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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1994)
November 21, UtlOl itly, he said, thetj to cut the fuel bill nt, a savings of a follars. nsors have many Researchers are day* November 21, 1994 The Battalion • Page 3 What’s ' , , T x r t ■ •• wmm Monday Civil Liberties Union: A gen- eeting to be held at 7:15 p.m. m/9 Rudder. For more informa- ,ng into b 84 sors into the ootf 7 In this case, Ta| fiberoptic sensi e advantages craft sensorsII cal wiring and to electrical ini h understorms, in, Taylor saidsti oon use these sensors to moij nial pressures of lin injuries or in nto an artery in ^ em u Students Council: An open lid that hee,, ?.” th 0 c i i , s 1 cussi ° n , an ^ 9 ® n ?® s ,°? I for nberoptieP ndu Ph " osophv to be held at 7 eduction sensors! oor Recreation Club: A general :ing to be held at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder. New t-shirts and fmas trips to be discussed. For information call Jayson Owens '7-2978. ncial Management Associa- The final meeting of the se- ter to be held at 7:30 p.m. in Blocker. Important informa- /vill be handed out.\ going to be conti reduce emissii Philosophy in 292 MSC. All persons inter- j are welcome. For more infor- on call Rutu at 847-1456. 3nal Association of Black Ac- tr.n™ ’ "ants: Will be selling Christ- ses engines is w . . . 3 e * cards and wrapping paper in MSC and Blocker from 10 lore. This (sens T * Ting that will r 4p ' m ' nu nted in ones en t Q ounse |j n g Helpline: Inter- s to become a volunteer for the [Student Counseling Helpline - — now being scheduled. Applica te m ennn ^ are ava ' ,able in "O 4 Hender- CS lO SOOH ; For more information call Dr. • It i y Hope at 845-4427, ext. 113. ig illegal 0 (SCAMS: Guest speaker, Dan A*TexasM Je a meteorologist from NASA ted b rid ay to f y be S p eak j n g at -j p m jn the ugh out the observatory. For more infor- ,em lor employ« onca || |y|j ke Coyne at 847-1284. d unanimously:; jy Abroad Program: Informa- tobacco producS ia | mee tj n g Q f reciprocal ex- ed or leased byte nge to Lausanne, Switzerland Criminal Juste l10 . 11;15 a m in 154 B izzell dd,uuu employs . tand from p m in 251 ing the Ritz Car! :ellWest - nsky, a member eer Center; Successful Inter- C ve d * 7?, - d 'r' p P i " 9 -r 3 sful interviewing techniques to ito effect March! teld at 4 P m ' 502 7 1 udd f r - allenged in caur more information call Julie .e allowed in pn *«** Johnson Alexander or parking lots. f! 4!3 ‘ i3 ' J y . ates have impll x . . . ans sa i d L a r ea ™9Skills Center: A workshop: ickesman If/Preparation and Test Anxiety ;om 3-5 p.m. at the Student Coun- ng Service in Henderson Hall, more information call 845-4427, MSC Nova: A general meeting to discuss Warcon and the regional ACUI Games at 7 p.m. in Rudder Tower. For more information call MSC Nova at 845-1515. Tau Beta Pi-National Engineering Honor Society: A candidate exam meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. For more information call Stacia Hunt at 764-6822. Organization for Nonviolent Educa tion: A general meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in 402 Rudder. For more information call Lisa at 847-2443. National Organization for Women: A general meeting to be held at 8:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more infor mation call Paula at 696-8095. Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Aggies: A religious discussion group to be held at 7 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more information call the Gayline at 847-0321. Tuesday Genetics Society: Election of offi cers and vote on t-shirt designs to be held at 8:30 p.m. and check the screen in the MSC for the room number. TAMU Bridge Club: A general meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in 301 Bright. Live on the edge—play bridge. For more information call James at 696-4252. Society of Hispanic Engineers: The last 1994 general meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. in 103 Zachry. For more information call Mike Nelson at 696-7933. A.R.M.Y.: Lady Aggie Basketball vs. the Russian National team at 7 p.m. in G.Rollie White. For more information call Aaron Met calf at 847-7584. Eating Disorder Support Group: A free and confidential support group to meet from 6-7 p.m. in 145 MSC. For more information call Jeana at 731-8044. AIESEC: A general meeting to be held at 7 p.m. in 501 Rudder. The topic to be discussed, “Team Build ing”. For more information call Donna at 847-6775. Texas A&M Flying Club: Board of Directors meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. at the TAMU Flying Club club house at Easterwood Airport. For more information call 845-3329. Jesus Is Alive Christian Fellowship: A spirit-led Intercessory prayer fol lowed by campus ministering at 7 p.m. at All Faiths Chapel. For more information call Tony at 845-0177. Aggies for Christ: A devotional to be held at 9:30 p.m. on the Academic Building steps. For more informa tion call A’Lise at 847-2144. Student Counseling Helpline: Inter views to become a volunteer for the new Student Counseling Helpline are now being scheduled. Applica tions are available in 104 Hender son. For more information call Dr. Kerry Hope at 845-4427, ext. 113. Rio Grande Hometown Club: A general meeting to be held at 8:30 p.m. in 111 Koldus. For more in formation call Jessica Duarte at 823-2330. TAMU Fencing Club: Come and workout and learn with our coach, Mauro Hanza, from 7-8:30 p.m. in 267 Read. For more information call David Sierra at 847-1523. Study Abroad Programs: Informa tional meeting for reciprocal ex change to Monterey or Guadalajara, Mexico from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. or 4-5:15 p.m. in 251 Bizzell West. Aggie Lutherans: You are invited to join us for Treehouse for fellow ship and small group discussion from 7-8:30 p.m/. at the Aggie Lutheran Church on FM 2818. For more information call Jennifer Carlsson at 776-5233. MSC Jordan Institute for Internation al Awareness: A general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in 404 Rudder. What’s Up is a Battalion service that lists non-profit student and faculty events and activities. Items should be submitted no later than three days in advance of the desired run date. Application deadlines and no tices are not events and will not be run in What’s Up. If you have any questions, please call the newsroom at 845-3313. 9N torial board P U loom 013 Reed l to apply. n. good standing od standing t 845-3313. ;f pinion editor Photo editor ports editor elife editor ephanie Dube, Amandi id Kari Whitley itn, Tiffany Moore, StaP ameron, Blake Griggs, aley Stavinoha Jr, Stewart Doreen and >n, Erin Hill, Jeremy isr, Elizabeth Preston, ikley lie Oleson ring the fall and spring >t University holidaysai* 1 ige Station, TX 77840. laid Building, Texas .&M University in the Editorial offices are in wsroom phone numbe' sement by The Battalion- ified advertising, call are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ,, 4 student to pick up a 0 per school year ant) Express, call 845-261' heck Us Out, Then Check In With Mom. It’s Our Treat! MomJ? Receive A FREE Calling Card Compliments of LDDS Communications, Inc. Good For 30 Minutes Of Long Distance When You Open A Student Checking Account— Now That's A Deal Worth Calling Home About! 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Member FDIC. © 1994 NationsBank Corporation A weekly column dedicated to computing at Texas A&M Usenet: bulletin board of the Internet Usenet News can be thought of as the bulletin board system (BBS) of the Internet. Like other bulletin boards, a user writes a message/article and “posts” it to a topic area for other people to read. However, unlike a BBS that might run on a PC in your local community, Usenet is truly huge and loosely regulated. Thankfully, Usenet is broken down into hierarchies (or groups) to better organize thoughts, information and discussion. There aie three main sets of hierarchies: main stream hierarchies, alternative hierarchies and regional hierarchies. Mainstream hierarchies ITe mainstream hierarchies are those that arc found at almost every site that carries Usenet. This hierarchy consists of: comp Computer-related topics of all types (hardware, software, operating systems, mainframes, minicomputers, micros). misc Themes not easily classified under any of the other common headings. news Newsgroups concerned with Usenet itself. rec Information on hobbies and recreational activities. sci Discussions covering research or applications in the established sciences. soc Social issues and socializing talk. Debate-oriented newsgroups. Each hierarchy is made up of hundreds of news- group®, or specific topic areas. A very small selection of some of the newsgroup® available in the mainstream hierarchy should give you a flavor for what is available. A discussion of the C language. A discussion of the Elm mail system; Fixes for problems. Discussions of Usenet News admin istration. rec.bicycle .racing Discussions for bicycle racing techniques, rules and results. soc.culture.german Discussions of German culture and history. talk.politics space. Non-technical issues affect ing space exploration. Alternative hierarchies 'Hie alternative hierarchies are usually carried by most Usenet sites, but may not be pjresent depend ing on the pxilicics at that site. The alternative hierarchy is made up of: k!2 vmsnet alt.angst alt. sport.bungee bit.lislserv.rscs-l ieee .tab xinnounce senior vmsneljnisc comp.lang.c comp jnail.elm news admin all A miscellaneous collection of newsgroup®. bionet Newsgroup® of interest to biologists. biz The world of business prod ucts, in particular computer products and services. cla ri The ClariNet hierarchy which consists of newsgroups originating from commercial news services and other sources. gnu A set of newsgroup® linked to the Intemetmailing lists of the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation. A loosely organized, decentral ized network of school-based BBSs throughout North America, Australia and Europe. Topics of interest to Digital’s OpxsnVMS/VAX users (but not necessarily VMS specific). Like the mainstream hierarchies, the alternative hierarchies contain hundreds of individual newsgroups. A sampling of alternative newsgroups includes: Anxiety in the modem world. Death by rubber bands. The Listscrv VM/RSCS mailing list. IEEE Technical Activities Board announcements. Informal discussion among high school students. General VMS topics not covered elsewhere. ClariNet is worth discussing separately. The “clari’’ hierarchy is not freely distributed but must be purchased from the ClariNet Communications Corporation. ClariNet newsgroups arc essentially AP and UPI wire reports. Readers of the clari groups don’t post their own articles, they merely read the articles pxjsted from ClariNet. This hierarchy consists of about 150 newsgroups, such as: clari .biz .finance Finance,currency and corporate finance. clari .feature .harry Columns by Dave Barry. The latest basketball scores. Regional hierarchies The last set of hierarchies is the set of regional hierarchies. These hierarchies are organized so that topics of a regional interest can be grouped together. The regional hierarchies that are of sp>ecial interest here at Texas A&M are the tx and tamu hierarchies. Obtaining a list of Usenet newsgroups You can obtain a list of pxjssiblc newsgroups via anonymous FTP. FTP to wt-manager Mrr.EOU and look in the pub/use net-address, pub/usenet-by-group or pub/usenet-by-hierarchy directories. Using Usenet at Texas A&M To use Usenet at Texas A&M, you will need one of the following: • A logon-ID on VM/CMS • A logon-ID on one of the UNIX machines • A logon-ED on one of the OprenVMS/V AX machines • A PC, Macintosh or workstation connected to the campus network via an Ethernet connection with a news client, a software package that lets you read newsgroup®. Instructions for using Usenet vary according to the system that you use. For more information, contact one of the CIS Help Desks around campus or call 845-8300.• -■ ■■ -■ “t ■■ Ti CIS Updates Questions or comments about the Dorm Wiring Project? Questions and comments about network connec tions and resources supported by the Dorm Wiring Project can be addressed by contacting the CIS Networking Help Desk at Blocker. Call 845-8956 or send electronic mail to: dgrms@tamu.EDO for assistance. System maintenance over the Thanksgiving holiday During the Thanksgiving holiday, TAMMVS and TAMVM1 arc scheduled to be relocated to the CIS machine room in the Computing Facilities Expan sion (next to Teague). The systems will shut down during tlic afternoon of Thursday, November 24, and will resume operations by 8:00 a.m. on Monday, November 28. Call 845-8442 for more information.