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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1995)
1995 variety :ome ice to naging itertain- tt’s defi lerience ingtyp- ig tap XT rs VcmeII rrteY TvofyS -he uesday * March 21, 1995 fouths accused f rustling cattle o pay for spring teak condo KINGSVILLE (AP) — Pay- g for a condo during spring reak was the motive for 10 oungsters accused of rustling [9 head of cattle, their lawyer id Monday. “They wanted to party with |he money. That’s all they anted, to rent a condo,” said icardo Soliz of Premont, who presents all 10 defendants. Officials say the defendants pparently stole the cattle om the Santa Rosa Ranch on ree occasions dating back to [anuary and sold some of the imals at a livestock auction Alice. The money was de- osited in a bank account in e name of one of the youths. “They were just kids. They Ijift a paper trail a mile wide nd everything pointed to em,” Soliz said. Soliz and Assistant District ttorney Vincent Gonzalez id the defendants will likely ter a plea agreement that in- udes $4,000 in restitution to bert East of Kenedy County, ner of the cattle. Some of |ie animals were recovered be fore being sold, Gonzalez said. The agreement likely will in- lude probation and community \tkins fervice, the attorneys said. The etrib maximum penalty for cattle ngs of lustling is two years’ probation. ■ “They don’t have a crirtiinal history and they are young,” y Gonzalez said. lenate approves jmoking ban in state buildings | AUSTIN (AP) — Smoked- filled rooms at the Texas Capi tol could become a thing of the post under legislation approved b> the Senate on Monday. In f The bill to ban smoking in state buildings and at state agency hearings was sponsored agency|w a former smoker. Sen. Mike nzed a Boncrief, D-Eort Worth. He said the prohibition would help pro- leading (he health of state workers, worlds “Everyone is aware of the rely in(| ama g e secondary smoke does as far as our health is con- '(femed,” Moncrief said. I ‘‘I think they’re also more 1 aware of the damage it does to A/ our structures. And I heard a * * I new concern ... that it also does a tremendous amount of dam- ead outfage to our computers,” he said. The Senate sent the bill to e House on a voice vote. Sen. Peggy Rosson, D-El aso, was recorded voting ainst the measure. She said it ould reduce state employees’ oductivity. “It wastes a lot of employee dy partitime, in my opinion,” Ms. 'Rosson said. Hsmiss “With designated smoking 2r sity oi|areas, I could vote for that. But lityseato say absolutely no place, I think, is silly. It sends every- worse body out to the curb. That does n’t seem very productive to me.” ,h grant Legislative researchers said s in jail Texas is one of six states that iasn’t adopted anti-smoking e abuzdegislation for state buildings. i A survey of 24 state agencies Keane found 14 with rules calling for in’t like;8moke-free buildings. Others al low smoking in designated ar eas such as cafeterias, re-> rooms or private offices. STATE T Stick litilllllillll The Battalion • Page 5 :#|-piifr By Alvaro IVE BEEN THINKING A5C 3/20/'! 5 LIHf DID IT ONlj* TAKlI ME ABOUT HALF A SECpHT> v TO GCT U-SED TO -SPRING BKCAK? ) BUT IT5 TAKING ME DAY5 TO GET USED TO Going back to-school!, k LIHY ASK UHY ? The Inkwell By Brad VJkkTCHA CPolvX, VNert? ( T "Suxi-T THE VJCKUPS PTPST 'TT«e STEP TH &- TRT IT. ; — '£j D* 7c /I in • ’r' ll ^ -Q L Ih o < —> 1 TF <3 D ; IT PlcWr Ack/ voHAT^e You staping i icniw/ At f x smoolca ) U^eo SPQjjCHeq^ ) Adventures in Augieland By m THE NEXT TIMe Yt>0 MEARSOMEOKIE r WeLL. I WEMT 1^} STEAMBOAT'S * " WE GOT 50 SUNBURNED I ; WE WERE LIKE ON THE *ES all PAT.■ ■ • /...OH, AND VOU'ftE NOT GOING TO r Believe this,...Right as we’re GETTING PEE THE train INBxRIS,.-. ^ European vacation =J2,ooo~t Sk@lt(£h .■IPTHEN,WHEN WE r OUT OE THE COUNTY' ML,WE CAME BACK TO PADRE. AND 3\>ST - SAT ONTHR- BeA<H. ’'DETECTlVd FACT . wipethe Bloody glove ali_ over,, >THE iHSIDE AND QUJSIPB OE TUB \ .WHITE &R8NC0 "?"..-££> YOU CANJ 'SEEjOUDGEXTO is HURRIEDLY ; DISMISSING THE OXiRoRs AS THE > LAWYERS GO TO YE-Tj - , Another sidebar.i 5KUNG= AT LEAST ffBOO Sooth padre island^ 4(pr>ce VARIES.XT DEPENDS ON WHAT KIND OP BEER YOU DRANK AND WHETHER or not You slept on the beach.) SO PON T PEEL SO BAD AND rrosT think of the money you SAVED BY GOING HOME TO RELAX AND watch SOME quality Television GOING BACK HOME TO l_EECrt OFF . Your PARENTS = free By Quatro Ihow to read a woman's personai- AD-li rV.-T need someone to shake mv E>L. ACKT-H OL£ OE A SO-CALLEZD I STANDS FOR “SINGLE: WHITE FEMALE. however , rr SHout-t> stand for "STAY WAr FARAWAY"! COMPARED TO A BLirvyp.- ■iW ORDER TO SPEND EVEN- MORE OF YOUR MONET 1" ...WITH A MRS. DEGREE:. EXCEPT FOR ME , OF COURSE.' 1 TIRED OF SPENDING MT MIGHTS ALONE. -PETITE , SWF, SEeViNG A F/MANCIAL-y LY SECURE MAN WHO ENTOTS QUIET EVENINGS OF CUDDi-INO up on the COUCH AND INDULGING IN BON-aoNS- •OR WILD NIGHTS OUT ON THE TOWN* ■I Am a college grapuate , witty; - And INTO all types of music.-, -NO FRBAKS. *=* OOOO. MOM WAS RIGHT... FIND ONE At CHURCH 1 . DESOLATE, .I FE." ^-..'jSO X CAN SHARE TOUR INCOME (NOT MINE .OFCOURse] .f.IN FACT .THAT'S WHAT I DO EVERT NIGHT SINCE X DON’T HAVE A MAN!". ."l CAN'T WAIT TO HANG OUT WITH MT GIRLFRIENDS AND BASH YOU. YOU COCKY, MACHO PIG!" ./'AS LONG AS YOU PlAY WHAT X WANT TO LISTEN e wonli| friendly ur cw n woulij rted thf 11s from Weather Today Mostly sunny with a high near 82. South winds 10-15 mph. Tonight Partly cloudy with a low near 60. South winds^at 10 mph. > f > Wednesday Mostly sunny with a high near 84. Wednesday Night Partly cloudy with a low near 64. W \ A > f Thursday Increasing clouds. High near 82. > * s s ) Source - A&M Chapter of the American Meteorological Society Join The Aggie Orientation Leader Program as we Map Out Aggieland. This is your chance to draw from your experiences and help orient thousands of new students this summer. Pick up applications at the following locations: 314 Y.M.C.A. Building the Student Programs Office in MSC Student Activities in the Koldus Bldg. Multicultural Services (137 MSC) Support Services for Students With Disabilities (126 Koldus Bldg.) APPS ARE DUE MARCH 24th 5:00 p.m. 314 Y.M.C.A. Questions? Call 862-2746 or stop by the third floor of Y.M.C.A. INFECTED WOUND STUDY VIP Research is seeking individuals, 8 yrs. of age or older, with infeaed wounds For a 3-wk. research study of an investigational antibiotic cream. Qualified participants will receive free study medication, study supplies, &C medical exams. $100 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complet this study. For more information, call: VOLUNTEERS IN PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH, INC. (409) 776-1417 Engagement Rings 10%-15% OFF! Official Wholesale Price List! S.A. Peck dr Co. 55 E. Washington, Chicago, IL 60602 For a Free 32-Page Color Catalog Toll-Free (800) 922-0090 Fax (312) 977-0248 Internet Catalog at http: //tvwiv.sapeck.comJsapeck / THIS WEEK AT nCrtR CANTINA r!W|» 823-2368 201 YV. 26th St.., Downtown Bryan For Party Rentals call Willie, 822-3743 after 4 p.m. Mon., - Sat. Drink Specials Wed. & Thurs. 5-10 pm Open 5 pm - 1 am Wed. - Sat. 18 and older welcome FREE IMimate plus 10% ~ on Labor with Student I.D. plus Guaranteed Quality Auto Body Repairs plus Convenient Location (Intersection of Harvey ltd. & Ilwy. 30) i)ij "Danny & Janie Velasquez" Body Shop 731-8307 You ran trust our 30 years of experience.© WEDNESDAY 03/22 z o P-* o Rock $5 $2. admission with Indigo Girl ticket) THURSDAY 03/23 MOJO NIXON w/ Bee Stung Lips Alternative FRIDAY 03/24 DEEP BLUE SOMETHING r c m* 2 with BLACK PEARL Rock $6 SATURDAY 03/25 MARK DIVIO MANDERS C/W $5 mmm on-mm mm CONTRACT RENEWAL MARCH 21 - 22 7-10 p.m. in your hall renew your contract hall change room change transfer to corps student teaching Look for the bright yellow brochure! All On-Campus Residents must renew their contract or cancel their housing for the Fall 1995-Spring 1996 academic year. Make your plans now! Start Brewing Now For Aggieland Brewfest April 29th @ Carney’s Pub prizes - Prizes - Prizes Collegiate - Professor - Open Divisions Prizes for Most Creative Label Prizes for Most Creative Beer Name • Overall Winner will receive a trip for two to Jamaica • Second place wins a kegging system Listen to Mix 104.7 for further details. For information on becoming a judge read Study Breaks and register at Carney’s. Get your supplies at Home Brewers Supply 2307 Texas Ave. South (across from Fuddruckers) Open Tuesday - Friday 11-7 Saturday 12:00 - 6 , Closed Sunday & Monday 764-8486