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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1994)
The Battalion f - 1 ' > -I j The Battalion Classified Ads Office: Room 015 (basemenf) Reed McDonald Building ■ . 845-0569 Or FAX us at 845-2678 Business Hours Call or visit 8 a.m, - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday in Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication accepted .‘AGGIE’ Private Party. Want Ads $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandies is priced $1000 or less r-— (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an Uj additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 arn ' on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early Help Wanted [ Help Wanted For Rent | Roommate ■ Automobiles J Miscellaneous HEALTHY MALES 18-35 WANTED as semen donors excellent compensation confidential! Call 776-4453 JOB OPENING (part/full time) Arbin Corp., a local electronic equipment manufacturing co. is hiring diligent professionals with strong relevant education background and/or skills. ‘Sales Engineers electrical engineering or chem ical engineering background preferred. ‘Electrical Engineers for designing, testing, service & technical support. ‘Instrument Assemblers Assembling/wiring/machining experience preferred. ‘Secretary/Receptionist good business/technical writing skills required. ‘Bookkeeper/Light Acct. Send Resume to: P.O. Box 9912 College Station, TX 77845 TRANSPORTATION OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR PART-TIME POSITIONS COLLEGE STUDENTS BRYAN, TX LOCATION Roadway Package Systems has challenging part-time entry level opportunity in operations. The positions are responsible for: dispatching, dock operations, interfacing with sales force and upper level management, and various administrative duties. These positions will groom individuals for full time operation man agement upon graduating from college. The ideal candidate will be energetic, hard working and goal-oriented. A BA/BS degree or pursuing a degree with good communica tions skills is essential. We offer $250 weekly and a benefits package. Qualified candidates should send resume to: ROADWAY PACKAGE SYSTEM, INC. Attn: TM 6805-B Imperial Drive Waco, Texas 76712 EO/AAE URINARY TRACT INFECTION STUDY If you presently have the following symptoms, call to see if you are eligible to participate in a Urinary Tract Infection Research Study (bladder infection). Eligible volunteers will be compensated. *Painful urination ‘Frequent urination ‘Urgency ‘Females age 18-64 G & S studies, inc. ( close to campus) 846-5933 A Gentle, Easy, Extra $120 Per Month CASH You lie back in a lounge chair, get a pin prick & you're on your own to read, study, talk or daydream. 60 minutes & you're up & away. Cash in hand! Westgate Plasma Center 4223 Wellborn Rd, 846-8855 Come ...It's that easy Store clerks needed. Freshman or sophomore preferred. Applications accepted at Note-N-Quotes at 701 Univer- sity Dr, (across from Blocker). Help Wanted 20-40hrs a week, Texaco Store Clerk. 815 South Texas Avenue. Mike 696-4700. References re quired. Housekeeper/Babysitter. Caring, responsible person Flexible hours. Experience preferred. 690-6763. Make $6/hr. In your spare time being a campus marketing rep. No selling. Tap into a huge market. Call Trevor Camps at 1-800-243-2435. Warehouse helpers needed. Start at $4.50/hr., work 4days/wk, 4pm-8pm Apply at Jack Hilliard Dist., 1000 Independence. Bryan TX. Part-time female attendant needed for handicapped stu dent. Lifting required. Call 696-4713. Electronics Technician with experience in radio transmit ting & receiving, needed to build experimental prototype of electronic device. Good Pay Call Claudio. 846-6686. Wendy's now hiring management & crew for all shifts. Apply between 3pm-5pm, 202 S.W.Pkwy or 3216 S. Tx. Ave. WANTED: Senior or Graduate student with expertise in early childhood development, to do library type work for individual. Will pay well for the right person. Call 764- 6023. Part-time Youth Director/Full-time for Summer. Begins Jan 95. Send Resume & References to St. Pauls United j|jg Methodist Church, 2506 Cavitt, Bryan, TX 77801. Student Circulation Manager Assist Student Publications staff in cir culation activities of The Battalion, dis tributing newspaper to more than 100 locations on the Texas A&M campus and in College Station and fulfilling mail subscriptions. Also, assist in overseeing insertion of pre-printed advertising material, hiring and supervising student circulation staff, and performing any related tasks. Should be a Texas A&M student with overall GPR at or above 2.0, be available to work 8 a.m. to noon Monday-Friday, have knowledge of newspaper circulation operations, have valid driver’s license and excellent dri ving record, and have a talent for getting along with people. Submit resume along with cover letter to Francia Eldridge in the Student Publications Business Office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building, by Tuesday, December 6. R&D Company is looking for a Science or Engineering student to work 12-15/hrs, 3 days/wk doing library re search etc. Transportation a must. Call Joy Caldwell at Lynntech, Inc, 693-0017, University Beach Club is looking for Spring Break Sales Reps. Earn free trips & extra cash! Call today, 1-800- BEACH-BUM. Phone operators needed. Start today, $5/hr. Promoting the Circus. Mike 846-8818. A Sweet Job! Apply now at Great American Cookie in Post Oak Mall, for all positions. Management, full-time or part- time. Mom's, students & senior citizens wanted. Good pay & benefits. Call 764-0079 or come by. Tangram Rehab Network of San Marcos, in the beautiful Texas hill country, needs mature, caring people to work with brain-injured adults. Approximately 52 hrs/wk, $1,100- $1,200/mo. starting pay based on experience & educa tion. Study in Sociology, Psychology, Special Ed., etc. helpful. Drug screening required. Outstanding benefits, excellent advancement potential. Call (512) 353-8535 for an application/job description. Evening work M-F, must be available 4:30 or 5:00pm for a commercial custodial cleaning business. Two positions available. Light or heavy cleaning. Call 823-1614. Employment Opportunity CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up to $2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World Travel. Seasonal & Full-Time employment available. No experi ence necessary. Forinfo. call 1-206-634-0468 ext. C58552. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - Students Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3,000-$6,000+per month. Room & board! Transportation! Male or Female. No experience necessary. Call (206) 545-4155 ext. A58552. For Rent Single bedroom apartment in Lincoln Square Apartments. Available for sublease, $430/mo. 764-3060. THE ENCLAVE. Sublease 2bdrm-2bth, W/D, $725/mo., mid-Dec. or January. Adrienne 694-3881. Duplex for rent. 1 bdrm-1 bth with study, close fo campus, $345/mo. 764-7906. 2bdrm-1bth apartment for lease starting January, $445/ mo. Call Amy or Cathy at 696-2021 for details. Sublease Spring at Enclave Apartments. 2bdrm-2bth, W/ D, secured parking, microwave, no security deposit, $800/ mo. Call 694-3778. Sublease at the Forum. Meals, private bath, on bus route, $467.50/mo. 821-7150. $60/mo.Off!I Nice, 1 bdrm-1 bth, sublease for $370. Part of pet deposit paid. Collect (214) 562-3047. Spring-Sublease 1bdrm-1bth, $390/mo., W/D connec tions, shuttle. Oakwood Apts., available 12-20. 764- 3162. Lrg., quiet, 2bdrm-1bth apt., Jan. 1st, water pd„ micro- wave, sec. system, shuttle, cvrd. parking, $439/mo. 846- 7108. Sublease - Aurora Gardens 3bdrm-2bth, $300 deposit,. $775 rent. Available mid-Dec., W/D connections. Mike or Kelly at 693-4623. Sublease through May 95. 1 bdrm-1 bth studio, Cripple Creek Condos. Greatlocatlon, available Dec. 22. Call Will 696-2520. Sublease 2bdrm-2bth Cripple Creek Condo, W/D, ceiling fans, $675/mo. (409) 764-2937. Apartment sublet. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, W/D connections, $465/mo., available 12-15-94. (409) 774-7080, after5pm. Help! Must sublet spacious efficiency for Spring semes ter. 10 minutes from campus on Elephant Walk Bus Route, $365/mo. + bills Call 693-1325, ask for #311. Complimentary Bus Pass Included. Sublease- 1bdrm-1 bth apartment, W/D, new carpet, avail- able Jan. 1st, $450/mo. Call 260-1907, Sublease room at University Towers. $3,250 for Spring semester. Call 268-5621. Sublease, $520/mo., Stonewood Village (across from The Tap). 2bdrm-2bth, balcony, ceiling fan. volley-ball court, pool, shuttle route. Holly 696-2005. Sublease through Aug. 95, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth duplex. New carpet & paint, ceiling fans, close to campus, yard service, $550/mo. 696-4720. Sublease 1bdrm-1bth for $350/mo., no deposit, close to campus. 691-8804, Quiet place in the country for serious student & pet. Furnished, $300+/mo. 1-800-578-0651. Available Spring Semester. 1bdrm-1bth studio apart ment, $375/mo. Call Tony at 846-0119. Sublease Spring. 2bdrm-2bth, Courtyard Apartment, bus route, $490/mo. Available 1-1-95. Call 696-3517. Two months free rent for help remodeling 2bdrm-1bth house near campus. 696-5056. Big, beautiful, 3 bedroom apartment, close to campus, $600/mo. Call 694-2687. 3bdrm house, 2 mins, from shuttle, newly painted, car peted, CH/CA, large den & backyard, $550/mo. Call 823- 0329. Sublease efficiency for spring semester. Doux Chene, $330/mo. Call after 6pm, (817) 292-4869. C.S. 2bdrm-1bth fourplex, W/D connections, convenient location, extra storage, available January, $445/mo. Se lect Properties. 696-3107. Sublease through Aug. 95, Sausalito Apartment. 2bdrm- 1 1/2bth. available Dec. 15 or sooner if needed, $530/mo., water paid. Call 696-9112. Sublease 4bdrm-2bth house, fireplace, fenced yard, $725/ mo., available 1-1-95 693-0691. College Station duplex, 309-A Spruce Street. 2bdrms + loft, vaulted ceiling, W/D, 2/10 mile from campus, $650/ mo. Mark (713) 728-2385. Large 1 bdrm-1 bth with lots of closet space, close to Male roommate wanted to share a 3bdrm duplex. $180/ campus, $453/mo., all bills paid. Call 693-2985. mo. + 1/3 bills. 822-1332. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth duplex, W/D connections, back- yard pets okay. Call 775-1652. Available December: 1bdrm-1bth, College Station, Pets, Bus Stop on Site, Call 764-6614. Sublease apartment in Sausalito. 1bdrm-1bth, new carpet, refrigerator & dishwasher. 694-8389. Great Spring Rates at Casa Blanca Apartments. 2bdrm- 1 bth furnished - $400/mo.; unfurnished - $350/mo. Close to campus. 846-1413. SPRING SUBLEASE. 2bdrm-1bth, $485/mo., W/D, cell- ing fans, new carpet, shuttle. Eric 693-8909. NO DEPOSIT!! Spring Sublease. Spacious Efficiency - Treehouse Viljage. Free Cable, low utilities. Complimen tary Bus Pass!! 764-6465. Sublease Spring Semester. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, close to campus, $485/mo. Call 696-2429. 2bdrm-2bth townhouse, celling fans, lawn maintenance, W/D connections, 2-car carport. Nice, clean neighbor hood. Available Jan. 1st, $615/mo. Call 823-6802, leave message. Spring/Summer sublease. 2bdrm-1bth, $450/mo., 5mln. from campus, low utilities. Available January 1995. Call 693-7878. Sublease 3bdrm-2bth duplex, $775/mo., W/D connec tions, fireplace, fenced yard, Wolf Pen area. 694-2545. Sublease 1bdrm-1bth, $390/mo., no deposit, Jan.-Aug., College Main Apts., 5 blocks to campus, shuttle. 691- 2522. Sublease for Spring semester. 2bdrm-1bth, on shuttle bus route, $470/mo. 693-7143, leave message. Sublease Ibdrm-lbth, Sundance, large closets, $430/ mo. Call Rob 696-5531. Spring semester sublease. Spacious, 1bdrm-1bth, $385/ mo. + deposit. 775-8009, leave message. Sublease 2bdrm-1bth, $540/mo. No deposit. 1st month rent free. Chris or Eric. 693-9566. Sublease 1/3 of 2bdrm-2bth apartment for Spring. $75/ dep., you pay 1/3 rent ($175) + utilities. Pets ok. 775- 2307. Sublease 2bdrm-1 1/2bth 2 story apartment, Jan-Aug. $525/mo., walking distance to A&M. 260-9074. 1 MONTH FREEH Large 2bdrm, intrusion alarm, some utilities paid, pool, many extras. 823-7039, 846-7454. Spring Sublease. 2bdrm-1bth, $480/mo. + utilities, W/D hookups, ceiling fans. Call Shawn 764-6856. Free JVC 19" color TV, when lease is signed!! Park your RV by the month. Full hookups. University RV Park. 690-6056. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth Bryan duplexes. W/D connections, fenced yards, pets allowed. Pre-leasing. 846-4409. 1,2 & 3 bedroom fourplexes & townhomes available, W/ D included. Pre-leasing. Call 846-4409. 2bdrm-1bth & 2bdrm-1 1/2bth studio apartments avail able. Newly renovated. Pool, some bills paid, walk to TAMU. Pre-leasing. 846-2173. Available Jan 1, 1995, 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, luxury fourplex. W/D, fenced yard, near A&M shuttle, $520/mo. 693- 0551, 764-8051. Available Now - remodeled 2 bdrm apartments. 6 month lease OK! 822-0472. Roommate Female roommate needed. Non-smoker, own room in 2bdrm-1 1/2bth really nice, split-level condo. Quiet, & spacious, on shuttle route, $260/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call 776-2324. Female roommate needed for Spring semester. 2bdrm- 1bth, W/D, bus-route, own room, $150/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 693-3999, FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for apartment on bus route, W/D, own bed + 1/2 bath, $125/dep., $275/rent + 1/2 utilities. Call Jennifer 764-6169. Roommate needed ASAP. Nice duplex, $165/mo. + 1/4 utilities. Brian 764-9485. Female roommate needed, non-smoker. 2bdrm-1bth duplex, W/D, $250/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Great Location! 693-8612, leave message. Roommate needed. 2bdrm-2bth, Treehouse I, from Jan- May,$255/mo. +1/2utilities. Call 764-1851 or846-5024. Female roommate needed for Spring. 2bdrm-2bth condo, W/D, $260/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Call Mindy 693-2586. Male needed. 3bdrm-1bth house, W/D, clean, $200/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Jonathan 764-9750. Female roommate needed ASAP! 4bdrm-2bth house, $250/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Spacious backyard in good neighborhood! Leave a message for Deanna af 778- 0056. Non-smoking roommate needed to share 3-2-2 house. Available now or in January. Own room, $300/mo., bills paid, pets ok. 775-6918, after 5pm or leave message. MALE ROOMMATE wanted, own room, shuttle, 5 minute drive, $200/mo. 779-0644. Female roommate needed ASAP! 2bdrm-1bth, own room, intrusion alarm, spacious kitchen & living room, $230/mo. + 1/2 bills. Jeanette 268-0808. 2 Female Roommates Needed For Spring. Share large master bedroom in 3bdrm-3bth house, $ 160/mo. + 1/4 utilities, 1 mile from campus. 694-8576. Roommate needed for Spring. Own bedroom, $232/mo. + 1/3 utilities, on bus route. Can move in Immediately. Call Kim 696-1227. Needed: Female roommate, non-smoker, for 3 bdrm house in Bryan, Own bdrm + 1/2 bth, $220/mo. + 1/3 utilities. W/D available. 778-5059. 66-11/30- Roommate needed for Spring semester. Spacious, 2bdrm-2bth fourplex, W/D, 3 miles from campus, $280/ mo. Nice Location!! Call Rachel 775-8911. Roommate needed. 2bdrm-2bth, Courtyard Apartment, bus route, $245/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Available 1-1-95. Call Greg 696-3517. Wanted: Christian, male roommate for Spring semester, to share a 2bdrm-1 1/2bth apartment. Rent: $ 160/mo. + 1/3 utilities. Call Derek at 693-6737. Male, non-smoking roommate wanted for spring '95 semester. Large, 1 bdrm apartment, on bus route, near College Station Walmart. Call 696-4673, ask for Rusty. Female roommate needed ASAP! 2bdrm-1bth, Boyett Apartments, close to campus. Call Cristina 846-9159. Female roommate needed in nice, new, 3bdrm-2bth, fully furnished house. $300/mo. + 1/3 utilities, available Jan 1st. 822-4998. Male roommate needed. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, $260/mo. + 1/ 2 bills, own room, spring semester, on bus route. Call 694- 2217. Female roommate needed. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, own room, $272.50/mo. + 1/2 utilities, W/D. Leslie 764-9796. Male roommate needed for Spring. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, $242.50/mo., own room. Close to campus. Call Chris 696-2429. Roommate needed for Spring. 2bdrm-1 1/2bth, studio suite, $260/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 1 st month rent free! Call Mike at 764-8676. Roommate needed. 2bdrm-1 bth house, W/D, $250/mo. + 1/2 utilities, available Jan. 1st. 589-3579. Responsible, mature, female roommate needed to share 2bdrm-2bth apartment in Jan. No pets, $270/mo. + 1/2 utilities. Gail 693-1205. Female roommate needed to share room in 2bdrm-2bth apartment, with W/D, $150/mo. + 1/4 bills. Call Ruth 821- 6220. Looking forfemale roommate! Awesome, split-level apart ment. Own room, shuttle route, move in now & pay no rent until Feb 1st! Please call Grace 690-0743. Private bedroom + bath. Available January. Only female grad/upperclass students. Please call 764-4155. For Sale 2 Michael Bolton Tickets. Summitt in Houston, Friday, Dec. 2. At cost, $75/each. 846-6211. Pioneer Supertuner III high power, detachable face cas sette player(25wx2/15wx4). Recently bought. $130. Call T.C. 696-3486. New 18 cubic foot Sears car-top carrier. $100 Or Best Offer, Call 823-5097. 55 gallon oceanic fish tank with complete saltwater set-up. 50 lbs. of rocks included. Will take $475 Or Best Offer. Call 846-6009. Packard Bell 386SX 25MHZ, 2MB RAM, 80MB Hard Drive, VGA Monitor, SBPRO, 2400BD Modem, Win.3.1, DOS, $650 O.B.O. Call 847-2555. Original Aggie Corps dormitory study desk - solid oak, restored, oil finish with matching oak chair - only $600. Call 846-3061. Must sell dresser with mirror & matching night stand - $75; computer desk - $20: & trundle bed - $150. Call Nicole at 693-5033. Dining table & chairs - $235; vacuum - $35; Smith-Corona Typewriter - $55; black & white 13" TV - 25; lamp - $10. Call 693-0094, Full bedroom set. 2dressers, headboard, mirror, bed frame. Excellent condition. Asking$150O.B.O. Call696- 4303. Mountain Bike: New 1995 Trek 7000. 18" Frame with GripShlft DeoreXT rear, DiaCompe Brakes, Smoke and Dart Tires, $600. Call John at 696-1184. Cannondale Road Bike. Shimano 105 and 600 compo nents. Great condition with lots of extras included. $375 Or Best Offer. Call Chad at 847-1050. 66- Comfortable, twin bed. Mattress, box spring and frame Included. $40 Or Best Offer. Call Valerie at 693-3917. Kitchen table & 4 chairs; pull-out queen sized couch with matching chair; 2 end tables & 1 coffee table. Best Offer. Call 696-6211. Terminal DEC V+320 2400 BPS Modem, 6 ft. connector. AH for $250. 846-1515. House & Pet Sitting. Dally and weekly rates. References available. 696-5056. Designer, satin wedding gown for $550. Size8, perfectfor spring/summer. Sofa, must sell, $35. 823-6638, leave message. 1993 Forest Green Yamaha Seca II. 600cc, 5,500 miles, warranty, $3,500/060, 696-2242. Must sell, 1988 Yamaha Scooter - $425 Or Best Offer. Many extras included. Call Yolanda at 775-8042 or 845- 0595. IBM PS/2-50Z 286, VGA Monitor, WP 5.1, 123, Windows, extra software and many extras - $650 Or Best Offer. Call Deron at 764-6653. 1984 Yamaha Q50 moped; blue, with helmet & lock, very good condition - $200. Beige sofa bed - $35. Call 846- 6686. 52cm Aluminum Bridgestone Radac Racing Bike. Cus- tom Paint. $500 Or Best Offer. Call 779-1625. IBM Compatible NEC Powermate 286+: 40 meg hard drive, monochrome monitor, $525. Call 696-1701. Cerwin-Vega! DX-5 speakers 12 in., 3-way. One month old. $350 Or Best Offer. Aaron 693-5520. Elegant, black, sectional sofa. Cost $2,100 new, 10 months ago. Will sell for $500 O.B.O. Call Allen at 846- 9035. 8088 Zenith lap-top computer, 2 floppy drives, modem with software - $200. Giant 14 speed road bike - $250. Call 776-9376. Pets CHRISTMAS PUPPIES!! White Pyrenees Puppies For Sale. $200 Each. Call 272-8522. Free to good home. Female Lhasa mix, approximately 2 yrs. old, with shots, spayed. 764-7707. The perfect Christmas Gift!! Two 4 month old female ferrets for sale. Spayed, descented, cage arid accesso ries included! $200. 268-0808. They’re adorable! Iguana for sale. 20 inches long, heat rock, lamp, & large cage - $50. Call 696-7093. Hedgehogs for sale. Great pets. Easy to care for. $50 each. Call 731-8416. AFRICAN PIGMY Hedgehogs. Adorable pets for sale. $50 each. Call 690-3164, ADOPT - Dogs, Cats, Puppies & Kittens. Brazos Animal Shelter. 775-5755. Automobiles 1992 Toyota Celica GT, low mileage, loaded, perfect condition, $14,900. 693-5213. Female roommate for Spring. 2bdrm-2bth, W/D, security 1986 Ford Tempo. Auto, power steering, power brakes, gate, $375/mo. + 1/2 utilities. 694-3777. $1,000. 822-1264. '89 Honda Civic LX Sedan, 5 speed, white, excellent NEED MORE MONEY? $400+/wk., part-time Noexpe condition, $5,800. Call 846-1515. rience. Call (318) 673-4615. ; 1968 V.W. Karmann Ghia. Good Condition, Original Owner. Negotiable. 696-2485. 1990 Nissan Sentra: red. 2 door, excellent, $5.100. Call Maria 696-3419. Services FREE LOCATOR Apartments-Houses-Condos Duplexes Now Preleasing for Spring (409) 696-1292 Eastmark Properties * Dependable * Accurate * Affordable WORD PROCESSING Laser ftWiiNG "Free Pick Up & DtHivery" 1stp9 S5. 2nd pg/up SI Linda Lantz (409)690-1518 Santa will attend your party, play a practical joke, or deliver gift/message. 764-8011. AAA Defensive Driving. Lot-of-Fun, Laugh-a-LotH! Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. M-Tu (6pm-9pm), Tu (8:30am-3pm), Tu-W(8:30am-11:30am), W-Th (6pm- 9pm), Fri(6pm-8pm)-Sat.(10am-2:30pm), Sat(8am- 2:30pm), Sun(12pm-6pm). Next to Black Eyed Pea. Walk-ins welcome. $20 w/ ad = $5 off. 111 Univ. Dr., Suite 217, 846-6117: Typing Typing-Word Processing. Fast, reliable, rush jobs ac cepted. Reasonable rates. Laser printer. Call Charlotte at 823-2418. DJ SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS. No Pay Back, No GPA Money-Back Guarantee 1-800-645-3525. Travel AS SEEN LAST APRIL ON CBS NEWS“4« H011S’ BREAK DPiVfc yourself & $avi! SOUTH PADRE ISLAND PANAMA CITY BEACH S DAYTONAJBEAClJ | KEY WEST | I^STEAiyiBOAT | VAIL/BEAVER CREEK * PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK DATES / LENGTH Of STAY '1-800-SUNCHAS* TOLL n?KK INFORMATION & MESFtVATloW MOBILE DJ. Experienced. Greatfor Weddings, Parties, Reunions. Dances, Birthdays, Sports Events, Christmas Parties. Mic/Lights available. Reasonable rates/will travel. Call The Party Block at 693-6294. Body Shop Cal's Body Shop. Yourforeign carspecialist. Matchyour paint exactly. “May we have the next dents?" W. Hwy .21, Bryan. 823-2610. Computers Macintosh Computers for lease. Semester rates from $30/mo„ repairs & upgrades. MacResource, 775-7703. Personal DON’T BE A VICTIM!! Stop attackers instantly. 3 oz. Police Formula Pepper Spray, 100% environmentally safe. $12.99 + $1.50 ship. & fax. Premium Guns, 208 Blsset Rd., Tivoli, TX 77990. HOW TO FIND LOVE & ROMANCE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF TRYING TO MEET PEOPLE THE HARD WAY, THEN TRYTHE HOTTEST, EASIEST WAY...TRY OUR DATELINE AT... 1 -900-988-3696 EXT. 615. $2.95/ MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - MUST BE 18 YEARS. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, INC. HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797-2323. HEAR MEN'S OR WOMEN'S DATING ADS, OR RECORD YOUR OWN! THIS IS A VERY INEXPEN SIVE WAY TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE LOOKING! FIND ROMANCE, FRIENDSHIP, OR A DINING, DANCING PARTNER, ETC. SELECT ADS FROM YOUR AREA OR OTHER AREAS ACROSS THE US. CALL NOW! THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE COULD BE WAITING FOR YOU NOW! Dirty, Live, Nasty Talk. Hot, Steamy & Erotic 1-900- 435-4SEX (4739), $2.50-$3.99/min„ instant credit. 18+. SOAPS PEEKS & UPDATES. FIND OUT WHAT HAP PENS TODAY OR CATCH UP IF YOU MISSED YOUR FAVORITE SOAP. 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/ MIN. - AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301) 797- 2323. WE KNOW THE FUTURE! SPORTS SCORES, NEWS & POINT SPREADS. SPORTS TRIVIA - HOW SMART ARE YOU? UPDATED EVERY 15 MINUTES, WHY WAIT? 1-900-562-1900 EXT. 1212. $2.49/MIN.-AVERAGE LENGTH OF CALL 3 MINS. - 18 OR OLDER. TOUCH TONE PHONE REQUIRED - TELESERVICE USA, HAGERSTOWN, MD. (301)797-2323. CAN YOU BEAT THE SPREAD? Spring SPRING BREAK 95 CANCUN UNIVERSITY BEACH CLUB™ 5-STAR ON-THE-BEACH RESORTS, ROUNOTRIP AIRFARE, PARTIES, AND MORE 1 !! I-SOO-BEACH-BUM (1-800-232-2428) “‘SPRING BREAK 95“* America's #1 Spring Break Company! Cancun, Bahamas, Daytona & Panama! 110% Lowest Price Guarantee! Organize 15 friends and TRAVEL FREE! Earn highest commissions! (800) 32-TRAVEL Rome, Florence or Venice. 5 Nights Hotel, RT Air, Daily Breakfast - $679 (dbl). B.J. 1-800-569-2223. ' Lost/Found I Wanted LOST! Gold, Men's Wedding Band. Inscription. $100 Reward! Call 775-6425. Miscellaneous Empty Keg Refund. Will pay $12/keg. Bring to Jack Hilliard Dist., 1000 Independence, Bryan TX. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! Over $5 billion in private sector grants & scholarships is now available. All stu dents are eligible regardless of grades, income or parent's income. Let us help. For more information, call 1-800- 959-1605 ext. F58551. Need graduation tickets for Friday, Dec. 16th, 7:30pm. Will paycash. Call Tracy 696-6359. Wanted: Extra graduation tickets for Saturday. Pleasecall 268-0192. Graduation Tickets Needed, Friday 7:30. Will Pay. Call Kyle at 823-0383. I will buy graduation tickets. Please call Jonathon at 691- 2624 if you have any extras. Extra graduation tickets for Friday, December 16th, 2pm. Call Jennifer 696-2758. WANTED: Extra Graduation Tickets for Friday at 7:30pm. Please Call 268-8239. is accepting applications for the following positions for the spring 1995 semester. Asst. City Editor Asst. Opinion Editor Asst. Aggielife Editor Cartoonist Graphic Artist Reporter Science Reporter Photographer Copy Editor/Page Designer Feature Writer Sports writer Opinion Columnist Clerk Editorial Cartoonist Applications are available at the front desk of Room 013 Reed McDonald Building. All majors are encouraged to apply. Deadline: Monday Dec. 5 by 5 p.m. Applicants must be Texas A&M students in good standing at the time of employment and remain in good standing while employed. For more information, call Mark Smith at 845-3313.