! 260-7653 or 774-7111. JH#71294. 1984 14 X 70 Oakwood 2bdrm-2bth mobile home. W/D connections, located in Oak Forest. 764-8343. Personal Meet That Special Someone Now!! 1-900-562-5500 Ext. 5638. $2.99/min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954- 7420. Sports News, Point Spreads, Horoscopes, Soap Opera Updates & More!!! 1-900-526-7000 Ext. 4462. $2.99/ min., must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. ARE YOU TRULY IN LOVE?? Find Oufhow by sending for my condensed research information. $5 00 check or money order. “Dr. Bill" , 918 Willner Circle, Sanford, FL 32771. LONELY? Need to hear a soft, smiling voice?? 1-900- 263-9000 ext. 8832. $3.99/mln., must be 18yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. Is HERPES controlling your life? I recentlyfounda400mg prescription tablet that really helps. Call your physician or Planned Parenthood. 846-1744. You Can Find Your Special Someone Now!!! 1-900-776- 3005 Ext. 6989. $2.99/min., must be 18 yrs. ProCall Co. (602) 954-7420. Call the Sports/Entertainment Line Today! Sports Fun!!! Scores, Point Spreads and much more!!! 1-900- 526-6000 Ext. 5437. $2.99/mln and 18+. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420, MEET YOU R Match On The Singles Dateline! Call 1 -900- 776-3005 ext. 5537. $2.99/min. - Must be 18 - Procall Co. (602) 954-7420. DIRTY, LIVE, NASTY TALK Hot. Steamy & Erotic. 1- 900-435-4SEX (4739). $2.50-$3.99/min., Instant credit, 18+. Travel Automobiles STUDENT TRAVEL CLUB!! $75 off first ticket purchase! $99 Worldwide Airfares. Discounted Europe/lnt’l Fares. Youth Hostel Guide, & more. Join today!! (919)929-4398 ext. T1036. '87 Pontiac Formula, blue/grey Interior, power windows/ locks, automatic, tint, great condition, $4,500. 847-4748. '84 Nissan Sentra - 5 door, 5 speed, white, good paint, 25mpg., only $900. Call Michael at 823-1601. Attorney Typing Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Weddings, Parties. Reason- able rates. Will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. SOUND POWER Professional DJ Service. Parties/ Mix ers. Lights/Smoke. 847-4491. Computers Macs & Printers for sale/lease from $30/mo. Software, repairs, RAM/HD upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. WE DEFEND M.LP. CHARGES JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 Notcrtlftxf «» » «p»cto>«t In mm- WE DEFEND TRAFFIC TICKETS JOHN T. QUINN ATTORNEY (409)774-8924 (800)927-3115 PICK UP OR PURCHASE YOUR '94 AGOIELAND If you ordered a '94 Aggieland, bring your Student ID to room 230 of the Reed McDonald Building between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you did not order last year's yearbook, you may purchase one for $30 plus tax. • Let the memories of 1993-94 come rolling back • 864 pages, 2-1/4" thick, weighs almost 12 lbs. • The nation's largest college yearbook HELP WANTED Battalion Circulation Student Worker Assist in distribution of The Battalion on the Texas A&M campus. Also, assist in insertion of pre-printed advertising material and performing other circu lation tasks. $4.53 per hour. Should be a Texas A&M student in good stand ing, be available to work between 8 and 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, and have a talent for getting along with people. For immediate consider- tion, contact Francia Eldridge in the Student Publications Business Office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building. Page 8 • The Battalion . Monday • March 27, 1995 Varnell Hopktns III/Spfciai to The Battamon Scott Bernstein, Matt Wolkenburg, Dave Minnegrode, Charley Johnson, and Doug Rohn (l-r) work together as they warm up for the 25 mile team trial held just north of Bryan-College Station. Cycling team takes first in local meet Staff and Wire Reports The Texas A&M cycling team took first place in a meet held in College Station on Sunday. The meet was a five-man time trial of 40 kilometers. The win came one day after the team took second place over all in a six-team meet held at Southwest Texas State On Saturday, the men’s ‘C’ team of Jeff Dehaven, Clark Davidson, John Markaland, Eric Osterjard and Shane Binion fin ished first in their race and were joined in the winner’s circle by Tina and Mia Scheufele who took first in the women’s bracket on both days. The men’s team also produce a first-place winner on Saturday when the team of Davidson and Markaland took first at SWTSU. The cycling team will return to action this coming weekend when they travel first to the University of North Texas and then to Midwestern State (Louisiana) to compete in meets. Cruz: Junior shows apple doesn’t fall far from tree Continued from Page 7 The public address announc er at the Dome got the already frenzied crowd to take the in tensity level up even higher by leading the “Cruuuuuuuuz!!” yell for over two minutes. With his classic exaggerated batting stance, Cruz worked the count and lashed a sinking line drive into right-center field. The crowd exploded for a moment, but out of nowhere came the Padres’ center fielder to rob Cheo of one last high light with a spectacular sliding catch. The next season, Cruz signed on with the New York Yankees, but could never find his swing again, save once. Only days be fore he was released by the Bronx Bombers, Cruz launched a pinch-hit grand slam on a na tionally televised Saturday af ternoon game to win one for the Yankees. I think that was the only time I have ever cheered for a New York team. That was 1988. For the next few years, the Astros were not very good, and won no love from the fans by let ting Nolan Ryan slip away to the Rangers, releasing long time favorite Alan Ashby and trading Billy Doran to the Reds. But during 1989, there was a new buzz in the air. Attend ing the same high school as me in Houston was none other than the aforementioned Cruz Jr., who looked and looks so much like his father it’s scary. Bellaire High School already had a heck of a baseball pro gram when Cruz Jr. got there. The Cardinals were just three years removed from a state championship won in large part by Chuck Knoblauch, who was wowing the crowds at Olsen Field by 1989. Cruz Jr. quickly made a name for himself at the high school level and by the time he was a junior it became appar ent that he had inherited all of his father’s baseball talent, plus immense physical prowess At the Texas High School All-Star game in 1991, Cruz Jr. crushed a home run into the leftfield power alley of the Dome, making the already-ex cited college and major league scouts in attendance practical ly drool. After graduation, Cruz Jr. was drafted in the 15th round by the Atlanta Braves, but in stead decided to stay at home and attend Rice. His play there since has been nothing short of spectacu lar. In his freshman year he was named as a first-team freshman All-American. Last season, he just missed winning the Triple Crown in the Southwest Conference as he put up a .401 batting average, knocked out 14 home runs and knocked in 68 runs. He put those numbers up in just 55 games. If you run those stats through a 162-game schedule, they get really scary, but good scary. We’re talking 41 home runs, 200 RBIs and 85 stolen bases. Even half of those totals are All-Star caliber in the majors. With the strike still unset tled, it would seem Cruz’s fu ture is a bit uncertain. But in fact, his magnificence on the field is one of the reasons that the two sides will eventually resolve their foolishness. Cruz Jr. and players like him are too good not to be out there playing. Houston fans would surely like to see an other Cruz loping across the turf in the Dome, but just having one in the major leagues, playing with other major leaguers, will be good enough for me. ABOVE AM) BEYOND TRAVEL AGENClj NOW OPEN Experienced Professional Agents For All Your Domestic and International Travel at the Lowest Available Fare Bilingual Services Provided Travel Consultants: Dorothy Hernandez Geraldine Hester-Baccus Irene Tank Carol Hernandez Cancun Special ■ $299 “Attend - Our Grand Opening March 28th at 11:30 A.M.” 4001 E. 29th St., Suite 114 Bryan, TX 77802 (409) 260-1267 • 1-800-229-7033 Most Major Credit Cards Accepted